samedi 25 janvier 2025

J1-Haplogroup ...

Let's see how far I get, before this is published. In the ancient samples, there are 12 carbon dates. Starting Cathedra Petri, will be published one week later ...

Haplogroup J-M267

Using my following tables:

Newer Tables: Preliminaries · Flood to Joseph in Egypt · Joseph in Egypt to Fall of Troy.

An ancient sample of J1 was found at Satsurblia Cave circa 11,000 BC, specifically belonging to the rare J1-FT34521 subclade.[27] The ancient individual from Satsurblia was male with black hair, brown eyes, and light skin.

In 2013, archaeologists found a temporal bone fragment of an ancient human in the cave. Direct AMS dating of the bone yielded an estimated date of 13,300 BP for the age of the bone. Researchers successfully extracted DNA from the petrous part of the temporal bone and managed to recover low coverage genomes.[8]

11,300 BC
Satsurblia temporal bone

2647 BC
33.784 pmC, dated as 11,618 BC
2634 BC
37.009 pmC, dated as 10,851 BC

(2647 + 2647 + 2647 + 2634 + 2634) / 5 = 2641.8
(33.784 + 33.784 + 33.784 + 37.009 + 37.009) / 5 = 35.074 pmC

5730 * log(0.35074) / log(0.5) + 2641.8 = 11,303 BC

2691 BC
Eber born, Noah, Shem, Arphaxad and Shela still alive as well
2647 BC
33.784 pmC, dated as 11,618 BC
2641 BC
35.074 pmC, dated as 11,303 BC
2634 BC
37.009 pmC, dated as 10,851 BC

A member of haplogroup J1-M267 is found among eastern hunter-gatherers from Karelia, Northeast Europe living ~ 8.3 kya. This branch is absent in other ancient European hunter-gatherers. Unfortunately, it is not possible to put this sample in the context of the current haplogroup J1-M267 variation because of the poor quality of the DNA sequence.[3]

6300 BC

2373 BC
61.194 pmC, dated as 6433 BC
2361 BC
Shelah died
2350 BC (!)
62.358 pmC, dated as 6254 BC

(2373 + 2350 + 2350) / 3 = 2358 BC
(61.194 + 62.358 + 62.358) / 3 = 61.97 pmC

5730 * log(0.6197) / log(0.5) + 2357.6666666666666667 = 6313 BC

2373 BC
61.194 pmC, dated as 6433 BC
2361 BC
Shelah died
2358 BC
61.97 pmC, dated as 6313 BC
2350 BC (!)
62.358 pmC, dated as 6254 BC

Olivieri et al. found a J1c3 haplotype in one of their ancient samples from Sardinia, dated to 6190–6000 calBP.[26]

4240 BC

2074 BC
76.074 pmC, dated as 4335 BC
2051 BC
77.1968 pmC, dated as 4191 BC

(2074 + 2051 + 2051) / 3 = 2058.6666666666666667
(76.074 + 77.1968 + 77.1968) / 3 = 76.8225333333333333

5730 * log(0.768225333333333333) / log(0.5) + 2058.6666666666666667 = 4238

3950 BC

2028 BC
78.316 pmC, dated as 4048 BC
2016 BC
Abraham born
2005 BC
79.432 pmC, dated as 3909 BC

(2028 + 2005 + 2005) / 3 = 2012.6666666666666667
(78.316 + 79.432 + 79.432) / 3 = 79.06

5730 * log(0.7906) / log(0.5) + 2012.6666666666666667 = 3955

2088 BC
Reu died
2086 BC
Terah born
2059 BC
76.8225333 pmC, dated as 4238 BC
2051 BC
77.1968 pmC, dated as 4191 BC
2028 BC
78.316 pmC, dated as 4048 BC
2016 BC
Abraham born
2013 BC
79.06 pmC, dated as 3955 BC
2005 BC
79.432 pmC, dated as 3909 BC

Tell Kurdu
One out of 4 male individuals from Tell Kurdu who lived circa 5706-5622 BC, belonged to J1-L620.[28][29]

2295 BC
Serug born
2281 BC
65.83 pmC, dated as 5737 BC
2258 BC
66.981 pmC, dated as 5571 BC

(2281 + 2281 + 2281 + 2281 + 2258) / 5 = 2276 BC
(65.83 + 65.83 + 65.83 + 65.83 + 66.981) / 5 = 66.0602 pmC

5730 * log(0.660602) / log(0.5) + 2276.4 = 5704 BC

(2281 + 2258 + 2258) / 3 = 2266 BC
(65.83 + 66.981 + 66.981) / 3 = 66.59733333333333333333 pmC

5730 * log(0.66.59733333333333333333) / log(0.5) + 2265.6666666666666667 = 5626 BC

