vendredi 22 mai 2015

Calcium? How About This Solution, Pavle?

First of all, I need to introduce Pavle I. Premović. He gives a scenario for what happened after Cretaceous. I think it is a good scenario for what happened at Flood above Cretaceous biotopes - if I understood it correctly. Here is the link:

Experimental evidence for the global acidification of surface ocean at the Cretaceous–Palaeogene boundary: the biogenic calcite-poor spherule layers

Doesn't look TOO pretty, but it was requested to use this html for blogging* ... it was not designed for a blog theme like "scribe" with brown and beige colours ... but anyway, here is the abstract:

QUOTE: The massive amount of impact-generated atmospheric CO2 at the Cretaceous-Palaeogene boundary (KPB) would have accumulated globally in the surface ocean, leading to acidification and CaCO3 undersaturation. These chemical changes would have caused a crisis of biocalcification of calcareous plankton and enhanced dissolution of their shells; these factors together may have played a crucial role in forming the biogenic calcite-poor KPB spherule layers observed at numerous oceanic sites and marine (now on land) sites in Europe and Africa. Experimental data and observations indicate that the deposition spherule layer probably lasted only a few decades at most. END QUOTE.

So, very far from a certain process, not sure if it is identical to the one depositing so much limestone over Cretaceous biotopes, taking "millions of years", it must have lasted "only a few decades at the most."

Only a few decades if slow? How about a few months during the Flood, if quick?

I will mail Mr. (Dr.?) Premović this challenge and if he responds, our correspondence will be published on my Correspondence blog. Blogposts linked to from here and linking back here.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
Sts Faustin, Timothy
and Venustus, Martyrs in Rome

* I even had to correct it due to extra space before the words "volume 8".

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