lundi 31 décembre 2018

Quick Take on Sandstone in Egypt

Potholer54 in a video on Egyptian chronology disputes building of Saqqarah Pyramid at 2100 or 2000 BC on the ground that so early after Flood (2348 BC in Ussher*) sandstone would still have been wet sand, and this including the sandstone quarries in Egypt, since there was nothing on top of them and so no pressure to quickly turn them into sandstone.

  • 1) While the sandstone quarry is near surface, this need not have always been so, plenty of sand in Sahara which might once have been weighing down on those sandstone quarries to press them into sandstone:
  • 2) and what if the pressure was in fact lateral rather than perpendicular?

I don't think all of Egypt is a sandstone quarry, those could be pretty small as a portion of Egypt./HGL

* Quick calculation here:


1 commentaire:

  1. According to my calculations later on, a 2000 BC carbon date involves a real date of 1610 BC, which is 1387 years after the Flood.
