mardi 24 décembre 2024

Newer Tables, Flood to Joseph in Egypt

Newer Tables: Preliminaries · Flood to Joseph in Egypt · Joseph in Egypt to Fall of Troy.

I, the Flood

It's a Biblical event, and it left traces. The thing is just knowing what traces that carbon date are from the Flood. And I'd say the supereruption of Campi Flegrei cuts the bill.

That eruption gave a marked decline of Neanderthals that I consider as pre-Flood, and no bodies or body parts of pure Neanderthals have been found after the date. A recent discovery named "Thorin" as the last Neanderthal.

Thorin, the last Neanderthal
52 min documentary directed by Pascal Cuissot produced by Fred Hilgemann Films (ARTE, 2024)

The date of Thorin was 42 000 BP or 40 000 BC, fits a Flood in carbon dated 39 000 BP or 37 000 BC pretty well. The Gorham caves show Neanderthal typical artefacts with charcoal that's younger, but no actual Neanderthal that's younger./HGL


Starts out 2958 BC,
1.6277 pmC, dated as 37 000 BC

2956 BC
Arphaxad born

2958-2738 = 220 years
10 * 22 years
3.611 times as fast

0.9973422400389199 * = decay
0.0026577599610801 = normal replacement

Replacement in these sections
0.96 pmC points

Long calculation of first stop

2958 - 22 = 2936
0.9973422400389199 * 0.0162771032469586 = 0.01623384261366646654192530401614
0.01623384261366646654192530401614 + 0.0095981000845884760579187626401557034644682299180800131735112968
= 0.0258319426982549425998440666562957034644682299180800131735112968

x = 5730 * log(0.0258319426982549425998440666562957034644682299180800131735112968) / log(0.5)
x = 30224.031251931194472847209715714682439894756321341837792768328392499

30224 + 2936 = 33160

Or for short

2958 BC
1.6277 pmC, dated as 37 000 BC
2956 BC
Arphaxad born
2936 BC
2.583 pmC, dated as 33,160 BC
2914 BC
3.536 pmC, dated as 30,542 BC
2892 BC
4.487 pmC, dated as 28,552 BC
2870 BC
5.434 pmC, dated as 26,946 BC
2848 BC
6.38 pmC, dated as 25,598 BC
2826 BC
7.323 pmC, dated as 24,437 BC
2821 BC
Shelah born
2804 BC
8.263 pmC, dated as 23,416 BC
2782 BC
9.201 pmC, dated as 22,505 BC
2760 BC
10.136 pmC, dated as 21,683 BC
2738 BC
11.069 pmC, dated as 20,933 BC

Actually no big deal, just a convenient midpoint for changing the speed.

Starts out 2738 BC
11.069 pmC, dated as 20,933 BC

2738—2608 = 130 years,
10 * 13 years
20.86 times as fast

0.998428650637827 * = decay
0.001571349362173 = normal replacement

Replacement in these sections
3.278 pmC points

2725 BC
14.329 pmC, dated as 18,786 BC
2712 BC
17.585 pmC, dated as 17,081 BC
2699 BC (!)
20.835 pmC, dated as 15,666 BC
2691 BC
Eber born
2686 BC
24.08 pmC, dated as 14,456 BC
2673 BC
27.32 pmC, dated as 13,399 BC
2660 BC
30.555 pmC, dated as 12,461 BC
2647 BC
33.784 pmC, dated as 11,618 BC
2634 BC
37.009 pmC, dated as 10,851 BC
2621 BC
40.229 pmC, dated as 10,148 BC
2608 BC
43.443 pmC, 9500 BC

II, Noah dies, beginning of Babel

This is only possible in a specific LXX based chronology, which I adher to.

In a LXX text without the Second Cainan, Peleg is born 401 after the Flood, meaning a period of 51 years which according to some involve 40 years of building "the tower" whatever that was.

