mercredi 24 avril 2019

Göbekli Tepe Among Hunter Gatherers

Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : Does my Interpretation of Mahabharata and Ramayana Offend Hindoos? · If Tower of Babel was a Rocket Project, Why was it Called a Tower? · If Tower of Babel was a Rocket Project - What Else Can We Expect? · Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere : Sin of Babel - Two Views · Φιλολoγικά/Philologica again: In case anyone missed this · Correspondence of Hans Georg Lundahl : With Mackey on Haman and on Babel · Creation vs. Evolution : Bricks at Göbekli Tepe or Close? · How My View of Babel Ties in with "Defending Biblical Inerrancy" · Ten Keys to my Idea of Göbekli Tepe as Babel and its Tower as a Rocket · Does Roger Pearlman Have a Wrong Take on Göbekli Tepe? · Göbekli Tepe Among Hunter Gatherers

Graham Hancock is wrong on dates and a few more things, but he is right on one thing.

A society of hunter gatherers with no even theoretic skills beyond that did not wake up one morning and decide first to build a great structure and then to invent agriculture, because they found out that the structure was too laborious without it.

Here is his argument:

THE MYSTERY OF GÖBEKLI TEPE - Graham Hancock on London Real
London Real | 19.IX.2016

So, we actually have people living as hunter-gatherers in the area before this happens. We also have - on uniformitarian dates and even more so obviously with my reduction of carbon dates - an explosion of activity. Even without it, the transition is gigantic and very sudden.

So, his explanation is, people from Atlantis came there.

Mine is, the hunter gatherers there and elsewhere were survivors of a global Flood. I am not excluding Atlantis sinking then too, but my main idea is, they survived a Flood and knew of the things that had gone on before the Flood, before they had (Genesis 9:2) been obliged to live as hunter gatherers.

I would say agriculture would already have started at least on some small scale before this, since I think Noah's vineyard was before this. But this was a major project already well past the Flood, genetically speaking the hunter gatherers who were around before them were also on the modern post-Flood range of human genetics (within still extant haplogroups of Y-chromosomes or mitochondriae and things, no one left purebred Neanderthal or Denisovan), so this major project cannot have been the first thing Noah and his sons did after the Ark, but on the other hand, any tower of Babel project does presuppose agriculture sooner or later as basis, meaning that it's less than feasible to have a Tower of Babel before the palaeolithic "dispersion" of mankind.

If we accept (as Postilla in Libros Geneseos does at least as one possibility) that there was a geographic spread of mankind, and it was the élites who gathered in Babel, this is a fairly possible match.

The reason why Habermehl and CMI are proposing a Babel well before Göbekli Tepe, despite no big agricultural basis found earlier (though archaeology may still hold a surprise or two, I'm waiting for bricks with bitumen for mortar from Göbekli Tepe or the plain around Harran (the plain of which Göbekli Tepe is just outside the NW corner, as I recall the map, unless it was a bit West of the middle of the North side)), their reason is that "all mankind" was present at Babel, and they interpret it as all mankind in the demographical sense and as fulltime geographic presence for every member of the human family.

I think Babel functioned quite a bit like New York or Paris do to many these days, with people residing there for a few years in their lives and then walking back home to whereever they were from.

I calculated, with very moderate walking speed (my own) that you could start walking from Hamburg to Moscow or Shanghai on August 1st 2016, you would arrive in Moscow if that was your trip, on December 18th, and you would arrive in Shanghai, if that was your trip, on February 19th 2018.

Much of the world, including Americas if one could still walk across Atlantis with very little sea voyage, would have been accessible on foot from Göbekli Tepe within two or three years. And if, just after Noah died, they stopped meeting at the base of the Ark at presumably Mount Judi and instead removed from that eastern place nearly due west to Göbekli Tepe, you suddenly had somewhat better terrain for big projects.

I suppose before Nimrod organised people at Göbekli Tepe, he had organised quite a few mammoth hunts. And, since we have no written records from there of a long continuous history spanning several centuries, this short view of what happened definitely could have happened with no proof to the contrary. Carbon dates are no problem if they are inflated due to lower carbon 14 content than now, and if the rising of the carbon 14 content means later dates are less inflated than earlier ones.

Hans Georg Lundahl
IV day of Easter

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