Intro : General Intro to my Carbon Tables (with other parts in links in comments) · Conclusion : Preliminary Conclusion, with Corrections · How Accurate are Chronogenealogies Anyway? Conclusion continued. · Table for St Jerome as per Preliminary Conclusion · Refining table Flood to Abraham - and a doubt · Ultra Brief Summary on Carbon 14 Method
Assumptions in below are either strong or "alternative". Strong ones are:
Too old carbon dates are due to original content lower than 100 pmc, and the lower original percentage adds so many extra years as the percentage if measured now would imply in conventional dating years. For instance, and original 88.606 pmc would add 1000 extra years, like an object now having 88.606 pmc is thousand years old, an original 98.798 pmc would add 100 extra years, like an object measuring 98.798 pmc now is 100 years old.
Göbekli Tepe is Babel, which project took 40 years. Joseph is remembered by pagans as Imhotep, so his pharao is Djoser.
Mid-strong (not quite alternative on my view) are:
Flood year pmc level is more likely to correspond to last Neanderthal skeleton, as they were a pre-Flood race, than to most recent carbon dated dinosaur, as there can have been post-Flood mudslides.
Masoretic timeline can be disconsidered in favour of LXX, at least for post-Flood patriarchs.
Alternative ones are:
Sticking to Neanderthal "extinction" as Flood year's carbon date;
Sticking to 3200 BC rather than 3400 BC as probable carbon date for Genesis 14. Either one is meant as corresponding to chalcolithic of En-Geddi, for which I have no carbon date available, but 3200 BC fits the conventional dating of Narmer.
Sticking to Sesostris III as the pharao who wanted to kill Hebrew children, Amenemhet III as the pharao who adopted Moses, Amenemhet IV as Moses coregent (disappearing before Amenemhet III);
Sticking to younger level of Jericho (Kenyon's 1550 BC, the level conventionally dated as 2200 BC or sth - not sure if there is a carbon date - being perhaps a better fit topographically).
AND sticking to St Jerome's chronology, the shortest between Flood and birth of Abraham of the LXX based ones, in fact the post-Flood patriarchs would correspond to Samaritan Pentateuch too (but his pre-Flood don't, which is less important, since I am considering a post-Flood rise in carbon 14.
This point - St Jerome's - is well supported for us Roman Catholics, unless we prefer Vulgate chronology for which Ussher is a good chronology, but for those preferring a longer LXX (Syncellus adding II Cainan or even the standard LXX text now where Nahor is 179 years old when begetting), that is no problem, since the carbon 14 would be produced less fast resulting in a less fast rise of carbon levels. Below the table, to show my procedure of calculation, I saved the ones for the midpoint between Jacob's death and Moses' birth.
Best wishes for those wanting to use this,
Hans Georg Lundahl
Sunday after Ascension
Here is the table:
- Noah *
- 3557 BC
- Shem *
- 3055 BC
- Flood
- 2957 BC
- low estim.
- c. 1 percent modern carbon (pmc), 38 000 BC (40 000 BP)
- Arphaxad *
- 2955 BC
- 2868 BC
- 11.641 pmc, 20 668 BC
- Shelah *
- 2820 BC
- 2780 BC
- 22.169 pmc, 15 230 BC
- Eber *
- 2690 BC / 2691 BC
- 32.584 pmc 11 941 BC
- Noah +
- 2607 BC
- Babel begins
- 2602 BC
- 42.89 pmc, 9600 BC
- Babel ends
- 2562 BC
- 48.171 pmc, 8600 BC
- Peleg *
- 2556 BC
- 2484 BC
- 53.036 pmc, 7734 BC
- Shem +
- 2455 BC
- Reu *
- 2426 BC
- 2405 BC
- 57.849 pmc, 6955 BC
- Arphaxad +
- 2390 BC
- Shelah +
- 2360 BC
- 2327 BC
- 62.622 pmc, 6177 BC
- Serug *
- 2294 BC
- 2249 BC
- 67.347 pmc, 5499 BC
- Peleg +
- 2217 BC
- Eber +
- 2186 BC
- 2170 BC
- 72.031 pmc, 4870 BC
- Nahor *
- 2164 BC
- 2092 BC
- 76.665 pmc, 4292 BC
- Reu +
- 2087 BC
- Terah *
- 2085 BC
- Abraham *
- 2015 BC
- 2013 BC
- 81.261 pmc, 3713 BC
- Serug +
- 1964 BC
- Nahor +
- 1956 BC
- Genesis 14
- 1935 BC (high estimate)
- 85.811 pmc, 3200 BC
- Isaac *
- 1915 BC
- Terah +
- 1884 BC
- Abraham +
- 1860 BC
- Jacob *
- 1855 BC
- 1840 BC
- 87.869 pmc, 2890 BC
- Isaac +
- 1735 BC
- Jacob +
- and Djoser presumed at similar time
- 1745 BC
- 89.902 pmc, 2625 BC
- 1668 BC
- 94.231 pmc, 2158 BC
- Moses born
- when Sesostris III dies, presumably. But this implies the higher layer at Jericho.
- 1590 BC
- 98.523 pmc, 1713 BC
Produced partly before and finished today, as above date of publication./HGL
1935 BC
1745 BC
0190 years, 97.728 %
Normal production in pmc : 2.272 pmc
85.811 * 97.728 / 100 = 83.86137408 (theoretic remainder with no new carbon 14)
89.902 - 83.86137408 = 6.04062592 (actual production)
6.04062592 / 2.272 = 2.6587261971830986 (ratio as how much faster production)
190 / 2 = 95, 98.857 % (an object with that pmc now is 95 years old)
100 - 98.857 = 1.143 (normal production)
1.143 * 2.6587261971830986 = 3.0389240433802816998 (actual production)
85.811 * 98.857 / 100 = 84.83018027 (remainder in theory)
84.83018027 + 3.0389240433802816998 = 87.8691043133802816998 c. = 87.869 (pmc at mid point)
1745+95 = 1840 BC (real year of mid point)
1840 BC, 87.869 pmc, 1050 extra years
1050+1840 = 2890 (carbon dated year at this mid point)
Oh, one more alternative or even weak assumption : using straight lines on the graph, so to speak, between the calculated pmc values. As above/HGL
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