samedi 29 août 2020

Difference with Carbon 14 from Other Radioactive Methods

Have you Really Taken ALL the Factors into Account? · New Tables · Why Should one Use my Tables? · And what are the lineups between archaeology and Bible, in my tables? · Bases of C14 · An example of using previous · Difference with Carbon 14 from Other Radioactive Methods · Tables I-II and II-III and III-IV, Towards a Revision? · The Revision of I-II, II-III, III-IV May be Unnecessary, BUT Illustrates What I Did When Doing the First Version of New Tables · Convergence of Uneven pmC? · [Calculation on paper commented on] · Other Revision of I-II ? · Where I Agree with Uniformitarian Dating Experts

Here* is a Classic by Tas Walker, a Geologist on CMI:

Addressing the students, I used a measuring cylinder to illustrate how scientific dating works. My picture showed a water tap dripping into the cylinder. It was clearly marked so my audience could see that it held exactly 300 ml of water. The diagram also showed that the water was dripping at a rate of 50 ml per hour.

I asked, ‘How long has the water been dripping into the cylinder?’


People began to relax once they understood that the science of dating is not so difficult. Then I surprised them, “The problem is that six hours is the wrong answer. ... I set this experiment up and I can tell you that the water has only been dripping for one hour. Can you tell me what happened?”

After they had composed themselves, someone called out, “The tap was dripping faster in the past?”

“Perhaps,” I said.

“The cylinder was nearly full when you started?”

Very nice. However, barring change of decay rate, which seems especially for C14 counterintuitive, indeed for any isotope, we can know something about how levels of carbon 14 rose or fell in atmosphere or elsewhere.

It is always falling in the atmosphere and yet for a good portion of historic time, it seems to stay the same. Meaning, it is always also rising, by a production of Carbon 14. This production is somehow linked to the cosmic rays coming in, and so is the cosmogene part of the background radiation, at a mean of 0.34 milliSievert per year according to localities. During the Ice age, if the radiation from cosmos had been the same, the mean would have been lower, since it varies with height and since lower places were then accessible for human habitation.

If you have a tap of normal proportions and a cylinder of the diameter of a drinking straw, you cannot say "the tap was on full flow" if there are no traces of water outside the cylinder.

You can similarily not say, presumably, that atmospheric carbon 14 rose by a factor of 100 times the present production, since 34 milliSievert per year is deadly. Now, I'll say at once, the one is not a linear function of the other, nor are they linear cofunctions, they are not linear functions of each other. The one is not a function of the other, they are both functions in somewhat difficult to predict ways (especially for production of C14) of cosmic radiation and inversely to strength of magnetic field. But this still leaves a kind of queeziness, to say the least, of letting the production of C14 get higher than 10 or 20 times the present rate of production. It is not totally without a point with Young Earth Creationists in the consensus of the community : because some pretty numerous will consider Flood as carbon dated 30 000 BP, and will consider early stages of Eridu Ziggurat as Babel of Genesis 11, and will also consider Masoretic chronology as correct. But early stages of Eridu Ziggurat are dated to 5400 BC. This would imply, with forty years at Babel before the judgement at Peleg's birth) the actual dates 2358 BC to 2297 BC (61 after Flood, forty before 101 after Flood) had a rise from what amounts to 25 642 extra years to what amounts to only 3103 extra years, from 4.497 pmC to 68.704 pmC happened in 61 years. But normal production rate in 61 years equals normal decay in 61 years, namely from 100 down to 99.265, or 0.735 pmC. If we take down initial level by this,

4.497 * 99.265 / 100

we get 4.464 which with 0.735 pmC would have given 5.199 pmC. But instead we get 68.704 pmC, and 68.704 pmC minus 4.464 = 64.24.

And 64.24 / 0.735 = 87.401 times faster production.

Obviously, with this in mind, one cannot have had Babel going on for 61 to 101 after the Flood, since 5400 BC seems a unitary carbon date, with a unitary carbon level in the atmosphere. But even with getting nearly all the way to 101 after Flood, there is a problem:

96 years (Babel from 96 to 101 after Flood) => 98.845 pmC from 100.

100 - 98.845 = 1.155 pmC points production is normal. We'll insert 64.24 from previous, and so we get 64.24 / 1.155 = 55.619 times faster.

On the other hand, one cannot say that carbon 14 levels in objects on the ground were decaying quicker under influence of radioactivity, since an atomic bomb test has been noted as raising the carbon 14 levels near its base to "3000 years into the future" = 143 pmC. The carbon 14 atoms that do decay more quickly are more than just compensated by new carbon 12 atoms turning into carbon 14.

No too rapid raises in atmospheric levels, no rapider decays than in samples that are solid objects.

This gives a constraint for the calculations, a bit like "tap on full flow" and "cylinder thickness of a straw" would.

And this is why the objection to potassium argon given by Tas Walker is good, but not useful when it comes to carbon 14. It is also one reason why I prefer Göbekli Tepe over Eridu as place for the Genesis 11 Babel.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Decapitation of St. John the Baptist

PS, 0.34 milliSievert per year times 55.619 = 18.91 milliSievert. With a square of it, 55.619 * 55.619 * 0.34 = 1051.781 milliSievert per year, guaranteed lethal. Observed covariations seem to indicate the radiation dose changes from square to cube of carbon 14 rise - but they are only observed over a small scale of atmospheric variations, and therefore varied speeds of production - and only indirectly observed. However, even 18.91 milliSievert for all of 61 to 101 years ... no, I think that would have killed mankind./HGL

PPS, next day, I have tried to get different alternatives for both milliSievert per year and production rate of Carbon 14 from diverse inputs from cosmos and magnetic field, but the one who is expert on this has refused to respond due to my request having a Young Earth Creationist motivation:

Correspondence of Hans Georg Lundahl : Other Check on Carbon Buildup

Therefore I do not know for certain what exact milliSievert would correspond to my own maximum 11 times as fast Carbon 14 production as now, which with linear correlation would be 3.74 milliSievert, about one European background radiation again, adding up to one Princeton background radiation or a little more, but with square correlation would be 41.14 milliSievert per year, which is catastrophic.

I also do not know exactly how much the radiation from cosmos varies with height, the basis of 0.34 milliSievert per year is from mean height of the places inhabited today, and obviously, during the Ice Age, much lower land was accessible which is now flooded./HGL

* Next day I have more time to give the link in full:

CMI : How dating methods work
by Tas Walker | This article is from
Creation 30(3):28–29, June 2008

Please note, the idea of identifying Babel of Genesis 11 with Eridu and even Sargon of Akkad with Nimrod is not being expressed at CMI, but it is being expressed by Douglas Petrovich and a few others./HGL

vendredi 28 août 2020

An example of using previous

Have you Really Taken ALL the Factors into Account? · New Tables · Why Should one Use my Tables? · And what are the lineups between archaeology and Bible, in my tables? · Bases of C14 · An example of using previous · Difference with Carbon 14 from Other Radioactive Methods · Tables I-II and II-III and III-IV, Towards a Revision? · The Revision of I-II, II-III, III-IV May be Unnecessary, BUT Illustrates What I Did When Doing the First Version of New Tables · Convergence of Uneven pmC? · [Calculation on paper commented on] · Other Revision of I-II ? · Where I Agree with Uniformitarian Dating Experts

Joseph the Patriarch was in Egypt in 1700 BC, when his pharao Djoser died and was buried.

1700 + 2020 = 3720

3720 - 3581 = 139

0.64842 (for 3581 years) * 0.9839 (for 134 years) = 0.637980438

So, in theory, if the carbon content of the atmosphere had been 100 pmC, one would find 63.798 pmC now. But, there is more to it.

Extra years 900 if carbon date of Djoser's coffin is 2600 BC, 1100 if it is as raw date 2800 BC and 2600 BC is from a calibration.

A) 900 - 716 = 184
184 - 179 = 5 = negligible.

716 => 0.917
179 => 0.97859
0.97859 * 0.917 = 0.89736703

B) 1100 - 716 = 384
384 - 358 = 26
26 - 22 = 4 negligible

716 => 0.917
358 => 0.9576
22 => 0.9973

0.917 * 0.9576 * 0.9973 = 0.87574827816

So, the carbon content being only 87 - 90 pmC from start, we get something else now:

A) 0.637980438 * 0.89736703 = 0.57250261085
B) 0.637980438 * 0.87574827816 = 0.55871027008

I propose we get, in fact, 57.25 pmC or even as low as 55.871 pmC. How would this be carbon dated on the assumption that the original content was 100 pmC?

A) 0.57250261085 < 0.59461 (4297 years)
0.57250261085 / 0.59461 = 0.96282035427
0.96282035427 = 0.96283 (313 years)

313 + 4297 = 4610 years - 2020 = 2590 BC

B) 0.55871027008 < 0.59461 (4297 years)
0.55871027008 / 0.59461 = 0.93962474577
0.93962474577 < 0.94218 (492 years)
0.93962474577 / 0.94218 = 0.99728793412
0.99728793412 = 0.9973 (22 years)

4297 + 492 + 22 = 4811 years - 2020 = 2791 BC.

