mardi 15 octobre 2019

What would Hindus Think of YEC?

What would Hindus Think of YEC? · Young Nimrod = Hanuman? Reference Found

Let's check what their religion says about the timeline so far and up to end of the present "Mahā-Yuga".

Satya Yuga
Treta Yuga
Dvapara Yuga
Kali Yuga
432,000 (complete)
/ 3102 BC + 2019 AD = 5121 (so far)

1,728,000 + 1,278,000 + 864,000 + 432,000 = 4,302,000
1,728,000 + 1,278,000 + 864,000 + 5121 = 3,875,121

Obviously, Hinduism does not really give people any relish for Young Earth Creationism. Man present all time? Fine with them (as contrasted with evolutionists) but according to them, examples would be human metal tools dated 1 million years ago or 1/2 million years ago, accepted as actually being so old.

In other words, while Hindus have a sectarian bias against pure Evolutionism, they equally have one against Biblical Creationism.

The only time span I consider as any thing like valid in all this, is Kali Yuga, as being from death of a Cainite hero recalled by Hindus as Krishna. Krishna and Kush mean the same thing, swarty, but I think Ham's son was rather named after Krishna than identic to him.

3102 BC = 145 years before the Flood (in 2957 BC according to Roman Martyrology). Supposing the Hindus go by years of 360 days (not sure of details in Hindu calendar) or in some times went by it (the Yugas are multiples of 1200 "divine years" and each is 360 "human years"), this would make the 5121 years since then 5047 and a half Gregorian (mostly proleptic) years. And 3028 BC is still before the Flood.

This is my clue to Mahabharata being pre-Flood. As I am no Hindu, I have no reason to believe Ramayana is thousands of years or even one thousand years earlier than Mahabharata, nor that Rama and Krishna were Avatars of Vishnu.

My clue to Krishna's identity is Genesis 4:21 And his brother's name was Jubal; he was the father of them that play upon the harp and the organs.

My clue to Rama's identity is Genesis 10:7 And the sons of Chus: Saba, and Hevila, and Sabatha, and Regma, and Sabatacha. The sons of Regma: Saba and Dadan.

And Hanuman's?

I was looking for the passage in Josephus where Nimrod started out as a kind brother, helping his brothers against a Japhethite agressor. I didn't find it. Then I was looking in Historia Scholastica for the passage where Nimrod started out as a kind brother, helping his brothers against a Japhethite agressor. I didn't find it there either. I have not yet checked if it was in "Jasher" which is arguably not the real book of Jasher ... I sometimes do "mislay" references.

So, my hunch if there really is such a reference, as I hope this is not a fake memory, is, Rama / Regma was thankful for the help, but wanted to forget the drafting to Tower of Babel, and therefore remembered only the good parts of Nimrod (ok, if Nimrod tried to make himself a ape-chimera while becoming a giant, that was bad and if this happened, it may have contributed to the monkey shape of Hanuman). But this did not just mean forgetting about the tower (and about linguistic diversity, to a Hindu, any non-Sanskrit language is debased Sanskrit / any non-Dravidian etc, depending from where in India you come), but since Nimrod meant the tower as a new ark, they wanted to forget the Flood too, and therefore pretended to live straight in continuity with pre-Flood Nodian civilisation (my clue to Bharat's identity is double : And Cain knew his wife, and she conceived, and brought forth Henoch: and he built a city, and called the name thereof by the name of his son Henoch. Genesis 4:17. And Henoch lived sixty-five years, and begot Mathusala. And Henoch walked with God: and lived after he begot Mathusala, three hundred years, and begot sons and daughters. And all the days of Henoch were three hundred and sixty-five years. And he walked with God, and was seen no more: because God took him. Genesis 5:21-24. - Bharat is both city builder and raptured in Hinduism.*)

But one could not simply forget Rama being a coloniser (post-Flood), so Rama was placed before Bharat, and therefore misplaced into pre-Flood times.

I just checked that Hindu historiography has a gap of about 2500 years from death of Krishna to later known times. Perhaps my check-up is superficial, I'm awaiting possible correction on it, but this is what I have from one Soma Hanikeri on youtube, commenting under a video by Overly Sarcastic Productions on Ancient India. She's free to update me, if she finds out otherwise.

These are anyway my correlations between Indian semi-history and Genesis fully historic but very reduced in detail history.

And back to the beginning : as they believe the world has been around with shifts of "covenant" but no awaking and re-dreaming of Brahma since nearly 4 million years, I don't count on their religious sympathy for Young Earth Creationism. Their religious bias is in favour of some aspects of Evolutionism, especially Old Earth.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Bibliothèque Marguérite Audoux
St. Theresa of Avila

* For those unfamiliar with Genesis 4 and 5 - they are talking of two different Henoch, the son of Cain and the son of Jared.

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