dimanche 16 juin 2024

Do Creationists Contribute to Scientific Clarity?

I think this one does:

Heredity is foundationally cellular, not genetic, and life’s history is discrete, not continuous
by Alex Williams | This article is from
Journal of Creation 28(3):73–79, December 2014

According to Davidson,* stasis is achieved at the molecular level through “recursive wiring” of kernels and regulatory “lockdowns” during embryo development. ‘Recursive wiring’ means that kernels contain information that is required at multiple stages during embryo development. The development process must refer to the kernel over and over again and as a result any change in the kernel is “disastrous”.

Erwin, D.H. and Davidson, E.H., The evolution of hierarchical gene regulatory networks, Nature Reviews Genetics 10:141–148, 2009.

Nusslein-Volhard says, “If all cells [of the embryo] have all genes [of the organism], the origin of differences arising during development of an organism must reside in the cytoplasm.” This principle of the egg having an ‘intrinsic polarity’ was established by Theodor Boveri in the 19th century.

Nusslein-Volhard, C., Coming to Life: How Genes Drive Development, Kales Press, Carlsbad, 2006.

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