lundi 2 septembre 2024

For those who pretend there were several tens of thousands of years between Adam and Abraham

... and especially, if they don't attach this to any lost Civilisation, but believe everyone prior to the Neolithic was hunter-gatherer:

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Rebel News | 2 Sept. 2024

What Michelle Stirling says would be pretty likely for an existence of hunter-gatherers when it's immemorial. For me, the pre-Flood hunter-gatherers were a local condition, perhaps triggered by the separation from the Nodian civilisation, much like the Amerindians are a result of separating from the Babelian one in the Neolithic.

Or, it may even owe some cruelties to the Babel times.

If possible, even worse, is the idea that pre-human near-people, anatomically human, lived this way, until Adam was created human when born to some of these. Pretending that Adam could well distinguish between himself and creatures looking much like him doesn't help, it involves him in a kind of superciliousness.

The only possible view (for a Christian) on people living like this is:

  • they are human
  • they are fallen
  • for both of these reasons they come after Adam
  • and they cannot have been the universal condition of mankind any time between Adam and Abraham.

This could only happen on two alternative conditions:

  • the Biblical timeline holds
  • there is a huge gap in the Biblical timeline, corresponding to a lost Civilisation.

The problem with this is, we already do have a lost Civilisation, the Nodian one. The simple loss of a civilisation, even in dire punishment (like the Flood) is not enough for God to exclude that one from the Bible. If it had lasted longer, there is no reason why God wouldn't have preserved a longer record about it (like a Genesis 5 with twenty of thirty generations instead of ten), and since the Nodian Civilisation is not excluded, there is no reason why some other pre- or post-Flood Civilisation in the line of Abraham would have been excluded.

So, basically, God's goodness (as avoiding to involve all men in such practises as described) and truthfulness (as ultimate author of the Bible) logically demand that the Biblical timeline holds, from the Creation of Adam, and that being the actual first being to look human.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Stephen of Hungary

(15.VIII) Apud Albam Regalem, in Pannonia, item natalis sancti Stephani, Regis Hungarorum et Confessoris; qui, divinis virtutibus exornatus, primus Hungaros ad Christi fidem convertit, et a Deipara Virgine, ipso die Assumptionis suae, in caelum receptus fuit. Ejus vero festivitas quarto Nonas Septembris, quo die munitissima Budae arx, sancti Regis ope, ab exercitu Christiano strenue recuperata fuit, potissimum recolitur, ex dispositione Innocentii Papae Undecimi.
(2.IX) Sancti Stephani, Regis Hungarorum et Confessoris; qui decimo octavo Kalendas Septembris obdormivit in Domino.

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