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vendredi 31 mars 2017
Michael Oard Mixing Issues - and Avoiding What I Brought Up Previous to Now
Here is today's article from CMI:
Can the relative timing of radioisotope dates be applied to biblical geology?
by Michael J. Oard
Here are some "quotes" from it, with my comments under them.*
"The idea of using relative radiometric dating as a template for biblical earth history mostly sandwiches 4.567 billion years of uniformitarian history into 377 days of biblical earth history."
That is not even Anne Habermehl, since she is placing all of the radio dated timeline in post-Flood history. But as I will be seeing, there are others than she in the field.
And most who think that most of the million years dated things are from the Flood (as opposed to post-Flood or sometimes pre-Flood) are also not into using their relative dates as a relative timeline.
Carbon dates of Flood material usually do give about the same relative time : 20,000 - 50,000 BP.
I personally like to make the carbon dated place of the Flood be more precise, around 35,000 or 37,000 BP.
Now, I'll leave carbon dates for a moment and follow Oard's text:
"Both Baumgardner and Snelling make assumptions about the earth’s past outside of the Bible that drive their version of natural history and our ability to date its details by converting secular dates. One assumption is that the chronostratigraphic timescale is reliable. This allows them to claim the pre-Flood/Flood boundary is at or near the base of the Cambrian, and remain confident that this correlation point is valid all over the earth."
We are dealing with very different things when it comes to carbon dates and when it comes to chronostratigraphy.
With carbon dates you find one sample which dates as 40,000 BC, is a Neanderthal, and you ask if he or she died before the Flood, and you find another sample which carbon dates 15,000 BC and you feel confident it was after the Flood. The dates are related to the remaining content of C-14 as compared to the overall content of C, mostly C-12. The fudge factor behind the non-Biblical or Anti-Biblical Dates is how much the carbon 14 level rose.
That is one fudge factor which I am perhaps in today's world uniquely involved in circumscribing with relative constraints. On my view, anything which carbon dates 15,000 BC, unless it's an object which can be explained by reservoir effect, close to ice caps, must for instance be AFTER Flood but also BEFORE Exodus or even Abraham. When exactly is up for debate, and I am doing, not just one table but diverse tables, which are meant to give different options, some of which can then later be eliminated (though not from my writings) as not the true one because contradicting this or that or other certain fact from Bible, Tradition or History.
Chronostratigraphy, on the other hand, is a vicious circle in which two ends of one state (US) can have two types of fauna, one dinosaur and one pelykosaur, and then the excavated layer with the pelykosaur be considered as "lower" because it contains a fossil presumed to be "older" than the dinosaur.
"Thus, the Paleozoic is the ‘early Flood’, the Mesozoic is the ‘middle Flood’, and parts of the Cenozoic are the ‘late Flood’."
This is totally wrong, a pelykosaur is "late Palaeozoic (Permian)" or possibly "early Mesozoic (Triassic)", while a dinosaur is "Mesozoic" (especially "mid" or "late", i e "Jurassic" or "Cretaceous").
But the strata are NOT (and any familiarity with vertebrate palaeontology can tell you that, but it seems rare in CMI!) over and under each other on some one site where you find the dino higher or the pelykosaur lower. In other words, the evidence as we have it for vertebrate palaeontology is perfectly (at least for land vertebrates) compatible with having come there by the dinos and pelykosaurs simply having been buried fairly quickly in their natural habitat. The situation is a bit as if today's most typical fauna were buried and replaced by some which is now untypical, our mammals would be a matter for cryptozoology or palaeontology, and someone finds a wolf and a reindeer here and a moose and a bear there, and a third place, they find a wold with a bear and moose, but you never find moose with reindeers.
The reason as we know it is that reindeers and moose don't do the same habitat.
And then some palaeo considers wolf as extending over both "reindeer period" and "moose period" while reindeers are "index fossils" for the "reindeer period" only, moose and bear for the "moose period" only.**
The thing for sake of which geologists tend to overlook this is that, if you find the pelykosaur in a layer buried under some clearly other non-fossil layer of rock, that layer of rock gets the same name as a fossil bearing layer elsewhere.
If under the dino you find a non-fossil bearing layer of rock (at least as far as you are looking) it will tend to be labelled as a layer considered "older" where it bears fossils elsewhere, perhaps the layer of the pelykosaur.
This is why it is vital to distinguish the three meanings, the ideological and the two different empirical ones when dealing with chronostratigraphy. That is a "timescale" which should be reconstructed as a map, not one which should be squeezed.
Why datings by Ka-Ar tend to confirm it, at least somewhat, would probably be that many are discarded (this I trust CMI and other creationists on) but where the non-discarded ones do give a relative "timescale" it may well be because of argon dissipating later and therefore more in higher layers of lava. I don't pretend to have investigated that part, you are free to make experiments on it totally independently of any research I were to do, I have just given the general idea.
BUT, with all this, C-14 is a separate issue and therefore poses a separate challenge, one result of which may well be a squeezable time-scale.
"Humphreys makes much of the plot of radiometric dates over time,2 originally collected by Woodmorappe.9 It shows a roughly linear relationship between dates and the stages of the geological timescale (figure 2)."
[cited : Humphreys, D.R., Accelerated nuclear decay: a viable hypothesis? In: Vardiman, L., Snelling, A.A. and Chaffin, E.F. (Eds.), Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth: A Young-Earth Creationist Research Initiative, Institute for Creation Research, Dallas, TX, and Creation Research Society, Chino Valley, AZ, p. 342, 2000.
Woodmorappe, J., Radiometric geochronology appraised; in: Woodmorappe, J. (compiler), Studies in Flood Geology, Institute for Creation Research, Dallas, TX, pp. 147–175, 1999 [available from CRS Books].]
I suspect this is about non-carbon dates, and I suspect the easy way to get a solution is to do studies in lava flows and dating of lava.
"However, a closer look reveals that the dates vary by around 200 Ma and include outliers that are billions of years too old! One example of an outlier is the 1.3 Ga Rb-Sr isochron age for lava that erupted after the Flood on the northwest rim of the Grand Canyon.10 It is obvious that the precision of relative dates is far from satisfactory to be used for absolute biblical dates."
This very clearly has no bearing on carbon dates, since these do not involve dating ages of that magnitude.
"Making sense of relative dates and converting old dates to young ones, especially in light of the temporal asymmetry of the Flood, is crucial to the whole enterprise. Earth’s history extends over 6,000 years. The Flood, which produced the bulk of the sedimentary rock record, comprises only one of those years. Thus, advocates of relative dating must know when to convert old dates to years of non-Flood history, and also to days of Flood history. Thus, the location of the pre-Flood/Flood boundary becomes crucial."
No, I don't think so.
In Yacoraite, the Cretaceous as well as the Palaeocene layers are both from the Flood. Between them, there is probably (I got no answer when writing to them) a layer of Iridium.
In Karoo, the Permian, Triassic and Jurassic layers are all from the Flood. They are found side by side, and where you find Permian surrounded by Triassic faunal types, the Permian part is considered an "outcrop".
The thing is that Cretaceous and Palaeocene snails in Yacoraite, and in Karoo, the Permian Gorgonops torvus, the Jurassic Aardonyx celestae, the Triassic Eucnemesaurus fortis were all typically buried at roughly same time in the Flood in the places where they had been living.
I tried to get this through and got an answer that this research might be a good thing for later when we know more about two and three dimensional distribution of fossils, but the thing is we DO know them, if we look at palaeontology instead of looking at geology. I know this, I went through online resources. Obvious exception, marine fauna, where you do actually find trilobites clearly below (ordinary sense of the word) an Elasmosaur - as in Bonaparte Basin, as I found out in a debate.
The lacuna in my research, so far, is for where palaeontological finds are made by oil drillers rather than bone diggers. But I suspect they would all claim to have "all steps of geological column" and insofar as they could substantiate that, it would all be marine fauna steps. Whereever palaeontologists are digging, it is my picture which has so far emerged.
Unfortunately, Oard keeps overlooking this, as his words indicate:
"Therefore, until we have a better understanding of the placement of the pre-Flood/ Flood boundary, relative dating will not yield precise dates for the Flood, and the proposals of both Baumgardner and Snelling need further work."
He is still looking for a chronostratigraphical unit where you can say "these fossils are from Flood, these from after Flood". Presumably all valid kinds (as opposed to trasngenics horrors) are there both before and after Flood, because they were all on Noah's Ark.
I am not sure if Gorgonops got aboard the Ark, but then I am not sure if Gorgonops was a creature of God in roughly same form as God created it on day six, or some experiment gone horribly wrong in transgenics.
I am sure that "Jurassic" Tyrannosaur like Creatures did live both before and after Flood. I am sure that "Cretaceous" Brachiosaur like creatures (technically Sauropods***) were there both before and after Flood. Meaning, some Jurassic and Cretaceous are really Flood layers, some would rather be post-Flood layers.
When a dino carbon dates to 28,000 BP, I am for my part getting post-Flood vibes from the date.
This doesn't mean there are no pre-Flood lives and Flood burials in dinos of same type.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Friday after
Laetare Sunday
PS : I am somewhat distracted this morning and early afternoon. Partly due to sleep privations (not voluntary on my part), partly due to a "hypno binge" as I term those occurrences in my life.
I have documented it on this and subsequent posts on a new blog, termed adult content (I don't want children under 13 reading about this, at least not without parental advise):
Blog 37, on Auto Hypnosis Experience : I Katherine Anne, Interactive Induction
I mentioned this distraction, because it explains why I didn't before signing mention why I place a carbon date limit for Flood at after "40,000 BP". Neanderthals being replaced by a purely "homo sapiens sapiens" or "anatomically modern man" population corresponds fairly well to Europe having in pre-Flood times been populated by men not of Noah's kin, mostly (with perhaps some exceptions, hence the earliest Cro-Magnon in Europe), but all died off in the Flood and were replaced by people who descend from Noah.
Now I have said this, and excuse me forgetting it./HGL
* In other words, quotes in quotation marks and italics, "like this", my comments no quotation marks and no italics, like this. ** And palaeoontolgists, if anything like today, would be saying "moose developed from reindeer, so reindeer period is the older of the two" or "reindeer developed from moose, so moose period is the older". *** Technical term for Tyrannosaurus, Allosaurus and the rest : Theropoda. I feel there is some symbolism in discovery of T Rex in 1905 by one Osborn - there is an Osborne who wrote a play I had to read, Look Back in Anger and 1905 was when Norway "divorced" from Sweden which it had been in personal union with since 1814.
mardi 21 mars 2017
About 5300 Years Ago There was a World Wide Flood? Iffy ...
Here is Syncellus, same kind of rebooting as previously between Ussher and St Jerome, and as a bonus, his tables involve lots of historical lore, I am omitting most of it, but not denying myself the dates of the seven kings of Rome:
- I 3258 BC
- 2.142 pmc, + 31 800 years, 35058 BC
- II 3086 BC
- 25.609 pmc, + 11 250 years, 14336 BC
- III 2913 BC
- 40.195 pmc, + 7550 years, 10463 BC
- 2724 BC, Dispersion of Tongues
- here comes before older layers of Göbekli Tepe.
A not further calibrated table according to Syncellus must therefore renounce on identifying the city of the Tower of Babel with Göbekli Tepe.