But 2600 BC and 2800 BC are two versions I have seen of the carbon date of Djoser's coffin, which is why I put 1711 B. Chr. as a real date carbon dated to 2811 B. Chr. in the event V of my new tables (I think 2800 BC was the raw carbon date, prior to calibration).

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Augustine of Hippo

jeudi 27 août 2020

Bases of C14

Have you Really Taken ALL the Factors into Account? · New Tables · Why Should one Use my Tables? · And what are the lineups between archaeology and Bible, in my tables? · Bases of C14 · An example of using previous · Difference with Carbon 14 from Other Radioactive Methods · Tables I-II and II-III and III-IV, Towards a Revision? · The Revision of I-II, II-III, III-IV May be Unnecessary, BUT Illustrates What I Did When Doing the First Version of New Tables · Convergence of Uneven pmC? · [Calculation on paper commented on] · Other Revision of I-II ? · Where I Agree with Uniformitarian Dating Experts

From this post in French : Calculé sans le logiciel, pour carbone 14.

The years are carbon date years, implied equally by real radioactive decay in real time and as "instant age" by initially low carbon 1 content.

Uniformitarians are usually not allowing initial instant age to go as low as 22 920 years as per initial content of 6.25 percent modern Carbon or pmC. I very much do, I definitely do not allow 22 920 years to be a real age./HGL

very short term

22 gives decimal fraction 0.9973

short term

45 gives decimal fraction 0.9946
90 gives decimal fraction 0.98924
134 gives decimal fraction 0.9839
179 gives decimal fraction 0.97859
223 gives decimal fraction 0.97331
268 gives decimal fraction 0.96806
312 gives decimal fraction 0.96283
358 gives decimal fraction 0.9576
403 gives decimal fraction 0.95243
447 gives decimal fraction 0.9473
491 gives decimal fraction 0.94218
537 gives decimal fraction 0.93653
581 gives decimal fraction 0.93204
626 gives decimal fraction 0.92701
670 gives decimal fraction 0.92201
716 gives decimal fraction 0.917

long term

716 gives decimal fraction 0.917
1432 gives decimal fraction 0.8409
2148 gives decimal fraction 0.77111
2865 gives decimal fraction 0.70711
3581 gives decimal fraction 0.64842
4297 gives decimal fraction 0.59461
5013 gives decimal fraction 0.54527

5730 gives decimal fraction 0.5

6446 gives decimal fraction 0.4585
7162 gives decimal fraction 0.42045
7878 gives decimal fraction 0.38555
8595 gives decimal fraction 0.35355
9310 gives decimal fraction 0.32421
10026 gives decimal fraction 0.2973
10742 gives decimal fraction 0.27263

11458 gives decimal fraction 0.25

12176 gives decimal fraction 0.22925
12892 gives decimal fraction 0.210225
13608 gives decimal fraction 0.192775
14324 gives decimal fraction 0.176775
15040 gives decimal fraction 0.162105
15756 gives decimal fraction 0.14865
16472 gives decimal fraction 0.136315

17188 gives decimal fraction 0.125

17906 gives decimal fraction 0.114625
18622 gives decimal fraction 0.1051125
19338 gives decimal fraction 0.0963875
20054 gives decimal fraction 0.0883575
20770 gives decimal fraction 0.0810525
21486 gives decimal fraction 0.074325
22202 gives decimal fraction 0.0681575

22918 gives decimal fraction 0.0625

mercredi 26 août 2020

Unanimity of Fathers - and Venerable Bede

However distasteful this is to some Orthodox who disdain us Latins, we count Beda Venerabilis as a Church Father.

And however distasteful it is to them when hearing again and again the age of the Earth as per George Syncellus, both the Martyrology and Beda differ from their favourite age of the earth as 5500 BC + current AD date.

Roman Martyrology since 1498 has in the Christmas proclamation a reference to Christ being born in 5199 after the beginning, and Beda considered that number 1200 years too long, since he presumably counted on Vulgate, which has Masoretic chronology.

What do these approaches all have in common?

George Syncellus carefully counted years between Biblical events, notably Genesis 5 and 11 according to standard version of the Septuagint.

The calculus of St. Jerome, using some older calculation by Julius Africanus, given in Roman martyrology, also does so, with some difference in chronology after Abraham, it being shorter, and also differing as to omission of second Cainan from Genesis 11.

Beda used the Vulgate, as translated by the same St. Jerome, and he considered that his other text for Genesis 5 and 11, translated from a Hebrew text whose chronology is identic to the later Masoretic version, excluded 1200 years, presumably mostly from Genesis 5 and 11 (there is a difference between LXX having Seth born when Adam was 230 years old and Vulgate when he was 130 years old, adding up to a difference between Flood year as either 1642 or 2242 after Creation : and in Genesis 11, Abraham was born respectively, 292, 942 or 1070 after the Flood, according to version).

Can anyone spot what all these three approaches have in common? Yes, they are all based on the Bible.

Now read this paragraph, by Brett Salkeld*:

The Catholic creationist tells us that the Church Fathers were unanimous in teaching that Scripture taught that the earth is less than 10,000 years old. This is sleight of hand. This only looks like unanimity against the backdrop of a 14 billion year old universe. The Venerable Bede certainly did not think he was speaking unanimously with earlier Fathers when his calculations from the same texts found the world to be 1200 years younger than many of them had concluded. A difference of 1200 is tiny out of 14 billion. Out of 5,200 (the number Bede rejected), it is enormous. Indeed, it is hard to imagine a better argument for the idea that the Bible does not mean to teach the age of the earth than the disunity of the Fathers who, reading the same texts, could come to such dramatically different conclusions.

Well, precisely, Brett, they weren't reading the same text.

First, Syncellus and Julius Africanus weren't reading the same text version of the Septuagint. Second, St. Jerome trusted Julius Africanus and Septuagint over his own translation from Hebrew. Third, Bede probably only knew the Hieronymian text, giving a very different chronology from St. Jerome's.

They all very much agreed that the Bible did teach the age of the earth.

Next the 1909 decision is brought up.

Now, the decision of 1909 was given by Fulcran Vigouroux. He was a Sulpician from Paris, who had made carreer in Rome. He was more conservative than some modern exegetes, insofar as he considered the Flood, not indeed global, but at least spanning all the parts of earth where men lived. And, he only allowed lengthening to occurr in Creation Days, that is, well before Genesis 5 and 11 - to his mind, at least a Septuagint reading should take care of the history of mankind, whatever millions of years needed to be pushed into the evolution of shellfish as studied in the Paris basin by Lyell.

Note also, this is a decision allowing sth, which is not always a type of decision that's infallible even on a Papal level (in 1909, Pope St. Pius X was arguably personally Young Earth Creationist, so the level of the Papal commission was slightly lower than Papal), and for a case in point, I give you Honorius giving a green light for Monotheletism, and even banning dispute (for or against, either way about it).

In the case of the 1909 decision, it's as I already** mentioned, a dead end, since it cannot be used to stretch the history of mankind, which modern dating methods would need us to do, if taken at face value.

Now, after 1909, we have 1950. Brett considers Pius XII said ... I'll give you his resumé:

The one papal encyclical that does deal with the question of evolution is an obvious problem for the Catholic creationist for the simple fact that it explicitly says what he considers heretical: that Catholic faith does not preclude the possibility that the human body evolved.

Well, does he explicitly say that?

No. One Hutchison*** had a Jesuit teacher who gave a similar resumé:

in which the pope explained that the doctrine of evolution, in as far as it inquires into the origin of the human body as coming from pre-existent and living matter is not incompatible with Christian faith as revealed in the Biblical texts.

Here is the actual passage:

For these reasons the Teaching Authority of the Church does not forbid that, in conformity with the present state of human sciences and sacred theology, research and discussions, on the part of men experienced in both fields, take place with regard to the doctrine of evolution, in as far as it inquires into the origin of the human body as coming from pre-existent and living matter

He did not mention the "faith", he mentioned the "teaching authority of the Church" - a disciplinary instance, even if about doctrinal matters. And he did not say "allowed to believe" but "does not forbid that research and discussions take place".

So, Humani Generis is not a green light for evolution being compatible with the Catholic faith.

Brett claims that this trumped 1909. But is this trumped by anything, in Brett's reckoning? Yes, he considers the "canon law" of 1983 as valid, this means he considers Vatican II as valid too. And § 3 of Dei Verbum° gives a pretty straightforward Young Earth Creationist scenario.

But let's return to Trent and Church Fathers. Brett considers this is past history, don't you Brett?:

But, even if Trent’s decree was interested in scientific matters and even if the Fathers of the Church actually were unanimous on the question, the creationist case would still face great difficulty from the fact that the decree at Trent to which they refer was not doctrinal (there were no anathemas attached), but disciplinary. As Jimmy Akin shows quite clearly in his explanation of the matter, the canonical provisions to which the decree led were abrogated with the promulgation of the 1983 Code of Canon Law. Part of the creationist hermeneutic is that less authoritative statements do not trump more authoritative statements from the past that have not been abrogated. Those pushing this narrative either do not know the status of Canon Law on the question, or they are hoping that you do not.

