mercredi 1 janvier 2020

For Those New to my Blog Here or to my Blogs

Mungo Woman and Homo Erectus · For Those New to my Blog Here or to my Blogs

It can be mentioned, when I give carbon dates for Mungo Woman in previous, I don't pretend or think these carbon dates are the actual dates, but I think their direction generally reflects them.

I just came across another explanation why her collagen seemed older than her bone apatite.

We suppose as I usually do carbon 14 level is rising, and we also suppose, as I think is reasonable, collagen replaces carbon quicker than bone apatite.

Well, I suppose her diet the last years had been richer in foods giving a slight reservoir effect, of some only 9.008 pmC instead of 17.951 pmC.

So, the extra years - ghost years due to carbon mirage - were 19900 instead of just 14200.

But, this means, I am counting on these dates prior to creation of the world to be precisely, in carbon, due to ghost years due to rising carbon content.

Here is one of the tables, where I am making these kind of precisions:

Creation vs. Evolution : Table for St Jerome as per Preliminary Conclusion

One can also add, Tas (link see previous post) is arguably wrong on why Carbon 14 ratio is rising from a low level after the Flood:

Wrong dates are usually caused by assuming a wrong initial 14C/12C ratio, contamination or leaching. Samples from before the Flood, or from the early post-Flood period, give ages that are too old by tens of thousands of years. This is because the Flood buried lots of 12C-rich plants and animals. This would result in a lower 14C/12C ratio, which is wrongly interpreted as great age.

I most definitely agree in early years after the Flood we have a lower 14C/12C ratio and that it is wrongly interpreted as great age.

But burying plants rich in 12C would not immediately lower the 14C/12C ratio, if anything rather speed up the lifting of it. So, I disagree with Tas Walker (and behind him probably RATE project) on mechanism for lower 14C/12C ratio then than now or higher 14C/12C ratio now than then.

My own proposed mechanism involves speedier 14C production after the Flood, and this mainly in order to give the Ice Age and also to hasten some mutations lowering human lifespans.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Circumcision of the Lord

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