But it is not very difficult to recalibrate by shoving the following back a little.
- IV 2741 BC
- 54.721 pmc, + 5000 years, 7741 BC
- V 2568 BC
- 63.751 pmc, + 3700 years, 6268 BC
- VI 2396 BC
- 72.689 pmc, + 2650 years, 5046 BC
- VII 2224 BC
- 78.256 pmc, + 2050 years, 4274 BC
- 2189 BC
- Birth of Abraham.
- 2089 BC
- Birth of Isaac.
And beginnings of a unified Egypt (and Egypt existed 24 years before Isaac was born) are Narmer, whose raw carbon date is 3400 BC? Even if this is by Egyptologists adjusted to 3200 BC as beginning of Early Dynastic Egypt.
Here we are not yet even in 3501 BC.
Or suppose the raw carbon date was a Libby date ... 3400+1950=5350, 5350*1.03=5510.5, 5510-1950=3560.
If the raw carbon date of Cambridge halflife is 3560 BC, it is possible.
- VIII 2051 BC
- 83.844 pmc, + 1450 years, 3501 BC
- IX 1879 BC
- 87.316 pmc, + 1100 years, 2979 BC
- X 1707 BC
- 90.665 pmc, + 810 years, 2517 BC
- 1685 BC
- the Syncellus date for Exodus. Falls between 2517 and 2154 BC, Cambridge carbon dates, or 2387 and 2034 BC Libby dates.
Same thing for 1645 BC, the approximate date of fall of Jericho.
I think Kenyon would be happier with a higher than 100 pmc at this date, and taking Syncellus as giving the good date for fall of Jericho (still standing 1575).
But this omits that we are dealing with a rise in carbon levels.
If Kenyon's dates for Jericho are 1575 BC (see below), it would more probably be due to it being in 1470 BC (as St Jerome chronology suggests) and misdated as older.
- XI 1534 BC
- 92.752 pmc, + 620 years, 2154 BC
- 1433 BC
- Debora and Barac
- 1386 BC
- Gideon
- XII 1362 BC
- 94.992 pmc, + 430 years, 1792 BC
- 1282 BC
- Iephtha
- 1211 BC
- Samson
- XIII 1190 BC
- 96.376 pmc, + 310 years, 1500 BC
- 1189 BC
- Agamemnon becomes king of Mycenae and of Argives
- 1172 BC
- Syncellus' date for taking of Troy.
- 1166 BC
- Orestes becomes king of Mycenae and of Argives
- 1161 BC
- Aeneas becomes king of Latins
- 1158 BC
- ... and three years later Ascanius follows him
- 1151 BC
- Eli is Judge
- 1128 BC
- Samuel is Judge
- 1112 BC
- Syncellus places the election of Saul
- 1072 BC
- King David
- 1032 BC
- King Solomon
- XIV 1017 BC
- 97.486 pmc, + 210 years, 1227 BC
- 992 BC
- Roboam and Jeroboam (the editor takes exception to their rule starting same year).
- 944 BC / 938 BC
- Omri of Israel
- 931 / 930 BC
- Josaphath of Judah
- 930 / 926 BC
- Achab of Israel
- 906 BC
- Joram Judah and Israel (editor)
- 905 BC
- Joram Judah (Syncellus himself)
- 903 BC
- Joram Israel (Syncellus himself)
- 894 BC
- Jehu (editor)
- 891 BC
- Joas (editor) / Jehu (Syncellus himself)
- 888 BC
- Joas (Syncellus himself)
- XV 845 BC
- 98.188 pmc, + 150 years, 995 BC
- 800 BC
- Macedon begins
- 825 BC
- Syncellus poses the date when Medes take over after Assyrians.
- 770 BC
- Athens ceases to be a monarchy and has "archontes decennes" (archons ruling ten years or archons ruling ten together per year?)
- 759 BC
- Founding of Rome. Romulus.
- 754 BC
- Achas of Judah
- 743 / 740 BC
- Hosea of Israel
- 738 / 735 BC
- Hezechias of Judah
- 721 BC
- Numa Pompilius
- 680 BC
- Tullius Hostilius.
- XVI 672 BC
- 99.298 pmc, + 60 years, 732 BC
- 648 BC
- Ancus Martius.
- 625 BC
- Tarquinius Priscus
- 613 BC
- Nabuchodonosor
- 588 BC
- Servius Tullius
- 548 BC
- Cyrus.
- 544 BC
- Tarquinius Superbus.
- 520 BC
- Rome has consuls.
- 515 BC
- Egypt is conquered by Persia.
- XVII 500 BC
- 100 pmc, no extra years, 500 BC
Here is a citation of Jericho for you:
A succession of settlements followed from 4500 BCE onward, the largest constructed in 2600 BCE.[20]
Jericho was continually occupied into the Middle Bronze Age; it was destroyed in the Late Bronze, after which it no longer served as an urban centre. The city was surrounded by extensive defensive walls strengthened with rectangular towers, and possessed an extensive cemetery with vertical shaft-tombs and underground burial chambers; the elaborate funeral offerings in some of these may reflect the emergence of local kings.[34]
During the Middle Bronze Age, Jericho was a small prominent city of the Canaan region, reaching its greatest Bronze Age extent in the period from 1700 to 1550 BCE. It seems to have reflected the greater urbanization in the area at that time, and has been linked to the rise of the Maryannu, a class of chariot-using aristocrats linked to the rise of the Mitannite state to the north. Kathleen Kenyon reported "...the Middle Bronze Age is perhaps the most prosperous in the whole history of Kna'an. ... The defenses ... belong to a fairly advanced date in that period" and there was "a massive stone revetment... part of a complex system" of defenses (pp. 213–218).[35] Bronze-Age Jericho fell in the 16th century at the end of the Middle Bronze Age, the calibrated carbon remains from its City-IV destruction layer dating to 1617–1530 BCE. Notably this carbon dating c. 1573 BCE confirmed the accuracy of the stratigraphical dating c. 1550 by Kenyon.
There was evidence of a small settlement in the Late Bronze Age (c.1400s BCE) on the site, but erosion and destruction from previous excavations have erased significant parts of this layer.
Unfortunately, Syncellus gives no date for Joseph in Egypt, that I could find in the tables, which would be with Djoser, carbon dated, like Narmer.
The most interesting line from Jacob to Syncellus is Levi, Caath, Amram, Moses.
I have omitted lots of material from Syncellus, though it is interesting. Some is a bit more bewildering than I can deal with, I am still no great knower of the enture kings of Judah and Israel.
On a totally other note, while I think Eusebius and St Jerome and Roman Martyrology are more correct than Syncellus, the editor of the work is actually, probably, a Catholic, from Germany, Niebuhr, and in 1829 it was published in Bonn, and involves a dedication by a Paris Dominican (I have seen their Church!) namely Jacques Goar OP to one Pierre Séguier, Chancellor of France.
That was written in Rue St Honoré (a road where now the French Presidents reside) and this was under King Charles X, who conquered Algeria.
Hans Georg Lundahl
ut supra (vel infra)
Corrected correlation between a set of Syncellus dates and the crucial points, 4.IV.2017/HGL
Around Five Thousand Years Ago, There was a World Wide Flood?
Here I have rebooted the last table I gave Ussher's chronology. Namely with other BC years for Biblical chronology.
And inserted a few hints about how fitting or less fitting this chronology would be:
- I 2957 BC
- 2.142 pmc, + 31 800 years, 34757 BC
- II 2803 BC
- 25.609 pmc, + 11 250 years, 14053 BC
- III 2650 BC
- 40.195 pmc, + 7550 years, 10200 BC
- Low feature in Göbekli Tepe
- 9559 BP, 7609 BC
- IV 2496 BC
- 54.721 pmc, + 5000 years, 7496 BC
- High Feature in Göbekli Tepe
- 8430 BP, 6480 BC
- V 2343 BC
- 63.751 pmc, + 3700 years, 6043 BC
- VI 2189 BC
- 72.689 pmc, + 2650 years, 4839 BC
- VII 2036 BC
- 78.256 pmc, + 2050 years, 4086 BC
- Ur of Woolley starts
- a little before Birth of Abraham
- Narmer's raw carbon date
- before 3332, around Birth of Isaac
- VIII 1882 BC
- 83.844 pmc, + 1450 years, 3332 BC
- IX 1728 BC
- 87.316 pmc, + 1100 years, 2828 BC
- Date of Joseph
- is close to a raw carbon date of Djoser
- X 1575 BC
- 90.665 pmc, + 810 years, 2385 BC
- Exodus (1510 BC)
- would carbon date between 2385 and 2041, if we had a trace of it.
- XI 1421 BC
- 92.752 pmc, + 620 years, 2041 BC
- XII 1268 BC
- 94.992 pmc, + 430 years, 1698 BC
- Trojan War Date 1190 BC
- falls between 1114 and 1268 BC, which means the carbon date would be between 1424 and 1698 BC. Could we be dealing with Troy V?
- XIII 1114 BC
- 96.376 pmc, + 310 years, 1424 BC
- Both Troy dates (VIh and VIIa)
- from Hisarlik fall between 961 BC and 1114 BC, since carbon dated between 1171 BC and 1424 BC.
- XIV 961 BC
- 97.486 pmc, + 210 years, 1171 BC
- XV 807 BC
- 98.188 pmc, + 150 years, 957 BC
- XVI 654 BC
- 99.298 pmc, + 60 years, 714 BC
- XVII 500 BC
- 100 pmc, no extra years, 500 BC
The greatest weakness of this idea is perhaps introducing Troy V as the Troy of Priam. I don't know any archaeologist who suggests that.
So, on this view, either Trojan War would be a myth, or a chronologically displaced story, or we need to look harder at possible traces of destruction in Troy V - and I don't think looking other places than Hissarlik is a great option.
Hans Georg Lundahl
ut supra
(or, as seen on blog : ut infra).
What about Ussher and Kent Hovind? Checking with Troy
This Sunday, St Joseph's Day, I set out to refute the carbonic implications of Kent Hovind's timeline. We'll see how the attempt ended, but first the statement and my first sketching out of implications.
"About 4400 years ago, there was a world wide Flood"
Anyone who has heard Kent Hovind say those words on a video, raise a hand (jk).
- 2400 BC
- 2.15 pmc
- 1400 BC
- 51.075 pmc
- 400 BC
- 100 pmc
This is if the levels form a straight line on a graph.
Otherwise we get instead
- 2400 BC
- 2.15 pmc
- 1400 BC
- 62.6213 pmc
- 400 BC
- 100 pmc
This latter is calculated as a "Fibonacci intermediary", see previous post on how I calculated values II, IV, VI, and so on. Between 2400 BC and 1400 BC, you have 1900 BC.
- 2400 BC
- 2.15 pmc
- 1900 BC
- 26.6125 pmc
- 1400 BC
- 51.075 pmc
- 400 BC
- 100 pmc
- 2400 BC
- 2.15 pmc
- 1900 BC
- 41.9932634 pmc
- 1400 BC
- 62.6213 pmc
- 400 BC
- 100 pmc
Between 2400 and 1900 BC, there is 2150 BC.