I did not know the abrogations from 1983. I do not count them as valid. Pius XII did not know them. He had to deal with unanimous sentence of the Fathers, all of which considered Adam was created "ex limo terrae" and not from some other type of already living creature. And he required:

However, this must be done in such a way that the reasons for both opinions, that is, those favorable and those unfavorable to evolution, be weighed and judged with the necessary seriousness, moderation and measure, and provided that all are prepared to submit to the judgment of the Church, to whom Christ has given the mission of interpreting authentically the Sacred Scriptures and of defending the dogmas of faith.

Note what word is not here : future. He was well aware of the logical possibility the Church could have already decided this back at Trent, but did not want to enforce this. He did not want to see what in fact he saw.

Because, if he had admitted to seeing it, he would have had to face schism. One which seems to be breaking out right now, anyway. And one of those not in communion with him, had he been faithful to Trent openly and decidedly, had been his dear father confessor Augustin Bea, S. J., later "cardinal" if "John XXIII" had been pope. He did a huge sin against faith, but one compatible with still having it.

Especially, as the one good intention expressed in Humani Generis was a fair debate between both sides, and this debate was more or less smothered very quickly in 1951, by his expression of complete trust in the dating methods of dating Earth 5 billion years old. To him, as to Fulcran Vigoroux a generation or two earlier, there may have been a chance of this being just prehuman history of earth, with human history ensuing in full Biblical chronology, at least Septuagint version, after it. To most of his hearers, and especially after the less than a decade later discovery of Carbon 14 - with which I deal and have dealt extensively - there wasn't that. His words were constructed as a full green light for Evolution and even as a red light for "pseudo-science", for doubting what the "scientific community" seem to agree on.

This brings us back to the Church Fathers. There is one quotation of St. Augustine which Brett gives in a truncated and biassed version:

It is a disgraceful and dangerous thing for an infidel to hear a Christian, presumably giving the meaning of Holy Scripture, talking nonsense on these [scientific] topics; and we should take all means to prevent such an embarrassing situation, in which people show up vast ignorance in a Christian and laugh it to scorn.

It seems that this is part of book I of De Genesi ad Litteram Libri XII, given online, earlier, by Holy Cross College, but now°° the link gives a 404 error:

Book I, the Work of the First Day (excerpt from translation by John Hammond Taylor S. J.)

Now, there is a little problem insofar as the precedent on which "these topics" depends has been omitted and this omission is "repaired" by adding [scientific] in square brackets.

In fact, the category is given here:

Usually, even a non-Christian knows something about the earth, the heavens, and the other elements of this world, about the motion and orbit of the stars and even their size and relative positions, about the predictable eclipses of the sun and moon, the cycles of the years and the seasons, about the kinds of animals, shrubs, stones, and so forth, and this knowledge he holds to as being certain from reason and experience.

Note that what has been replaced by "scientific topics" is "this knowledge he holds to as being certain from reason and experience". If someone claimed the rabbit had four stomachs like a cow, because the rabbit "ruminates", he would very clearly be guilty of this. And equally obviously, the text does not say the rabbit has four stomachs, it says he ruminates - meaning he takes back into the mouth what has already been in the stomach. This happens in very different ways for cows and rabbits, so "ruminates" is an equivocation. Now, Moses did not say rabbits are pure like ruminants, he said it doesn't matter they "ruminate" since they have feet divided into many toes, and so it still is impure.

But that rabbits do chew pellets from their anus and do not chew anything coming up from any stomach of four different ones, and that cows do have four stomachs, and chew semi-vomits from one of them, this is very clear from reason and experience, not mine, but people who have cut up cows or cut up rabbits, as butchers or for less creditable reasons.

That the Sun looks smaller than the Moon doesn't mean it is, or even is in actual comparison from earth, they are almost equal, as a solar eclipse will tell. Only the solar eclipse shows the Moon is smaller than the Sun, until you start doing trigonometry, from very far off points of observation, but it does show that.

But the one category which is not mentioned in above is "science". As I mentioned earlier, Polish wikipedia has a very good overview over St. Augustine's works, and one of them is / 386 Przeciw akademikom (Contra academicos; PL[46] 32,905-958; CSEL[47] 63; CCL[48] 29; BA 4[49]), przeł. K. Augustyniak, [w:] tenże, Dialogi filozoficzne, Kraków 1999 Znak FiR, s. 57-150. / And Academy, Peripatetics, Stoa, Epicureans, those were the schools that back then came closest to being "scientific communities" and therefore St. Augustine was most certainly not setting up any scientific community as the real test.

While our "scientific community" does claim its doctrines are certain from reason and experience, they are often on a very different level from rabbits and cows having different digestive systems, on which a Hebrew pun could construe an identity which isn't there. In other words, common sense, unlike that of the objector St. Augustine was thinking of, would not normally give them a status as "certain from reason and experience". Not normally - but sometimes preternormally, as in people attending by state compulsion a school system monitored ultimately by Dewey (even over in Europe).

I think this has some bearing on you Brett, since you have been in conflict with homeschooling parents:

Imagine my surprise, then, when a few Fridays ago I received an e-mail informing me that my work had been mentioned in a widely-disseminated electronic newsletter from a kind of self-appointed Catholic watchdog. As it turns out, the writer of this newsletter belongs to a homeschooling cooperative that had recently hired a biology teacher. The teacher, bless him, had shared my piece with the parents to put them at ease about his teaching of evolution to their Catholic children. This did not sit well with the watchdog who decided that a takedown of my piece would be of interest to his readers, several of whom forwarded it to me.

Well, obviously, the homeschooling cooperative had a reason to object, and object they did. And so sorry if none of the objection dealt with

the question of what the first life metabolized in order to go on living

and your having an answer to that. Some other objections to abiogenesis are really more important. Like, have you tried to produce phospholipids abiotically? Specifically in Miller Urey conditions? I have heard the answer of "Montmorillionite clay" having by itself, with no extra life, a tendency to produce such as a catalyst, but it is a fossile clay and its existence cannot be counted on in pre-biotic days. Also, how would any possible condition for getting phospholipids for a membrane coincide (or close enough) with the Miller Urey conditions to get very rudimentary amino acids? The amino acids break down quickly in Miller Urey conditions and can't be counted on to stay around for a million of years to when Montmorillionite clay fixes the day.

Now, it must be said, that the question of what the first life metabolized in order to go on living would be a pretty insightful question coming from a bright middle-schooler who is first being introduced to the idea of evolution (and abiogenesis in particular). But it does not function here as an honest question that seeks understanding. It is, rather, a “gotcha” question. It seeks neither truth, nor genuine engagement. It is triumphantly presented as self-evidently irrefutable, a dagger to the heart of evolution.

Yes, there are some who do hold as certain from reason and experience that abiogenesis doesn't function. There is a dagger in the heart of evolution, and stating this is not the least dishonest. Brett, you are living in a Confucian or Communist moral atmosphere, in which the only attitude to a teacher which is acceptable is "yes" or "what do you mean, exactly" and never "no" or "you would seem to be wrong". Catholics do not have this attitude to purely secular even clear knowledge. St. Thomas notably relished dealing with (and never minded five cents whether honest or not) any "gotcha" questions against theology, those are the things that start off the articles in the questions. At least in the more interesting ones, they are really given as "gotcha" arguments. In the Latin West, your indignation against a "gotcha" question as somehow "dishonest" is totally misplaced.

I'll not make this 113 footnotes long, so I'll end here. If you have any interest in any kind of objection to what I wrote, or think I missed sth really important, however dishonest or "gotcha" as long as it is an actual argument, fine, get back to me. Just one more thing, though: you have attributed to Catholic creationists a tactic of disgracing opponents, rather than arguing the points, you have taken some relish, as far as I can see, in doing the same.

I think what initially turned me off was the constant need, in creationist literature, to cast aspersions on the moral and intellectual character of “evolutionists.” Things were never presented as simply new findings of science that should be considered, or better interpretations of scientific data that challenge the regnant paradigm, as would be the case in any legitimate scientific dispute. Instead, they were couched in language that presumed those holding to the scientific consensus were at least duped, and in most cases themselves duplicitous. Evolution was not a mistake. It was not even a scientific theory that had outlived its usefulness. It was a lie.

That Coyne and some more act like liars who resolutely refuse to interact with real arguments from real opponents, like when a debate on his blog Pharyngula got blocked just where I was getting interesting, is a fact. Some vociferous evolutionists do act, if not in secret doubts for creationism, at least in some fairly obvious tactics of not considering the public ripe for the debate creationists give. That the lie exists is not really dubious for one who has followed the debate. But the point is, you are seemingly just as eager to denigrate your own opponents, supposedly your brothers in the Catholic faith, rather than actually argue any creation science / evolution science with them. If you wish to correct that, fine, I'll be here, if I can.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Zephyrinus, Pope and Martyr

* Catholic Creationism as a Conspiracy Theory
by Brett Salkeld, May 13, 2020

** Creation vs. Evolution : What About the Fulcran Vigouroux Solution?

*** MSN GROUP ANTIMODERNISM IN MEMORIAM : One group member promoted Hutchinson

° Creation vs. Evolution : Is Dei Verbum a Young Earth Creationist Document?

