mercredi 29 janvier 2020

Bill Nye and Space Rocks

Creation vs. Evolution : Bill Nye Incompetent in Debate · somewhere else : Bill Nye on Historic Science · Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : Bill Nye on Japanese Tradition · somewhere else : Bill Nye on ... Pantheism? Hegelianism? · Creation vs. Evolution : Bill Nye and Space Rocks

Same video.


"I have purchased a Martian meteorite. From a guy in Colorado who collects them."

It seems that the trade in relics is not of the past. Indeed, in the Roman Catholic discipline, there were some severe regulations against trading in the actual sense of the word. Though not always fully functioning. Bill said "purchased".


"When you go to Antarctica, and you find rocks on top of the ice, where did the rocks come from?"

Well, as amateur Flood geologist, I'd say, from rocks crashed miles and miles away by the Flood of Noah ...


"There are no mountains anywhere around. They came from space."

Well, if Bill is not a Flood geologist, that's probably his option .... reminds me a bit of von Däniken and Hancock : not explaining Homo sapiens genome or human culture by purely natural process, and not believing the Biblical versions, they go to - space. Where Nimrod arguably was trying to go./HGL

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