- 2400 BC
- 2.15 pmc
- 2150 BC
- 14.38125 pmc
- 1900 BC
- 26.6125 pmc
- 1400 BC
- 51.075 pmc
- 400 BC
- 100 pmc
- 2400 BC
- 2.15 pmc
- 2150 BC
- 26.77313678 pmc
- 1900 BC
- 41.9932634 pmc
- 1400 BC
- 62.6213 pmc
- 400 BC
- 100 pmc
Between 1900 BC and 1400 BC, there is 1650 BC.
- 2400 BC
- 2.15 pmc
- 2150 BC
- 14.38125 pmc
- 1900 BC
- 26.6125 pmc
- 1650 BC
- 38.84375 pmc
- 1400 BC
- 51.075 pmc
- 400 BC
- 100 pmc
- 2400 BC
- 2.15 pmc
- 2150 BC
- 26.77313678 pmc
- 1900 BC
- 41.9932634 pmc
- 1650 BC
- 53.92 pmc*
- 1400 BC
- 62.6213 pmc
- 400 BC
- 100 pmc
And between 1400 BC and 400 BC, there was 900 BC.
- 2400 BC
- 2.15 pmc
- 2150 BC
- 14.38125 pmc
- 1900 BC
- 26.6125 pmc
- 1650 BC
- 38.84375 pmc
- 1400 BC
- 51.075 pmc
- 900 BC
- 75.5375 pmc
- 400 BC
- 100 pmc
- 2400 BC
- 2.15 pmc
- 2150 BC
- 26.77313678 pmc
- 1900 BC
- 41.9932634 pmc
- 1650 BC
- 53.92 pmc*
- 1400 BC
- 62.6213 pmc
- 900 BC
- 85.7221 pmc
- 400 BC
- 100 pmc
Let's see what these levels would mean as to fake dates to the real dates - and recall, archaeology is usually dated in fake dates, sometimes of this type.
Straight line graph, first:
- 2400 BC
- 2.15 pmc, 31700 extra years, 34100 BC
- 2150 BC
- 14.38125 pmc, 16050 extra years, 18200 BC
- 1900 BC
- 26.6125 pmc, 10950 extra years, 12850 BC
- 1650 BC
- 38.84375 pmc, 7800 extra years, 9450 BC
- 1400 BC
- 51.075 pmc, 5550 extra years, 6950 BC
- 900 BC
- 75.5375 pmc, 2300 extra years, 3200 BC
- 400 BC
- 100 pmc, no extra years, 400 BC
According to this model, stone age would still be going on at the approximate time of Exodus, it would just have turned Neolithic some while ago.
I suppose 1650 BC might be an Ussher date for Joseph in Egypt? I check Haydock comment, which gives Year of the World 2369, Year before Christ 1635. This is Genesis 50:25. This would then have been also in Neolithic and clearly before any visible Egyptian unity.
Abraham was according to Ussher called Genesis 12:10: Year of the World 2084, Year before Christ 1920. So Isaac was born five years after 1900 BC, in 1895 BC. And this was Late Palaeolithic?
And King Solomon's Temple coincides roughly with early dynastic Egypt, Solomon is contemporary with Narmer (one pharao who actually has been carbon dated, though the raw date 3400 BC has been revised despite C14 to 3200 BC).
I suppose you can see why this table is useless, other than as illustration of one of its premisses being flawed.
Now, next table, the graph with Fibonacci intermediates:
- 2400 BC
- 2.15 pmc, 31700 extra years, 34100 BC
- 2150 BC
- 26.77313678 pmc, 10900 extra years, 13050 BC
- 1900 BC
- 41.9932634 pmc, 7150 extra years, 9050 BC
- 1650 BC
- 53.92 pmc*, 5100 extra years, 6750 BC
- 1400 BC
- 62.6213 pmc, 3850 extra years, 5250 BC
- 900 BC
- 85.7221 pmc, 1250 extra years, 2150 BC
- 400 BC
- 100 pmc
In this version, Exodus from Egypt is before Ur was a real city, but Solomon was at least later than Djoser (another pharao who has been carbon dated, which is rare in Egyptology, I have heard).
With these tables, no wonder that people discard Kent Hovind's and Henry M. Morris' idea of a rising carbon level.
I didn't stay here, I actually thought it might do to give Kent Hovind and Ussher a better chance than this.
That is why I came up with the levels table on the previous message here. I will now insert this timeline in 16 subdivisions into those tables.
- I 2400 BC
- 2.142 pmc, + 31 800 years, 34200 BC
- II 2275 BC
- 25.609 pmc, + 11 250 years, 13525 BC
- III 2150 BC
- 40.195 pmc, + 7550 years, 9700 BC
- IV 2025 BC
- 54.721 pmc, + 5000 years, 7025 BC
- V 1900 BC
- 63.751 pmc, + 3700 years, 5600 BC
- VI 1775 BC
- 72.689 pmc, + 2650 years, 4425 BC
- VII 1650 BC
- 78.256 pmc, + 2050 years, 3700 BC
- VIII 1525 BC
- 83.844 pmc, + 1450 years, 2975 BC
- IX 1400 BC
- 87.316 pmc, + 1100 years, 2500 BC
- X 1275 BC
- 90.665 pmc, + 810 years, 2085 BC
- XI 1150 BC
- 92.752 pmc, + 620 years, 1770 BC
- XII 1025 BC
- 94.992 pmc, + 430 years, 1455 BC
- XIII 900 BC
- 96.376 pmc, + 310 years, 1210 BC
- XIV 775 BC
- 97.486 pmc, + 210 years, 985 BC
- XV 650 BC
- 98.188 pmc, + 150 years, 800 BC
- XVI 525 BC
- 99.298 pmc, + 60 years, 585 BC
- XVII 400 BC
- 100 pmc, no extra years, 400 BC
I think this is still a bit too much squeezing of conventional timelines a bit too late, since last millennium BC was fairly well documented.
Also, just before it, we have Troy sacked. This is too much squeezing for the current identification of sacked Troy with Troy VI. Or is this identification still current? I'll be checking. Here are Troy VII and Troy on wiki. Here is a selective and composite quote:
Troy VII ... was built following the destruction of Troy VIh,[2] probably by an earthquake c. 1300 BC. A number of layers are distinguished:
- Troy VIIa: ca. 13th century BC
- Troy VIIb1: 12th century BC
- Troy VIIb2: 11th century BC
- Troy VIIb3: until c. 950 BC
The city of the archaeological layer known as Troy VIIa, which has been dated on the basis of pottery styles to the mid- to late-13th century BC, lasted for about a century, with a destruction layer at c. 1190 BC. It is the most often-cited candidate for the Troy of Homer and is believed to correspond to Wilusa, known from Hittite sources dating to the period of roughly 1300–1250 BC.
The layers of ruins in the citadel at Hisarlık are numbered Troy I – Troy IX, with various subdivisions:[note 2]
- Troy I 3000–2600 BC (Western Anatolian EB 1)
- Troy II 2600–2250 BC (Western Anatolian EB 2)
- Troy III 2250–2100 BC (Western Anatolian EB 3 [early])
- Troy IV 2100–1950 BC (Western Anatolian EB 3 [middle])
- Troy V: 20th–18th centuries BC (Western Anatolian EB 3 [late])
- Troy VI: 17th–15th centuries BC
- Troy VIh: late Bronze Age, 14th century BC
- Troy VIIa: c. 1300–1190 BC, most likely setting for Homer's story
- Troy VIIb1: 12th century BC
- Troy VIIb2: 11th century BC
- Troy VIIb3: until c. 950 BC
- Troy VIII: c. 700–85 BC
- Troy IX: 85 BC–c. AD 500
Now, if the identification here of destruction layer carbon dated as 1190 BC with Trojan War is correct, there is no squeezing at all towards the beginning of first millennium BC.
If on the other hand the destruction identified as of an earthquake 1300 BC is really that of Trojan War, then the squeezing at beginning of the last millennium** BC was about 110 years. Or 60 years, if the earthquake is rather dated 1250 BC.
This is the position I was looking for when I started the tables : 1189 carbon dated as 1289.
If the above last table for Ussher chronology is right, we would have 1275 BC, a bit before Trojan War, dated as 1770 BC. This would make the city of Priam identic, not indeed to Schliemann's Troy II, but at least to Troy V.
On the other hand, if Schliemann was right, supposing this to be carbon dates, which is probable, "Troy II 2600–2250 BC (Western Anatolian EB 2)" would mean 1040 extra years at destruction of Troy. So, taking Schliemann's Troy for Priam's would mean above last table has a bit too little squeezing towards the end.
So, generally speaking, even with this best table, if my new start is better, Ussher's timeline is too short.
But of course, Kent Hovind might want to defend it by NOT taking the divisions I-XVII above in even chronological sequence, he might want to calibrate how fast and slow the progression goes.
I might want to do it myself in a while. For my own preference, the chronology of St Jerome, which is used in the Roman Martyrology, as usually with me. It might even be needed for Syncellus.
But more thereof, for another time.
Hans Georg Lundahl
ut "supra"***
* Omitting some zeros and further decimals.
** Or towards end of second to last millennium BC, rather.
*** Relative to layout on the blog, it is of course "ut infra".
New Fibonacci Calibration
My older Fibonacci Table was more complex in calculation, but had one possible flaw, apart from complexity : by going too far in Fibonacci series, it involved the earliest rise into too fast rising, if it was indeed too fast.
Here I have gone only from 1, 1, 2 to 21. Not to 610.
On the other hand, I have, perhaps unduly simplified, as if the carbon 14 level rising itself were following a Fibonacci curve of decreased augmentation.
In the older table it was one component of the production of new C14 which did so.
I'll explain for non-experts : a stable carbon 14 level in atmosphere means, for one thing, a stable level of normal carbon dioxide in atmosphere, which I take to have been stable since Flood, with less overall than before Flood, since some would have been buried - not sure how much this affects the result, though. Why so, you may ask? Because the C14 level is not measured against volume of atmosphere, since it is taken in samples of organic material which have long since ceased to be part of atmosphere. It is measured against weight of other carbon, all of which basically has been carbon dioxide in atmosphere.
A stable carbon 14 in atmosphere also means the decay rate is stable, which I grant, taking the Cambridge half life : 5730 years = after them any sample will have half as much C14 as it had before them. This includes the sample which is carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
But this means that a stable carbon 14 level involves one more thing too, namely a stable producttion of new carbon 14 which is in balance with what is lost through radioactive decay within the atmosphere itself.
And this means that a rising level of Carbon 14 either involves not enough time having lapsed since the rise from scratch began, if that is how it worked, or that some time the present level was simply given as part of creation, which I do not grant, though God could have done it, precisely as for similar mathematical reasons we cannot have had a rise to a stable level happen through normal today's production of new C14. Or, third possibility, a rising level could also involve new carbon 14 being produced faster than now, while the level is rising.
This is of course my view of the matter, since back in 2015.
Now, the Fibonacci Table of 2015 took the production of new carbon 14 during the period I study into two portions : the portion which is today's level of new production, and the portion which exceeds it, which portion I divided into Fibonaccian multiples of a certain dividend of it.
Here, it is much more clumsy as approach, I only take eight steps of rise in the resulting level itself.