°° It disappeared after I wrote this:

Creation vs. Evolution : Was St Augustine against Literalism?

In a PS of which I linked to a still functioning link from Holy Cross College.

samedi 22 août 2020

And what are the lineups between archaeology and Bible, in my tables?

Have you Really Taken ALL the Factors into Account? · New Tables · Why Should one Use my Tables? · And what are the lineups between archaeology and Bible, in my tables? · Bases of C14 · An example of using previous · Difference with Carbon 14 from Other Radioactive Methods · Tables I-II and II-III and III-IV, Towards a Revision? · The Revision of I-II, II-III, III-IV May be Unnecessary, BUT Illustrates What I Did When Doing the First Version of New Tables · Convergence of Uneven pmC? · [Calculation on paper commented on] · Other Revision of I-II ? · Where I Agree with Uniformitarian Dating Experts

I, Flood

Fossil wood from a quarry near the town of Banbury, England, some 80 miles north-west of London, was dated using the carbon-14 method.1 The ages calculated ranged from 20.7 to 28.8 thousand years old. However, the limestone in which the wood was found was of Jurassic age, of 183 million years. Clearly the dating methods are in conflict.

That C14 for the wood and limestone by Jurassic type fauna, for the limestone, are two methods in conflict is not the least surprising. Each has its own reasons to deviate from the true and Biblical chronology, and the reasons do not line up.

However, the problem is, if the Jurassic limestone has the shell Sharpirhynchia sharpi, this means it got lots of shells during the Flood.

In my recconning, 20 700 to 28 800 BP (18 700 to 26 800 BC) would be early post Flood:

2935 B. Chr.
0.039541 pmC/100, so dated as 29 635 B. Chr.


2867 B. Chr.
0.119246 pmC/100, so dated as 20 467 B. Chr.

Flood in 2957 BC, the wood from between 2935 and 2867 BC. But a landslide after the Flood could have buried the wood, while containing shells exposed above sea since the Flood. Or the wood could have suffered radioactive radiation before the Flood (it increases the number of C14 isotopes). Or, this is my problem, the wood could have a normal carbon level like that and be buried in the Flood, for my part, I have preferred the carbon levels corresponding to 40 000 BC, last known Neanderthals and Denisovans, or body parts, as those of the Flood. And against this being normal carbon levels in the Flood is, "18 700 BC" (as carbon dated) is recent enough to correspond to what I take to be post-Flood peopling of the continents.

Other quote, here I'd consider the carbon level pre-Flood, but within a more acceptable fluctuation of levels for Flood year:

Diamonds analyzed from mines in South Africa and Botswana, and from alluvial deposits in Guinea, West Africa, found measurable carbon-14—over ten times the detection limit of the laboratory equipment.2 The average ‘age’ calculated for the samples was 55,700 years. Yet the rocks that contained the diamonds ranged from 1,000 to 3,000 million years old. Dating methods are in conflict again.

There is very little difference in original carbon level for 40 000 and 55 000 BP, if from Flood year, both are below 2 %, so fluctuation would be more explainable. For 19 000 BC, we would be more like 14 %, so it should be later, original content of samples in relation to modern atmosphere.

Want to know more why I think Flood is carbon dated to c. 40 000 BP? Neanderthal Pre-or Post-Flood?, Neanderthal - speculations and certainty, Pääbo and Habermehl, Answering Robert Carter's Four Reasons, Anne Habermehl Still Wants Göbekli Tepe After Babel and Neanderthals Post-Flood - some of these have in the top of post body, under the header, a list of related posts, read them too, if interested. The last of these is obviously also relevant for next topic:

II and III, beginning and end of Babel

I have wagered on Göbekli Tepe, and have used earliest and latest carbon dates from lowest and highest level of GT as beginning and end of Babel. The problem is Tell Qaramel having levels dated earlier, but on the other hand, Tell Qaramel is West of Euphrates, so outside Shinar, while GT is just East of Euphrates and so in Shinar. Other problem is, how to explain "bricks for stone and bitumen for mortar" as the words are usually translated. I wonder whether we will:

  • find a lower level of GT or smaller habitations around GT with literally what we would call bricks and bitumen?
  • find that the stamped earth in GT contains burned chalk skeleta, so one should translate "bricks burned in fire" or literally "whites burned in burning" as the chalk skeleta with the burning process, and "bitumen for mortar" literally "thickness for thickness" as the stamped earth?
  • or that the words as they stand are a reference to monumentality, or to instability, taken from a later Babylonian situation and wording?

Want to know more on why Göbekli Tepe? Graham Hancock had sth to Say on Göbekli Tepe, Is Graham Hancock Right on Göbekli Tepe?, Why would Nimrod Want a Rocket?, Bricks at Göbekli Tepe or Close? with Ten Keys to my Idea of Göbekli Tepe as Babel and its Tower as a Rocket, Changing the Text, NIV?, For those sceptical about Göbekli Tepe as Babel, Lining up Cities. As with previous, some have links to other posts in same series.

IV, Genesis 14 and Calcholithic of En-Geddi

No doubts about identification in so far as En-Geddi is Asason Tamar, and the identification was (with some leeway to Neolithic of En Geddi, which I reject) made by Dr A.J.M. Osgood in The Times of Abraham on the site of CMI, but he dismissed carbon dating overall, so gave no indication of what the digs by Pessah Bar-Adon had been carbon dated to. Only recently did I find 3500 BC, after guessing between 3400 and 3100 based on indications for chalcolithic in general, and taken 3200, which is too recent, based on Narmer's times.

Only these new tables incorporate, finally, this find. As well as go further into the dissolution in Biblical times to periods of 22 to 23 years apart (22.3828125 is a binary division of 5730, corresponding to the square rooting I entertained myself with during the lockdown, where 0.9973 is a square root of square root type power of 0.5).

This one is probably my strongest one. After Chalcolithic of En-Geddi, as Osgood says, you have habitation periods in Kingdom of Israel times and in Roman times, neither of which are relevent for Genesis 14.

V, Joseph in Egypt, VI birth of Moses

My timeline is this : Joseph is known to Egyptians as Imhotep, or rather, the pagan figure of Imhotep is based on him, and as Imhotep's pharao is Djoser, Joseph's pharao is Djoser. Moses is born a little before Sesostris III dies, was coregent as Amenemhat IV, after fleeing Egypt had a cenotaph, and is succeeded by his adoptive sister, then comes back for the Exodus during next dynasty.

Alternative readings would include :

VII, taking of Jericho

There is a level of habitation in Jericho, which was followed by complete abandonment. Kenyon dated it to 1550 BC. Problem is, there is a dating of the walls of Jericho to 2200 BC.

Jericho was discussed on both parts of the Habermehl correspondence, and also with Damien Mackey here : Jericho and Carbon Dates

I propose the solution, that the 2200 date, if carbon, depends on:

  • either walls being made of material older than "1550 BC", including organic materials
  • or walls falling so deep, they fall below the "1550 BC" level down to the "2200 BC" level.

Or 2200 is not itself carbon dated at Jericho. I don't know.

VIII, Troy

Carbon date corresponds to Greek historical date. Like IV, a fairly good case, needs very little discussion, as far as I know. As to its place in Biblical chronology, both Syncellus and (perhaps depending on him) Historia Scholastica consider Troy fell when Eli was High Priest. Eli, Samuel, Saul, King David.

IX, 1032 - Anointing of King David or Temple of Solomon?

In the entry for 25th of December, the Roman Martyrology has since 1490's said that Christ was born 1032 years after the anointing of King David.

Syncellus, on the other hand, has 1032 for the Temple (completed) and 1082 for the anointing of King David. Roman martyrology lacks both temple and 1082 date, so, perhaps, the 1032 date was mixed with the 1082 event.

For anointing of King David being in 1082 rather than 1032 speak:

  • the 1510 BC date for Exodus from Egypt - 487 years (III Kings 6:1,38) = 1023 (and not 1032)
  • the 1082 BC date for anointing of King David fits better than the 1032 with the fall of Troy when Eli was High Priest.

This would be what speaks for an early date of the Temple, the most common date now accepted being later.

Roman Martyrology for December 25 with its roots via Historia scholastica in St. Jerome and in Julius Africanus are discussed here:

Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : Background to Christmas Martyrology

While adjustments could probably be made here and there, I think I have taken, if not all, at least most factors into account.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Octave of Assumption
Feast of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary

samedi 15 août 2020

Why Should one Use my Tables?

Have you Really Taken ALL the Factors into Account? · New Tables · Why Should one Use my Tables? · And what are the lineups between archaeology and Bible, in my tables? · Bases of C14 · An example of using previous · Difference with Carbon 14 from Other Radioactive Methods · Tables I-II and II-III and III-IV, Towards a Revision? · The Revision of I-II, II-III, III-IV May be Unnecessary, BUT Illustrates What I Did When Doing the First Version of New Tables · Convergence of Uneven pmC? · [Calculation on paper commented on] · Other Revision of I-II ? · Where I Agree with Uniformitarian Dating Experts

If you believe, as I, that:

  • the Bible has the true account of the history of mankind
  • the scientific community hasn't so
  • the correct Biblical chronology is fairly adequately reflected in Roman Martyrology for December 25
  • nevertheless, carbon dates rely on real, accurate measures of remaining C14 in the samples and on a halflife that can be verified in the history of the last 2000 years

then my tables are a fair option.

