jeudi 18 mai 2023

Where Did Jesus Go?

Where Did Jesus Go? · "thy dwelling place" 3 Kings 8:30

I live a somewhat stressed life. I arrived to the Nanterre University Library a bit before 11, found it closed and realised, it is Ascension Day.

I had a little feast.

In the cyber, I am now ready to write the challenge to Heliocentrics that passed through my head when I realised it was Ascension.

Where did Jesus leave from? Mount of Olives.

Where did He arrive?

Here are some answers that do not really make much sense for a Catholic.

"Into a space ship"
Makes perfect sense to a Raelian or a New Ager, but that is hardly the position of a Catholic.

"Nowhere, He was resumed into a mode of Godhood only, as before the Incarnation"

This impugns the Incarnation. Christ did not cease to be human or cease to have a human, glorified, body, which is not a "spirit body" that's so "spiritual" it can be nowhere, when He rose or when He ascended.

The Incarnation doesn't get cancelled.

"Into another dimension"

I actually quit Palmarian Church back in late 2002 over a quote from the Palmarian catechism, provided by a Sedevacantist friend.

"The Antichrist sees the world from the fourth dimension, the Very Pure Virgin (Virgen Purísima) from the eighth dimension."

To St. Augustine, there are three dimensions of space. Not four, not eight. Just as there are Three Persons in the Blessed Trinity Who created space.

"Into another world"

Like, Narnia or Charn being other universes, separate projects of creation, in CSL's very famous fiction.

This is less obnoxious, insofar as Bishop Tempier condemned the proposition that the First Cause (i e God) could not make more than one world.

VI:9 (34). Quod causa prima non posset plures mundos facere.

34 is the listing in Bishop Tempier's original condemnation on Laetare Sunday in early 1277 (or late 1276, as they put New Year at 25 March or April 1st back then), and in the English retake, it's in chapter VI errores de deo. It's proposition 9 of that chapter.

However, this is still not what Christians have traditionally held.

"The Eucharist shows ..."

that Christ can be miraculously and in a sense exceptionally present in a place through the dimensions of another thing, transsubstantiated into His body or blood, but it presupposes there is some other place where Christ is under His own dimensions. If He's king of Heaven, arguably the foot measure in heaven is 1/6 of His body length, so where six heavenly feet of His body touch six heavenly feet of the surrounding space in Heaven.

"But where is that?"
According to St. Thomas, the Empyraean Heaven is a place, same three dimensions as ours, placed above the fix stars. I would, due to its Biblical name "heavenly Jerusalem" venture it is past whatever star thats just above Jerusalem, neither North or South and neither East or West of it, at a specific time.

The Heliocentrics obviously have a problem with that, as Heliocentrism makes the 0.76 arc seconds of α Centauri (analysed apart from the c. 20 arc seconds considered "aberration of starlight") into parallax, same star in same place observed from slightly different angles. How slight? 0.76 arc seconds = 0.000 000 586 42 of a full circle. This along with the supposition that Earth is what annually twice over moves twice the Astronomical Unit* to opposite sides of the Sun, rather than Sun doing it to opposite places in the Zodiac or Ecliptic plane, makes α Centauri c. 4 light years away, that kind of "info" about fairly many "close" stars leads to a correlation between apparent star size and distance and this leads (with some further assumptions, not necessarily inherent in Heliocentrism, but accepted by Heliocentric astronomers) to a "Milky Way galaxy" c. 88 000 light years across and this being only one of several galaxies. With Geocentrism, by contrast, we can have stars in the relevant sense, i e fix stars, 1 light day up, and that would be then slightly lower than the height of Heavenly Jerusalem above earth. That's where Christ went, that's where He is, that's where He will return from./HGL

* 150 million kilometres (93 million miles) or 8.3 light-minutes according to the wiki.

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