And these I calculated on Sunday, St Joseph's Day and Third Sunday of Lent, or Third Lord's Day of Lent. However, that only gives 9 levels of C14, including 100 percent modern carbon and the presumed Flood level of modern carbon.
I wanted more levels, so this morning, St Benedict's Day, I added 8 intermediary levels, using a formula of intercalation which basically multiplies the difference between two levels by 0.618 and then decides that product is added onto lower level in order to produce the intermediate one.
And here we have the results, I did some rounding, reducing pmc exactitude to three decimal places:
- I
- 2.142 pmc, + 31 800 years
- II
- 25.609 pmc, + 11 250 years
- 40.195 pmc, + 7550 years
- IV
- 54.721 pmc, + 5000 years
- V
- 63.751 pmc, + 3700 years
- VI
- 72.689 pmc, + 2650 years
- 78.256 pmc, + 2050 years
- 83.844 pmc, + 1450 years
- IX
- 87.316 pmc, + 1100 years
- X
- 90.665 pmc, + 810 years
- XI
- 92.752 pmc, + 620 years
- 94.992 pmc, + 430 years
- 96.376 pmc, + 310 years
- 97.486 pmc, + 210 years
- XV
- 98.188 pmc, + 150 years
- 99.298 pmc, + 60 years
- 100 pmc, no extra years
And to make sure that we are dealing* with Cambridge half life, here are some diagnostic pmc's: 70.7 should give half of a halflife, 2865 years, gives 2850. 50 should give a halflife, 5730, gives 5750. 25 should give two half lives, 11 460, gives 11450.
I suspect that the calculator* has been given some either calibration or rounding, and if rounding, I think it can basically be trusted. For our purpose, which is not identical to that of those putting it online.
You may notice that I have not given BC years either for Biblical or "carbon dated" chronologies, this because I think above table can very well be adapted to diverse Biblical chronologies and also get the years between its steps calibrated to faster or slower, if needed.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
St Benedict's Day
or Tuesday after
III Lord's Day in Lent
PS, in case some are dense (or just need some tea or coffee) : the pmc levels given are not of what would be expected now from whatever the year, they are meant as normal pmc level of atmosphere and recent normal samples back then. Therefore they do not give the carbon age, they only give the extra years above the carbon age. As it would have been if carbon 14 level had been 100 pmc./HGL
* The Carbon 14 Dating Calculator is the one which I gave a short link http://ppt.li/3m8 because its full link is a bit long:
Carbon 14 Dating Calculator
samedi 18 mars 2017
Quora : Does the Bible, Torah and the Quran tell us how long humans have been on this Earth and where they first appeared?
- Q
Does the Bible, Torah and the Quran tell us how long humans have been on this Earth and where they first appeared?
- ARq
- Answer requested by 1 person Anonymous
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- Studied religions as curious parallels and contrasts to Xtian faith since 9, 10?
- Written Wed
- The Quran? No.
Islamic tradition, yes, when it says Mohammed was 39 or 40 generations from Adam (which I don’t believe), but the Quran, no.
It is a very short and incomplete document for a religion.
The Bible, notably the Torah, yes.
At least as far as when.
Where, depends on where you place the four rivers, two of them are the limits of Mesopotamia, as they flow now, but it is disputed where the other two went, though one was the Nile.
In one version, Euphrates and Tigris are the North Rivers and Nile and an Arabian river the South rivers, and the common source probably in Holy Land, with Jordan as the source of all four.
In another version, Euphrates and Tigris are the Central Rivers, Nile the West extreme and Ganges (possibly turning to Danube) the East Extreme.
You could also imagine Danube was one of the four and Ganges a false identification, in that case Euphrates and Tigris are the East Rivers and Danube and Nile the West Rivers.
How that hints about the common source is a guess (btw, when I speak of Danube, I mean same river bed but opposite direction before the Flood : palaeontology shows Vienna has been a sea shore.)
As for how long ago, that is not a guess, it is even more stricter limited.
Adam was 130 or 230 when he begat Seth. Depends on which text you find most reliable. Depending on text, the Flood was in 2242 or 1656 or 1305 after Creation.
Genealogies of Genesis - Wikipedia
After Flood, Abraham can have been born 3414/3184, 1948 or 2247 after Creation.
After that there are more years given in the life of each patriarch up to migration into Egypt. So, between Abraham and Joseph there is little room for doubt on how many years. Between Joseph receiving his family and Moses going out of Egypt with their descendants, there are two versions, 400 years or 215 years, the latter being most probable.
After Exodus, the timeline is 40 years up to entry into land of Canaan, after Moses died and Joshua succeeded him, so many years (40 I think) up to death of Joshua, some convoluted histories in the time known as the Judges between Joshua and King Saul and King David and King Solomon, probably straightened out if you read an overview in Paralipomena (a k a Chronicles), between King Solomon and Babylonian captivity the timeline is fairly straight forward, and Babylonian captivity occurred in … checking wiki:
The Babylonian captivity or Babylonian exile is the period in Jewish history during which a number of Judahites of the ancient Kingdom of Judah were captives in Babylonia. After the Battle of Carchemish in 605 BCE, Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, besieged Jerusalem, resulting in tribute being paid by King Jehoiakim. [1] Jehoiakim refused to pay tribute in Nebuchadnezzar's fourth year, which led to another siege in Nebuchadnezzar's seventh year, culminating with the death of Jehoiakim and the exile of King Jeconiah, his court and many others; Jeconiah's successor Zedekiah and others were exiled in Nebuchadnezzar's eighteenth year; a later deportation occurred in Nebuchadnezzar's twenty-third year. The dates, numbers of deportations, and numbers of deportees given in the biblical accounts vary. [2] These deportations are dated to 597 BCE for the first, with others dated at 587/586 BCE, and 582/581 BCE respectively.[3]After the fall of Babylon to the Persian king Cyrus the Great in 539 BCE, exiled Judeans were permitted to return to Judah.[4][5]According to the biblical book of Ezra, construction of the second temple in Jerusalem began around 516 BCE. All these events are considered significant in Jewish history and culture, and had a far-reaching impact on the development of Judaism.
Babylonian captivity - Wikipedia
This means that the wikipedian article is probably written from Jewish perspective, it is possible that Christian chronologists have a century more between Babylonian captivity and Birth of Christ.
Birth of Christ is also dated in relation to Roman chronology, which was a good one.
Since first Christians were in Roman still Pagan Empire, which later converted under Constantine, we can date them by emperors, and see what pope was martyred under what emperor. And the emperors are well dated.
- Other answers
- to same question
- ARq to Muhammad Ahmed
- Answer requested by 1 person Anonymous
- Muhammad Ahmed
- Design Engineer at And or Logic (2014-present)
- Written Wed
- i dont know about Torah and Bible but Quran answers that
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- How?
- Mike Rommel
- Retired
- Written Tue
- The Quran is out of the picture, has very little information that is historical except what it borrowed from the Bible. The Bible has genealogies from Jesus back to Adam, and through those we can be quite sure that the time back to Adam from now is about 6000 years. Where the garden of Eden was is not known.
- Meghan Louve
- former engineer, trans woman
- Written Tue
- No. It has been proven that modern man (homo sapiens) has been around for approximately 200,000 years, largely in Africa, and spread from there. The first five chapters of the Bible and the Torah are roughly 3300 years old. The story of Adam and Eve cannot be interpreted literally. The Qur’an was revealed to Muhammad in the seventh century.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- "It has been proven that modern man (homo sapiens) has been around for approximately 200,000 years, largely in Africa, and spread from there."
How is that proven?
"The first five chapters of the Bible and the Torah are roughly 3300 years old."
I'd say the written form together with the rest of Genesis in the lifetime of Moses, who was 80 in 1510 BC.
But their content can have been transmitted either purely orally, or with writing support in full though lost or yet in another way:
Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere : ... on Genevieve von Petzinger's 32 late palaeolithic signs
"The story of Adam and Eve cannot be interpreted literally."
It very often is, so how can you say it cannot be so?
If you mean "a literal translation of it cannot be true" I suppose of course you are referring to the supposed proofs of "200,000 years".
- Ken Parson
- I drink and I know things
- Written Wed
- Putting aside the issue of Biblical inerrancy, the Bible has, kinda. There are contradictory genealogies for Jesus in the Bible, but the one in the Gospel of Luke goes all the way to Adam (of “Adam and Eve” fame) to Jesus. The Old Testament lists the age at death for many of the major players, some of which appear in the Luke’s genealogy. There is also one event mentioned in the Bible for which there are multiple reliable secular sources corroborating the date for said event: The Death of Nebuchadnezzar. That happened in 562 BC.
So, many Biblical scholars from early Christianity to the present have added together the age at death for any the descendants whose longevity is listed in the Old Testament and estimated the lifespans for those whose longevity is not mentioned. The date of Nebuchadnezzar's death was then used as a reference point. This led most scholars to place the creation of Adam, as described in Genesis, to around 4000–5000 BC.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- “The Old Testament lists the age at death for many of the major players, some of which appear in the Luke’s genealogy.”
And more importantly, perhaps, age of a major player when siring the relevant son.
Richard Carrier Refutes Certain Evolutionists
Creation vs. Evolution : Richard Carrier Refutes Certain Evolutionists · somewhere else : Carrier on Tacitus
I once asked my natural science teacher at junior high school how he knows Big Bang happened or Evolution happened. Or Abiogenesis.
Or how he knew Solar System arose out of a whirl of gas getting hotter as whirling closer.
Or perhaps even how he knew Solar System was working on Newtonian mechanics.
Well, the reply I got was basically : "we are here, if it didn't work, we wouldn't be".
I had an objection which he broke off my trying to voice in class. Before you guess which one it is, here is Richard Carrier for you:
The probability that the evidence exists given that we are observing it, and the probability that the evidence would exist given that a particular event happened in the past, are not the same probability.
One immediate simplification I would make is:
The probability a given piece of evidence exists that we observe (1/1) and the probability that it is evidence of a particular explanation rather than another (not 1/1) are not same probability.
The observation of a piece of evidence is not a substitute for good logic about what it is evidence about.
Now, this latter is not exactly what Richard Carrier is saying, but what he is saying is one way of finally coming at this.
What he is saying is somewhat more intricate, I'll give that too, and also (though external to this blog) answer his anti-Christian application of it:
And accordingly, FoE, despite saying P(e) is always 1 because “that’s the evidence we have,” correctly shows on screen that this is not true for the meningitis testing. He posits for his example that the probability of e, “a positive test result,” is 0.5% when you don’t have meningitis (aka ~M) and 99.5% if you do have meningitis (aka M); and he posits a base rate of having M of 1 in 1000, which means a prior probability of 0.001, or 0.1%, one tenth of one percent. And that means P(e), the probability of a positive test result “whether or not” you have M, is not 100% but in fact [P(“positive test result for M”|M) x P(base rate of M)] + [P(“positive test result for M”|~M) x P(base rate of ~M)], or, as he correctly shows on screen, (0.995 x 0.001) + (0.005 x 0.999) = (0.000995) + (0.004995) = 0.00599 (or about 0.6%). Which is nowhere near 1 (aka 100%).