You might be an atheist believing that the Bible has no value - you don't need to use them, unless you are into polemising with us Creationists, in which case you might want to check the coherence of our case.

You might be a Neo-Catholic who sacralises the science community - dito.

You may believe another Biblical chronology is more correct - then make similar tables for your chronology.

Or you may rely on such a carbon dater bungling the apparatus, or on halflife having changed with speed of light, while I think bunglers are a minority in the scientists opposing the Creationist view, and both C14, Ka-Ar and Distant Starlight Problem have more coherent approaches than Setterfield, and the tables are mine for C14, this makes you and me disagree too.

Why would I be correct when so many are wrong, who are better qualified?

Their being scientists is of course a better qualification, and I believe them as far as I think that qualification gets them : i. e. into their measures of present remaining C14. If they say sth has been dated to 6830 BC, I'll believe them that it has 34.31 pmC right now.

But if they say Japanese lake bottoms prove the atmosphere had 100 pmC for the latest 50 000 years, or whatever it was, I'll believe the Bible over the reading of layers in a Japanese lake bottom. And I'll say, no, it probably had 58.4214 pmC back in 2377 BC.

Why me, when so many Creation scientists, better qualified and believing the Bible over Japanese lake bottoms too, haven't come up with this?

They have been busy doing other stuff, they have perhaps had trouble fitting the needed rise in C14 into the time frame, they are perhaps unaware C14 is successfully used in items for last 2000 years to 3000 years, and, best of all, they didn't have to stand up alone to a challenge of atheist to vaguely neo-Catholic students of psychology one evening around a beer in the lush gardens of Nanterre Univesity, when I had left the University Library for the day.

They told me, the rise in C14 needed for my chronology to be true would be the effect of so much solar activity all life except invertebrates would perish on earth, and I decided to check: and part of the checking was also checking how fast C14 had risen, and therefore what the successive levels were, which instantly I seized as a way of making the kind of tables I now present. My first try is here : Datation de Carbone 14, comment ça carre avec la Chronologie Biblique, before a month had passed, I was as good as this : Avec un peu d'aide de Fibonacci ... j'ai une table, presque correcte, I had refuted the idea of a rise within created time from near zero (or sufficiently low) to the present level, a rise from near zero at Flood would have landed as to 45 pmC, note well, IF the production of C14 had always been same pace as now, in this post : Examinons une hypothèse qui se trouve contrefactuelle un peu de près.

Since my "Fibonacci table", I have mainly taken more and more matches between archaeology and Biblical timeline into account, Göbekli Tepe as Babel (as I write this, I am aware Tell Qaramel is dated to, for beginnings, a few millennia older than Göbekli Tepe, meaning, at least a few decades older than Babel, if Göbekli Tepe still is. This part may be fluctuating on my future work, but for now I am wondering whether Tell Qaramel could be Babel instead, while it is West of Euphrates, therefore technically not in Mesopotamia, Shinar, unlike Göbekli Tepe.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Our Lady's Assumption

jeudi 13 août 2020

New Tables

Have you Really Taken ALL the Factors into Account? · New Tables · Why Should one Use my Tables? · And what are the lineups between archaeology and Bible, in my tables? · Bases of C14 · An example of using previous · Difference with Carbon 14 from Other Radioactive Methods · Tables I-II and II-III and III-IV, Towards a Revision? · The Revision of I-II, II-III, III-IV May be Unnecessary, BUT Illustrates What I Did When Doing the First Version of New Tables · Convergence of Uneven pmC? · [Calculation on paper commented on] · Other Revision of I-II ? · Where I Agree with Uniformitarian Dating Experts

Translation of the posts Tables de carbone 14 sur les bases révisées (I - VI) and Tables continués (VI - IX). In first post, each point in time (I to VI) is presented along with the table, in second, they are all presented in a bullet point list first./HGL

PS, note that the carbon 14 content mentioned in the following is not the now remaining one, but the original one, instead of 100 pmC which it is supposed to be usually sth else up to Temple of Solomon, except at Trojan War times. To get the now remaning content, add BC years to current year, you get the years of radioactive decay, which is then calculated to between 54 and 69 "pmC" for supposed original 100 pmC, and to get real pmC, multiply that by the fraction.

Example, 2377 B. Chr. adds to 2020 AD into 4397 or 4400 years of decay, put it in upper box in the link, you get 58.728 pmC, and multiply that by 0.584214, you get 34.31 pmC as now remaining content, lower box in link will tell you it equals a date of 8850 years, plus minus 10, minus 2020 = 6830 B. Chr. and I had marked 6827 B. Chr./HGL

I - II Deluge to death of Noah, beginning of Babel

"Real year
"carbon 14 content, therefore / so dated as carbon year."

[I omitted what follows immediately from carbon content, namely the number of phantom years...]

2957 B. Chr.
0.012788 pmC/100, so dated as 38 957 B. Chr.
2935 B. Chr.
0.039541 pmC/100, so dated as 29 635 B. Chr.
2912 B. Chr.
0.066161 pmC/100, so dated as 25 362 B. Chr.
2890 B. Chr.
0.09274 pmC/100, so dated as 22 540 B. Chr.
2867 B. Chr.
0.119246 pmC/100, so dated as 20 467 B. Chr.
2845 B. Chr.
0.145681 pmC/100, so dated as 18 745 B. Chr.
2823 B. Chr.
0.172045 pmC/100, so dated as 17 373 B. Chr.
2800 B. Chr.
0.198337 pmC/100, so dated as 16 150 B. Chr.
2778 B. Chr.
0.224559 pmC/100, so dated as 15 128 B. Chr.
2756 B. Chr.
0.250709 pmC/100, so dated as 14 206 B. Chr.
2733 B. Chr.
0.27679 pmC/100, so dated as 13 333 B. Chr.
2711 B. Chr.
0.302799 pmC/100, so dated as 12 611 B. Chr.
2688 B. Chr.
0.328739 pmC/100, so dated as 11 888 B. Chr.
2666 B. Chr.
0.354608 pmC/100, so dated as 11 216 B. Chr.
2644 B. Chr.
0.380408 pmC/100, so dated as 10 644 B. Chr.
2621 B. Chr.
0.406138 pmC/100, so dated as 10 071 B. Chr.
2599 B. Chr.
0.431708 pmC/100, so dated as 9549 B. Chr.

II - III, Babel

2607 B. Chr.
0.428224 pmC/100, so dated as 9607 B. Chr.
2585 B. Chr.
0.45483 pmC/100, so dated as 9085 B. Chr.
2562 B. Chr.
0.48134 pmC/100, so dated as 8612 B. Chr.

III - IV, Babel to Genesis 14

2556 B. Chr.
0.481415 pmC/100, so dated as 8606 B. Chr.
2534 B. Chr.
0.494539 pmC/100, so dated as 8334 B. Chr.
2511 B. Chr.
0.507242 pmC/100, so dated as 8111 B. Chr.
2489 B. Chr.
0.519918 pmC/100, so dated as 7889 B. Chr.
2466 B. Chr.
0.532551 pmC/100, so dated as 7666 B. Chr.
2444 B. Chr.
0.545151 pmC/100, so dated as 7444 B. Chr.
2422 B. Chr.
0.557737 pmC/100, so dated as 7272 B. Chr.
2399 B. Chr.
0.570291 pmC/100, so dated as 7049 B. Chr.
2377 B. Chr.
0.584214 pmC/100, so dated as 6827 B. Chr.
2355 B. Chr.
0.596678 pmC/100, so dated as 6605 B. Chr.
2332 B. Chr.
0.609109 pmC/100, so dated as 6432 B. Chr.
2309 B. Chr.
0.621506 pmC/100, so dated as 6259 B. Chr.
2287 B. Chr.
0.63387 pmC/100, so dated as 6037 B. Chr.
2265 B. Chr.
0.646199 pmC/100, so dated as 5865 B. Chr.
2243 B. Chr.
0.657496 pmC/100, so dated as 5693 B. Chr.
2220 B. Chr.
0.680023 pmC/100, so dated as 5420 B. Chr.
2198 B. Chr.
0.692256 pmC/100, so dated as 5248 B. Chr.
2175 B. Chr.
0.694483 pmC/100, so dated as 5175 B. Chr.
2153 B. Chr.
0.706677 pmC/100, so dated as 5003 B. Chr.
2131 B. Chr.
0.718838 pmC/100, so dated as 4881 B. Chr.
2108 B. Chr.
0.730966 pmC/100, so dated as 4708 B. Chr.
2086 B. Chr.
0.743062 pmC/100, so dated as 4536 B. Chr.
2064 B. Chr.
0.754934 pmC/100, so dated as 4364 B. Chr.
2041 B. Chr.
0.766964 pmC/100, so dated as 4241 B. Chr.
2019 B. Chr.
0.778962 pmC/100, so dated as 4069 B. Chr.
1996 B. Chr.
0.790927 pmC/100, so dated as 3946 B. Chr.
1974 B. Chr.
0.802859 pmC/100, so dated as 3774 B. Chr.
1952 B. Chr.
0.81476 pmC/100, so dated as 3652 B. Chr.
1929 B. Chr.
0.826619 pmC/100, so dated as 3479 B. Chr.

