dimanche 9 février 2025

Carefully hedged Question.

A teacher on FB posted the meme with a question, I'm skipping the red stuff and just doing the text:

Can a person accept Evolution and also believe:

  • Holy Trinity—the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
  • Incarnation—God became man in the person of Jesus Christ
  • Miracles of Jesus
  • Jesus died on the Cross for our sins
  • Physical Resurrection of Jesus
  • Bible is the Holy Spirit inspired Word of God
  • Inerrant Spirit Truths in the Bible
  • Miraculous signs and wonders
  • Final Judgement of every person
  • Eternal Life for believers in God

Technically, yes. Some of above are ill formulated.

Eternal life is not for all believers, Ephesians 2:8 to 10 indicate a risk of losing justification, despite believing, if you don't do good works after justification.

God the Son is the person who became Man and as such is now called Jesus, and bears the office of Christ.

But back to the qustion. Consistently, not really.

But above all, what is the person posting the meme (Denis O. Lamoureux) NOT asking? In other words, is the question carefully hedged?

  • Inerrant Biblical History
  • Bodily resurrection of all men, either to eternal torment or to eternal glory
  • Bible as humanly reliable historic record, even apart from the Inspiration (Moses for Genesis and Luke for the Gospel relied on information they hadn't observed)
  • Adam tainted us with sin
  • God was totally good to Adam before he sinned, and generally speaking, God is good.

Just as all of the questions on the list can be answered yes by a believer in the evil "God" of Calvinism, so also, all of them can be answered yes by a believer in the evil "God" of Evolutionism.

I'll give the items where belief in Evolution, when consistent, conflicts with above.

  • Inerrant Biblical History — Genesis 5, Genesis 11.
  • Bodily resurrection of all men, either to eternal torment or to eternal glory — C. S. Lewis admitted that with man around for a million or even just 100 000 years, there would be too many men for earthly matter to suffice for it. With 7000 + years of history, different story.
  • Bible as humanly reliable historic record, even apart from the Inspiration (Moses for Genesis and Luke for the Gospel relied on information they hadn't observed) — If there were so many more years between Adam and Abraham than Genesis 5 and 11 suggest, then the history is very poorly recorded and preserved.
  • Adam tainted us with sin — with Genesis 3 events 100,000 years back it's not history, and even then he would not be unique ancestor of all, and a collective fall means the God of Supralapsarian Calvinism, since collectives have no freewill.
  • God was totally good to Adam before he sinned, and generally speaking, God is good. — if Adam is supposed to come from evolution and then become man, he either becomes man from start, and if so is raised by beasts in near human bodies and cannot acquire language, or God gives him language in a way that separates him from those dear to him, or God makes him human only after separating him, and then this either leaves Adam with shame for or memory loss of his life prior to being human. But shame and memory loss are things that the good God doesn't allow men to suffer apart from them already being in a state of sin.

And obviously, Global Flood and Young Earth go together, and the First Pope linked disbelief of the Global Flood to disbelief in the Coming Judgement.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Scholastica

Apud montem Cassinum sanctae Scholasticae Virginis, sororis sancti Benedicti Abbatis, qui ejus animam, instar columbae, migrantem e corpore in caelum ascendere vidit.

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