One therefore would never say the probability of a positive test result “whether or not you have meningitis” is 100%. Because, in his own example, it’s 0.6%! And FoE seems to know this, as that’s what he shows on the screen. But he doesn’t connect the two examples, so he never notices his mistake in saying P(e) equals 1. The really weird thing here is that if he really thinks P(e), the whole denominator of every Bayesian equation, is always 1 because we always “have the evidence we have,” then you don’t need the denominator at all. The probability of anything is then just P(e|h) x P(h). That should have clued him in that he was making an error in his statement here. I will charitably assume he misspoke and didn’t really mean to say that.
Otherwise, he is confusing two completely different probabilities, and to help anyone else from making that mistake even if he didn’t mean to, remember this:
The probability that the evidence exists given that we are observing it, and the probability that the evidence would exist given that a particular event happened in the past, are not the same probability.
So, for example, if assessing the evidence of a murder, FoE found blood on the accused, he could rightly say “the probability that the accused is bloody, given that I observed and verified the accused is bloody” is 1 (or near enough; there is always some nonzero probability of still being in error about that, but ideally it will be so small a probability we can ignore it). But that doesn’t answer how the blood got there. What we want to know is: What is the probability that the accused is bloody given that they murdered the victim? And then, what is the probability that the accused would be bloody (= that they will test positive for meningitis / that the accounts of Jesus we have would be written when and as we have them) whether or not they murdered the victim (= whether or not they have meningitis / whether or not Jesus existed)?
That is not going to be 1. The blood could be their own; it doesn’t follow that the blood is from the victim. Or the blood could be there because they tried to rescue the victim, not because they murdered them. It doesn’t even follow that every time someone murders someone, they get or keep the victim’s blood on them. Like a positive meningitis test, many people test positive, whether or not they have meningitis. Moreover, many test negative, whether or not they have it. Similarly, many a biography is written of men, whether or not those men existed. So P(e) is frequently not 1. And in fact whenever it is 1, that means there is no evidence for the hypothesis at all.
I disagree with Richard Carrier's following assessment about biographies often getting written about men who never existed.
If we mean biographies of men taken by the normal first readership as historical, this is not true, and biographies of Bilbo or Frodo Baggins or of Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy Pevensey have by normal readers not been taken as historical (nor by me, if anyone imagining I am not a normal reader, because I keep returning to these examples, both as inspiring stories and because they fit this point).
What Carrier means is that biographies of Hercules, Romulus, Theseus, Aeneas, Perseus and Andromeda and quite a few more, as well as of Moses and Aaron, Joshua, King David, as well as of King Arthur, some seem ready to add Charlemagne, as well as of Adils and Rolf Kraki, Rolf's father Roar or Hrothgar and Beowulf as well as his uncle Hygelac / Hugleik / Chlochilaicus and a few more have been written without these men existing.
I think he is wrong, these men have existed, even if some details about some of them are wrong.
As a Christian I am not obliged to believe Perseus and Andromeda never lived. I am obliged to believe they did not get first raptured and then trasnformed to constellations instead of dying, and that is it. I am not obliged to believe Hercules never existed, I am obliged to believe he didn't suckle Hera in such a way as to produce the Milky Way. And while disbelief in them is not directly against any dogma, I will not do Richard Carrier the favour of diseblieving them so he can say I am inconsistent in believing Jesus and Moses.
That is on the topic of Richard Carrier's own essay, now back to the topic of this blog.
Some seem to think that the probability of:
- bodies starting to orbit each other;
- chemicals starting to combine;
- living brains including neuron exchanges
- stable orbits lasting for billions of years;
- a series of cells produding cells and evolving;
- consciousness, thought, evolving into reason and language
is very close to 1, given that we observe
- stable orbits of Earth around Sun and other planets around Sun (except we don't really, since we don't observe Earth orbitting, we have also not observed the billions of years);
- life in a myriad of forms;
- the fact that we are conscious.
I think they are wrong, as Richard Carrier just told us:
The probability that the evidence exists given that we are observing it, and the probability that the evidence would exist given that a particular event happened in the past, are not the same probability.
Or, as I concluded from this:
The observation of a piece of evidence is not a substitute for good logic about what it is evidence about.
Those who deduce
- astronomy is there because bodies starting to orbit each other;
- biology is there because chemicals starting to combine;
- mind is there because living brains including neuron exchanges
are making the totally wrong assessment about the real likelihoods of what bodies starting to orbit each other, chemicals starting to combine or brains including neuron exchanges would produce on their own, and are being illogical about what can be certainly deduced from the fact that we have astronomy, biology and mind capable of observing both.
Most likely, bodies starting to orbit each other would not achieve stability, especially not if many are involved, disturbing each others' orbits, see however the discussions about this with a physicist under my post on topic, where however orbits are presumed as already in stable directions and distances:
New blog on the kid* : Newtonianly speaking, Can Earth Still Orbit Sun After 4.5 Billion Years?
And most likely chemicals starting to combine would disintegrate, and most likely, or even certainly, if neurons in brain cells were only a matter of physics complicated a bit by chemistry, electricity and biology, mind would not be a resulting operation or quality.
And as they are wrong about their explanations being logically deduced, they are (or could at least) also be wrong about God NOT being deduced from these observations. Carrier, thanks for a neat logics lesson!
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
Sabbath after
II Lord's Day in Lent
* It is my present main blog. Geocentrism is so unknown, they would hardly seek out a blog for Geocentrism, and in France, YEC is so unknown, French speakers hardly seek out a blog about YEC. Hence, Geocentrism in any language or Young Earth Creationism in French would rather go to my main blog than here, some exceptions.
lundi 13 mars 2017
Syncellus A bis, the table
The Fibonacci shape has been remade from scratch, somewhat more billowing than previous ones.
- I 3258 BC - Flood
- 35000 BC, 35874 BP
- (BC + 1950)/1.03=BP
- 31742 extra years, 2.15 pmc
- (BC + 1950)/1.03=BP
- I-II 3196 BC
- 21.857660324-2.15=19.707660324
- 19.707660324*0.618=12.179334080232
- 12.179334080232+2.15=14.329334080232
- 16050 extra years, 19246 BC, 20579 BP
- 21.857660324-2.15=19.707660324
- II 3134 BC
- 34.039418-2.15=31.889418
- 31.889418*0.618=19.707660324
- 19.707660324+2.15=21.857660324
- 12550 extra years, 15684 BC, 17120 BP
- 34.039418-2.15=31.889418
- II-III 3072 BC
- 34.039418-21.857660324=12.181757676
- 12.181757676*0.618=7.528326243768
- 7.528326243768+21.857660324=29.385986567768
- 10100 extra years, 13172 BC, 14682 BP
- 34.039418-21.857660324=12.181757676
- III 3011 BC
- 53.751-2.15=51.601
- 51.601*0.618=31.889418
- 31.889418+2.15=34.039418
- 8900 extra years, 11911 BC, 13457 BP
- 53.751-2.15=51.601
- III-IV 2950 BC
- 46.221175676-34.039418=12.181757676
- 12.181757676*0.618=7.528326243768
- 7.528326243768+34.039418=41.567744243768
- 7250 extra years, 10200 BC, 11796 BP
- 46.221175676-34.039418=12.181757676
- IV 2888 BC
- 53.751-34.039418=19.711582
- 19.711582*0.618=12.181757676
- 12.181757676+34.039418=46.221175676
- 6400 extra years, 9288 BC, 10911 BP
- 53.751-34.039418=19.711582
- IV-V 2826 BC
- 53.751-46.221175676=7.529824324
- 7.529824324*0.618=4.653431432232
- 4.653431432232+46.221175676=50.874607108232
- 5600 extra years, 8426 BC, 10074 BP
- 53.751-46.221175676=7.529824324
- V 2764 BC - Tower of Babel Starts
- 9559 BP, 7609 BC
- 9846 BP, 7896 BC
- 5132 extra years, 53.751 pmc
- 9846 BP, 7896 BC
- VI 2724 BC - Confusion of Tongues
- 8430 BP, 6480 BC
- 8683 BP, 6733 BC
- 4009 extra years, 61.572 pmc
- 8683 BP, 6733 BC
- VI-VII 2647 BC
- 70.726336356-61.572=9.154336356
- 9.154336356*0.618=5.657379868008
- 5.657379868008+61.572=67.229379868008
- 3300 extra years, 5947 BC, 7667 BP
- 70.726336356-61.572=9.154336356
- VII 2570 BC
- 76.384842-61.572=14.812842
- 14.812842*0.618=9.154336356
- 9.154336356+61.572=70.726336356
- 2850 extra years, 5420 BC, 7155 BP
- 76.384842-61.572=14.812842
- VII-VIII 2493 BC
- 76.384842-70.726336356=5.658505644
- 5.658505644*0.618=3.496956487992
- 3.496956487992+70.726336356=74.223292843992
- 2450 extra years, 4943 BC, 6692 BP
- 76.384842-70.726336356=5.658505644
- VIII 2416 BC
- 85.541-61.572=23.969
- 23.969*0.618=14.812842
- 14.812842+61.572=76.384842
- 2250 extra years, 4666 BC, 6423 BP
- 85.541-61.572=23.969
- VIII-IX 2339 BC
- 82.043347644-76.384842=5.658505644
- 5.658505644*0.618=3.496956487992
- 3.496956487992+76.384842=79.881798487992
- 1850 extra years, 4189 BC, 5960 BP
- 82.043347644-76.384842=5.658505644
- IX 2262 BC
- 85.541-76.384842=9.156158
- 9.156158*0.618=5.658505644
- 5.658505644+76.384842=82.043347644
- 1650 extra years, 3912 BC, 5691 BP
- 85.541-76.384842=9.156158
- IX-X 2186 BC
- 85.541-82.043347644=3.497652356
- 3.497652356*0.618=2.161549156008
- 2.161549156008+82.043347644=84.204896800008
- 1400 extra years, 3586 BC
- 85.541-82.043347644=3.497652356
- X 2109 BC - Abraham in En Gedi
- 3400 BC, 5375 BP
- 1291 extra years, 85.541 pmc
Cleaning up a bit:
- I 3258 BC - Flood
- 35000 BC, 35874 BP, 31742 extra years, 2.15 pmc
- I-II 3196 BC
- 14.329 pmc, 16050 extra years, 19246 BC, 20579 BP
- II 3134 BC
- 21.858 pmc, 12550 extra years, 15684 BC, 17120 BP
- II-III 3072 BC
- 29.386 pmc, 10100 extra years, 13172 BC, 14682 BP
- III 3011 BC
- 34.039 pmc, 8900 extra years, 11911 BC, 13457 BP
- III-IV 2950 BC
- 41.568 pmc, 7250 extra years, 10200 BC, 11796 BP
- IV 2888 BC
- 46.221 pmc, 6400 extra years, 9288 BC, 10911 BP
- IV-V 2826 BC
- 50.875 pmc, 5600 extra years, 8426 BC, 10074 BP
- V 2764 BC - Tower of Babel Starts
- 9559 BP, 7896 BC, 5132 extra years, 53.751 pmc
- VI 2724 BC - Confusion of Tongues
- 8430 BP, 6733 BC, 4009 extra years, 61.572 pmc
- VI-VII 2647 BC
- 67.229 pmc, 3300 extra years, 5947 BC, 7667 BP
- VII 2570 BC
- 70.726 pmc, 2850 extra years, 5420 BC, 7155 BP
- VII-VIII 2493 BC
- 74.223 pmc, 2450 extra years, 4943 BC, 6692 BP
- VIII 2416 BC
- 76.385 pmc, 2250 extra years, 4666 BC, 6423 BP
- VIII-IX 2339 BC
- 79.882 pmc, 1850 extra years, 4189 BC, 5960 BP
- IX 2262 BC
- 82.043 pmc, 1650 extra years, 3912 BC, 5691 BP
- IX-X 2186 BC
- 84.205 pmc, 1400 extra years, 3586 BC
- X 2109 BC - Abraham in En Gedi
- 3400 BC, 5375 BP, 1291 extra years, 85.541 pmc
Credits as usual to http://web2.0calc.com/
and to https://www.math.upenn.edu/~deturck/m170/c14/carbdate.html
which is shortened http://ppt.li/3m8
And, once again, to the University Library of Heidelberg!
