mercredi 18 août 2021

Some of you may remember my reconstruction on how Hinduism changed memories from pre-Flood era

A little recap:

  • Bharat is both Cain's son Henoch and the Sethite Henoch
  • Cainite Lamech's sons are Krishna for Jubal and the fathers of Pandavas and Kauravas for the other two
  • some parts of Mahabharata suggest extreme injustice, matching Genesis 6
  • Bhima matches (partly) nephelim
  • Kauravas match nephelim in evil behaviour
  • Flood is preposed before this time, in an attempt of painting a direct connexion between Mahabharata and the own India
  • Rama is the post-Flood patriarch Regma, who was helped by Nimrod (as Hanuman), was preposed before Mahabharata along with the Flood
  • nothing from Tower of Babel on (after real time of Ramayana) is similarily remembered (except cultural changes anachronistically pre-posed into stories where they don't quite belong)
  • divinity is falsely attributed to certain men (Krishna and Rama) and to partly also demonic manifestations (Shiva).

Remaking memories that much is a feat. In the case of Greek stories about the ancients, less is remade. Pre-Flood matters, except existence of giants or titans, are forgotten. "Men of renown" can't refer to Greek legend but does refer to some in Mahabharata.

Now, it may be somewhat hardy to suggest this, even if most changes are chronological ones and conflations. Is there anything more to suggest such a remake of memories happened?

Jean Haudry in 1981, in Les Indo-européens, the collection Que sais-je? on page 37 cites Rgveda (10.129.7) about what happened in the beginning:

"celui qui surveille ce (monde) au plus haut du firmament le sait seul - à moins qu'il ne le sache pas"

Yes, the creation hymn of the Vedas states:

6 Who verily knows and who can here declare it, whence it was born and whence comes this creation?
The Gods are later than this world's production. Who knows then whence it first came into being?
7 He, the first origin of this creation, whether he formed it all or did not form it,
Whose eye controls this world in highest heaven, he verily knows it, or perhaps he knows not.

In other words, anyone recalling Adam and Eve, anyone recalling God forming things before Adam's eyes, was simply told "shut up, we dont know" with a pseudo-pious "only God knows for sure".

With that attitude, the memories of the past can be vastly distorted in favour of reconstructions suiting the general world view of the élite - just like it was used to impose Evolutionism on Victorians and lots of Agnosticism to go with it. A bit like Dawkins or Dan Brown being told by an Anglican priest "nice boys don't ask those questions".

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Agapit of Praeneste

Praeneste natalis sancti Agapiti Martyris, qui cum esset annorum quindecim, et amore Christi ferveret, jussu Aureliani Imperatoris tentus, ac primo nervis crudis diutissime caesus, deinde sub Antiocho Praefecto graviora supplicia passus; exinde cum ex praecepto Imperatoris leonibus objiceretur, et minime laesus esset, gladio ministrorum coronandus percutitur.

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