mardi 24 septembre 2024

Does the Lagar Velho Child Disprove my View of Neanderthals?

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Two YEC Happy about Testable and Confirmed Predictions · Creation vs. Evolution: Does the Lagar Velho Child Disprove my View of Neanderthals?

Lagar Velho 1

Lagar Velho 1, also known as the Lagar Velho boy or Lapedo child, is a complete prehistorical skeleton found in Portugal, believed to be a hybrid that had a Neanderthal parent and an anatomically modern human parent.

So, one Neanderthal parent.

The remains, the largely complete skeleton of an approximately 4-year-old child, buried with pierced shell and red ochre, is dated to ca. 24,500 years BP.

So, post-Flood.

Closer to:

2787 av. J.-Chr.*
8,996 pcm, donc daté à 22 687 av. J.-Chr.

than to:

2762 av. J.-Chr.*
10,036 pcm, donc daté à 21 762 av. J.-Chr.

So, close to 2770 ~ 2780 BC, around 200 years after the Flood a four year old child has one full Neanderthal parent ... that doesn't seem to be OK with all full Neanderthals dying in the Flood, does it?

Now, let's go to the source material. The quotes given both have a footnote 1, which doesn't include a reference to palaeogenetics, as far as I saw when skimming through:

The early Upper Paleolithic human skeleton from the Abrigo do Lagar Velho (Portugal) and modern human emergence in Iberia
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1999 Jun 22; 96(13): 7604–7609. Cidalia Duarte et al.

The conclusion is from the morphology. It could mean 1 parent "modern human" and 1 parent Neanderthal. But it could also mean 2 grandparents "modern human" and 2 grandparents Neanderthal. Or 4 greatgrandparents "modern human" and 4 great-grandparents Neanderthal ... or perhaps a ratio of 5 to 3? If Japheth's wife was half Neanderthal, having a Neanderthal father, and if Japheth also was half or quarter Neanderthal, like Noah's wife or mother being Neanderthal, then a child born of Japheth and his wife could show such features. I take Japheth as an example because I guess Western Europe would be where Japhethites went, both spreading before Babel and dispersing to their homes after Babel.

If however the Lagar Velho child had a Neanderthal Y-chromosome or Neanderthal mitochondriae, that would disprove my theory** that both of these were absent on the Ark and Neanderthals vanished in the Flood. But checking the other three footnotes to the wikipedian article, none of them indicate the boy was ever tested for the Y-chromosome or for overall DNA sequencing. My prediction is, neither Y-chromosomes, nor mitochondriae will be of the Neanderthal type, if ever he is tested.

Now we come to a difference of approach between Old Earth and Young Earth.

When "Thorin" is dated to 42,000 BP / 40,000 BC and the Lagar Velho child to 24,500 BP / 22,500 BC, if we take these dates at face value, obviously "Thorin" cannot be the actual last full bred Neanderthal, he would just be the last we have found so far. But if we take them instead as some time before 2957 BC (Flood of Noah) and c. 2780 BC (in the pre-Babel and post-Flood period, as my recalibration* supports, then it is pretty plausible. Especially with the lifespans of early patriarchs.***

Hans Georg Lundahl
Our Lady of Mercies

Festum beatae Mariae Virginis de Mercede nuncupatae, Ordinis redemptionis captivorum sub ejus nomine Institutricis, de cujus Apparitione agitur quarto Idus Augusti.

* Latest version of my recalibration on:

New blog on the kid: Mes plus récentes tables de carbone 14
Wednesday 1 May 2024, Posted by Hans Georg Lundahl at 09:28

** Or other theories of mine which I currently find even less doubtful.

*** Genesis 11 and their cousins in the non-Shem and non-Arphaxad lineages.

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