2295 BC
Serug born
2281 BC
65.83 pmC, dated as 5737 BC
2276 BC
66.0602 pmC, dated as 5704 BC
2266 BC
66.597333 pmC, dated as 5626 BC
2258 BC
66.981 pmC, dated as 5571 BC

Arslantepe archaeological complex
One out of 18 male individuals from Arslantepe who lived c. 3491-3122 BC, belonged to haplogroup J1-Z1824.[22][23]

1936 BC
82.763 pmC, dated as 3500 BC
Ishmael born
1916 BC
Isaac born.
83.166 pmC, dated as 3440 BC

(1936 + 1936 + 1936 + 1936 + 1916) / 5 = 1932 BC
(82.763 + 82.763 + 82.763 + 82.763 + 83.166) / 5 = 82.8436 pmC

5730 * log(0.828436) / log(0.5) + 1932 = 3488 BC

1818 BC
85.169 pmC, dated as 3145 BC
1816 BC
Esau is 40, Jacob goes to Laban
1798 BC
85.566 pmC, dated as 3087 BC

(1818 + 1798) / 2 = 1808 BC
(85.169 + 85.566) / 2 = 85.3675 pmC

5730 * log(0.853675) / log(0.5) + 1808 = 3116 BC

1936 BC
82.763 pmC, dated as 3500 BC
1932 BC
82.8436 pmC, dated as 3488 BC
Ishmael born
1916 BC
Isaac born.
83.166 pmC, dated as 3440 BC
1818 BC
85.169 pmC, dated as 3145 BC
1816 BC
Esau is 40, Jacob goes to Laban
1808 BC
85.3675 pmC, dated as 3116 BC
1798 BC
85.566 pmC, dated as 3087 BC

Ancient city of Ebla
Three out of 6 individuals from Ebla who lived between 2565-1896 BC, belonged to J1-P58.[24][25] Ebla was an ancient East Semitic-speaking city and kingdom in Syria in the early Bronze age that was destroyed by the Akkadians.

Alalakh Amorite city-state
Five out 12 male individuals from Alalakh who lived between 1930-1325 BC, belonged to haplogroup J1-P58.[20][21]

2565 BC

1678 BC
89.449 pmC, dated as 2600 BC
1656 BC
91.353 pmC, dated as 2404 BC

(1678 + 1678 + 1678 + 1678 + 1656) / 5 = 1674 BC
(89.449 + 89.449 + 89.449 + 89.449 + 91.353) / 5 = 89.8298 pmC

5730 * log(0.898298) / log(0.5) + 1673.6 = 2560 BC

1930 BC
1896 BC

1612 BC
95.145 pmC, dated as 2023 BC
1590 BC
97.033 pmC, dated as 1839 BC

(1612 + 1590) / 2 = 1601 BC
(95.145 + 97.033) / 2 = 96.089 pmC

5730 * log(0.96089) / log(0.5) + 1601 = 1931 BC

(1612 + 1612 + 1590 + 1590 + 1590 + 1590 + 1590) / 7 = 1596 BC
(95.145 + 95.145 + 97.033 + 97.033 + 97.033 + 97.033 + 97.033) / 7 = 96.49357142857 pmC

5730 * log(0.9649357142857142857) / log(0.5) + 1596.2857142857142857 = 1891 BC

1325 BC

1301 BC
99.608 pmC, dated as 1333 BC
1276 BC
99.687 pmC, dated as 1302 BC

(1301 + 1301 + 1301 + 1276) / 4 = 1294.75
(99.608 + 99.608 + 99.608 + 99.687) / 4 = 99.62775

5730 * log(0.9962775) / log(0.5) + 1294.75 = 1326

The following is, from the old DNA samples above, the timeline of haplogroup J1:

2641 BC
35.074 pmC, dated as 11,303 BC
2361 BC
Shelah died
2358 BC
61.97 pmC, dated as 6313 BC
2295 BC
Serug born
2276 BC
66.0602 pmC, dated as 5704 BC
2266 BC
66.597333 pmC, dated as 5626 BC
2088 BC
Reu died
2086 BC
Terah born
2059 BC
76.8225333 pmC, dated as 4238 BC
2016 BC
Abraham born
2013 BC
79.06 pmC, dated as 3955 BC
1932 BC
82.8436 pmC, dated as 3488 BC
1930 BC
Ishmael born
1916 BC
Isaac born.
83.166 pmC, dated as 3440 BC
1816 BC
Esau is 40, Jacob goes to Laban
1808 BC
85.3675 pmC, dated as 3116 BC

1726 BC—1511 BC

1674 BC
89.8298 pmC, dated as 2560 BC
1601 BC
96.089 pmC, dated as 1931 BC
1596 BC
96.493571428 pmC, dated as 1891 BC

1471 BCC—1033 BC
Judges period to anointing of King David

1295 BC
99.62775 pmC, dated as 1326 BC

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