dimanche 29 septembre 2024


What Would the Carbon 14 Production Speed be with the Biblical Minimum Age of the Earth? · [Continued]

Flood 39 000 BP = 37 050 BC
37050 - 2280 = 34770 extra years 1.49 pmC
Babel event 8000 BC
8000 - 2179 = 5821 extra years 49.453 pmC

Or, suppose Peleg was born when Babel was starting, his name was a prophecy?

Supppose Babel fell and the prophecy was fulfilled only when he was 40 years old?

That differs from what Historia scholastica says, namely:

Post obitum vero Noe, moventes pedes suos ab Oriente, convenerunt duces in unum, in campum Sennaar, et timentes diluvium, consilio Nemrod volentis regnare, coeperunt aedificare turrim, quae pertingeret usque ad coelos, habentes lateres pro saxis, et bitumen pro caemento. ... Tamen Augustinus dicit: Merito quaeritur utrum ab Heber dicti sunt Hebraei, vel ab Abraham quasi Abrahaei. Heber genuit Phaleg, et Jectan. Phaleg Hebraice divisio, eo quod in diebus ejus, pro divisione linguarum, divisae sunt gentes, et divisio terrarum facta, sed sub isto praecipue facta dicitur, quia in isto, et in filiis ejus remanente lingua antiqua, alii quasi ab eo divisi sunt...*

But that theoretically could be because of rationalising the wrong chronology.

Flood 39 000 BP = 37 050 BC
37050 - 2280 = 34770 extra years 1.49 pmC

Flood to Babel
101 years, 98.786 % reduction, 1.214 pmC replacement, 32.754 times as fast production.

Babel began 9500 BC
9500 - 2179 = 7321 extra years 41.246 pmC

During Babel
40 years, 99.517 % reduction, 0.483 pmC replacement, 16.919 times as fast production.

Babel ended 8000 BC
8000 - 2139 = 5861 extra years 49.214 pmC

Babel to Genesis 14
231 years, 97.244 % reduction, 2.756 pmC replacement, 12.565 times as fast production.

Genesis 14, Abraham 80, 3500 BC
3500 - 1908 = 1592 extra years 82.483 pmC

Genesis 14 to fall of Jericho
465 years, 94.53 % reduction, 5.47 pmC replacement, 3.792 times as fast.

Jericho falls 1550 BC
1550 - 1443 = 107 extra years 98.714 pmC

What pharaos would one come to?

Abraham 75, promise 1913 BC
1913 - 240 = 1673 BC for ... Djoser?

Exodus 1483 BC
1483 + 80 = 1563 BC for ... Sesostris III?

465, 3.792 times as fast =
97.197 % reduction, 10.628 pmC actual replacement
+ 110,
98.678 % reduction, 5.012 pmC actual replacement
+ 120,
98.559 % reduction, 5.465 pmC actual replacement

The results do not totally map to Djoser or Sesostris III, but ...

Genesis 14 to Pharao I
1908, 82.483 pmC
1908 - 235 = 1673 BC
82.483 pmC to 90.799 pmC, 800 extra years
1673 + 800 = 2473 BC, presumably Fifth Dynasty

By contrast, Djoser was Third Dynasty

Pharao I to Pharao II
1673, 90.799 pmC
1673 - 110 = 1563 BC
90.799 pmC to 94.611** pmC, 460 extra years
1563 + 460 = 2023 BC, presumably Eleventh Dynasty

By contrast, Sesostris III was Twelfth Dynasty

Pharao II to fall of Jericho
1563, 94.611 pmC
1563 - 120 = 1443
94.611 pmC to 98.713 pmC, 110 extra years
1443 + 110 = 1553 BC

If we get into the last bit and divide the lifespan of Moses into 3 parts ...?

40 years
99.517 % reduction, 0.483 pmC normal replacement, times 3.792, so 1.832 pmC actual replacement.

Pharao II to Pharao III
1563, 94.611 pmC
1563 - 40 = 1523 BC
94.611 pmC to 95.986 pmC, 340 extra years
1523 + 340 = 1863 BC ... Senusret II, or sth?

Pharao III to Pharao IV
1523, 95.986 pmC
1523 - 40 = 1483 BC
95.986 pmC to 97.353 pmC, 220 extra years
1483 + 220 = 1703 BC, Thirteenth Dynasty, for instance Merneferre Ay

Pharao IV to fall of Jericho
1483, 97.353 pmC
1483 - 40 = 1443 BC
97.353 to 98.715 pmC, 110 extra years
1443 + 110 = 1553 BC

Are Djoser and Sesostris III excluded as Pharaos I and II? No, but the carbon 14 growth would be less regular.

It is also possible, the idea that all (not just the Old Testament) ends within 6 millennia was a mistake and Apocalypse of Paul which purports to support it was a mistake. That would by the way already be the case if you added second Cainan to an otherwise MT chronology. So, if you want to use 6 millennia in support for MT, you would need to take out second Cainan, as a copyist mistake, just as you do for the chronology of the Roman Martyrology. Or you could add the second Cainan, and then use the Samaritan text for the pre-Flood times.*** So, we could not make this choice because of the Vulgate, since either chosing Samaritan for Genesis 5 or taking away II Cainan from Luke 3 would be contrary to the text of the Vulgate.

Hans Georg Lundahl
ut supra
uel infra in bloggo

* I translate:

But after the the death of Noah, moving their feet from the East, the leaders assembled together, into the field of Shinar, and fearing a Flood, by council of Nimrod wanting to rule, started to build a tower, which would reach unto the heavens, having bricks for stones, and slime for mortar. ... But Augustine says: It's deservedly asked whether the Hebrews are named for Heber, or from Abraham, like "Abrahews". Heber begat Phaleg and Jectan. Phaleg is in Hebrew division, because in his days, for the division of languages, the peoples were divided, and the division of lands made, but is said to be made under him, mainly, because in him, and in his sons, the old language remained and the rest were so to speak divided from him ...

Note, "the leaders" ... meaning a spread of populations as to common people would already have been made before Babel.

** 94.611 = 94.61134268178113873025426669319515 ... appropriate enough for the child killing pharao.

*** Plus second Cainan = plus 128 years. Samaritan for MT = minus 349 years. In that case, and given the 6000 years max, we would have 261 years instead of 40 before the ultimate limit. With my remake, adding two more millennia, because the Creation Days of the New Creation, 7223 AM is a few centuries short of 8000 AM, and even of 8 * 930 years, 8 * Adam's lifespan, namely 7440 AM.

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