Some of the guys who are debating me could use this method of approach:
Learn Faster with The Feynman Technique
Scott Young
Recommended concepts:
- carbon rise (if in the past carbon 14 level has risen to present, it means you get too long ago ages if you set N0 at 100 instead of a real 80 pmc, 50 pmc, 25 pmc or at Flood close to 1 pmc : this is presuming carbon dating is physically correct on every point except carbon 14 levels in atmospheres of the past);
- Cretaceous biotope (for a Flood geologist like myself the layer which yields Creataceous fossiles is contemporary, from Flood, usually, with one that yields Permian or Eocene ones : they were diverse biotopes during Flood and cross country overlaying of laminated or lithologically diversified strata is irrelevant to this);
- excess argon (key to too old potassium argon dates);
- original lead content (key problem for U-Pb and Th-Pb methods);
- lab determination of halflives if very long ones (a possible second key problem for K-Ar, U-Pb and Th-Pb methods, but not for C14).
- how Chromosome numbers change (key problem with all mammals or placental mammals sharing a common ancestor).
- how stellar parallax depends on heliocentric assumptions (and is the first step beyond solar system in cosmic distance ladder, while solar system distances are no problem for a young universe, we are not even a light day from Pluto)
- history trumps reconstruction (what the diverse probabilities of a history and a reconstruction is of being right.)
Good luck with your creationist studies!
Hans Georg Lundahl
5th Sunday after Pentecost
PS : Illustration already used in this post in French and coming from a page on Regina University no longer visible at least right now, see credits on my blog post!
Let's take the other diagram:

Insert N0 = 50 instead of = 100 ... bbl ... back again: I get 1416 years, which is way off.
I was in fact thinking of 8600 BC rather than BP, and 9600 - 8600 BC is a span when on my view carbon level passed from under to over 50 pmc. So, say 75 instead of 100. I now get 3026 BP, which is about 1000 BC. Also off. 6000 BC is very early Uruk, can't be about times of King David, more like times of Abraham. Say 85 pmc. 3523 BP, c. 1500 BC, times of Exodus, also too recent. Say 90. No, this would land the item in times of Joseph in Egypt, 3750 BP. AND I see I have been doing a fault, multiplying instead of dividing by -0.693. Again : 75 pmc. So, now I come to 6301 BP, c. 4300 BC, which is pre-Flood. But early Uruk is arguably post-Flood and post-Babel. So, with 50 pmc it is 2949 BP or 950 BC, which is too recent. Things which have 35 pmc left lived in an atmosphere which had between 50 and 75 pmc./HGL
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