Shem the Cave Painter? Or Japheth? · Cave Art · Evolutionists have a war problem
It should be known by now that I differ on when Palaeolithic mainly occurred from CMI, them preferring after Babel, me preferring from Flood to soon before Babel.
Today's article on CMI accentuates this:
Cave art—more recent than you might think!
Cave paintings of horses and other animals would have been created after the Babel dispersion recorded in Genesis 11. As small populations of human beings migrated from Babel across the continents, some sheltered/lived in caves and daubed the cave walls with images of horses and other animals they saw. Many of these creatures (including the classic ‘prehistoric’-looking horse) subsequently became extinct. In one way, the work of people like the Stroebels has served to bring this ‘cave painting era’ psychologically closer to the present.17 It also raises the question of whether these creatures and the paintings really date to many tens of thousands of years ago, as is popularly claimed.18
I obviously agree cave art is more recent than evolutionists tend to think.
But I think it ended before Babel.
Here is a wikipedian article on these items:
"Cave painting" on the Wickipeejuh
And here are salient dates:
The oldest date given to an animal cave painting is now a pig that has a minimum age of 35,400 years old at Pettakere cave in Sulawesi, an Indonesian island. Indonesian and Australian scientists have dated other non-figurative paintings on the walls to be approximately 40,000 years old. ... Other examples may date as late as the Early Bronze Age, but the well-known Magdalenian style seen at Lascaux in France (c. 15,000 BCE) and Altamira in Spain died out about 10,000 BCE, coinciding with the advent of the Neolithic period. Some caves probably continued to be painted over a period of several thousands of years.
Pettakere in Sulawesi, 35,400 years old, 33,400 BC. This is fairly close to the 33,631 BC (carbon dated) which in my table goes with (extended) LXX chronology 3276 BC, about 80 years after the Flood. "Death" of Magdalenian style, 10,000 BC, comes between the 11,785 BC and the 9600 BC (beginning of Göbekli Tepe / Babel, 40 years before dispersion) which in this table come to the years 2865 BC and 2824 BC. Between which years Shem dies and Peleg is born:
- III 3276 BC
- 2.543 pmc 33,631 BC
- XIII 2865 BC
- 33.994 pmc 11,785 BC
- Shem +
- 2858 BC
- Peleg *
- 2829 BC
- XIV 2824 BC
- 44.057 pmc 9600 BC
Interim III, Flood to Abraham with Syncellus
On the view of CMI, the cave art would be from one short epoch, but spontaneously arising independently, and this despite having very many commonalities. On my view, it could be from one single artist. On second thoughts, perhaps not Shem, after all, but his brother Japheth, who might be presumed to have lived about as long - or his wife.
Unity of style argues that cave art of Magdalenian type at least was by one artist or one school of artists. It was a style like the Gothic or Renaissance or Baroque. It would have taken a man kind very different from ours in mental capacities to extend this style over 20,000 years or even 10,000 years with so little variation. But it would be easy as cake for the people living longer than we after the flood to extend the style something like 432 years, simply because whoever took the initiative to the style took longer to die off than we do now.
If this was before Babel, we get two implications, which have so far neither to the best of my knowledge been overturned, nor confirmed:
- There was no idolatry.
- The language was Hebrew (not yet called so, since not yet restricted to Heber's family and descendants).
While they have not been overturned, I say, they are contested, this or that can be supposed to be one or other shaman or even idol of fertility.
Now, the "sorcerer" in the Cave of Trois-Frères must if so have known about the true God:

- On wiki:
- Wizard or Cuckold God of the Trois-Frères Sanctuary.
- Date
- 2001
- Source
- Author
- Clottes, J y Lewis-Williams
It could be Cainan or Nimrod up to some bad things. Or it could mean sth entirely other than sorcery. It is at least not proof the people back then had already turned away from the true God to idols.
The other aspect is that everyone was still speaking Hebrew. A figurative painting as such can neither validate nor invalidate it. The so far thought to be oldest piece of writing being the Dispilio tablet - carbon dated to 5202 ± 123 BC, that is between 2412 BC and 2371 BC on my table - could be non-Hebrew and would not refute my observation, since, unlike cave paintings this is after Babel. Or Tărtăria tablets dated around 5300 BC, that is before 2412 BC - we are speaking with birth of Nahor and death of Reu on this table.
But it would be interesting to follow up what Genevieve von Petzinger will have to say on the 32 late palaeolithic signs:
Her video : Why are these 32 symbols found in caves all over Europe | Genevieve von Petzinger
My response : Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere : ... on Genevieve von Petzinger's 32 late palaeolithic signs
If I am right this could be alphabetic signs, or some of them, it would be very interesting if it turned out to be compatible with Hebrew alphabet and some stone had for instance Yod Gimel Resh (corresponding to, not same shapes!) for Japheth Gomer Riphath, somewhere, and somewhere else some other genealogy in nuce. I have tried to reach her about this, but so far no response. Not even as much as a "not interested", I can't tell if that is the case or if it was not forwarded to her.
And if I am wrong, if nothing can be reconstructed as Hebrew language genealogies or other phrases, perhaps a simple Shin for shalom (once one looks), that would of course boost CMI and their position palaeolithic cave arts were post Babel.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
Ember Wednesday of Pentecost
CMI's article for today is:
Resurrecting a ‘prehistoric’ horse
by Philip Bell
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