jeudi 21 décembre 2017

Living Stones

Contrary to a prejudice from Protestants, when we refer to "visible Church" we do not mean buildings of minerals, or for that matter, in Norway, often of lignine, we refer to the people whom St Paul calls "living stones" being visible people.

Now, the analogy between stones of a temple and people is probably an ancient one.

Nevalı Çori: The 10,400 year old Megalithic Temple near Göbekli Tepe
MegalithomaniaUK | Ajoutée le 30 juil. 2017

10,400 years old = from 8400 BC. Note, I don't believe this date is accurate, but I believe this date, given by archaeologists, is a carbon date, where part of the present content of 28.42 percent modern carbon being lower than 100 is due to the time spent with decay of original content, but part of this lower content being also an originally lower content.

This means, while the 8400 BC is not in itself accurate, it indirectly reflects sth which is.

If Göbekli Tepe's thousand years 9600 - 8600 BC were the forty years of Babel, then Nevalı Çori would be one of the earliest post-Babel constructions. In it you find "anthropomorphic pillars". That is, some of the pillars are made to look as if they were people. We don't know if, like Babel, it was run by Nimrodians - or I don't, I haven't seen all of the video yet - or by the pre-Abrahamic faithful (those with Masoretic timeline, if accepting my identification of Göbekli Tepe would involve Abraham too, I say pre-Abrahamic as per LXX timeline).

Could St Paul know about this, naturally speaking, in Corinthians, or, perhaps even more directly, St Peter in I Peter 2:5?

No, if they ever had a vision of Nevalı Çori, it was a supernatural one. The site was buried long before they were around and was dug up very recently. But, while in a way Nevalı Çori's anthropomorphic pillars might look like men turned to stone, St Peter was speaking to "stones" who had been turned to men, to children of Abraham. Grafted branches, but live branches, in another parable.

I was asking who these living stones were for 5th C. of a Protestant. I mentioned St Patrick. For 7th C. I give you St Winifrede:

Saint Winifred and Her Well
de Mary's Dowry Productions PRO le 18 décembre 2017

On a live rock, that stone was built, and the gate of Hell shall not prevail against her./HGL

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