mardi 21 mars 2017

New Fibonacci Calibration

My older Fibonacci Table was more complex in calculation, but had one possible flaw, apart from complexity : by going too far in Fibonacci series, it involved the earliest rise into too fast rising, if it was indeed too fast.

Here I have gone only from 1, 1, 2 to 21. Not to 610.

On the other hand, I have, perhaps unduly simplified, as if the carbon 14 level rising itself were following a Fibonacci curve of decreased augmentation.

In the older table it was one component of the production of new C14 which did so.

I'll explain for non-experts : a stable carbon 14 level in atmosphere means, for one thing, a stable level of normal carbon dioxide in atmosphere, which I take to have been stable since Flood, with less overall than before Flood, since some would have been buried - not sure how much this affects the result, though. Why so, you may ask? Because the C14 level is not measured against volume of atmosphere, since it is taken in samples of organic material which have long since ceased to be part of atmosphere. It is measured against weight of other carbon, all of which basically has been carbon dioxide in atmosphere.

A stable carbon 14 in atmosphere also means the decay rate is stable, which I grant, taking the Cambridge half life : 5730 years = after them any sample will have half as much C14 as it had before them. This includes the sample which is carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

But this means that a stable carbon 14 level involves one more thing too, namely a stable producttion of new carbon 14 which is in balance with what is lost through radioactive decay within the atmosphere itself.

And this means that a rising level of Carbon 14 either involves not enough time having lapsed since the rise from scratch began, if that is how it worked, or that some time the present level was simply given as part of creation, which I do not grant, though God could have done it, precisely as for similar mathematical reasons we cannot have had a rise to a stable level happen through normal today's production of new C14. Or, third possibility, a rising level could also involve new carbon 14 being produced faster than now, while the level is rising.

This is of course my view of the matter, since back in 2015.

Now, the Fibonacci Table of 2015 took the production of new carbon 14 during the period I study into two portions : the portion which is today's level of new production, and the portion which exceeds it, which portion I divided into Fibonaccian multiples of a certain dividend of it.

Here, it is much more clumsy as approach, I only take eight steps of rise in the resulting level itself.

And these I calculated on Sunday, St Joseph's Day and Third Sunday of Lent, or Third Lord's Day of Lent. However, that only gives 9 levels of C14, including 100 percent modern carbon and the presumed Flood level of modern carbon.

I wanted more levels, so this morning, St Benedict's Day, I added 8 intermediary levels, using a formula of intercalation which basically multiplies the difference between two levels by 0.618 and then decides that product is added onto lower level in order to produce the intermediate one.

And here we have the results, I did some rounding, reducing pmc exactitude to three decimal places:

2.142 pmc, + 31 800 years
25.609 pmc, + 11 250 years
40.195 pmc, + 7550 years
54.721 pmc, + 5000 years
63.751 pmc, + 3700 years
72.689 pmc, + 2650 years
78.256 pmc, + 2050 years
83.844 pmc, + 1450 years
87.316 pmc, + 1100 years
90.665 pmc, + 810 years
92.752 pmc, + 620 years
94.992 pmc, + 430 years
96.376 pmc, + 310 years
97.486 pmc, + 210 years
98.188 pmc, + 150 years
99.298 pmc, + 60 years
100 pmc, no extra years

And to make sure that we are dealing* with Cambridge half life, here are some diagnostic pmc's: 70.7 should give half of a halflife, 2865 years, gives 2850. 50 should give a halflife, 5730, gives 5750. 25 should give two half lives, 11 460, gives 11450.

I suspect that the calculator* has been given some either calibration or rounding, and if rounding, I think it can basically be trusted. For our purpose, which is not identical to that of those putting it online.

You may notice that I have not given BC years either for Biblical or "carbon dated" chronologies, this because I think above table can very well be adapted to diverse Biblical chronologies and also get the years between its steps calibrated to faster or slower, if needed.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
St Benedict's Day
or Tuesday after
III Lord's Day in Lent

PS, in case some are dense (or just need some tea or coffee) : the pmc levels given are not of what would be expected now from whatever the year, they are meant as normal pmc level of atmosphere and recent normal samples back then. Therefore they do not give the carbon age, they only give the extra years above the carbon age. As it would have been if carbon 14 level had been 100 pmc./HGL

* The Carbon 14 Dating Calculator is the one which I gave a short link because its full link is a bit long:

Carbon 14 Dating Calculator

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