lundi 29 avril 2024

Ineptitude of Introibo on Anthropology

Creation vs. Evolution: Ineptitude of Introibo on Anthropology · Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: What Are False Visions?

What Pope Pius XII actually taught:

[citation of §§ 36—37 of Humani Generis]

The pope did not rule out the creation of the body through evolution and he upheld the necessity of the belief in the immediate creation of the soul by God, as well as the necessary rejection of polygenism.

Introibo Ad Altare Dei: Human Origin
Posted by Introibo Ad Altare Dei at 4:26 AM Monday, January 29, 2024

Introibo seems to not have an inkling that the actual postulate (rejection of polygenism) is at variance with the temporary licence (non-ruling out of creation of Adam's body through Evolution).

There are also other actual postulates of theology, not mentioned here by Pius XII, which are also at variance with an evolutionary origin of Adam's body.

If Adam's body was born of two bodies similar to his own, without the human mind, it stands to reason, they had no human language.

Already a major paradox of having a human body built for a human language, without having the human language, but it would be an even greater one to have a human language without having a human mind created in the likeness of God. If I can say "I had coffee and a jumble for breakfast this morning, coffee only yesterday morning, and may have yoghurt tomorrow morning" the fact that I can speak of foods that I do not have before my eyes and also do not crave to immediately eat, clearly means, I am created in the image of God. I am not limited to hic et nunc.

This being so, if "Adam's progenitors" had human bodies but no human souls, they had no possibility of teaching Adam any human language, and Adam would have been a feral child, before he had sinned, hence this would deny the goodness of God.

But back to rejection of polygenism. The Protestant William Lane Craig will accept Evolutionary "science" and he will reject polygenism. As a result he will put Adam 750 000 years back in time, before Homo sapiens and Neanderthals converged. The rejection of polygenism is fine, the acceptance that Neanderthals and Homo sapiens both descend from Adam is fine, but the 750 000 years are atrocious on two accounts.

  • They make Genesis 3 inaccessible by historic transmission from Adam to Moses, who clearly didn't live even 10 000 years ago or even 5000 years ago, just 3500 years ago. This cannot be palliated by making it instead a prophetic certitude, since the supposed prophecy would have been inaccurate in Genesis 5 and 11 genealogies, and also since no tradition claims Moses got more than the six days account by prophecy.
  • We are obliged to accept that God not just promised the Saviour to Adam and Eve, but also kept up mankind, up to a narrowing down to the Hebrew nation, in the knowledge of himself and in the hope of the Saviour. However, as modern "science" sees the conditions of the supposed 750 000 years, they lacked writing, the living conditions induced frequent despair about keeping offspring alive, hence vile practises of "family planning" not even barring at setting out of children.

So, some have tried to palliate the former objection by pretending that genealogies in Genesis 5 and 11 are not meant as even tolerably accurate genealogies anyway. An Anglican heretic named Archibald Sayce had come to this conviction as an Orientalist and was cited by Fr. Rudolph Bandas, who came to accept Vatican II.

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Archibald Sayce was no Church Father, Reverend Bandas was not Pope

So, yes, the genealogies would still be highly inaccurate, at variance with even minimal concepts of Biblical inerrancy, if Adam lived 750 000 years ago. But no one can dispute that a tradition going via oral transmission for 750 000 years (in non-civilised conditions which involve frequent orphaning and relocation of people) is the equivalent of a telephone game. Very far from how Fr. George Leo Haydock conceived how Moses knew Genesis 3:

Concerning the transactions of these early times, parents would no doubt be careful to instruct their children, by word of mouth, before any of the Scriptures were written; and Moses might derive much information from the same source, as a very few persons formed the chain of tradition, when they lived so many hundred years. Adam would converse with Mathusalem, who knew Sem, as the latter lived in the days of Abram. Isaac, Joseph, and Amram, the father of Moses, were contemporaries: so that seven persons might keep up the memory of things which had happened 2500 years before. But to entitle these accounts to absolute authority, the inspiration of God intervenes; and thus we are convinced, that no word of sacred writers can be questioned. H.

If in order to palliate this deficiency, you wish to take Adam into the times that archaeologists these days pretend were "7000 years ago", like the Cucuteni–Trypillia culture, you have exchanged the preservation of faith problem and the preservation of hope problem for polygenism, which you claim you wanted to avoid. Jimmy Akin and Gavin Ortlund, a Vatican II-adherent and a Protestant, don't claim to an absolute will to avoid it. On Jimmy's view, Pius XII used regulatory language, therefore the regulation could be changed by subsequent magisterium. And Gavin obviously has no will to adher to Pius XII in the first place.

