jeudi 6 septembre 2018

To a Comment on the Article

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A disagreeing commenter on the article said:

"Piepkorn cites the Oxford English Dictionary as pointing out that the first use of the English word inerrant was in 1834, and its first use in a religious context was in 1865 when describing the manner in which the Pope was preserved from error."

And Trinity (as a term) is not in the Bible, so Trinity was (as doctrine) invented by St Athanasius?

Charles Taze Russell's sectarians will laud that ... wait, they are less against inerrancy than you are ... well, I'd say that Laetare Sunday (mid Lent Sunday in Latin rite) of 1277 (except it was considered 1276 up to March 25 back then), bishop Tempier of Paris* condemned a series of propositions (numbers in parentheses) which then were systematised in an English copy, accepted by all bishops in England. Here are the condemned propositions on the Bible:

Capitulum XVII Errores de scriptura sacra

  • 1 (150). Quod homo non debet esse contentus auctoritate ad habendum certitudinem alicuius questionis.
  • 2 (151). Quod ad hoc quod homo habeat certitudinem alicuius conclusionis, oportet quod sit fundatus super principia per se nota. - Error, quia generaliter tam de certitudine apprehensionis quam adhesionis loquitur.
  • 3 (152). Quod sermones theologi fundati sunt in fabulis.
  • 4 (153). Quod nichil plus scitur propter scire theologiam.
  • 5 (174). Quod fabule et falsa sunt in lege christiana, sicut in aliis.*
  • 6 (175). Quod lex christiana impedit addiscere.**
  • 7 (20). Quod lex naturalis prohibet interfectionem animalium irrationalium sicut rationalium, licet non tantum.***

Here are my footnotes to those theses:

* De uerbis: "lex christiana"=fides christiana, "in aliis"=in islamica, in judaica, in pagana etc. lege. De re: nota quod alie leges non sunt uacue de ueris, set christiana est que uacua est de falsis. Affirmatur inerrantia fidei christiane.
** Error iuliani apostate sicut error communistarum siue bolscheuicorum. Et adfuit illis diebus (nil nouum sub sole).
*** Did you get that, animal rights activists?

This page is part of:

En lengua romance en Antimodernism y de mis caminaciones : Index in stephani tempier condempnationes

Note :
5 (174). Quod fabule et falsa sunt in lege christiana, sicut in aliis.*
That there are fables and errors in the Christian law, as in other ones. (Condemned)

As other "laws" (Talmudic exposition of Torah, Hadithic or other exposition of Qoran) are not free from all truths, they are mixed of truth and error. So, if the Bible were also so, it would contain error "as the other ones". Hence, Bishop Tempier says the Christian faith and the Bible, are NOT mixed of truth and error, but free from error.

This was repeated at Trent:

Si quis autem libros ipsos integros cum omnibus suis partibus prout in Ecclesia Catholica legi consueverunt et in veteri vulgata latina editione habentur pro sacris et canonicis non susceperit et traditiones praedictas sciens et prudens contempserit: anathema sit. But if any one receive not, as sacred and canonical, the said books entire with all their parts, as they have been used to be read in the Catholic Church, and as they are contained in the old Latin vulgate edition; and knowingly and deliberately contemn the traditions aforesaid; let him be anathema.
... ...
Praeterea ad coercenda petulantia ingenia decernit ut nemo suae prudentiae innixus in rebus fidei et morum ad aedificationem doctrinae christianae pertinentium sacram scripturam ad suos sensus contorquens contra eum sensum quem tenuit et tenet sancta mater Ecclesia cuius est iudicare de vero sensu et interpretatione scripturarum sanctarum aut etiam contra unanimem consensum patrum ipsam scripturam sacram interpretari audeat etiamsi huiusmodi interpretationes nullo unquam tempore in lucem edendae forent. Furthermore, in order to restrain petulant spirits, It decrees, that no one, relying on his own skill, shall,—in matters of faith, and of morals pertaining to the edification of Christian doctrine, —wresting the sacred Scripture to his own senses, presume to interpret the said sacred Scripture contrary to that sense which holy mother Church,—whose it is to judge of the true sense and interpretation of the holy Scriptures,—hath held and doth hold; or even contrary to the unanimous consent of the Fathers; even though such interpretations were never (intended) to be at any time published.

Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent The Fourth Session
English translation by James Waterworth (London, 1848)

This fourth session was celebrated on the eighth day of the month of April, in the year 1546. Also some time earlier than 1834 appearance of the term "inerrancy" in English.

Since parts of what was being condemned was the Socinian Reformation, which denied inerrancy, and since the Orthodox were hardly Socinian, I would not be surprised if the councils of Iasi and Jerusalem also contained such anti-Socinian clauses for Biblical inerrancy.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
St Zacharias**

* Paris had bishops back then, they only became archbishops later, in 1622 Jean-François de Gondi became the first archbishop.

** In Palaestina sancti Zachariae Prophetae, qui, de Chaldaea senex in patriam reversus, ibique defunctus, juxta Aggaeum Prophetam conditus jacet. - It is also my fiftieth birthday./HGL

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