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
Monday after
II Lord's Day in Lent
Syncellus A bis, B and St Jerome C & D - uncalibrated dates found, setup before making tables
8430 ± 80 the sample gives only a terminus ante quem
= feature C, near pillar 11, 115 cm below the soil surface, area L9-76
9559 ± 53 both dates (two extreme out of five) are BP.
= level III / feature A (Schlangenpfeilergebäude), fill, area L9-75, locus 48.1 / botanical sample 17
Göbekli Tepe
Syncellus A bis:
3258 BC - Flood
2764 BC - Tower of Babel Starts
9559 BP, 7609 BC
2724 BC - Confusion of Tongues
8430 BP, 6480 BC
2109 BC - Abraham in En Gedi
Syncellus B:
3258 BC - Flood
2764 BC - Tower of Babel Starts
2724 BC - Confusion of Tongues
8430 BP, 6480 BC
2109 BC - Abraham in En Gedi
St Jerome vs Syncellus:
3258 BC - Flood
2957 BC - Flood
0301 years
2109 BC - Abraham in En Gedi
1932 BC - Abraham in En Gedi
0177 years
St Jerome C
2764 BC - Tower of Babel Starts
2463 BC
9559 BP, 7609 BC
2724 BC - Confusion of Tongues
2423 BC
8430 BP, 6480 BC
St Jerome D
2764 BC - Tower of Babel Starts
2587 BC
9559 BP, 7609 BC
2724 BC - Confusion of Tongues
2547 BC
8430 BP, 6480 BC
Many thanks to Mrs/Miss Adele Bill of University of Heidelberg for linking to the site where I found the above!/HGL
vendredi 10 mars 2017
Here is an Argument I Was Right on Karyograms




I urge you to get the book, buy it in paper or in the e-book format:
Comparative Mammalian Cytogenetics : An International Conference at Dartmouth Medical School Hanover, New Hampshire, July 29–August 2, 1968
Kurt Bernischke | 6 décembre 2012 |Springer Science & Business Media
What I copied was from a free pre-view, you can browse it yourself.
It was pages 280 to 283, an article by Charles F. Nadler.
The last words need to be cited again : the best method of establishing fission is phylogenetics. In full:
Perhaps analysis of large samples from mammalian species whose normal karyotype is known in detail will provide cytological proof of fission by demonstrating two acrocentrics derived from a metacentric. Until that time, careful correlation of chromosomal patterns with phylogenies based on other kinds of taxonomic evidence offers the best means for establishing the fission hypothesis.
You do not get field observations confirming that the fission process occurs in mammals.
That is why I gave a diagram, since it was suggested to me that cross over of unequal portions could create an extra chromosome coexisting with the normal one from the other parent.
Or coexisting with the other portion?
But, so far, I have got no confirmation I was wrong, and can therefore still hope I was right :
- fission does not occur (as with tetraploidy, as with trisomy extended to tetrasomy divided into new pair), and therefore mammals cannot have a common ancestor with a lower karyogram than that of the mammal having the highest.
- And on the other hand, mammals have such a typical range of karyograms in 48 to 56 chromosomes, that the original mammal, if there was one ancestral to the rest, cannot have had more than 56 chromosomes either.
- And, there are mammals having more than 56 chromosomes, which therefore cannot descend from a proto-mammal.
But, how about trying to get around this by proposing a realistic, if perhaps not yet observed, scenario, from my previous diagrams?
Come on, some evolutionist taking up the challenge?
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
Ember Friday
of Lent
Interim II St Jerome A / St Jerome Fibonacci
In order to update the Interim, I was going to be more precise about archaeological dates for Göbekli Tepe and Biblical one for Tower of Babel.
I was also testing a fresh approach on the Fibonacci curve.
However, I see this precision on Göbekli Tepe for the moment has to go.
Reason, the carbon date I was using was not a raw date, not a Libby Date re-calculated for Cambridge halflife, it was rather an already calibrated one.
So Biblical 2733=Archaeological 8600 BC goes out.
That said, the table St Jerome A was not based on the equation I just mentioned of Dispersion of Tongues with end of Göbekli Tepe.
This means, it can integrally be reused in the Interim II, except for the parts which directly refer to Göbekli Tepe.
So, Interim II is based in Interim Report and St Jerome A. The former from Abraham in En Gedi on, the latter up to Abraham in En Gedi
- i The Flood 2957 BC
- (St Jerome)
- 1.636 %, + 34 000 years, 36 957 BC
- ij 2888 BC
- 19.78 pmc, 13 400 years +, 16 288 BC
- iij 2820 BC
- 33.849 pmc, 8950 years +, 11 770 BC
- iu 2751 BC
- 45.062 pmc, 6600 years +, 9351 BC
- u 2683 BC
- 53.756 pmc, 5150 years +, 7833 BC
- uj 2614 BC
- 60.687 pmc, 4150 years +, 6764 BC
- uij 2545 BC
- 66.061 pmc, 3450 years +, 5995 BC
- uiij 2476 BC
- 70.344 pmc, 2900 years +, 5376 BC
- ix 2408 BC
- 73.663 pmc, 2550 years +, 4958 BC
- x 2340 BC
- 76.312 pmc, 2250 years +, 4590 BC
- xj 2271 BC
- 78.366 pmc, 2000 years +, 4271 BC
- xij 2202 BC
- 80.000 pmc, 1850 years +, 4052 BC
- xiij 2134 BC
- 81.266 pmc, 1700 years +, 3834 BC
- xiu 2065 BC
- 82.28 pmc, 1600 years +, 3665 BC
- 2015 BC
- Birth of Abraham, St Jerome.
- xu 1997 BC
- 83.069 pmc, 1550 years +, 3547 BC
- xuj 1928 BC
- 83.689 pmc, 1450 years +, 3378 BC
- xuj = Mid pt. 1928 BC
- 83.689 % + 1472 years, 3400 BC
- xuij / XIII 1883 BC
- 84.35 %, + 1400 years, 3283 BC
- xuiij / XIV 1794 BC
- 86.82 %, + 1150 years, 2944 BC
- xix / XV 1704 BC
- 87.636 %, + 1091 years, 2800 BC
- xx / XVI 1614 BC
- 91.388 %, + 740 years, 2354 BC
- xxj / XVII 1525 BC
- 92.632 %, + 630 years, 2155 BC
- xxij / XVIII 1436 BC
- 94.953 %, + 430 years, 1866 BC
- xxiij / XIX 1346 BC
- 95.724 %, + 360 years, 1706 BC
- xxiu / XX 1256 BC
- 97.152 %, + 240 years, 1496 BC
- xxu / XXI 1167 BC
- 97.626 %, + 200 years, 1367 BC
- xxuj / XXII 1078 BC
- 98.519 %, + 120 years, 1198 BC
- xxuij / XXIII 988 BC
- 98.816 %, + 100 years, 1088 BC
- xxuiij / XXIV 898 BC
- 99.351 %, + 50 years, 948 BC
- xxix / XXV 809 BC
- 99.529 %, + 40 years, 849 BC
- xxx / XXVI 720 BC
- 99.827 %, + 10 years, 730
- xxxj / XXVII 630 BC
- 100.005 %, 0 years ±. 630 BC
Alternative table, using instead of St Jerome A, the relevant parts of original St Jerome based Fibonacci table, as updated before Göbekli Tepe became a mid point:
- I, Flood, 2957 BC
- 3.461 % = + 27,800 years, 30,757 BC
- II 2868 BC
- 25.175 % = + 11,400 years, 14,268 BC
- III 2778 BC
- 35.648 % = + 8550 years, 11,328 BC
- IV 2688 BC
- 51.849 % = + 5450 years, 8138 BC
- V 2599 BC
- 55.595 % = + 4850 years, 7449 BC
- VI 2510 BC
- 64.896 % = + 3550 years, 6060 BC
- VII 2420 BC
- 67.924 % = + 3200 years, 5620 BC
- VIII 2330 BC
- 74.14 % = + 2450 years, 4780 BC
- IX 2241 BC
- 76.429 % = + 2200 years, 4441 BC
- X 2152 BC
- 80.224 % = + 1800 years, 3952 BC
- XI 2062 BC
- 81.138 % = + 1750 years, 3812 BC
- XII 1972 BC
- 83.33 % = + 1500 years, 3472 BC
- Mid pt. 1928
- 83.689 % + 1472 years, 3400 BC
- XIII 1883 BC
- 84.35 %, + 1400 years, 3283 BC
- XIV 1794 BC
- 86.82 %, + 1150 years, 2944 BC
- XV 1704 BC
- 87.636 %, + 1091 years, 2800 BC
- XVI 1614 BC
- 91.388 %, + 740 years, 2354 BC
- XVII 1525 BC
- 92.632 %, + 630 years, 2155 BC
- XVIII 1436 BC
- 94.953 %, + 430 years, 1866 BC
- XIX 1346 BC
- 95.724 %, + 360 years, 1706 BC
- XX 1256 BC
- 97.152 %, + 240 years, 1496 BC
- XXI 1167 BC
- 97.626 %, + 200 years, 1367 BC
- XXII 1078 BC
- 98.519 %, + 120 years, 1198 BC
- XXIII 988 BC
- 98.816 %, + 100 years, 1088 BC
- XXIV 898 BC
- 99.351 %, + 50 years, 948 BC
- XXV 809 BC
- 99.529 %, + 40 years, 849 BC
- XXVI 720 BC
- 99.827 %, + 10 years, 730
- XXVII 630 BC
- 100.005 %, 0 years ±. 630 BC
If Neanderthals were Carnivores, were they Post-Flood?
Neanderthal : Neanderthal Pre-or Post-Flood? · If Neanderthals were Carnivores, were they Post-Flood? · "what biblical, young earth creationists have always maintained" · Is there an Urban Legend that Grendel and His Mother were Dinosaurs Among Creationists? · · http://creavsevolu.blogspot.com/2017/12/neanderthals-related-to-michael-oards.html · Hugh Ross and Genetics, Featuring a Gruesome Habit (Don't Read This When You Eat!)
As I mentioned, I have a problem integrating Göbekli Tepe archaeology into the timeline, since I don't yet know the uncalibrated carbon dates for GT. While waiting for a response (it could be there when I take a look in the mail), I'm dealing with another question.