IV - V, Genesis 14 to Joseph in Egypt

1935 B. Chr.
0.8273 pmC/100, so dated as 3485 B. Chr.
1913 B. Chr.
0.831967 pmC/100, so dated as 3413 B. Chr.
1890 B. Chr.
0.836622 pmC/100, so dated as 3390 B. Chr.
1868 B. Chr.
0.841262 pmC/100, so dated as 3318 B. Chr.
1845 B. Chr.
0.845892 pmC/100, so dated as 3245 B. Chr.
1823 B. Chr.
0.850509 pmC/100, so dated as 3173 B. Chr.
1801 B. Chr.
0.855174 pmC/100, so dated as 3101 B. Chr.
1778 B. Chr.
0.859766 pmC/100, so dated as 3028 B. Chr.
1756 B. Chr.
0.864346 pmC/100, so dated as 2956 B. Chr.
1734 B. Chr.
0.868913 pmC/100, so dated as 2884 B. Chr.
1711 B. Chr.
0.873468 pmC/100, so dated as 2811 B. Chr.

V - VI, Joseph to birth of Moses

1700 B. Chr.
0.87575 pmC/100, so dated as 2800 B. Chr.
1678 B. Chr.
0.894653 pmC/100, so dated as 2598 B. Chr.
1655 B. Chr.
0.914498 pmC/100, so dated as 2395 B. Chr.
1633 B. Chr.
0.933283 pmC/100, so dated as 2203 B. Chr.
1610 B. Chr.
0.952011 pmC/100, so dated as 2020 B. Chr.
1588 B. Chr.
0.970681 pmC/100, so dated as 1838 B. Chr.

  • VI, 1588 dated 1839, 0.970681 (Sesostris III dies a bit after birth of Moses);
  • VII, 1470 dated 1550. 0.98924 (taking of Jericho);
  • VIII, 1179 dated 1179, 1,000 (taking of Troy);
  • IX, 1132 dated 940. 1,010887 (temple of Salomon).


1588 B. Chr.
0.97068 pmC/100, so dated as 1838 B. Chr.
1566 B. Chr.
0.97441 pmC/100, so dated as 1776 B. Chr.
1543 B. Chr.
0.97813 pmC/100, so dated as 1723 B. Chr.
1521 B. Chr.
0.98184 pmC/100, so dated as 1671 B. Chr.
1498 B. Chr.
0.98555 pmC/100, so dated as 1618 B. Chr.
1476 B. Chr.
0.98924 pmC/100, so dated as 1566 B. Chr.


1476 B. Chr.
0.98924 pmC/100, so dated as 1566 B. Chr.
1454 B. Chr.
0.990081 pmC/100, so dated as 1534 B. Chr.
1431 B. Chr.
0.990919 pmC/100, so dated as 1511 B. Chr.
1408 B. Chr.
0.991755 pmC/100, so dated as 1478 B. Chr.
1386 B. Chr.
0.992589 pmC/100, so dated as 1446 B. Chr.
1364 B. Chr.
0.993421 pmC/100, so dated as 1424 B. Chr.
1341 B. Chr.
0.99425 pmC/100, so dated as 1391 B. Chr.
1319 B. Chr.
0.995078 pmC/100, so dated as 1359 B. Chr.
1297 B. Chr.
0.995902 pmC/100, so dated as 1327 B. Chr.
1275 B. Chr.
0.996725 pmC/100, so dated as 1305 B. Chr.
1252 B. Chr.
0.997546 pmC/100, so dated as 1272 B. Chr.
1230 B. Chr.
0.998364 pmC/100, so dated as 1240 B. Chr.
1207 B. Chr.
0.99918 pmC/100, so dated as 1217 B. Chr.
1185 B. Chr.
1 pmC/100, so dated as 1185 B. Chr.


1185 B. Chr.
1 pmC/100, so dated as 1185 B. Chr.
1163 B. Chr.
1.0013183 pmC/100, so dated as 1153 B. Chr.
1140 B. Chr.
1.002632 pmC/100, so dated as 1120 B. Chr.
1118 B. Chr.
1.00394126 pmC/100, so dated as 1088 B. Chr.
1095 B. Chr.
1.00524594 pmC/100, so dated as 1055 B. Chr.
1073 B. Chr.
1.00654611 pmC/100, so dated as 1023 B. Chr.
1051 B. Chr.
1.00782177 pmC/100, so dated as 991 B. Chr.
1028 B. Chr.
1.010887 pmC/100, so dated as 938 B. Chr.

lundi 10 août 2020

Have you Really Taken ALL the Factors into Account?

Have you Really Taken ALL the Factors into Account? · New Tables · Why Should one Use my Tables? · And what are the lineups between archaeology and Bible, in my tables? · Bases of C14 · An example of using previous · Difference with Carbon 14 from Other Radioactive Methods · Tables I-II and II-III and III-IV, Towards a Revision? · The Revision of I-II, II-III, III-IV May be Unnecessary, BUT Illustrates What I Did When Doing the First Version of New Tables · Convergence of Uneven pmC? · [Calculation on paper commented on] · Other Revision of I-II ? · Where I Agree with Uniformitarian Dating Experts

I spent some time prime factoring year numbers ranging 1900 to the present year 2020. A column with year numbers was sided by columns headed 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17 and 19.

I could say with full confidence : "1927 is 41 * 47, 2017 is a prime number, 1989 is not a prime number, but 3 to the second or 9 times 13 times 17."

Now, suppose I had to confront a doubter. He would check 41 * 47 and agree.

Then he would go for 2017.

"Have you really taken all the factors into account? Are you sure 2017 is a prime?"

The sieve for prime numbers 2 to 19 left no check, so it is a prime candidate. Checks for 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43 and 47 also gave numbers (five to two year numbers on each prime number) clearly not involving 2017. Going to 53 or beyond is superfluous. Why? 53 * 53 = 2809. Way beyond 2017. Even 47 * 47 is so, 2209. This means, none of these can be the smallest prime factor in any year number up to and including 2017 (or any other number, for that matter). I got 3 year numbers involving prime factor 53 and each also had smaller, not (just?) bigger factors.

"Well, maybe 2017 might be a prime number then, though I wouldn't be too dogmatic on that one!"

Thanks for the confidence, but I actually gave sufficient mathematic proof that 2017 must be a prime number. That one can indeed be very dogmatic on that one.

"But how about 1989? Sure it isn't a prime number too? I mean it's a very big number, and it ain't even, and that's how most prime numbers look! Have you taken all the factors into account?"

Well, that's a good question before considering a large number as a prime, at least for all the factors up to the one prime number closest below (or above if you like) the square root, or the one prime factor whose square is closest above the number.

It's not a very intelligent question when one is presenting factors. You check. Do 3 * 3 * 13 * 17 really produce 1989?

3 * 3 = 9
9 * 13 = 117 (130 - 13, like 9 is 10 - 1).
117 * 17 = 1170 + 770 ( = 1870 + 70 = 1940) + 49 = 1989.

Yes, it does.

"Well, sure no other factors also can so add up?"

It's multiply, not add up, and when you multiply prime factors, no other set of prime factors can multiply into the same number as the one it has as prime factors.

"Have you checked with prime factors 7?"

Why, yes, I actually got a grid where 1989 was not checked in the 7 column.

And, as said, 3 * 3 * 13 * 17 certainly does the job.

"Ah, but what about 19? Or 89? Did you forget these obvious ones?"

They are obviously not factors of 1989. When one part of the digits has or is any factor, for the number as a whole to be that factor, the other part also has to have or be that factor.

19 is certainly a factor in 1900 ...

"Ah, see?"

... which means that any number which has 19 as a factor in the last two digits has 19 as a factor in itself.


1919, 1938, 1957, 1976, 1995, 2014 ...

"Sure you can't get 1989 on this list?"

Very sure indeed, they are all 19 apart, and there is just one 19, not two of them, from 1976 to 1995.

"Well, what about squeasing in 1989 before 1976 or after 1995?"

Well, it's after 1976, and before 1995.

"Well, what about between them, then?"

Let's say, I give the man a very angry glare.

"Oh, yes, you had already looked between them ... I guess 19 isn't a prime factor then, but are you sure about 89?"

Yes, I say very slowly, I had already looked between, there was no room for them.

Now, 89 is not a factor of 19 ...


... and 19 is not a factor of 89 either.

"I'd not be quite sure of that ..."

Look, if 1989 has no room between 1976 and 1995, 89 has no room between 76 and 95 either.

Let's say he gives me a very sceptical look and says "ah, you're a very dogmatic person!"

I patiently go on and say : 890 is 10 times 89, right?

"No problem ..."

So 890 plus 890 is also of the prime factor 89, more precisely 20 times, and it is 1780.

"Let me check ... yeah, 1780 makes sense!"

1780 + 89, you get 1869.

"Guess you are right, but where are you coming to?"

