dimanche 14 août 2022

Stone, Bronze and Iron - when and where?

Robert Carter gives incomplete and sometimes even wrong information in this post, on CMI's collective blog:

What were the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, and the Iron Age?
by Robert Carter | This article is from
Creation 44(1):18–20, April 2022

Now, let's get a few things straight.

Before the Flood, there was a Stone Age up to Tubal-Cain, everywhere, and there was a Bronze-and-Iron age with Tubal-Cain in the Nodian Civilisation, but Stone Age lasted longer in communities presumably somewhat marginal, like Amerindians, like what we seem to have found from Homo Erectus, Neanderthals, Denisovans-Antecessors-Heidelbergian - the Nodian cities are however lost.

After the Flood, there was a Stone age (without Neanderthals or Denisovans) for 350 years on a mostly huneter gatherer basis : while Noah was a husbandman, a farmer, more precisely a vineyard owner, he was probably only doing prototypes on small scales of later agriculture. The earliest wine we have archaeologically found is from after Babel. One reason why hunting gathering was the thing was of course the Ice Age. And one reason for stone tools and wood and bone tools was, ores had not been refound yet.

Comes the Younger Dryas, around the death of Noah, and a milder climate allowing Agriculture around the time of Babel (Göbekli Tepe), a k a pre-pottery Neolithic.

After Peleg was born 401 after the Flood, Babel (göbekli Tepe) ends, and only after that do we get a New Bronze Age and a New Iron Age, not Tubal Cain's, but now in separate millennia.

The New Bronze age is preceded by the Chalcolithic, which for En-Gedi - also known as Asason Tamar - ended in Genesis 14, when Abraham was between 75 and 86.

Age -  Carbon date -  Real date
Pre-Flood Stone -  prior to 40 000 BP -  prior to 2957 BC
Post-Flood Old Stone -  ends 9600 BC -  ends 2607 BC
Post-Flood New Stone -  see above
New Bronze -  starts 3500 BC -  starts 1935 BC

Sorry if it comes off as nagging, but you asked for it, Robert Carter!/HGL

PS, Chalcolithic started in Belovode, on Rudnik mountain in Serbia, carbon date 5000 BC, real date 2153 BC, a bit more than a century before Abraham was born./HGL

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