But Introibo cites two pre-Conciliar theologians.

Adolphe Tanquerey's book came in English only in 1959. After Pius XII was dead, under a man Introibo regards as a certain and I as at least a probable antipope. The French original came in 1924, in Paris, at a time when also Pierre Theilhard de Chardin was active there, and after 1920 in which the Jesuit Mangenot had invented the framework theory, as opposed to the more literal views of Genesis 1's creation days, namely literal days, day age, gap theory. He also offered a cogent reason to reject gap theory, while holding to deep time, and day age, as it had previously been understood (by the Sulpician Father Vigouroux, when he proposed it in the Paris region in 1880's and when he was appointed Papal judge in 1909).

Sylvester Joseph Hunter was the son of the Unitarian (i e Arian!) Minister Joseph Hunter. This deserves to be taken into account, since Introibo fallaciously pretends that the Kolbe Center and Robert Sungenis are reading the Bible in a Protestant way:

I have noticed a trend among Traditionalists (especially Gen Z) to take positions that seem traditional and Catholic, but are actually Protestant. ... Many Traditionalist Catholics (and "conservative" Vatican II sect members) read the Bible literally in every verse, like a Fundamentalist Protestant.

So, Fundamentalist Protestants became worse theologians than Teilhard de Chardin or than Arians ... exactly when?

Protestant became a synonym of error when? Oh, Trent? Or Vatican Council of 1869 to 1870? Well, none of these condemned a Fundamentalist reading of Genesis 1 through 11. None. When a Catholic used to say "we must beware of Protestant error" it used to mean:
  • specific errors condemned in the documents of the Church, I'm going through the 130 anathemas of Trent;
  • errors about the origin of the Catholic Church (like those of Hislop);
  • pretending the papacy is the Antichrist;
  • moral errors, like denying the difference of venial and mortal;
  • or tipsy and drunk, pilfering and stealing.

In other words, there used to be a clear and solid and long standing Catholic truth that the Protestant error was erring against. But everything that Introibo has appealed to (in my skimming through at least) as against the supposed "Protestantism" is vague, recent, ambiguous. It makes allowance for a science that does not exist, and blocks an evolutionary science that does exist, if deep time is accepted.

He appeals to preconciliar approvals of Noort, Gerardus Cornelis van, 1861-1946, from the Netherlands, one of the countries that made a power grab at the beginning og Vatican II, and of Tanqueray, from France, another of them. Both of which are infamous for modernism, way beyond US or Swedish or Polish Novus Ordos, after the Council. For Dalmau and Sagues he gives a more Catholic country, Spain, but from the year when Pius XII died:

Sacrae theologiae summa. Iiuxta constitutionem apostolicam "Deus scientiarum Dominus" II: De Deo uno et trino. De Deo creante et elevante. De peccatis.
Iosepho M. Dalmau und Iosepho F. Sagues. Madrid, 1958

If there was a previous edition from 1955, this was anyway subservient in a bad way to Humani Generis. Pius XII did, verbatim, not require to regard this as an open question. The only way Biblicists could weigh in on the question from an anti-Evolutionary perspective, as foreseen by his actual wording in paragraphs 36 and 37, would be to state there are Biblical reasons why an Evolutionary origin of Adam's body is illicit. It was wrong to first shoehorn his very unusual wording "the magisterium does not forbid" and "given the current state of knowledge" into first a "definition" that the question was from all sides (rather than from a simple disciplinary side) open, and then later, under Wojtyla, that it was a kind of "definition" that the Evolutionary origin was licit. However, this was so highly unusual, like as if Pius XII was in bad faith, knowing the duplicity of his position, or unaware that this could create a harmful polemic that the Pope had shown some concern to avoid, that they went before his actual wording and declared as a first principle, what is simply a lie, that the question was open.

Every one of these theologians he cites wants to make room for science. None of them was a scientific anything beyond mediocrity.

  • Sylvester Joseph Hunter wanted to adapt Stonyhurst to the scientific requirements in London at the time.
  • Adolphe Tanquerey was a moralist, canon lawyer, spirituality writer.
  • Gerardus van Noort is credited with being a precursor of getting human sciences away from St. Thomas Aquinas. He was also active in Catholic scientific clubs of Amsterdam in 1929.
  • Joseph Dalmau was a Christologist.
  • Joseph F. Sagüés wrote on theology of creation, but I could not find books on actual scientific subjects.

Like Pius XII, each of them wanted to make room for science, none of them studied it. The one great theologian who was also a great scientist and pretty certainly believed that Adam's body was the result of Evolution was a famous heterodox, a byname of post-conciliar heterodoxy, Fr. Teilhard de Chardin.

