mardi 22 mars 2022

What If Adam Became a Man - When he Became a Man?

Theological Consequences · Jimmy Akin on Patristic and Scientific Expertise. · Child Adam? · Archaic Actual Humans or Apes in Human Shapes? · What If Adam Became a Man - When he Became a Man? · Tolkien's Elves Are Not the Key to Cain's Wife or Adam's Growth

It appears my benefactor did not want to add anything, he thought the ones holding Adam was born to non-human beings automatically held that Adam was himself born non-human. But in Archaic Actual Humans or Apes in Human Shapes? I was mainly considering what if he had been born the image of God to progenitors themselves not such. I only mentioned the idea of himself becoming human as adult in one paragraph./updated 2 days later, HGL

My benefactor Stephan Borgehammar wanted to add [inspired me to add] to the scenario in Child Adam and in previous. Namely by considering another supposition.*

Supposing Adam had a young-hood which was not a human childhood, but God made him, over again, this time in His image, when he became an adult.

First problem: when would that be? Reaching puberty or more like reaching twenty, thirty?

According to the Biblical narrative, taken at face value, Adam had a few hours to name beasts and then go to sleep, before he woke up with Eve at his side.

In this view, there are two possibilities. We'll go by what the ages mean in terms of modern, post-Flood, human anatomy.

Adam becomes a man at twenty sth - meaning he had miserable teens as finding no mate. Or he did find one or more than one, so he had lots of not really human young ones, before he started his God given marriage.

Adam became a man at 14 sth - meaning he is confronted with temptation while his urges are naturally very strong.

Sure, on the traditional view, however strong his urges for whatever thing, God had given him all the means sufficient (and some more) to resist temptation. But would this not be, on the other view here envisaged, a kind of curbing of Adam's previous nature? We need some curbing of ours now, because Adam fell, but would an as yet sinless man have been perfectly happy with such curbing?

Or, he spent years with Eve before falling, meaning he had children in paradise who didn't inherit his fall, or that he and Eve refrained from following out God's blessing, Increase and multiply, and fill the earth, and why would they actually be slow to do so, when perfectly obedient to God?

Apart from obviously, if Adam recalled all he had lived as a beast (speaking on this supposition) he would have had occasion for shame, even without nakedness and the fruit. So, no, this scenario too is against the goodness of God towards a man who had not sinned. As is also perfect oblivion, since irretrievable (non-momentary) oblivion is a privation.

And again, if this were the case not just with Adam but with more than one person intermarried to his children, and they became human only after being joined to someone already human (sounds some Evolution believing theologians believe in The Little Mermaid where an actual soul is only needed to go to heaven and all social fuctions of a man can be provided for without it), this would entail a kind of rape, since the as yet beastial only anatomically human individual could not give a valid freewilled consent to marriage before being human. And if God had made some of them human beforehand, this would have been unconditionally, and so we would have had, what the Catholic faith forbids us, several strains of mankind starting out with cursed but personally not yet fallen secondary Adams.

So, no, this doesn't work very well either.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Paul of Narbonne

Narbone, in Gallia, natalis sancti Pauli Episcopi, Apostolorum discipuli, quem tradunt fuisse Sergium Paulum Proconsulem. Hic, a beato Apostolo Paulo baptizatus, et ab eo, cum in Hispaniam pergeret, apud Narbonem relictus, ibidem Episcopali dignitate donatus est; ibique, praedicationis officio non segniter expleto, clarus miraculis migravit in caelum.

* To not misquote him, his actual words were, he had not considered the implication of it, while the main implications I were dealing with in previous were the scenario Adam being born human by non-humans, born with a rational soul by anatomic "humans" not having such. I mentioned Adam humanised as adult only in passing, so I took this as a prompt to deal more fully with it. If some uncautious reader got the impression he believed this scenario, read my words again, it is not what I said.

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