I just encountered this, yesterday:
No. After Noah’s Flood around 2500 BC, Yahweh explicitly gave man permission to eat meat.
The fear of you and the terror of you will be on every beast of the earth and on every bird of the sky; with everything that creeps on the ground, and all the fish of the sea, into your hand they are given. Every moving thing that is alive shall be food for you; I give all to you, as I gave the green plant. (Genesis 9:2-3 KJV)
Yahweh gave meat, birds, and fish to man to eat, just as He had originally given green plants.
So the first human carnivores were Noah’s family.
Did Adam Like Steak?
(4 Minute Read)| Posted by: BibleScienceGuy | August 3, 2016
The first actual carnivores?
Or the first carnivores with God's blessing?
One can also imagine that carnivorousness was generally not done, but exceptionally done when an animal was sacrificed, up to Flood.
But generally speaking carnivorousness was not God's plan for man before the Flood.
Can it have happened anyway?
It seems some Neanderthal bones have been found with marks suggesting cannibalism. That certainly suggests something like "all the thought of their heart was bent upon evil at all times," "And the earth was corrupted before God, and was filled with iniquity," and "for all flesh had corrupted its way upon the earth". In other words, meat eating can have been done as defiance of God's original plan, along with cannibalism.
Also, not all Neanderthals were meateaters:
Caveman menu: Woolly rhino in Belgium, mushrooms in Spain video
Last updated 15:31, March 9 2017
Eating like a caveman meant chowing down on woolly rhinos and sheep in Belgium, but munching on mushrooms, pine nuts and moss in Spain. It all depended on where they lived, new research shows.
Scientists got a sneak peek into the kitchen of three Neanderthals by scraping off the plaque stuck on their teeth and examining the DNA. What they found smashes a common public misconception that the caveman diet was mostly meat. They also found hints that one sickly teen used primitive versions of penicillin and aspirin to help ease his pain.
So, supposing that Neanderthals lived pre-Flood, those who lived in Spain were living more like God had wanted it than those living in Belgium.
Of course, if they lived as excluded from most of Nodian society and if that meant hardships, it is quite possible God did not consider their meat eating sinful, unlike of course cannibalism.
As to "primitive versions of penicillin", that would mean bread mold. One way of getting it in well tasting package is of course blue cheese - if you like these, as I do. And yes, I tested it while not being able to buy penicillin or other antibiotic, it works.
The primitive version of aspirin would probably be bark from willow bracnhes.
And, if you did not live as far North as Belgium, as said, you might even be a Neanderthal vegetarian. Meaning, within the framework God set for normal behaviour before the Flood.
While Genesis 9:3 certainly means it is not of itself sinful to eat meat, we do well to revive pre-Flood conditions once in a while, on that account.
The rule among Pharisees seems to have been Mondays and Thursdays or perhaps Tuesdays and Thursdays every week, among Christians it was cnaged even very early on to Wednesday and Friday every week, and when later on dispensations for Easter tide came, it was made up for by so to speak "collecting" some of this vegetarianism to weekdays in Lent, fridays and saturdays in Advent. And fridays outside Easter tide and Christmas octave.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
Ember Friday
of Lent
See also: Cannibal Belgian Neanderthals made tools from human bones
Last updated 15:05, July 7 2016
jeudi 9 mars 2017
Flood to Abraham, Syncellus A, and a Problem
Our Lord being in Syncellus born the precise year of 5500 anno mundi, this give the following years from Flood to Abraham - in his chronology:
2242 Diluvium
3258 BC (Flood)
2736 Opificium turris Babylon
2764 BC (starting to build the tower "of Babylon")
2771 Phalec nascitur
2729 BC (Peleg born)
2776 Linguarum confusio et gentium dispersio
2724 BC (Confusion of tongues and dispersion of nations)
5500 / 5500
3311 / 3312 Abraham nascitur
2189 / 2188 BC (Abraham is born)
But this means that Abraham in En Gedi would have been ...
2109 BC.
So we have the four points here:
3258 BC - Flood
2764 BC - Tower of Babel Starts
2724 BC - Confusion of Tongues
2109 BC - Abraham in En Gedi
The second point may (A) or may not (B) coincide with beginning of Göbekli Tepe ("9600 BC"), while the confusion of tongues would coincide with or precede the abandonment of Göbekli Tepe ("8600 BC"). Here we will deal with case A, all of Göbekli Tepe taking only 40 years.
- Outline
- 3258 BC - Flood
- 1.688 pmc, + 33700 years, 37000 BC
- 2764 BC - Tower of Babel Starts
- 43.739 pmc, + 6850 years, 9600 BC
- 2724 BC - Confusion of Tongues
- 49.125 pmc !, + 5876 years, 8600 BC
- 2109 BC - Abraham in En Gedi
- 85.541 pmc, + 1291 years, 3400 BC
- 3258 BC - Flood
- 1.688 pmc, + 33700 years, 37000 BC
- 3225 BC
- 10.987 pmc, + 18250 years, 21475 BC
- 3192 BC
- 18.196 pmc, + 14100 years, 17292 BC
- 3159 BC
- 23.943 pmc, + 11800 years, 14959 BC
- 3126 BC
- 28.399 pmc, + 10400 years, 13526 BC
- 3093 BC
- 31.951 pmc, + 9450 years, 12543 BC
- 3060 BC
- 34.705 pmc, + 8750 years, 11810 BC
- 3027 BC
- 36.9 pmc, + 8250 years, 11277 BC
- 2995 BC
- 38.601 pmc, + 7850 years, 10845 BC
- 2962 BC
- 39.958 pmc, + 7600 years, 10562 BC
- 2929 BC
- 41.011 pmc, + 7350 years, 10279 BC
- 2896 BC
- 41.849 pmc, + 7200 years, 10096 BC
- 2863 BC
- 42.497 pmc, + 7050 years, 9913 BC
- 2830 BC
- 43.017 pmc, + 6950 years, 9780 BC
- 2797 BC
- 43.421 pmc, + 6900 years, 9697 BC
- 2764 BC (starting to build Babel)
- 43.739 pmc, + 6850 years, 9614 BC
- Above, formulas
- (43.739-1.688)/22.245
- =1.89035738368172623061362103843560350640593391773432
- multiply by the Fibonacci serial factors, add back 1.688
- multiply by the Fibonacci serial factors, add back 1.688
- 3258-2764=494
- 494/15=32.9333333333333333
- Below, formulas
- 2724-2109=615
- 615/15=41
- (85.541-49.125)/22.245
- =1.6370420319172847830973252416273319847156664419
- multiply by the Fibonacci serial factors, add back 49.125
- multiply by the Fibonacci serial factors, add back 49.125
- 2724 BC
- 49.125 pmc, + 5876 years, 8600 BC
- 2683 BC
- 57.178 pmc, + 4600 years, 7283 BC
- 2642 BC
- 63.421 pmc, + 3750 years, 6392 BC
- 2601 BC
- 68.398 pmc, + 3150 years, 5751 BC
- 2560 BC
- 72.256 pmc, + 2700 years, 5260 BC
- 2519 BC
- 75.332 pmc, + 2350 years, 4869 BC
- 2478 BC
- 77.718 pmc, + 2100 years, 4578 BC
- 2437 BC
- 79.618 pmc, + 1900 years, 4337 BC
- 2396 BC
- 81.092 pmc, + 1750 years, 4146 BC
- 2355 BC
- 82.267 pmc, + 1600 years, 3955 BC
- 2314 BC
- 83.179 pmc, + 1500 years, 3814 BC
- 2273 BC
- 83.904 pmc, + 1450 years, 3723 BC
- 2232 BC
- 84.465 pmc, + 1400 years, 3632 BC
- 2191 BC
- 84.916 pmc, + 1350 years, 3541 BC
- 2150 BC
- 85.266 pmc, + 1300 years, 3450 BC
- 2109 BC
- 85.541 pmc, + 1300 years, 3409 BC
As you may have noted, between beginning and end of Göbekli Tepe, there is a rapid rise in radiocarbon. This may be an asset, if this coincides with the Younger Dryas.
Note, the Younger Dryas impact hypothesis is controversial:
The Younger Dryas impact hypothesis or Clovis comet hypothesis originally proposed that a large air burst or earth impact of one or more comets initiated the Younger Dryas cold period about 12,900 BP calibrated (10,900 14C uncalibrated) years ago. The hypothesis has been contested by research showing that most of the conclusions cannot be repeated by other scientists, and criticized because of misinterpretation of data and the lack of confirmatory evidence.
10,900 14C uncalibrated years ago? Well, uncalibrated carbon years is precisely what these tables are for. And 10 900 BP = 8950 BC.
The problem is that ... my Göbekli Tepe dates are actually calibrated dates. I'd have needed uncalibrated ones. Also, if it is calibrated 9000 BC, it will not coincide with uncalibrated 9000 BC.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
Thursday in Ember
Week of Lent
mercredi 8 mars 2017
Flood to Abraham, St Jerome B
On the less likely "St Jerome B version", Tower of Babel dispersion event is as far from Flood as in Georgius Syncellus, and therefore closer to Abraham instead. It would have been in 2424 BC.
To explain, St Jerome's Christmas chronology quoted from Roman Martyrology in itself does not state anything about Tower of Babel. So, to me, where St Jerome's chronology placed that event is somewhat mysterious.
Extra years if end of Göbekli Tepe is the dispersion of tongues at Tower of Babel, 6176 of them, makes for a carbon level 47.374 pmc. Levels for 2957 (Flood) and 1928 (Abraham in En-Gedi) as previous.
- 2957 BC
- 1.636 pmc, + 34000 years, 36957 BC
- 2921 BC
- 11.75 pmc, + 17700 years, 20621 BC
- 2886 BC
- 19.592 pmc, + 13500 years, 16386 BC
- 2850 BC
- 25.842 pmc, + 11200 years, 14050 BC
- 2815 BC
- 30.689 pmc, + 9750 years, 12565 BC
- 2779 BC
- 34.552 pmc, + 8800 years, 11579 BC
- 2744 BC
- 37.548 pmc, + 8100 years, 10844 BC
- 2708 BC
- 39.935 pmc, + 7600 years, 10308 BC
- 2673 BC
- 41.786 pmc, + 7200 years, 9873 BC
- 2637 BC
- 43.262 pmc, + 6950 years, 9587 BC
- 2602 BC
- 44.407 pmc, + 6700 years, 9302 BC
- 2566 BC
- 45.318 pmc, + 6550 years, 9116 BC
- 2531 BC
- 46.023 pmc, + 6400 years, 8931 BC
- 2495 BC
- 46.589 pmc, + 6300 years, 8795 BC
- 2460 BC
- 47.029 pmc, + 6250 years, 8710 BC
- 2424 BC
- 47.374 pmc, + 6200 years, 8624 BC
Here the formula for pmc was a series of phi related values multiplied by the specific : ( 47.374 - 1.636 ) / 22.245
add back 1.636.
Note that the table shows the years for Göbekli Tepe as being 2637 to 2424 BC, corresponding to 9587 to 9624 BC. 213 years of building activity, like Israel in Egypt.
Now the formula will be same series with the other specific here: ( 83.689 - 47.374 ) / 22.245
add back 47.374.
