lundi 16 septembre 2024

Three Questions on Quora

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Babel's Confusion was Not a Curse · Creation vs. Evolution: Three Questions on Quora

Usually the format "my answers to questions on quora" (with or without debates that follow up) would be on the blog Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere

But by theme, these belong here as well:

If I were a true blooded creationist to the bone, what would you say to me to try and convince me of evolution?

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Blog : "". Debating evolutionists for 15 years +.
6 years ago
*loook deeeeeeep into my eyyyyyes, sleeeeeeeep*

And even that would probably fail, since creationism makes good sense.

Who discovered Adam and Eve first?

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Self Employed at Writer and Composer
6 years ago
They did (God didn’t discover them, He knew all along He was creating them).

THEN their posterity preserved the record.

If creation has been proven false, why don't we bury it and put the matter to rest once and for all?

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Blog : "". Debating evolutionists for 15 years +.
6 years ago
"If creation has been proven false,"

It hasn't. But answering the rest, I'll suppose for a moment the truth were false and had been proven so.

"why don't we bury, put the matter to rest once and for all?"

Because there are those guys who actually will not believe those proofs to be definite. This means that there is no human social unanimity on how to treat the matter.

Also, among Evolutionists, who "know the truth", there is no unanimity on how to treat Creationists.

Some debate, some want to treat Creationists like people one could "section", a word I just learned and which I suppose means to put them in mental hospital.

So, the answer to the matter is, disunion among men.

Back to what I really believe : this disunion is predictable by Creationism, since it includes Tower of Babel (Genesis 11).

See also:

New blog on the kid: I Usually Would Have Taken This on Another Blog: How did the biblical story of creation survive the flood?

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