dimanche 3 septembre 2023

Some Observations

Creation vs. Evolution: Some Observations · Great Bishop of Geneva!: Can We Agree Pre-Adamites is Not a Christian Idea?

  1. The Film Jaws starts with a narrator voice taking evolution and millions of years for granted.
  2. Catholicism has never condemned Young Earth Creationism, but swathes of Novus Ordo Catholics are gliding away from even normal Creationist as Intelligent Design memes, or Adam being an individual, and even Trads are by now highly prone to Old Age compromise ... one would not expect Catholics to act as if Young Earth Creationism had been condemned, but they do.
  3. Murder, Arson ... would you add Jaywalking here? Well, Islamic Terrorism, forcing women to wear a veil, Crusades, Inquisition, some are very happy to put Young Earth Creationism on the same list of complaints against "religion" or "religious fanaticism" (depending on the person's lesser or greater tolerance for religion not perceived as "fanatic").

I recently saw that FB admins have started to eliminate earlier shared links to this blog.

In the group for radio-metric dating (from a Young Earth perspective), he tried to share a link which by now is standard on this blog to cite and re-cite:

New Tables

It was instantly marked as spam — though on topic in the group and I had to copy piece by piece, table by table thereof, onto the group.

I regularly appeal when such a link is removed, and regularly FB refuses to put the link back. It is intellectual vandalism, it is possibly "entrave à la liberté d'expression" ...

Le fait d'entraver, d'une manière concertée et à l'aide de coups, violences, voies de fait, destructions ou dégradations au sens du présent code, l'exercice d'une des libertés visées aux alinéas précédents est puni de trois ans d'emprisonnement et de 45 000 euros d'amende.

Article 431-1, last alinéa.

Possible translation:

The act of hindering, in a concerted manner, and by hitting, violence, skirmishes, destruction or degradation of property in the sense if this present code, the exercise of one of the liberties intimated in the previous alineas is punished by three years of prison and 45 000 euro damage payments.

Dubious part of the translation: "voies de fait" as "skirmishes" ... ah yes, it is "code pénal" and this means that "voies de fait" means some kind of aggressive physical action, it could be a light violence, like without wounding or bruising the other.

Anyway, given the seriousness of liberty of expression, what could put up a FB admin to anyway be doing this kind of thing?

One possibility is false friends I added on FB, or friends of friends who are not directly my friends, making a concerted effort of signalling links of mine as spam ... but that in its turn poses the question what put THEM up to such a thing.

Well, here is where I go back to my initial observations.

The Film Jaws starts with a narrator voice taking evolution and millions of years for granted.

In other words
lots of media, popular and paedagogic, are giving large swathes of the public with some dishonesty the impression that Evolution is the kind of thing you don't question. Two plus two is four. Earth is round. Steam and ice are water in other temperatures. A negative times a negative makes a positive. AND Earth is millions of years old, Evolution happened.

In reality, Evolution doesn't belong here. It has however gained much more following by people taking it for granted in the most varied contexts (Jaws or Kindergarden books on Dinosaurs, discussions of Ecology or discussions of psychology ... even or morals) than by frank discussions of its evidences, even those that are conducted with very great bias.

one would not expect Catholics to act as if Young Earth Creationism had been condemned, but they do

In other words
lots of big fairly old Churches have an apparent "mainstream" as far as numbers are concerned, that in practise treats Young Earth Creationism as anathema.

Lots of them are very willing to decry own members for being Young Earth Creationist.

In some cases, this is enforced by people wanting equally bad treatment for Young Earth Creationists of other religions. It seems, I read it somewhere, the moderation team on FB in France involves some pretty conservative Muslims. If they feel obliged or that it is tactical to treat outspoken Muslim Creationists as spammers, why not extend it to Christian Creationists? Unless it's some kind of follow up since my time in Sweden, after leaving prison in 2000 on the last of June. Along with some neighbourly paranoias in Rosengård.

Islamic Terrorism, forcing women to wear a veil, Crusades, Inquisition, some are very happy to put Young Earth Creationism on the same list...

In other words
they reify "religious fanaticism" and consider any given thing associated with it as associated with all of its parts, including violence and oppression.

In the process, some wreck equity, lots wreck historic veracity or due proportions, and others who may be at the receiving end of such suspicions (which is the case with Muslims in France) may enjoy an opportunity of seeing someone of another religion suffer that instead of their own.

I can also not exclude that someone "higher up" has put up FB admins to such things ...

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Moses

In monte Nebo, terrae Moab, sancti Moysis, legislatoris et Prophetae.

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