vendredi 21 septembre 2018

Masoretic and Carbon 14 NOT Counting Göbekli Tepe in Advance First Time

Quoting a paper by Brian Thomas:

Two date range options for Noah’s Flood

With the Flood-to-Abram Genesis 11 chrono-genealogy having no name gaps and more importantly no time gaps, the timespan between the Flood and Abram’s birth should equal very nearly 352 years. This follows by adding 292 years from Genesis 11 to 60 presumed years between Terah’s firstborn and Abram, as discussed above.

So, Flood to Genesis 14?

292 352
075 075
367 427

Carbon level at Flood?

Minimum, with Neanderthal extinction, Denisovan extinction and Flores extinction as carbon clue for Flood - "40 000 BP = 38 000 BC = 35 482 extra years"*, 1.367 pmC.

Maximum, with most recent dinosaur carbon dated by Mark Armitage to "22 000 BP = 20 000 BC = 17 428 extra years"*, 12.066 pmC.

Carbon level at Genesis 14? 2166 BC (as per paper) minus 75 = 2091 BC, carbon dated to 3400 - 2900 BC.

Minimum "3400 BC - 2091 BC = 1309 extra years"*, 85.355 pmC.

Maximum "2900 BC - 2091 BC = 809 extra years"*, 90.677 pmC.

% left after 367 or shorter count of years, 95.658 (things from 367 years ago have 95.658 pmC), % left after 427 or longer count of years, 94.966 (similar)

pmC points recovered in shorter count of years as per today's production, 4.342 pmC points, and for longer 5.034 pmC

Minimum to minimum, shorter count of years
95.658 * 1.367 = 1.308 **
85.355 - 1.308 = 84.047
84.047 / 4.342 = 19.357
Minimum to minimum, longer count of years
94.966 * 1.367 = 1.298
85.355 - 1.298 = 84.057
84.057 / 5.034 = 16.698
Minimum to maximum, shorter count of years
95.658 * 1.367 = 1.308
90.677 - 1.308 = 89.369
89.369 / 4.342 = 20.583
Minimum to maximum, longer count of years
94.966 * 1.367 = 1.298
90.677 - 1.298 = 89.379
89.379 / 5.034 = 17.755
Maximum to minimum, shorter count of years
95.658 * 12.066 = 11.542
85.355 - 11.542 = 73.813
73.813 / 4.342 = 17
Maximum to minimum, longer count of years
94.966 * 12.066 = 11.459
85.355 - 11.459 = 73.896
73.896 / 5.034 = 14.679
Maximum to maximum, shorter count of years
95.658 * 12.066 = 11.542
90.677 - 11.542 = 79.135
79.135 / 4.342 = 18.225
Maximum to maximum, longer count of years
94.966 * 12.066 = 11.459
90.677 - 11.459 = 79.218
79.218 / 5.034 = 15.737

Let's say we insert Babel like this: 101 after Flood Peleg is born while Noah is dividing the world, 106 after Flood the rebellion against this starts Babel, 146 Babel ends. (My own presumption is, this division happened when Noah was dying, and 40 years were between 350 and 401, Peleg born some years after Genesis 11:9).

This gives 106 and 146 as limit years for Babel. What would carbon levels have been? What would the carbon dates look like? Presuming unrealistically a linear graph of carbon rise.

106 / 367 = 0.289
40 / 367 = 0.109
221 / 367 = 0.602

106 / 427 = 0.248
40 / 427 = 0.094
281 / 427 = 0.658

Minimum to minimum, shorter count of years
85.355 - 1.308 = 84.047
0.289 * 84.047 = 24.275
0.109 * 84.047 = 9.16
0.602 * 84.047 = 50.612

Minimum to minimum, longer count of years
85.355 - 1.298 = 84.057
0.248 * 84.057 = 20.867
0.094 * 84.057 = 7.874
0.658 * 84.057 = 55.316

Minimum to maximum, shorter count of years
90.677 - 1.308 = 89.369
0.289 * 89.369 = 25.812
0.109 * 89.369 = 9.741
0.602 * 89.369 = 53.816

Minimum to maximum, longer count of years
90.677 - 1.298 = 89.379
0.248 * 89.379 = 22.188
0.0937 * 89.379 = 8.373
0.658 * 89.379 = 58.818

Maximum to minimum, shorter count of years
85.355 - 11.542 = 73.813
0.289 * 73.813 = 21.319
0.109 * 73.813 = 8.045
0.602 * 73.813 = 44.449

Maximum to minimum, longer count of years
85.355 - 11.459 = 73.896
0.248 * 73.896 = 18.344
0.094 * 73.896 = 6.922
0.658 * 73.896 = 48.63

Maximum to maximum, shorter count of years
90.677 - 11.542 = 79.135
0.289 * 79.135 = 22.856
0.109 * 79.135 = 8.625
0.602 * 79.135 = 47.653

Maximum to maximum, longer count of years
90.677 - 11.459 = 79.218
0.248 * 79.218 = 19.665
0.0937 * 79.218 = 7.421
0.658 * 79.218 = 52.132

Now we have broken down the percentages, let's do the additions. Before doing so, let's be precise, I was doing this in haste. Adding produced carbon during time x to the residual carbon after time x is of course legitimate. But here I am adding produced carbon for times x/a, x/b and x/c to the value of residual carbon from decay of content prior to time x after the whole of time x. I should of course have taken production for x/a onto decay after x/a, then decay from that sum during x/b onto production during x/b, then production of x/c onto the decay residue after x/c of previous sum.

