samedi 16 novembre 2024

Pavlovian and Gravettian, with the Burial of Dolní Věstonice

I'm starting to view a video by The Prehistory Guys about the Dolní Věstonice Burial.* In parallel, I see the wiki about the Gravettian.

Pavlovian 29,000—25,000 BP
Gravettian 27,000—20,000 BC (according to video)
/ Gravettian 33,000—22,000 BP (according to wiki)
Dolní Věstonice Burial 26,000 BP

Let's uniformitise into BC.

31,000 BC
Early start of Gravettian
27,000 BC
Late start of Gravettian, start of Pavlovian
24,000 BC
Dolní Věstonice Burial
23,000 BC
End of Pavlovian
20,000 BC
End of Gravettian

Other Revision of I-II ? (also available as part of Mes plus récentes tables de carbone 14) and LXX without II Cainan gives this:

Birth of Arphaxad
2956 BC

2933 BC
2.69 pmC, so dated 32833 BC

31,000 BC
Early start of Gravettian

2918 BC
3.749 pmC, so dated 30018 BC
2884 BC
4.804 pmC, so dated 27984 BC

27,000 BC
Late start of Gravettian, start of Pavlovian

2860 BC
5.857 pmC, so dated 26310 BC

24,000 BC
Dolní Věstonice Burial
Birth of Shelah
2821 BC

2811 BC
7.952 pmC, so dated 23761 BC

23,000 BC
End of Pavlovian

2787 BC
8.996 pmC, so dated 22687 BC
2738 BC
11.073 / 11.069 pmC, so dated 20938 BC

20,000 BC
End of Gravettian

2712 BC
17.576 pmC, so dated 17062 BC

Birth of Eber
2691 BC

So, Noah, Shem and Arphaxad are all born before this era, Shelah midway, close to the Dolní Věstonice Burial, Eber just after all of this, none of them die during this period. In other words, people dying back then would have been dying prematurely.

I just got more than expected confirmation in the video that the three buried people died prematurely. The middle one was disabled,** and yes, it's a man, "behind" him was a brother, and "before" him was a cousin or half brother holding his hand to his pelvis. If you ask me, a disabled person could have become involved in a homosexual relation, without the younger full brother stepping in to prevent it, and all three got executed ... or died in an act of divine justice. The placing of the hand was (if so) meant to give clues, possibly only to God on Doomsday, about why the three were dead. Obviously, God wouldn't forget, but we don't know for certain how good the theologians were around this burial.

In fact, we do not know exactly what happened. It could have been a hunting accident, the man in the middle could have been mortally wounded in the genitals area, the two others could have died trying to save him, and failing and dying in their turn.

The carnivore teeth around the man holding his hand to his cousin's or half brother's pelvis could symbolise he was a sexual predator, or could be the teeth of a pack of carnivores, that was posthumously accorded to him as "brave hunter" while the real killer of the beasts deferred to the dead man who had sacrificed his life. Both are possible, as long as we have no verbal evidence of what happened, only the physical traces.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Gertrude

(16.XI) Sanctae Gertrudis Virginis, cujus natalis sequenti die recensetur.
(17.XI) Helpithi, in Saxonia, item natalis sanctae Gertrudis, Virginis, ex Ordine sancti Benedicti, quae dono revelationum clara exstitit. Ipsius tamen festivitas pridie hujus diei celebratur.

* The BIZARRE, 26,000 year old TRIPLE BURIAL of Dolní Věstonice
The Prehistory Guys | 4 Dec. 2022

** The video mentions Chondrodysplasia punctata, but some parts of the video do not match any of the subsets of the condition.

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