The questions back in 1909 were put on a basis of strawmanning the anti-evolutionist position, as if making the Bible a science manual. Creationists of today will say, "no, the Bible is not a manual of science, but it is, in historic books, and that includes Genesis 1 through 11, accurate history."

The Kolbe Center would have us believe that the approved theologians taught open heresy in their theological manuals, written under the careful watch of the Magisterium, and they were never censured or corrected in any way.

Given the amount of theological output, the diversity of pre-conciliar orthodoxy in different episcopacies, the known outcome in what seems to many the prophecied Great Apostasy, obviously some theological manuals were writing some type of heterodox, and obviously the Magisterium in the 1950's was on some topic asleep. Perhaps the disorders did not come from liturgy, where Pius XII had been watchful, but rather from ths question, where Introibo shows him as lax.

From the comments section, I'll cite how Introibo and one of his readers basically dogmatise the harmony of faith and science, despite Introibo assuring that one is "certainly" allowed to believe Geocentrism and Young Earth Creationism. What he means is, somewhat Russian style, you are allowed to believe it on a devotional basis, but you are not allowed to argue it rationally. But here is what he dogmatises:

January 29, 2024 at 5:50 AM
Thanks for clearing things up ! It should be an automatic reflex to ask what the Church teaches on a specific question, because she is our Mother and Teacher. By separating themselves from the Church, Protestants make the mistake of thinking they can understand Revelation on their own, and we see that some Catholics make the same mistake. And we can also better respond to those who oppose science to faith, because we see that the two are not opposed.

Introibo Ad Altare Dei
January 29, 2024 at 7:28 PM
Absolutely! The One True Church has nothing to fear from science, because both science and theology are sources of knowledge that come to us from the One True God.

God Bless,


So, Evolutionary origin of man, Heliocentrism, Deep Time, all of this is science, and the true Church has nothing to fear fom it, because it comes from the one true God.

But direct creation of Adam, Geocentrism, Biblical chronology, all of this is something one may believe if one choses, but must not dogmatise, hence, must not argue.

Unless one's of equal or superior authority to the theologians he has cited, his orientation reminds me of a line from "Sweet about me" ....

0:40 ♪ Tell ya something that I've found ♪
0:43 ♪ That the world's a better place ♪
0:45 ♪ When it's upside down, boy ♪

The remark may be more apt about the "world" for which Jesus did not pray, than about the world of theology, where Introibo and Simon are applying their upside down ... and their attitude to actual concrete persons who actually do chose direct creation of Adam, Geocentrism, Biblical chronology, is not the kind of sadism depicted by Gabriella Cilmi, but the kind of things that make people describe police as sadistic. Which is a worse thing. Since obviously, the guys who dispute the advisedness or ultimate licitness of Evolutionary origin of Adam (as well as the other questions) are not the Pope. Unless, of course Michael I was and Michael II is precisely that.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Catherine of Siena

Sanctae Catharinae Senensis Virginis, ex tertio Ordine sancti Dominici, quae ad caelestem Sponsum transivit pridie hujus diei.

PS, just in case you didn't get it, I do count Pius XII as one of the scientifically inept theologians, often canonists, who wanted to make room for a "science" that they did not understand the implications of. Nor the provedness of. If he kept the faith, if he did not lose papacy, it is because he did not know what he was saying./HGL

samedi 27 avril 2024

Is AronRa Incapable of Distinguishing Carolus Linnæus from Ernst Haeckel?

Tucker Out on Evolution
AronRa | 27 April 2024

Text transscript up to 2:50:

[Tucker on Rogan:]
it's the idea that you know all 2:13 life emerge from a single cell organism 2:16 and over time

[AronRa's comment begins:]
the first evidence of that 2:19 was revealed by a pre- darwinian 2:21 Christian creationist back in 2:23 1735 [Carolus] Linnaeus tried to categorize 2:26 all living things and he discovered that 2:28 they did not fit into the body boxes of 2:30 created kinds like he was taught to 2:32 believe instead all taxonomic ranking 2:35 revealed a familiar lineage a branching 2:37 tree pattern of separated daughter sets 2:39 descending from a series of parent 2:41 categories themselves descending from 2:43 more distant ancestral 2:45 groups it had already been long 2:47 understood that life evolves under 2:49 direct observation and manipulation 2:50 producing new breeds of dogs cattle 2:53 pigeons and so on

One would expect the illustration to be from a work by Linnaeus, right?