And 1869 + 89 are 1958. You add 80 to 1869 and you get 1949, you add 9 to that and get 1958. And 1989 is clearly too close to 1958 to also have 89 as a factor ...

"But are you sure it isn't a prime, have you really taken all the factors into account?"

As I just mentioned ... wait, forget it. Maths aren't all that important.

I get this kind of feeling on other subjects, since some of them are less well taught than mathematics.

There is a difference between prime factoring and explaining phenomena. 1989 can't have any other prime factors than the one set 3 * 3 * 13 * 17. No other set can do the job. But in explaining phenomena, the same set of phenomena can in fact be explained in different ways.

For instance, let's agree that artefacts with carbon from trees or linen from the beginning of the War of Independence do have 97 percent modern Carbon, and artefacts from the time when St. Joan was being tried have 93.112 pmC (as we will abbreviate "percent modern Carbon" henceforth). We can agree that this means both times there was 100 pmC in the atmosphere, and after both artefacts were made, an appropriate number of years, like 250 or 590, passed, and left the amounts by the halflife 5730 years.

Some artefacts or other display amounts as low as 25 pmC. You can go two ways on that. Unlike War of Independence and Process of St. Joan, Göbekli Tepe was not part of a civilisation still around in its then shape or overseeable changes*, so one thing that will do the job is, the atmosphere had 100 pmC, and two half lives have passed. Since two half lives add up to more than Biblical chronology, this is not my option. My guess, whether intelligent or not, is, Göbekli Tepe was Babel of Genesis 11, it was around from death of Noah 350 after Flood to birth of Peleg 401 after the Flood, and the carbon content was lower. Less than one halflife ago, the atmosphere had less than 50 pmC. Or, the Babel event was indeed (as CMI prefer) prior to human things dated more normally to 20 000 BP, even 40 000 BP, but it shows a lots higher initial carbon 14 content due to ending in an atomic explosion, and therefore Göbekli Tepe dates younger than it should compared to the general rise of carbon content in the atmosphere.

Unlike prime factoring, the fact that one scenario can do the job doesn't mean no other one can.

Or when I discuss geocentrism as both preferrable for Biblical chronology (doing away with distant starlight problem) and possible in a Theistic view, in which God exists and in which He has created angels too.

Or the truth of the Gospel or of the Catholic Church being the one Church of Christ.

I come across people who are as illequipped for the debate as the fictitious math sceptic in my little dialogue.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Lawrence of Rome

Romae, via Tiburtina, natalis beati Laurentii Archidiaconi, qui, in persecutione Valeriani, post plurima tormenta carceris, verberum diversorum, fustium, ac plumbatarum et laminarum ardentium, ad ultimum, in craticula ferrea assatus, martyrium complevit; ejusque corpus a beato Hippolyto et Justino Presbytero sepultum fuit in coemeterio Cyriacae, in agro Verano.

* And as the civilisation is not around in recognisable form and having used AD Gregorian dates back then, we do not have a very clear immediate record of how old it is from known history.

vendredi 7 août 2020

What About the Fulcran Vigouroux Solution?

Several Catholics too traddy to be fully evolutionists are at least "in the know" about "proofs" for long ages.

This means, they appeal to Reverend Fulcran Vigouroux, a Sulpician from Paris.

Now, his full solution (back then to geological arguments mainly) is:

  • LXX rather than Masoretic / Vulgate
  • Day Age
  • Limited Flood (to the continent where mankind was)
  • Possibly Elastic Genealogies for Genesis 5 and 11.

Now, LXX timeline is unproblematic. It is still within the Biblical Inerrancy.

Day Age got a "green light" canonically when he was himself judge in the Pontifical Biblical Commission in Rome, 1909.

He did not in that time in 1909 get an opportunity to greenlight also Limited Flood or Elastic Genealogies. He did greenlight use of unproper or uncommon senses of words, and he did greenlight day age, and I already quoted and personally translated the decision in this blog post:

I have been Asked if Kent Hovind didn't have Talmudic Positions?

Note well, the one asking me whether Kent Hovind had Talmudic positions was a Paris Catholic traddy enough to be a Church Goer in St. Nicolas du Chardonnet. And the one position he was sure to know was, he is Young Earth Creationist, so he was erroneously classifying Young Earth Creationism as a Talmudic error.

But, the one single position clearly greenlighted apart from the traditional (actually traditional, not "Traditional" movement) ones, is : day age.

This means that we can't have some human populations being around independently of Noah since before the Flood, since Limited Flood was not greenlighted (note, his own version of Limited Flood would not have helped such an idea, since he considered the Flood as limited to all of mankind, while Koalas and Kangaroos, Grizzly Bears and Pumas would have made it without the Ark - he was a species fixist and not a Baraminologist and miscounted what all land living animals alive today being from the Ark would imply), and one can neither extend the Flood to Abraham time of Genesis 11 beyond LXX, nor the Adam to Flood time, since Elastic Genealogies weren't greenlighted either.

For instance, if we admit some small elasticity to the Genesis 11 genealogy so that it gets a second or a third "second Cainan" omitted, on top of the one who is in standard version of LXX but not in Masoretic, this is not all that problematic theologically, since it still allows for the events in chapters 2 to first part of 11 to have been historically faithfully transmitted, so that it does not attack the historicity of Genesis 3.

Note very well that his Latin answer to the idea of not full historicity of first three chapters was "negative ad utramque partem" ("nope" to both parts of the question, even if there were actually three parts to it). As Catholics we must hold Genesis 1, 2 and 3 are fully historical. We may hold they coincide with myths, we may not say that rather than factual accounts they are taken over from (non-factual) myths.

And this means, we need a full blown transmission of the historic accounts, and while there would be a case for allowing to admit one or two generations more in the transmission, admitting several more to add over thousand years more clearly breaks the limits of a reliably conducted transmission, especially as it means incorrectness in the transmission of the genealogy, so it would itself be showing a lack of full human historical reliability.

But wouldn't the omitted second Cainan, if real, also do so? No, we would be dealing with a "ritual" omission, a condemnatio memoriae, with second Cainan not being mentioned in the Hebrew genealogy, since he was a cursed generation - and obviously adding too many of those will not help in admitting God took full care of mankind through guarding truth in the patriarchal line up to Abraham. Which we need to admit. The other possibility is, there was no omission, both Luke 3 and the exclusively Christian manuscripts of LXX, all manuscripts that have the second Cainan, depend on a scribal error (probably in Luke 3, transferring from the part of the Luke 3 genealogy that came from Genesis 5).

Now, what does this mean for trads?

They can't accept men lived 40 000 years ago. And carbon dated human bones suggest clearly they either should do that or ditch old age, by admitting carbon dates reduce to shorter ages, due to - for instance - initially lower and then quickly rising carbon levels in the atmosphere, samples beginning with lots less than 100 pmC.

So, if they accept the 40 000 years date as a true one, what are their options? Three:

  • Apparently human bones from 40 000 years ago were actually from non-human humanoids, including those from Cro-Magnon men : impossible; God has given the rational and irrational versions of "animal" distinctive biological kinds, so that an anatomic human needs to be a theological human, an image of God. Also clearly some of their activities show they had language, and it is impossible for mere irrational animals to have real human language.
  • Adam was created c. 6000 - 7500 years ago, pre-Adam humans were fully human, but all humans now alive descend from Adam : improbable in the case of a limited Flood and Indians and Aborigines all descending from populations separated from the Old World 20 000 years ago or more, and the ban on believing in non-Adamite humans was specifically put in place to guarantee full humanity and redeemability of Negroes, Indians, Australian Negroes.
  • Adam lived more than 40 000 years ago, and this brings us to genealogies being treated as so "elastic" that they break down the chain of historic transmission, at least credible such, completely.

In other words, each option has a specific damning flaw, and on top of that, the elastic genealogies part of Fulcran Vigouroux' solution, back from before his days in Rome, back in 19th C. Paris, was not greenlighted.

Some might here opt for the worst option : claiming human bones are non-human. Sacraments depend on man being set aside physically (remember, when C. S. Lewis imagined another world in which some rational creatures shared the physical appearance of brutes, that world had no sacraments), for instance in the case of a miscarriage, whether one can baptise what comes out or should consider it a non-human monster, even with very non-human appearance, if it is still alive, it should count as at least possibly human and be baptised, at least conditionally "si homo es, ego te baptizo in nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti". So, counting Cro-Magnons or even Neanderthals and Denisovans as non-human is a no no for Catholics.

While we are speaking of this barbarous solution, it was accepted by some Seminary teachers in the days of Pius XII, and the argument back then seems to have been "if a creature spends 10 000 years or more without inventing agriculture, it can't be human". The problems with this are several :

  • while being an agriculturer is a clearly human act, it must be an optional one, since city dwellers, hunters, nomads are also human - one should never pinpoint any one human act as the compulsory sine qua non for being human;
  • some evolutionists have pinpointed the reason for agriculture to develop as less moisture, meaning, the 10 000's or 20 000's or 30 000's of years without agriculture would have been due to a climate making life agreeable enough without it;
  • while we know they hunted and fished, we do not know they and all like them (some of which we have not found) had no agriculture;
  • and above all, if we reduce the carbon dates duly, like 40 000 years BP reduced to year of the Flood or somewhat before, we do not have all that many post-Flood centuries without agriculture, in my latest tables, I have Göbekli Tepe starting when Noah dies in 350 after the Flood (Peleg born 401 after Flood in Roman Martyrology), meaning the lack of agriculture is very transitory.