Below, I will make a more realistic version. Here I do it simplified:

Minimum to minimum, shorter count of years
95.658 * 1.367 = 1.308
1.308 + 24.275 = 25.583
25.583 + 9.16 = 34.743
34.743 + 50.612 = 85.355

Minimum to minimum, longer count of years
94.966 * 1.367 = 1.298
1.298 + 20.867 = 22.165
22.165 + 7.874 = 30.039
30.039 + 55.316 = 85.355

Minimum to maximum, shorter count of years
95.658 * 1.367 = 1.308
1.308 + 25.812 = 27.12
27.12 + 9.741 = 36.861
36.861 + 53.816 = 90.677

Minimum to maximum, longer count of years
94.966 * 1.367 = 1.298
1.298 + 22.188 = 23.486
23.486 + 8.373 = 31.859
31.859 + 58.818 = 90.677

Maximum to minimum, shorter count of years
95.658 * 12.066 = 11.542
11.542 + 21.319 = 32.861
32.861 + 8.045 = 40.906
40.906 + 44.449 = 85.355

Maximum to minimum, longer count of years
94.966 * 12.066 = 11.459
11.459 + 18.344 = 29.803
29.803 + 6.922 = 36.725
36.725 + 48.63 = 85.355

Maximum to maximum, shorter count of years
95.658 * 12.066 = 11.542
11.542 + 22.856 = 34.398
34.398 + 8.625 = 43.024
43.024 + 47.653 = 90.677

Maximum to maximum, longer count of years
94.966 * 12.066 = 11.459
11.459 + 19.665 = 31.124
31.124 + 7.421 = 38.545
38.545 + 52.132 = 90.677

This gives us the successive values, very roughly, of pmC:

  min min min max max min max max
2458 1.367 1.367 12.066 12.066
2352 25.583 27.12 32.861 34.398
2312 34.743 36.861 40.906 43.024
2091 85.355 90.677 85.355 90.677
2518 1.367 1.367 12.066 12.066
2412 22.165 23.486 29.803 31.124
2372 30.039 31.859 36.725 38.545
2091 85.355 90.677 85.355 90.677

Which give us the successive numbers of extra years

  min min min max max min max max
2458 35500 35500 17500 17500
2352 11250 10800 9200 8800
2312 8750 8250 7400 6950
2091 1300 810 1300 810
2518 35500 35500 17500 17500
2412 12450 12000 10000 9650
2372 9950 9450 8300 7900
2091 1300 810 1300 810

Which give us the carbon dated years in BC:

  min min min max max min max max
2458 37 958 37 958 19 958 19 958
2352 13 602 13 152 11 552 11 152
2312 11 062 10 562 9712 9262
2091 3391 2901 3391 2901
2518 38 018 38 018 20 018 20 018
2412 14 862 14 412 12 412 12 062
2372 12 322 11 822 10 672 10 272
2091 3391 2901 3391 2901

So, the expected carbon dates for Babel would be, oldest 14862 to 12322 BC, youngest 11152 to 9262 BC. Remember, we want Mesopotamia.

South Iraq around Shatt el Arab is out. Mid Iraq = Babylonia, NW Iraq + N Syria + E Turkey = Assyria. Babylonia + Assyria = Mesopotamia.

A city and a tower. You could argue, the tower was a rocket, left no architectonic traces, leaves a city. I think you need to get a bit younger carbon dates and either take Göbekli Tepe as adequate or Göbekli Tepe as the city and nearby Harran (Turkish-Syrian border) as the tower.

And I think it is somewhat easier to get right pmC values for Babel = Göbekli Tepe in St Jerome's or George Syncellus' chronology than in Masoretic. Also, my latest table has as fastest production 11 times as fast as now, during Göbekli Tepe / Babel, while a Masoretic timeline gives an overall factor of 14.6 to 20.5 times as fast, all along the timeline, no efforts made to make provisions for separate factors before, during and after Babel.

Now, if we do count Babel as Göbekli Tepe, and if we do take it in from start this time, the short and long counts of years would go like this: 106 40 221, 106 40 281, as in previous. BUT now we will not make an overall average for all the time, but for each part separately.

Since the most important part is - from intensity of radiation - Flood to Babel, I will give just one value for carbon date of Genesis 14, namely 3200 BC, one which I think is probable. I have used it several times over in my own calculations.

