mardi 24 décembre 2024

Newer Tables, Joseph in Egypt to Fall of Troy

Newer Tables: Preliminaries · Flood to Joseph in Egypt · Joseph in Egypt to Fall of Troy.

V, Djoser, Joseph's Pharao dies

See previous.


Starting out 1700 BC
87.541 pmC, dated as 2800 BC

1700-1590 = 110 years
5 * 22 years
8.056 times as fast

0.9973422400389199 * = decay
0.0026577599610801 = normal replacement

Replacement in these sections
2.141 pmC points

Joseph dies.
1678 BC
89.449 pmC, dated as 2600 BC
1656 BC
91.353 pmC, dated as 2404 BC
1634 BC
93.251 pmC, dated as 2212 BC
1612 BC
95.145 pmC, dated as 2023 BC
1590 BC
97.033 pmC, dated as 1839 BC

VI, Sesostris III dies when Moses is born

For the identification of Sesostris III with the pharao who died when Moses was born, see Searching for Moses.


Starting out 1590 BC
97.033 pmC, dated as 1839 BC

1590-1511 = 79 years
5 * 15.8 years
2.851 times as fast

0.99809052947232 * = decay
0.00190947052768 = normal replacement

Replacement in these sections
0.544 pmC points

1574 BC
97.392 pmC, dated as 1793 BC
1558 BC
97.75 pmC, dated as 1746 BC
1543 BC
98.108 pmC, dated as 1700 BC
1527 BC
98.465 pmC, dated as 1655 BC
1511 BC
98.822 pmC, dated as 1609 BC

VI/VII, the Exodus

The reason I have put this as a point between VI and VII rather than giving it its own number is, I have recently introduced the idea, and this is the first time I use it in a table. VI for death of Sesostris III and VII for fall of Jericho were already taken.

The new idea is, God used eruption products from Santorini or Thera for the plagues of Egypt.


Starting out 1511 BC
98.822 pmC, dated as 1609

1511-1471 = 40 years
2 * 20 years
1.459 times as fast

0.9975835624104119 * = decay
0.0024164375895881 = normal replacement

Replacement in these sections
0.353 pmC points

1491 BC
98.935 pmC, dated as 1579 BC
1471 BC
99.049 pmC, dated as 1550 BC

VII, the Fall of Jericho

Kenyon dated it to 1550 BC, 40 years after Exodus with Exodus in 1511, implies 1471.


Starting out 1471 BC
99.049 pmC, dated as 1550 BC

1471-1179 = 292 years
12 * 24 and 1/3 years
1.265 times as fast

0.9970607710539279 * = decay
0.0029392289460721 = normal replacement

Replacement in these sections
0.372 pmC points

1447 BC
99.129 pmC, dated as 1519 BC
1422 BC
99.21 pmC, dated as 1488 BC
1398 BC
99.29 pmC, dated as 1457 BC
1374 BC
99.37 pmC, dated as 1426 BC
1349 BC
99.449 pmC, dated as 1395 BC
1325 BC
99.529 pmC, dated as 1364 BC
1301 BC
99.608 pmC, dated as 1333 BC
1276 BC
99.687 pmC, dated as 1302 BC
1252 BC
99.765 pmC, dated as 1271 BC
1228 BC
99.844 pmC, dated as 1241 BC
1203 BC
99.922 pmC, dated as 1210 BC
1179 BC
100 pmC, dated as 1179 BC

VIII, The Fall of Troy

In a way this is the least original. History says (Eratosthenes and precursors of the Christmas Day reading) Troy fell 1179 BC. There is at Troy a destruction layer dated to 1180 BC. I take this as the first detected occurrence of 100 pmC in the atmosphere back then.

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