Now, take a look at a snapshot from 2:45, shall we? Here:

Odd. Unless it's deliberately dishonest or misleading, it's very odd to illustrate a proposition about Linnaeus by an illustration from a work by Haeckel.

Perhaps Jeremy Sherman is relevant here?

Correspondence of Hans Georg Lundahl : With Jeremy Sherman PhD
Posted by Hans Georg Lundahl at 17:29 Wednesday 24 April 2024

Me, letter X
... That's not on whether you listen, it's on whether you are decent or not to opponents. I usually am.

Sherman, letter XI
... Here's how it seems to work for all of us: If we want someone's trust – if we want to be seen as credible by someone, we have to earn it. No one owes us trust and credibility. ...

Skipping the gobbledegook and my ire, he is ready to turn down an appeal to his decency on the ground of me not earning his trust.

So, he's really saying, if he doesn't trust me, he doesn't owe me decency. He apparently only owes decency to those whom he trusts.

Could this be a theme with AronRa's morals as well?/HGL

mardi 23 avril 2024

I Had a Dream : a Discussion About Human Skeleta

The first part was a view of old "human species" (misnomer I think) that I do not share, and it's refutation.

I cannot totally recall it, as I had fever and was too tired to get up and memorise my dream, but basically, if you take Homo erectus soloensis, Homo heidelbergensis (which is probably = Antecessor and to Denisovan), Homo sapiens neanderthalensis as early post-Flood, it would be a very remarkable variety just after the Ark, and it would involve (on a view not shared by other Creationists, even those who do hold Neanderthals are post-Flood) a very rapid development in a very short time from these or some of them to the Homo sapiens we see today.

Even the other view, the one I didn't dream about, the one saying Neanderthals are early post-Babel would involve a very remarkable speed of mutations accumulating in one population. This is held by Carter (who doesn't believe there were caves for them to live in in the pre-Flood world) and by Anne Habermehl (who holds that Genesis 6:7 involves a complete annihilation, or reduction to unidentifiable powder of anything pre-Flood human we could come across).

Compare this to my view.

In the Flood, 2262 after Creation, those perishing involved:

  • the Homo sapiens type we are best familiar with (those on the Ark belonged to it too)
  • the Neanderthal and Denisovan types (from which some partial ancestry of some on the Ark is involved)*
  • the Homo erectus on Java and in Peking
  • a few others, perhaps.

When it comes to divergent gene and mutation drifts 2262 years before the Flood is much more ample opportunity for the non-"sapiens" to diverge from "us" than 101 or 531 years after the Ark.**

The equivalent for these types appearing post-Flood would be them appearing in somewhat before 695 BC or 996 BC in a LXX chronology, or in somewhat before 84 BC in the Masoretic one.

But moreoever, in the Pre-Flood world, there is not just natural divergence, there is also the genetic effect of whatever the Nephelim were about, perhaps also some (other?) genetic engineering done by demons.

So, the existence of these different human tribes is really less mysterious before a Flood in 2958 BC or in 3266 BC, than it would be after the Flood.

When it comes to radiometric dates, the carbon dates concern only Neanderthals and Denisovans, when it comes to Heidelbergians and Antecessors (whom I suspect of being simply Denisovans, but they are other finds and other dates) and to Homo erectus, we are more typically dealing with K-Ar, with Potassium Argon. In a Flood setting, how old would reflect how much argon was trapped by rapid cooling of lava spreading above the mud their bodies were in. For Neanderthals and Denisovans, where we have carbon dates, these end at or perhaps a bit before 40 000 BP. This is why for long I took the carbon date 40 000 BP or 38 000 BC as the carbon date of the Flood year.

If the skeleta are really 5000 years old, they are carbon dated 8 times as old as they really are, and if the carbon 14 proportion to carbon 12 in the atmosphere was 1/64 of what it is today (or would have been without industrialism), this is really not very surprising.

So, my main answer, as to time, is, a) potassium argon dates either mean nothing or more typically point to the Flood, different amounts of water at different temperatures of cold cooling lava at different rapidity and trapping different quantities of argon (considered then as daughter isotope, when it really was always in the sample) b) carbon 14 proportion has risen from 1.628 pmC during the Flood to 100 pmC at the Fall of Troy, 1777 years later.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. George

Natalis sancti Georgii Martyris, cujus illustre martyrium inter Martyrum coronas Ecclesia Dei veneratur.

* The Neanderthal genes we have now do not involve Neanderthal Y-chromosomes, nor Neanderthal mitochondriae. If a daughter in law of Noah had a father who was Neanderthal, she would not have Neanderthal mitochondriae. Being female, she would not have Neanderthal or any other Y-chromosomes. The Ark is the perfect bottleneck for allowing this degree of Neanderthal ancestry to survive and at the same time eliminate any woman who had Neanderthal mothers or any man who had a Neanderthal father.