Short count in BC
Real Carbon Extra pmC
2458 38000 35542 1.358
2352 9600 7248 41.612
2312 8600 6288 46.736
2091 3200 1109 87.446
Long count in BC
Real Carbon Extra pmC
2518 38000 35482 1.367
2412 9600 7188 41.915
2372 8600 6228 47.077
2091 3200 1109 87.446

After 106 years, you have a residue of 98.726 %

98.726 * 1.358 pmC = 1.341 pmC **
98.726 * 1.367 pmC = 1.35 pmC

After 106 the new total in each case exceeds this residue:

41.612 pmC - 1.341 pmC = 40.271 pmC
41.915 pmC - 1.35 pmC = 40.565 pmC

During 106 years, normal production is 1.274 pmC points. The excess over residue is the de facto production back then, which should be divided by this value to get how much faster carbon 14 was forming:

40.271 pmC / 1.274 pmC = 31.61
40.565 pmC / 1.274 pmC = 31.841

Let's average:

(31.841 + 31.61) / 2 = 31.726

31.726 * 0.34 = 10.787

Where do the 0.34 come in from? Well, they are the milliSivert per year you get at medium location from the cosmos. Supposing - which is intuitive but not factual - that the radiation dose from cosmos is exactly in linear proportion to the speed of carbon production, the cosmic radiation would be at 10.8 milliSieverts per year, which these days is a very high overall background radiation.

Suppoose instead radiation dose is proportional to square of carbon production factor, we get instead:

31.726 * 31.726 * 0.34 = 342.214

342 milliSievert per year is obviously impossible for 106 years without killing off all of mankind in radiation related diseases.

So, is radiation dose proportional to carbon production factor or to its square?

Neither. The fact is, no one knows, no one has made a proper model for what it takes to get a 32 times faster production of carbon 14.

One man has made models of the type, but he has refused to cooperate in extending them for the values I find interesting for this purpose. He's only into palaeoclimate. His name is Ilya Usoskin, and he is or was back then at the University of Oulu which we Swedes know as Uleåborg. I traced him through Peter Vajda and then got stuck with his refusal:

Correspondence of Hans Georg Lundahl : Other Check on Carbon Buildup

Next question, how much faster during Babel?

After 40 years we have a residue of 99.517 %.

99.517 % * 41.612 pmC = 41.411 pmC
99.517 % * 41.915 pmC = 41.713 pmC

The real production is what gives us the new value after 40 years, what is added above the residue.

46.736 pmC - 41.411 pmC = 5.325 pmC
47.077 pmC - 41.713 pmC = 5.364 pmC

During 40 years, the normal carbon production is 0.483 pmC. Divide by this to get the factor

5.325 pmC / 0.483 pmC = 11.025
5.364 pmC / 0.483 pmC = 11.107

(11.025 + 11.107)/ 2 = 11.066

For the carbon buildup during Babel event, the factor is comparable to my own proposal. Here are the very sketchy theoretic radiation doses based on not knowing how exactly they relate to the carbon buildup:

11.066 * 0.34 milliSievert = 3.762 milliSievert
11.066 * 11.066 * 0.34 milliSievert = 41.633 milliSievert

With linear proportion, 3.8 milliSieverts per year, a very normal total background dose.

With square proportion, 42 milliSieverts per year, and Japanese authorities think 20 is hazardous as a total background radiation. Since my own values for Babel event are also close to 11, you can realise why I would like an answer from Professor Usoskin ....

Now, Babel to Genesis 14.

After 221 years, you have a residue of 97.362 % and therefore during them, the normal production is 2.638 pmC points.

46.736 pmC * 97.362 % = 45.503 pmC
87.446 pmC - 45.503 pmC = 41.943 pmC
41.943 pmC / 2.638 pmC = 15.9

And after 281 years, the residue is 96.658 % and the normal production is 3.342 pmC points.

47.077 pmC * 96.658 % = 45.504 pmC
87.446 pmC - 45.504 pmC = 41.942 pmC
41.942 pmC / 3.342 pmC = 12.55

In this scenario, the time from Babel to Abraham at age 75 / 80 has a factor higher than during Babel, 13 to 16 times normal production speed.

In mine, LXX based (but with post-Flood coinciding with Samaritan), that is, it is not my chronology, but probably based on St Jerome's calculation, Babel to Abraham is just about 6 times normal.

While Brian Thomas has given fairly strong reasons to prefer LXX based over Masoretic, I think the carbon production and what it implies about radiation doses also adds an argument.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
St Matthew***

Footnotes :

* Counting with a Masoretic Flood date of 2518 BC (Genesis 14 calculations in parentheses):

38,000 20,000 (3400 2900)
02,518 02,518 (2091 2091)
35,482 17,428 (1309 0809)

** Systematically rounding off to nearest 3 decimals after calculations, up to just before carbon calculator:

Carbon 14 Dating Calculator

For instance, a multiplication like:

0.108991825613079 * 84.04735514 = 9.16047467465939894187606

is shown like

0.109 * 84.047 = 9.16

and this is not a mistake for "0.109 * 84.047 = 9.161123" or even for "0.109 * 84.047 = 9.161". 9.16 rounds a fraction where decimal after 6 is a zero and decimals after that are under 5.

*** In Aethiopia natalis sancti Matthaei, Apostoli et Evangelistae; qui, in ea regione praedicans, martyrium passus est. Hujus Evangelium, Hebraeo sermone conscriptum, ipso Matthaeo revelante, inventum est, una cum corpore beati Barnabae Apostoli, tempore Zenonis Imperatoris.

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