I think it probable that Noah was dead only little before Babel started, because I think that Nimrod pretended to have his greenlight for the project (fraudulently, after he had actually died). I think Gilgamesh meeting Utnapishtim reflects this bluff. If Noah had already been dead for over a century before Nimrod began, it's not credible that he could have pulled the bluff off. This rules out the longer more standard LXX chronology with the Second Cainan.

On the other hand, if Peleg had been born in 101 BC, Noah would still have been alive.

There is also some probability there was a sham consultation of Noah from the fact that (my source is here Josephus) Nimrod presented the project as a way to avoid the next Flood.


Starting out 2608 BC
43.443 pmC, 9500 BC

2608-2557 = 51 years
3 * 17 years
13.967 times as fast

0.9979456554564614 * = decay
0.0020543445435386 = normal replacement

Replacement in these sections
2.869 pmC points

2591 BC
46.223 pmC, dated as 8970 BC
2574 BC
48.998 pmC, dated as 8471 BC
2557 BC
51.766 pmC, dated as 8000 BC

III, Peleg is born, end of Babel

Confer what I said in previous. In a full LXX chronology, Peleg's birth would still have been the end of Babel, but there would have been no corresponding major shift 40 years previous as the death of Noah presumes.


Starting out 2557 BC
51.766 pmC, dated as 8000 BC

2557-1936 = 621 years
27 * 23 years
4.801 times as fast

0.9972216007456389 * = decay
0.0027783992543611 = normal replacement

Replacement in this sections
1.334 pmC points

2534 BC
52.956 pmC, dated as 7789 BC
2511 BC
54.143 pmC, dated as 7583 BC
2488 BC
55.327 pmC, dated as 7381 BC
2465 BC
56.507 pmC, dated as 7184 BC
2456 BC
Shem died
2442 BC
57.683 pmC, dated as 6990 BC
2427 BC
Reu born
2419 BC
58.857 pmC, dated as 6801 BC
2396 BC
60.027 pmC, dated 6615 BC
2391 BC
Arphaxad died
2373 BC
61.194 pmC, dated as 6433 BC
2361 BC
Shelah died
2350 BC (!)
62.358 pmC, dated as 6254 BC
2327 BC (!)
63.519 pmC, dated as 6079 BC
2304 BC
64.676 pmC, dated as 5906 BC
2295 BC
Serug born
2281 BC
65.83 pmC, dated as 5737 BC
2258 BC
66.981 pmC, dated as 5571 BC
2235 BC
68.129 pmC, dated as 5407 BC
2218 BC
Peleg died
2212 BC
69.274 pmC, dated as 5247 BC
2189 BC
70.415 pmC, dated as 5089 BC
2187 BC
Eber died
2166 BC
71.553 pmC, dated as 4933 BC
2165 BC
Nahor born
2143 BC
72.688 pmC, dated as 4780 BC
2120 BC
73.82 pmC, dated as 4629 BC
2097 BC
74.949 pmC, dated as 4481 BC
2088 BC
Reu died
2086 BC
Terah born
2074 BC
76.074 pmC, dated as 4335 BC
2051 BC
77.1968 pmC, dated as 4191 BC
2028 BC
78.316 pmC, dated as 4048 BC
2016 BC
Abraham born

Was 4000 BC in Carbon dates in or close to Abraham's birthyear?

Let's check previous and following stops, and do some medium and calibrated medium.

(2028 + 2005) / 2 = 2016.5

+ 0.7943242318)
_______________ = 0.7887430058

_____________________ + 2016.5 = 3978

(2028 + 2028 + 2005) / 3 = 2020.333...

+ 0.7831617799
+ 0.7943242318)
_______________ = 0.7868825972

_____________________ + 2020.333... = 4001.6509744942

So, about 4 years prior to his birth would have been past 4000 BC in carbon dates. And that carbon date is when Cannibalism stopped in the last of the three caves the archaeologists have for the Neolithic cannibals. Fontbrégoua cave involved six corpses from "6000 years ago" with cut marks pointing to cannibalism.