** Citing the times from Flood to Peleg's birth in Masoretic and full LXX chronology.

lundi 22 avril 2024

"Vakro" = Växjö, Damien ?

Il y a des raisons pour lesquelles je n'aurais pas du tout deviné. Sauf par mon esprit d'escalier.

  • 1) Växjö est au sud de Stockholm, pas au nord de Stockholm. Voir le plan audessus.
  • 2) La prononciation.

    • a) ä en Växjö est è, ö en Växjö est eu—comme partout dans la langue suédoise
    • b) xj = k+sj. Or, je n'aurais pas approximé SJ avec un R français. Plutôt avec un CH.

Ceci mérite une petite discussion. En Finlande, SJ se prononce CH. Un fenno-suédois prononcerait donc Vecquecheu.

Par contre, en toute la Suède, SJ a une autre prononciation, et en parties de Suède, CH est la prononciation de RS. Et, cette autre prononciation est assez difficile pour les étrangers.

Prends un WH en Écosse (haud yer WHeesht!), ajoute un petit soupçon de CH, mais davantage quand même d'un C'H en Bretagne. J'ai entendu d'immigrés prononcer SJ comme Ach-Laut / C'H breton.

C'est ici que je me suis dit ... et si le R était l'approximation d'un C'H, lui-même une approximation d'un SJ ?

Si c'est le cas, Damien, prends quelques rendez-vous avec des bretonnants pour apprendre une bonne prononciation de C'H. C'est quand même une de vos fiertés, à Brest, d'avoir une langue régionale qui en plus est celtique !

Par contre, Växjö est effectivement une ville étudiante, il y a une université.


Entretemps, enjoy my blog !

Si tu préfères de lire la thématique en français, il y a de ça sur mon blog principal :

New blog on the kid : libellé : de refutatione evolutionnismi

Quand j'écris en français là-dessus, c'est normalement là que je l'écris, c'est en anglais plutôt que j'ai le lectorat pour un blog spécialisé sur ce thème.

Merci pour la bière, hier !

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Soter, Pape et Martyr

Romae, via Appia, natalis sancti Soteris, Papae et Martyris.

PS, pour le propos "l'édition peut être compliquée" que je pense qu'on fait tourner, voir:

PPS, ici une vidéo sur le son SJ : Why [ɧ] is NOT REAL

Avec bonne volonté, mon projet n'est pas irréalisable

jeudi 18 avril 2024

Wessex culture, Únětice culture, Ottomány culture : Recalibrating Timespan

Creation vs. Evolution: Solutrean and Clovis, According to "Other Revision of I-II?" · Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Can Biblical Recalibration Save the Solutrean Hypothesis? · back to: Creation vs. Evolution: Wessex culture, Únětice culture, Ottomány culture : Recalibrating Timespan

Wessex culture
"2000 — 1650 BC"
Únětice culture
"2300 — 1600 BC"
Ottomány culture
"2100 — 1400 BC"

"2300 BC" or beginning of Únětice culture
(1655 + 1633) / 2 = 1644 BC
(91.4498 + 93.3283) / 2 = 92.38905 pmC => 650
1644 + 650 = "2294 BC"

"2100 BC" or beginning of Ottomány culture
(1633 + 1633 + 1610 + 1633 + 1610 + 1610 + 1610) / 7 = 1620 BC
(93.3283 + 93.3283 + 95.2011 + 93.3283 + 95.2011 + 95.2011 + 95.2011) / 7 = 94.39847 pmC => 480
1620 + 480 = "2100 BC"

"2000 BC" or beginning of Wessex culture
(1610 + 1610 + 1610 + 1610 + 1610 + 1610 + 1610 + 1610 + 1610 + 1588) / 10 = 1608 BC
(95.2011 + 95.2011 + 95.2011 + 95.2011 + 95.2011 + 95.2011 + 95.2011 + 95.2011 + 95.2011 + 97.0681) / 10 = 95.3878 pmC => 390
1608 + 390 = "1998 BC"

"1650 BC" or end of Wessex culture
(1521 + 1498) / 2 = 1510 BC
(98.184 + 98.555) / 2 = 98.3695 pmC => 140
1510 + 140 = "1650 BC"

Caveat. This involves the carbon date of the Exodus as being 1650 BC. If God used the eruption of Santorini as partial means for the plagues of Egypt, the carbon date for the Exodus should instead be 1609.

