jeudi 29 octobre 2020

John Baumgardner's Model for carbon 14 raise


Just a brief comment relating to the 14C dates of more than 5 kyr for human bones and artifacts. In my chapter on 14C in the 2005 RATE technical report, I pointed out that the significant quantity of accelerated nuclear decay during the Genesis Flood would have generated a significant quantity of 14C in crustal rocks. This 14C would have outgassed from the crust during the centuries following the Flood, increasing the atmospheric 14C concentration from about 0.01 pMC at the end of the Flood to near the modern level by, say, 1500 BC. That history of atmospheric 14C levels would have the effect of producing falsely inflated ages as one goes back in time beyond about 1500 BC.

Disagreements and possible problems for his model:

  • 1) I think the 14C level at the end of the Flood was c. 1.4 pmC. Not 0.01 pmC.
  • 2) Baumgardner himself considers fossils from Flood to range from carbon ages 44 000 BP to 20 000 BP (from memory), and this means the extra years range from 15 500 to 39 500 - or original 14C level from 0.841 to 15.335 pmC. Perhaps he means those with 15.335 pmC at Flood are remains with unusual nuclear activity, but that would leave any carbon in crustal rocks at 15.335 pmC at most too. Of which 58.022 % would be left now, accounting for only 8.898 pmC out of 100 today. Or of which 88.606 % would have been left 1000 years later, in 1500 BC, accounting for only 13.588 pmC out of 100 back then.
  • 3) If he thinks concentration of 14C in crustal rocks was far superior to 15.335 pmC, where are the fossils with those higher original pmC?
  • 4) I have another theory on why 14C levels rose: by divine fiat or by obedience of sun's angel, cosmic rays were turned on to max, effecting three things:

However, the model he gives might give more room for tables of calibration corresponding to his chronology (both as to Masoretic and as to Neanderthals after Flood, perhaps even as to Exodus and taking of Jericho after Hyksos, though I doubt it), it does not in any way invalidate my tables (Roman Martyrology, 40 000 BP as carbon date for the Flood in 2957 BC). I have no deep quarrel, I am just saying, and I think my points 2 and 3 above would argue against the crustal rocks explaining all of it./HGL

Carbon level / years correspondence, as per
Carbon 14 Dating Calculator

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