samedi 8 février 2025

What Would 220 Before the Flood Date To? Carbon Wise?


Starts out 2958 BC,
1.6277 pmC, dated as 37 000 BC

2958-2738 = 220 years
10 * 22 years
3.611 times as fast

0.9973422400389199 * = decay
0.0026577599610801 = normal replacement

A) with 3.611 times as fast production, like on this view the correspondingly long period after the Flood?
B) with same production as now?
C) with ten times slower production than now (as generally pre-Flood)?

Note, "production" is here used for how the production is spread through the pre-Flood atmosphere. If it held more carbon, the same actual production would count less in relation to the overall carbon, and it is this "relative production" or "production of proportion" rather than absolute production of a quantity I'm counting.

3178 BC
x pmC

A) x * 0.9973422400389199 + 3.611 * 0.0026577599610801 = 0.016277

x * 0.9973422400389199 = 0.016277 - 3.611 * 0.0026577599610801

x = (0.016277 - 3.611 * 0.0026577599610801) / 0.9973422400389199 = 0.0066976294719845

5730 * log(0.0066976294719845) / log(0.5) + 3178 = 44 561 BC, 46 511 BP

B) x * 0.9973422400389199 + 0.0026577599610801 = 0.016277

x * 0.9973422400389199 = 0.016277 - 0.0026577599610801

x = (0.016277 - 0.0026577599610801) / 0.9973422400389199 = 0.0136555

5730 * log(0.0136555) / log(0.5) + 3178 = 38 672 BC, 40 622 BP

C) x * 0.9973422400389199 + 0.00026577599610801 = 0.016277

x * 0.9973422400389199 = 0.016277 - 0.00026577599610801

x = (0.016277 - 0.00026577599610801) / 0.9973422400389199 = 0.01605389

5730 * log(0.01605389) / log(0.5) + 3178 = 37 334 BC, 39 284 BP

So, these would per this calculation be equally valid guesses:

3178 BC
0.67 pmC, dated as 46 511 BP
3178 BC
1.366 pmC, dated as 40 622 BP
3178 BC
1.605 pmC, dated as 39 284 BP

Why can't I decide between them? Because, backwards* from the Flood, I have no anchor point where physical traces are identifiable to a Biblical event, like I have for Flood, Babel = Göbekli Tepe, En-Gedi in Genesis 14 and so on. When I say for a given point between end of Babel and Genesis 14:

2396 BC
60.027 pmC, dated 6615 BC
2391 BC
Arphaxad died

Then, the pmC value of 60.027 pmC for the year 2396 BC is based on this being an evenly spaced point between:

2557 BC
51.766 pmC, dated as 8000 BC

and: 1936 BC
82.763 pmC, dated as 3500 BC

I'm presupposing the whole atmosphere (with fairly minor variations) was at these levels and is applicable when contamination or bomb effect and old carbon or reservoir effect aren't. I'm also presupposing that the rise between the two levels was even. I am also modelling each interior stretch on the idea that the medium carbon replacement during the overall stretch can be applied to it, and that a good mathematical model is, multiply by a percentage for decay, add the replacement for addition, the new carbon level is decayed old carbon level plus addition. This cannot be done when the stretch has an open end backward, unless of course I presuppose an even rise in carbon 14 levels all the way back to Creation, in which case C would be my pick.

Please note, 220 years before the Flood was prior to God saying

... I will destroy man, whom I have created, from the face of the earth, from man even to beasts, from the creeping thing even to the fowls of the air, for it repenteth me that I have made them
[Genesis 6:7]

A Neanderthal buried in 3178 BC, 220 years before the Flood, would not fall under this decree, even if the CMI were right in interpreting not just "no survivors" but even "no physical remains" which I don't grant. I think the Tautavel man is a real descendant of Adam and was caught in mud and lava in the Flood. And that the huge age of (from memory) 300,000 BP is due to excess argon, to argon trapped in a rapidly cooling lava, because the Flood waters cooled it rapidly. A process totally independent of the events relevant for carbon dating.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. John of Matha

[17.XII] Romae natalis sancti Joannis de Matha, Presbyteri et Confessoris, qui Ordinis sanctissimae Trinitatis redemptionis captivorum Fundator exstitit. Ipsius tamen festivitas, ex dispositione Innocentii Papae Undecimi, agitur sexto Idus Februarii.
[8.II] Sancti Joannis de Matha, Presbyteri et Confessoris, qui Ordinis sanctissimae Trinitatis redemptionis captivorum fuit Institutor, et sextodecimo Kalendas Januarii obdormivit in Domino.

* It can be noted that a pre-Flood period of 2242 years, or 2262, is longer than the whole extension of my tables, since 2957 - 1179 = only 1778 years. Going backwards from the Flood to Creation would also be without subdivisions, unlike this shorter period up to the Fall of Troy.

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