This would involve a revision of table VI — VII.

This would also involve the Wessex culture ended before 1510 BC. Such a revision would also affect the following item, but not the last one, which is in table VII — VIII:

"1600 BC" or end of Únětice culture
(1498 + 1476) / 2 = 1487 BC
(98.555 + 98.924) / 2 = 98.7395 pmC => 110
1487 + 110 = "1597 BC"

"1400 BC" or end of Ottomány culture
(1364 + 1341) / 2 = 1353 BC
(99.3421 + 99.425) / 2 = 99.38355 pmC => 50
1353 + 50 = "1403 BC"

This accompanies a video by Dan Davies (from my part), here:

Magnificent Ancient Kings: The Únětice Culture
Dan Davis History | 14 April 2024

dimanche 14 avril 2024

Solutrean and Clovis, According to "Other Revision of I-II?"

Creation vs. Evolution: Solutrean and Clovis, According to "Other Revision of I-II?" · Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Can Biblical Recalibration Save the Solutrean Hypothesis? · back to: Creation vs. Evolution: Wessex culture, Únětice culture, Ottomány culture : Recalibrating Timespan

Upper Paleolithic
c. 22,000 – c. 17,000 BP

"20 000 BC" = 2733 BC
12.3736 pmC, so dated 19 983 BC

"15 000 BC" = 2693 BC
22.4405 pmC, so dated 15 043 BC

c. 11,500 – 10,800 BCE[1][2]

"11 500 BC" = 2644 BC
34.211 pmC, so dated 11 494 BC

"10 800 BC" = 2631
37.351 pmC, so dated 10 781 BC

Creation vs. Evolution: Other Revision of I-II?

jeudi 11 avril 2024

Given the Amount of Posts I Spend on Contradicting CMI

For instance, previous, where I contradict Gary Bates on Egyptian chronology ... one could assume I were very opposed to them.

In fact not the case.

Most of their articles, like either I totally agree, or the differences are not much worth making a fuss about. But on the other hand, most of thei articles I assume my readers can get anyway.

Tomorrow's article is however a gem. I'd be sinning against my readers if I withheld direct recommendation of:

Racemization of amino acids under natural conditions: part 4—racemization always exceeds the rate of peptide elongation in aqueous solution
by Royal Truman and Boris Schmidtgall | This article is from
Journal of Creation 36(3):72–80, December 2022

mardi 9 avril 2024

Carbon 14 and Egyptian Chronology, a Reply to Gary Bates

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Gary Bates' Egyptian Matches Bungle the Carbon Rise · Creation vs. Evolution: Egyptian Chronology Calibrated · Augustine and Origen each give us "two birds with one stone" · Carbon 14 and Egyptian Chronology, a Reply to Gary Bates

Egyptian chronology and the Bible—framing the issues
by Gary Bates

I am basically going to concentrate on two things:

  • what he says on carbon 14 (14C for short)
  • what he says of the New Kingdom

  • To assist with dating artifacts from Egypt, carbon-14 dating is now extensively used but widely disputed due to the massive revisions in time it can lead to. We have written much about the alleged absolute reliability of 14C dating.

    I do in fact not hold to the absolute reliability of 14C dating. However, I have much more confidence as to its relative reiability than CMI generally have. There are factors in the problem they persist in ignoring. Robert Carter offered me this "explanation" (it was obviously clear to him that I was not promoting taking "40 000 BP" as really 40 000 years ago) of why they do not even attempt such a thing:

    This period covers some of the most important periods of biblical history, yet carbon dating fails to properly date any of it. If we have rapidly rising 14C levels, we cannot even assume the atmosphere would be fully mixed during the transition period. Throw in an Ice Age, shifting atmospheric circulation patterns, vast amounts of old carbon being dumped into the biosphere via vulcanism and via the erosion of calcium-containing rocks, a collapsing magnetic field, and who knows what bombarding us from outer space, and I fully suspect that the oldest measurements will be far from precise.

    The problem is, the more 14C levels punctually sink because of release of old carbon, and note the release of old carbon from 1750 to 1950 has contributed to such a decline in 14C levels that 1750 having dated to 1950 (raw, uncalibrated date), 1950 dated to 1750 (dito). As said, the more the level punctually sinks, the more drastic increases have to be taken in as to cosmogenic 14C which implies radioactivity.

    If the levels rose from just above 1 pmC in the Flood 2957 BC to 82.73 pmC in 1935 BC when Genesis 14 happened (Abraham around 80 years, or between 76 and 85), the medium factor of how much more 14C was produced each year can be calculated as this:

    2957 - 1935 = 1022 years (it will be radically less in the Masoretic timeline), implies a decay from 100 to 88.37 percent of original level, and therefore also a normal replacement of 100 - 88.37 = 11.63 pmC.