- 2424 BC
- 47.374 pmc, + 6200 years, 8624 BC
- 2391 BC
- 55.404 pmc, + 4900 years, 7291 BC
- 2358 BC
- 61.631 pmc, + 4000 years, 6358 BC
- 2325 BC
- 66.593 pmc, + 3350 years, 5675 BC
- 2292 BC
- 70.441 pmc, + 2900 years, 5192 BC
- 2259 BC
- 73.509 pmc, + 2550 years, 4809 BC
- 2226 BC
- 75.887 pmc, + 2300 years, 4526 BC
- 2193 BC
- 77.783 pmc, + 2100 years, 4293 BC
- 2159 BC
- 79.252 pmc, + 1900 years, 4059 BC
- 2126 BC
- 80.424 pmc, + 1800 years, 3926 BC
- 2093 BC
- 81.333 pmc, + 1700 years, 3793 BC
- 2060 BC
- 82.056 pmc, + 1650 years, 3710 BC
- 2027 BC
- 82.616 pmc, + 1600 years, 3627 BC
- 1994 BC
- 83.065 pmc, + 1550 years, 3544 BC
- 1961 BC
- 83.415 pmc, + 1500 years, 3461 BC
- 1928 BC
- 83.689 pmc, + 1450 years, 3378 BC
If you feel this one is more likely than the other one, feel free to use it instead.
If you feel Ziggurat of Ur is a better match than Göbekli Tepe for Tower of Babel project, feel free to use that one for 2424 BC. There is a problem with that.
Ziggurat of Ur is supposed to have been built by Ur-Nammu, and perhaps there is even some evidence to back that up. And Ur-Nammu is a bit too late:
Ur-Nammu (conventional) 2112–c. 2095 (short chronology) 2047–2030 BC.
Sumerian had already been spoken and written for some while and if these dates were to date like 2424 BC, well, the pmc of atmosphere would have been around 99% already - way too high for so early, if one is to date Abraham in En Gedi as ... Chalcolithic of En Gedi.
So, to me, Ziggurat of Ur is out of the question as "Tower of Babel" project. Note also that Ur was not abandoned after the Ziggurat. This means buildings would have been added to Ur after the Ziggurat. And this means if the Ziggurat had been the tower of Babel, the text would be wrong, where it says "and they ceased to build the city" (Genesis 11:8b).
Obviously, it is not.
Ur is not the city which they were building.
But other end of Shinar, Göbekli Tepe could be the abandoned city, with 18 km (12 miles?) to Urfa, a k a Edessa. A city then begun after Göbekli Tepe was abandoned (see Genesis 11:8) and which could be Ur Kasdim.
I look at the years here, I think 2424 is late for Göbekli Tepe. With 2424 you have GT starting 213 years earlier, according to the curve. I think St Jerome A is a better alternative, or Georgius Syncellus. I have not yet looked at St Jerome C.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
Ember Wednesday
of Lent
PS, nearly forgot to credit my good calculating helps, the online calcuilator here:
and the carbon 14 calculator here:
with short link: http://ppt.li/3m8
lundi 6 mars 2017
Was I wrong on Karyograms?
I got a tip a few days ago, that uneven cross over could create new chromosome which could co-exist with old, eventually as a new pair.
I asked for a diagram, got none, and did one myself, for 8 possibilities:

Possibilities I and V are fairly normal crossover. IV and VIII look interesting. II, III, VI, and VII all look as if we could get to a point where a double centromered chromosome breaks - which would lead to at least one of the resulting chromosomes having two telomeres with no centremere between.
Hans Georg Lundahl
ut infra
Flood to Abraham, St Jerome A
I'll divide the versions Biblically possible for time from Flood to Abraham into Georgius Syncellus as such (with Flood in 3266 BC and Tower of Babel in 2733, which gives 533 after Flood, while Peleg was born 531 after Flood in full Byzantine LXX based chronology), St Jerome A, which shortens only the time between Flood and Tower of Babel, St Jerome B, which instead shortens the time between Tower of Babel and Abraham, St Jerome C, which shortens both and the time from Flood to Babel by omitting "second Cainan" which can explain the divergence between St Jerome and Syncellus.
This fairly continuous table, both as to curve and as to intervals, is calculated on Flood and Abraham in En Gedi, and there is a place where it gets to Göbekli Tepe like years in a year close to 2733 BC:
- The Flood 2957 BC
- (St Jerome)
- 3.8987 %, + 26 800 years, 29 757 BC?
- 3.5 %, + 27 700 years, 30 657 BC
- 1.636 %, + 34 000 years, 36 957 BC? !
- For last part, 83.689 %
- 83.689 % - 1.636 % = 82.053 %
- 82.053/22.245=3.6886041807147674
- 3.8987 %, + 26 800 years, 29 757 BC?
- 2888 BC
- 4.919*3.6886041807147674
- 18.1442439649359408406+1.636
- 19.78 pmc, 13 400 years +, 16 288 BC
- 18.1442439649359408406+1.636
- 2820 BC
- 8.733*3.6886041807147674
- 32.2125803101820637042+1.636
- 33.849 pmc, 8950 years +, 11 770 BC
- 32.2125803101820637042+1.636
- C-14 dated 9600 BC
- Beginning of Göbekli Tepe.
- 2751 BC
- 11.773*3.6886041807147674
- 43.4259370195549566002+1.636
- 45.062 pmc, 6600 years +, 9351 BC
- 43.4259370195549566002+1.636
- 2733 BC
- Tower of Babel (Syncellus, "St Jerome A" as defined above)
- C-14 dated 8600 BC
- End of Göbekli Tepe.
- 2683 BC
- 14.13*3.6886041807147674
- 52.119977073499663362+1.636
- 53.756 pmc, 5150 years +, 7833 BC
- 52.119977073499663362+1.636
- 2614 BC
- 16.009*3.6886041807147674
- 59.0508643290627113066+1.636
- 60.687 pmc, 4150 years +, 6764 BC
- 59.0508643290627113066+1.636
- 2545 BC
- 17.466*3.6886041807147674
- 64.4251606203641274084+1.636
- 66.061 pmc, 3450 years +, 5995 BC
- 64.4251606203641274084+1.636
- 2476 BC
- 18.627*3.6886041807147674
- 68.7076300741739723598+1.636
- 70.344 pmc, 2900 years +, 5376 BC
- 68.7076300741739723598+1.636
- 2408 BC
- 19.527*3.6886041807147674
- 72.0273738368172630198+1.636
- 73.663 pmc, 2550 years +, 4958 BC
- 72.0273738368172630198+1.636
- 2340
- 20.245*3.6886041807147674
- 74.675791638570466013+1.636
- 76.312 pmc, 2250 years +, 4590 BC
- 74.675791638570466013+1.636
- 2271 BC
- 20.802*3.6886041807147674
- 76.7303441672285914548+1.636
- 78.366 pmc, 2000 years +, 4271 BC
- 76.7303441672285914548+1.636
- 2202
- 21.245*3.6886041807147674
- 78.364395819285233413+1.636
- 80.000 pmc, 1850 years +, 4052 BC
- 78.364395819285233413+1.636
- 2134
- 21.588*3.6886041807147674
- 79.6295870532703986312+1.636
- 81.266 pmc, 1700 years +, 3834 BC
- 79.6295870532703986312+1.636
- 2065
- 21.863*3.6886041807147674
- 80.6439532029669596662+1.636
- 82.28 pmc, 1600 years +, 3665 BC
- 80.6439532029669596662+1.636
- 2015 BC
- Birth of Abraham, St Jerome.
- 1997 BC
- 22.077*3.6886041807147674
- 81.4333144976399198898+1.636
- 83.069 pmc, 1550 years +, 3547 BC
- 81.4333144976399198898+1.636
- 1928 BC
- 22.245*3.6886041807147674
- 82.053000000000000813+1.636
- 83.689 pmc, 1450 years +, 3378 BC
- 82.053000000000000813+1.636
And, if we clean up a bit, this gives:
- The Flood 2957 BC
- (St Jerome)
- 1.636 %, + 34 000 years, 36 957 BC
- 1.636 %, + 34 000 years, 36 957 BC
- 2888 BC
- 19.78 pmc, 13 400 years +, 16 288 BC
- 2820 BC
- 33.849 pmc, 8950 years +, 11 770 BC
- C-14 dated 9600 BC
- Beginning of Göbekli Tepe.
- 2751 BC
- 45.062 pmc, 6600 years +, 9351 BC
- 2733 BC
- Tower of Babel (Syncellus, "St Jerome A" as defined above)
- C-14 dated 8600 BC
- End of Göbekli Tepe.
- 2683 BC
- 53.756 pmc, 5150 years +, 7833 BC
- 2614 BC
- 60.687 pmc, 4150 years +, 6764 BC
- 2545 BC
- 66.061 pmc, 3450 years +, 5995 BC
- 2476 BC
- 70.344 pmc, 2900 years +, 5376 BC
- 2408 BC
- 73.663 pmc, 2550 years +, 4958 BC
- 2340
- 76.312 pmc, 2250 years +, 4590 BC
- 2271 BC
- 78.366 pmc, 2000 years +, 4271 BC
- 2202
- 80.000 pmc, 1850 years +, 4052 BC
- 2134
- 81.266 pmc, 1700 years +, 3834 BC
- 2065
- 82.28 pmc, 1600 years +, 3665 BC
- 2015 BC
- Birth of Abraham, St Jerome.
- 1997 BC
- 83.069 pmc, 1550 years +, 3547 BC
- 1928 BC
- 83.689 pmc, 1450 years +, 3378 BC
To recapitulate : 1928 is when Abraham is in En Gedi based on Genesis 14 + birth in 2015 BC. Chalcolithic in En Gedi would be carbon dated as c. 3400 BC, and so was the crude carbon dating for Narmer - which reminds us that the kingdoms, both Egypt and Babylon, started in the time of Abraham.
Georgius Syncellus gives us Tower of Babel event in 2733 BC, but also 533 after Flood, which he, unlike St Jerome, puts in 3266 BC. Of the versions by which a Syncellus date for Tower of Babel can be adapted into the Christmas chronology of St Jerome, this is version A, where all St Jerome gets shorter gets between Flood and Babel. In version B, I'll give a Tower of Babel 533 years after St Jerome's year of the Flood, which will in version C, I'll ignore Syncellus and give Tower of Babel a year of 403 after the Flood - as Peleg in LXX "minus second Cainan" gives us a birthyear of 401 after Flood. Perhaps there will also be a St Jerome D, in which I do a middle between the late and early adaptations of Syncellus' Tower of Babel to St Jerome's chronology. And I hope there will also be a Syncellus version.
Whichever Biblical year be chosen for Tower of Babel, I think it is good if it matches the end of Göbekli Tepe which was in my view the city around the Tower of Babel Project - which has much more recently been completed in a less dangerous way than in Nimrod's original version. I think it was Cape Canaveral and Baikonur that Nimrod was trying to achieve. The baken bricks which would then originally have been in Göbekli Tepe (as isolation material to shield from radiation of a nuke fuelled space probe) would later have been removed and reused elsewhere, and also imitated elsewhere. The pieces with bitumen would have been for instance removed to build Ziggurat of Ur which, as appropriate, has a covering of bitumen.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
Monday in Ember Week
of Lent
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