lundi 7 mai 2018

Preliminary Conclusion, with Corrections

Intro : General Intro to my Carbon Tables (with other parts in links in comments) · Conclusion : Preliminary Conclusion, with Corrections · How Accurate are Chronogenealogies Anyway? Conclusion continued. · Table for St Jerome as per Preliminary Conclusion · Refining table Flood to Abraham - and a doubt · Ultra Brief Summary on Carbon 14 Method

There is one clue to timing of Tower of Babel I had not thought about too well ...

It is the tradition according to which Peleg was born when Noah divided the Earth among his descendants, they disregarded this injunction, started building Babel 5 years later, and God stopped it 40 years after it started.

Here is the problem : if Noah divided the Earth in a way that was disregarded, Noah was alive when doing so. Supposing Peleg was born 101 after the Flood, this places Tower of Babel 106 - 146 after Flood - a timeline I don't find too believable. Since, as you may know, I consider Tower and City of Babel as Göbekli Tepe, this would involve carbon rising from levels like those giving 40 - 28 000 BP in carbon dates to those giving 11600 BP for beginning of Göbekli Tepe in very little time.

If on the other hand Peleg was born in 401 after Flood (St Jerome presumably following LXX without the II Cainan, normal LXX would be 529 after Flood), or if he was born in "normal LXX" chronology, Noah was already dead when he was born.

This can be fixed by a very simple reconstructive inversion of said tradition. Noah divided the Earth while he was alive, just before he died, it was his testament. Then he died, five years later, 355 after Flood, Babel starts. Forty years after that, 395 after Flood, Babel is finished and nations are dispersed, and this dispersion is still ongoing at ... six years later, 401 after Flood, when Peleg is born.

So, the tradition would have been, originally:

Genesis 10:25 a : And to Heber were born two sons: the name of the one was Phaleg, because in his days the earth was divided [Would have been exposed:] [For] when Noah divided the Earth among his descendants, they disregarded this injunction, started building Babel 5 years later, and God stopped it 40 years after it started, dividing the Earth ...

This would involve that Jewish tradition as fixing the birth of Peleg on the wrong division, the juridical by Noah rather than factual by act of God, though Moses, disregarding that passage, made sure the real intent was intelligible.

The alternatives are, that Jewish tradition is false, it has to be fixed (and I fixed it wrong earlier), or it is true (but that involves Masoretic timeline).

I stick with the second one.

Flood, 2957 BC
low estim.
c. 1 percent modern carbon (pmc), 38 000 BC
high estim.
c. 4.4 pmc, 26 000 BC

Noah dies
350 after Flood, 2607 BC

Babel begins, 2602 BC
42.89 pmc, 9600 BC

Babel ends, 2562 BC
48.171 pmc, 8600 BC

Peleg is born
six years after end of Babel, 401 years after Flood, 2556 BC.

Abraham is born
2015 BC (given directly in Roman Martyrology, 942 after Flood).

Abraham is 80
in Genesis 14, chalcolithic of En-Geddi/Asasonthamar:

1935 BC
low estim.
83.76 pmc, 3400 BC
high estim.
85.811 pmc, 3200 BC

Joseph's pharao
being Djoser, the carbon date 2625 BC being from when Joseph's late carreer in Genesis' last chapters buries his father as well as around the same time but a bit later probably Djoser.* Unless the coffin identified as Djoser's is really Jacob's:

1745 BC
89.902 pmc, 2625 BC

Moses born
when Sesostris III dies, 1590 BC
98.523 pmc, 1713 BC

Jericho taken 1470 BC
high estim.
99.037 pmc, Kenyon's date of 1550 BC
low estim.
91.548 pmc., 2200 BC**

I'm taking the high estimate, for now.

How about the rise in carbon 14? I'll take the estimates which lead to fastest production in each case, not compatible between them

  • 2957 to 2602, 355 years, 95.797 % of original 1 pmc, rising to 42.89 pmc takes a production of 41.932 pmc points instead of usual 4.203 pmc points - a little less than 10 times faster.
  • 2602 to 2562, 40 years, 99.517 % of original 42.89 pmc, 42.683 pmc but rising to 48.171 pmc takes a production of 5.488 pmc points instead of usual 0.483 pmc points - 11.362 times faster.
  • 2562 to 1935, 627 years, 92.696 % of original 48.171 pmc, leaves 44.653 pmc, rising to (high estimate) 85.811 pmc, producing in 627 years 41.158 pmc points instead of usual 7.304 pmc in that time, 5.635 times faster than now.
  • 1935 to 1745, 190 years, 97.728 % of original (low estimate) 83.76 pmc, leaving 81.857 pmc in theory and rising instead to 89.902, a production of 8.045 pmc points in 190 years, usually it would be 2.272 pmc points, giving 3.541 as fast a production.
  • 1745 to 1590, 155 years, leaving 98.142 % of original 89.902 pmc, that being 88.232 pmc, rising instead to 98.523 pmc, 10.291 pmc points produced contrary to normally in 155 years 1.858 pmc points, 5.539 times faster.
  • 1590 to 1470, 120 years, leaving 98.559 % of original 98.523 pmc, that being 97.103 pmc, rising instead to (high estimate) 99.037, a production of 1.934 pmc points, against normally 1.441 pmc points, 1.342 times faster.

This would mean that at Exodus, as levels are getting close to modern 100 pmc, carbon 14 production slows down. There had been a previous slowing down from Abraham in Genesis 14 to Joseph and Djoser, but not as radical.

The irregularity of carbon production slowing down could imply some kind of error in the matchings I made. I'll mention, but do not believe, the theory of "lost millennium" - the time from Exodus to Solomon's temple being 1000 years longer than the present text of III Kings 6:1.

It says And it came to pass in the four hundred and eightieth year after the children of Israel came out of the land of Egypt, in the fourth year of the reign of Solomon over Israel, in the month Zio (the same is the second month), he began to build a house to the Lord. Some claim it used to say 1480 instead of 480 years.

That would solve some problems, basically no radically lower carbon levels since the time of Joseph, but would involve ditching the Sesostris III match for the Pharao at Moses' birth and therefore the Hyksos match for post-Exodus Egypt. It also seems to be supported in no text at all, it is only a conjecture. Normally, God would have preserved at least one mauscript with the good reading.

For now, at least, I'll stick with carbon production not just slowing down, but fluctuating some while slowing down.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St Stanislas of Krakow

* 2015 - 1915 Abraham's birth to Isaac's
1915 - 1855 Isaac's birth to Israel's and Esau's
1855 - 1745 Israel's birth to death
1745 - 1740? Israel's death to Djoser's?

** Promoted by factors of terrain, but in conflict with Sesostris III at birth of Moses.

Credits : most go to CMI for the matches, Imhotep as Joseph, Moses as part time Amenemhet IV, before Hyksos, after Sesostris III, above all Abraham being 80 in Genesis 14, chalcolithic of En-Geddi/Asasonthamar, thank you Osgood, then Göbekli Tepe as Babel is my own hunch, shared (but only partly and from a non-Christian perspective) by Graham Hancock. As usual, carbon 14 levels for so and so many extra years are calculated using:

Carbon 14 Dating Calculator

As for idea Peleg was born while Noah divided the Earth, I cannot now find the source for this being a Jewish tradition, but it seems from Bible-Science Guy, previously cited, this also was Ussher's idea.

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