    1.628 * 88.37 / 100 = 1.439 remaining pmC*
    82.73 actual pmC
    82.73 - 1.439 = 81.291 pmC replacement.

    81.291 / 11.63 = 6.99 times faster.

    Let's follow this up as to what this implies midway or rather 401 after the Flood, when Peleg was born.

    401 years, decay 100 to 95.265, normal replacement 4.735 pmC

    1.628 * 95.265 / 100 = 1.551 pmC
    6.99 * 4.735 pmC = 33.097 pmC
    33.097 + 1.551 = 34.648 pmC

    2556 BC + 8750 extra years = dates as 11306 BC (in my view, 2556 BC actually dates as 8000 BC, and the level is 51 pmC and some).

    Now, to account for the supposition of Carter, let's suppose old carbon to a quantity comparable to the one dumped between 1750 and 1950 is dumped by some volcanic activity.

    In order to do this, I need to speak of pmC levels above 100 meaning dates "into the future", because that's what things start out with in 1750. I'm going back to my usual carbon 14 dating calculator, so we are now using numbers from two different apps. In 1750, the level was 102.449 pmC. We'll suppose this sinks to 1950 to 100 pmC, meanwhile the level in 1950 is actually 97.61 pmC.

    What exact addition of old carbon to the overall CO2 has this effect?

    X = 100 pCO2 => 100 pmC
    X = 200 pCO2 => 50 pmC
    X = 150 pCO2 => 75 pmC
    X = 112.5 pCO2 => 87.5 pmC
    X = 106.25 pCO2 => 93.75 pmC
    X = 103.125 pCO2 => 96.875 pmC

    So, adding 3.125 pCO2 (or percent atmospheric carbon, I improvised the term) is a thing. While it took 200 years, we'll suppose it happened in one go, 401 after the Flood. Actual post-Babel dates would then date prior to the date 11 306 BC.

    X = 100 pCO2 => 34.648 pmC
    X = 103.125 pCO2 => 33.565 pmC

    So, next year, 2555 BC, you add instead the extra years 9000, giving 11 555 BC. I don't find it very convincing that a sudden addition of old carbon could have happened more than 200 times faster than it did in the industrial era, but have at it.

    In 2555, the pmC has instead halved. That would imply that reaching 34.648 pmC actually only took 3.495 times faster production, since the time from flood to 2556 BC would have had only half of our atmospheric carbon. But, 2555 BC, we have present levels of atmospheric carbon, half of which was back then old carbon, it is terribly badly mixed, but the medium level would be down to 17.324 pmC.

    2555 would range from 37 000 BC to 11 306 BC, but tend to date around 17 055 BC.

    However, 2555 BC, carbon-14 level is on medium 17.324 pmC.

    1022 - 402 = 620 years. Decay 100 to 92.774, normal replacement 7.226 pmC.

    17.324 * 92.774 / 100 = 16.072 remaining pmC
    82.73 - 16.072 = 66.658 actual replacement pmC
    66.658 / 7.226 = 9.225 times faster replacement.

    The extra years and therefore 14C levels would differ in Masoretic chronology, but not too much. I'll be inaccurate enough to insert the values from here to those other years. For Ussher years, I'll access Haydock.

    Year of the World 2092, Year before Christ 1912 = Genesis 14
    Year of the World about 1800, and Year before Christ 2204 = (end of) Babel

    2204 - 1912 = 292 years. 620 / 292 = 2.123 faster overall process.
    2.123 * 9.225 = 19.587 times faster 14C replacement/production

    And that's just if you want to put Magdalenian in post-Babel instead of pre-Babel, it gets worse if you want to put Neanderthals and Denisovans in the post-Babel instead of the pre-Flood.

    But between Genesis 14 and ... let's say fall of Troy, 1180 BC ... the rise is either way slower.

    1935 - 1180 = 755 years, decay from 100 to 91.272, normal replacement = 8.728 pmC.
    Or, if you prefer, 1912 to 1180, not much difference.

    82.73 * 91.272 / 100 = 75.509 remaining pmC
    100 - 75.509 = 24.491 actual replacement pmC
    24.491 / 8.728 = 2.806 times faster

    Note, from Genesis 14 to Fall of Troy, a period that spans the Exodus, this slower rise will likely be less irregular, since better mixed, since the 14C production more closely resembles the present one. This is the context in which one should take my comment under a video by Gary Bates:

    1446 + 430 = 1876 (at the promise, 430 years prior to Exodus).
    1550 - 1406 = 144 extra years at the taking of Jericho.