Archaeologists Rediscover Cannibals
ANN GIBBONS | SCIENCE 1 Aug 1997Vol 277, Issue 5326 pp. 635-637
DOI: 10.1126/science.277.5326.6

2005 BC
79.432 pmC, dated as 3909 BC
1982 BC
80.546 pmC, dated as 3770 BC
1965 BC
Serug died
1959 BC
81.656 pmC, dated as 3634 BC
1957 BC
Nahor died
1936 BC
82.763 pmC, dated as 3500 BC

IV Genesis 14

This tying together is probably the strongest. In Genesis 14, the Amorrhites of Asason-Tamar are shown as attcked, which would be a natural occasion for an evacuation. Asason-Tamar, as Osgood pointed out, is also known as En-Geddi, and basically the only candidate for the Amorrhite occupation of the site would have been the Chalcolithic one. It ended with an evacuation of Temple treasure and this on reed mats that have been carbon dated to 3500 BC.


Starting out, 1936 BC
82.763 pmC, dated as 3500 BC

1936-1700 = 236 years
12 * 19 and 2/3 years
2.525 times as fast

0.9976237884420209 * = decay
0.0023762115579791 = normal replacement

Replacement in these sections
0.6 pmC points

Ishmael born
1916 BC
Isaac born.
83.166 pmC, dated as 3440 BC
1897 BC
83.568 pmC, dated as 3381 BC
1881 BC
Terah died
1877 BC
83.97 pmC, dated as 3321 BC
1857 BC
84.371 pmC, dated as 3262 BC
1856 BC
Jacob and Esau born
1841 BC
Abraham died
1838 BC
84.77 pmC, dated as 3204 BC
1818 BC
85.169 pmC, dated as 3145 BC
1816 BC
Esau is 40, Jacob goes to Laban
1798 BC
85.566 pmC, dated as 3087 BC
1797 BC
Joseph born
1796 BC
Jacob leaves Laban
1793 BC
Ishmael died
1779 BC
85.963 pmC, dated as 3029 BC
1759 BC
86.359 pmC, dated as 2971 BC
1739 BC
86.754 pmC, dated as 2914 BC
1736 BC
Isaac died
1726 BC
Jacob came to Egypt.
1720 BC
87.148 pmC, dated as 2857 BC
1709 BC
Jacob died.
1700 BC
87.541 pmC, dated as 2800 BC

V, Djoser, Joseph's Pharao dies

I thought I had Joseph = Imhotep in CMI, seems to be incorrect. GotQuestions concludes in the negative, based on a) Djoser lived in the 27th C. BC, b) the theology is different. I would reply, a) Djoser actually died much more recently (and yes, he's one pharao we know existed, we have his tomb). As recently as 1700 BC or there around, c. 20 years after receiving Jacob into Egypt. The REAL 2700 tp 2601 BC would carbon date as 15,666 BC in the Palaeolithic to 9278 BC, in early Babel. And b) what do you expect of Pagans? I expect Krishna was a real person, real pre-Flood participant of a war involved in Genesis 6:11, but I expect it was Pagan error that made Krishna a god, and Pagan error that gave the theological interpretation of the Mahabharata war. Similarily, I'd expect Khemetists to get Joseph wrong, but still certainly to remember him.

Aardsma's correspondent Mrs. Beverly J. Neises in Is Imhotep Joseph? makes a further point that Imhotep's father is on some monument in Wadi el Hammammat given as Ka-nefer. However, one could assume the reference being more than 1000 years after the actual Joseph, and Egyptian nationalism being what it was, Ka-nefer would be likely to replace Jacob, unless it was an honorary Egyptian name for him, or Ka-nefer could have been a man Joseph was temporarily adopted by. Or, if his wife was not Asenath, or even if she was, Ka-nefer could have been the father-in-law.

If we accept 1609 as the carbon date of 1511 and 3500 as that for 1936, the straight medium carbon level and carbon date for 1700 would be 91.68 pmC, 4.139 pmC points higher, and the carbon date would be 2418 BC. This would fit Merefnebef, whom Patrick Clarke suggested in Joseph’s Zaphenath Paaneah—a chronological key. I have not looked into that much.

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