In other words, the wise guys who think they are more sophisticated in accepting Fulcran Vigouroux rather than Young Earth Creationism really are missing several points, and very probably depend on treating the issue more rhetorically and politically (I recall having heard an approachment between Young Earth Creationism and Zionism, even!) than as a matter where truth and falsehood and therefore reasons and arguments, apply.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Cajetan

dimanche 2 août 2020

If the Fix Stars are One Light Day Up ...

... and especially if they were so at Creation, what day did God make them and what day did they appear?

Did God make them on day 4 and they appeared to birds on day 5? Or did God make them on day 3 and they appeared on day 4?

I'll give a little hint, from Jonathan Sarfati:

Some assert that what really happened on this fourth ‘day’ was that the sun and other heavenly bodies ‘appeared’ when a dense cloud layer dissipated after millions of years. This is not only fanciful science but bad exegesis. The Hebrew word ‘asah means ‘make’ throughout Genesis 1, and is sometimes used interchangeably with ‘create’ (bara’)—e.g. in Genesis 1:26–27. It is pure desperation to apply a different meaning to the same word in the same grammatical construction in the same passage, just to fit in with atheistic evolutionary ideas like the big bang. If God had meant ‘appeared’, then He presumably would have used the Hebrew word for appear (ra’ah), as He did when He said that the dry land ‘appeared’ as the waters gathered in one place on Day 3 (Genesis 1:9).

Evolution/long ages contradicts Genesis order of Creation
by Jonathan Sarfati | This article is from
Creation 37(3):52–54, July 2015

So, I take it, if it is mentioned under day 4 and no starlight was created in transit, the celestial bodies like Aldebaran and Sirius and α Centauri were, if one light day up, created on day 4 and appeared on earth on day 5.

However, this is not what CMI has been saying on the Distant Starlight Problem. Here is perhaps their oldest attempt at "time convention" theory:

Observed time requires less information than calculated time. Anyone can look at a clock when an astronomical event occurs and record the time. However, to obtain the calculated time, one must already know the observed time, as well as the distance to the object and the speed of light. The distance to an object is often unknown, or not known very accurately. This is why astronomers record events according to the observed time convention. Yet, astrophysical calculations are almost always done in calculated time. Each convention is useful for certain purposes. We now ask a critical question: Which definition of time does God use in Genesis 1:14-19 when He creates the stars? Are the stars created on the fourth day—observed time, or the fourth day—calculated time?

Observed time is always useful, but for calculated time to be meaningful we must know the distance to the object and the speed of light. Did the ancient Hebrews know the speed of light accurately? They probably did not. Did they know the distance to the stars? Again, they probably did not. In fact, only in modern times has calculated time become meaningful; we have only recently known the speed of light and the distance to the stars with any accuracy. So the question now takes on a different form: Would God have used a definition of time that would only become meaningful thousands of years later? If God’ definition of time on Day 4 of Genesis is calculated time, then it would have been useless for ages. It would have been incomprehensible to all humanity for thousands of years until technology had developed to the level where we could measure the speed of light and the distance to the stars.

Distant starlight and Genesis: conventions of time measurement
by Robert Newton | This article is from
Journal of Creation 15(1):80–85, April 2001

It seems that the number for this post begins with 404, so "error page missing" - between observed and calculated time, what about real time?

Einstein claimed that if two events happen at A and B, they are contemporaneous between A and B at some point, and A happens before B at A, B happens before A at B.

In fact, if the point where A and B are observed as contemporaneous is exactly in the middle of A and B, the real contemporaneity is A and B being contemporary. If you must get closer to A to see A and B at same time or even A first, arguably B happened first. If you must get closer to B, arguably A happened first. And the time difference in real time may be such that A happens first from both A and B or B happens first from both A and B.

There is a real order of events behind both observation and observation plus calculation. Since God is omniscient, He knows it.

The solution of Robert Newton involves that in the real order of events, God would have created Large Magellanic Cloud 200 000 years before He created earth, except it still "counts" as Him creating them on day 4, because due to starlight travel the stars could only be observed - only appeared - on day 4. In that case God would have created the universe inwards from periphery, and only bodies as close as Sun and Moon (Sun is light minutes away) would have been created actually on day 4.

I think Sarfati answered that one very clearly. A real nay that shall be a nay.

God used words that carried some meaning to Hebrews or Greeks, even if they carry a somewhat fuller one to us having "modern knowledge". St. John probably knew the ASCII code on Patmos, but he wrote so that the Greek gematria of Apollo (all five cases added together) or the Hebrew of Neron Kaisar, would make sense. Moses may well have known about Hydrogen molecules, but "water above the firmament" makes some sense.

For starlight to have been created in transit, which was a solution I took over from Edgar Andrews when I was a teen, though I glanced at Geocentrism even then, we would need to have no novas, no dying stars, any further away than 6000 to 7000 light years away. The implication of starlight created in transit would be, if Large Magellanic Cloud was created 6000 to 7000 years ago, one item in it sent off the light of a star exploding before it even existed - or God created light in transit with no source to link it to. Which would seem an act of dishonesty, unless God wanted to say sth else with this (in the Eucharist, we are warned it is not actually bread by God's explicits words, so those accepting starlight created in transit 7000 years ago up to 1987 for a star disappearing from a place 200 000 light years away would need to accept accidents sometimes exist without the normal substance that goes with them).

But there is a very much simpler solution, if Large Magellanic Cloud is 1 light day up.

What does it take for Large Magellanic Cloud to be 1 light day up? The distance 200 000 light years needs to be wrong.

What does it take for 200 000 light years to be wrong? The calculations on which the distance is based must be wrong.

What are these calculations? I do not know in detail. I do know however that someone in the early 19th C. matched apparent sizes with distances "known" from parallax trigonometry. And that stars of the "main series" were concluded to be roughly similar in size to the Sun. The main series are also close in spectrography to Sun light. From this and then from even smaller apparent sizes, one goes on to conclude distances too far off for parallax trigonometry. And from this, one concludes density of certain star clusters and from a typical density maybe this gives a hint on the number of stars in Large Magellanic Cloud - this maybe is the exact point where I am losing my way over the exact and detailed history of ideas behind 200 000 light years to Large Magellanic Cloud. But there is no maybe about the fact that without trigonometry based on parallax, there would have been no "main series" of sun-sized (more or less so) stars in the first place.

So, what does it take for parallax based trigonometry to be wrong? One simple thing : earth is unmoved and both "aberration" and "parallax" of any star are as proper movements as the "proper movement" (rightly so called, unrightly so singled out) of Barnard's star.

And this in turn is perfectly feasible, if the stars, both fix and planets and comets, but especially the fix stars, are moved by other factors than physical masses acting by processes of inertia of each body acting on itself and gravitation of other bodies by their masses also acting on it, namely if stars have angelic movers.

It is a fun fact, I became a geocentric the night to 24th August 2001, after 23rd going past a book shop, where I bought an 80's book on astronomy, after in the library debating with a man claiming "starlight created in transit" doesn't work for the supernova of 1987 in Large Magellanic Cloud, which he may have picked up from either the article by Robert Newton a few months earlier, or from the debate in which Robert Newton spoke up.

I was already familiar with angelic movers, since St. Thomas Aquinas had been staple reading for a few years, between 1996 and early 1998. And as for the answer I got from a physics teacher - a Christian, a son of a missionary - back in the teens, I think I detected a circular proof in it.

The mechanics of the Solar System are supposedly known and this supposedly entails the Earth being one planet moving around a barycentre mostly inside and never very far outside the Sun, because the calculations from masses and speeds and directions matches up with observations. For one thing, the match is somewhat imperfect, but for another, the masses of Moon or Jupiter or even Earth itself are supposedly known because they have to fit this celestial mechanics and the observations. Which is known because of the masses and the observations, which is known because of the mechanics and the observations, and the observations themselves never actually directly include the mass of any body in the Solar System.

Hans Georg Lundahl
IXth Sunday after Pentecost

PS, what I looked up in the astronomy book was obviously angular sizes of "parallax", "aberration" and "proper movement"./HGL

samedi 1 août 2020

Dear "Unknown"!

I found this comment under several posts, sometimes more than once:

Hey! I am getting bored, please fchat with me ;) ;) ;) ...

First, a blog is not a chat.

Sometimes blog posts do lead to conversations, but if so, usually with some relevance to the topic of the blog post.

Second, my internet time is a bit too limited for me to chat with you, and I am not sure I want to know if "fchat" means something particular.

Third, while I am deleting your comments, they will have allowed me to make this link collection : Time for Spammers' choice, again

Fourth, I might like to get laid in a more Christian manner than by "internet sex partners", if you are the same unknown.

Fifth, my readers - the intended readers - might like to see a blog free from the kind of comments you made./HGL