    Jacob going to Egypt would be in 215 after the promise, i e in 1661.

    What would the C14 level be then?

    215 years is 97.433 % and 2.567 pmC replacement.

    82.164 * 97.433 / 100 = 80.055 pmC
    80.055 + (2.567 * 3.736) = 89.646 pmC

    89.646 pmC => 900 extra years.

    1661 + 900 = 2561 BC. That carbon date is well before the Hyksos. It's actually not too far from Djoser.

    Obviously, at Gary Bates' Exodus dating, we get to 100 pmC even before Fall of Troy, namely in the Exodus. The result is that the rise from Genesis 14 on would be even steeper. Not too steep to be fairly even, but still steep enough. Even clearer disproof of a Hyksos pharao, when Joseph arrived. But suppose instead we actually allowed a Hyksos pharao for Joseph.

    Year of the World 2298, Year before Christ 1706. = Genesis 43 (Ussher chronology)
    The Second Intermediate Period c. 1700–1550 BC

    So, 100 pmC, not just for Exodus, but even Joseph's receiving the brethren.

    1912 - 1706 = 206 years. Decay 100 to 97.539. Normal replacement 2.461 pmC.

    82.73 * 97.539 / 100 = 80.694 remaining pmC
    100 - 80.694 = 19.306 actual replacement pmC.
    19.306 / 2.461 = 7.845 times faster replacement.

    So, the scenario given by Gary Bates involves on the one hand, the 14C production continued to be much faster than today, nearly 8 times faster, up to Joseph in Egypt, and then came to rest flatly on the modern production level, so that Kenyon's inflated dating for Jericho must be due to mismanagement on her part, rather than 14C level that was still somewhat lower than what would equate carbon date to real date. How exactly does Gary Bates defend this?

    Famous Egyptologist Zahi Hawass, who at the time of the 2010 report was secretary-general of the Egyptian Supreme Council for Antiquities, said:

    “This technique shouldn’t be used at all in making changes to the chronology of the [sic] ancient Egypt, not even as a helpful addition … carbon dating is useless. This science will never develop. In archaeology, we consider carbon dating results imaginary.”32

    Well, but what is his rationale? If we look at conventional carbon dates, calibrated according to a presumed 14C level close enough to 100 pmC, this more or less adds up to the totals, but it will make a trainwreck of the details in Egyptian "documented" chronology and succession of pharaos. Zahi Hawass may be very famous, but he is not a Young Earth Creationist and is therefore not prepared for a wholesale adaption of Egyptian chronology to the Biblical one, starting with Abraham meeting Narmer or one of his predecessors in Lower Egypt, before the unification. Or even maybe one of the guys in Upper Egypt whom Narmer defeated later on. However, I am, and Gary Bates should be, prepared for such reevaluation. Therefore, Zahi's premiss being flawed, his conclusion is flawed too.

    Again, it shows how much disparity there is in trying to reconcile timelines for ancient Egypt as no one source seems to be consistent with any other and many preconceived ideologies and agendas rule. The further back in ancient Egypt one tries to use 14C dates the more disparate the figures are also likely to become. Also, because there are fewer artifacts from the more ancient dynasties the more likely it is that researchers will rely upon 14C alone as a single line of evidence. Hence, why an Old Kingdom revision can occur in the blink of an eye by c. 400 years. This is less likely with New Kingdom dates where we have a wealth of more recent evidence to confirm or reject a 14C date.

    While the New Kingdom is better documented, it is not all that well documented that a revision of 100 years along the start is impossible. I would say, the New Kingdom starts at the carbon date 1550 BC, same as for Kenyon's date for Jericho. This means, the real date 1470 BC, 40 years after the Exodus, when Joshua conquers Jericho. Or in other words: the Hyksos were Canaaneans, when Joshua weakens these, or God does so through Joshua, he helps to liberate Egyptians from them as well.

    In this context, I recall another video, with Gary Bates, where he gave specific arguments for a specific New Kingdom pharao. I made responses, and posted them on my blog, and now I cannot find the blog post. Not on either of the blogs where I would expect to find it, neither this one, nor the one called Assorted Retorts. Maybe he put that video down to replace it with the one from 27 March this year. If he did, let's hope he didn't arrange to have my post deleted for supposed "copy-right" issues, refuting is not plagiarising, in US law, but perhaps he could find a dishonest and accomodating internet admin. Or, for that matter, let's hope he didn't do so without deleting the previous video either. Whoever did it can be considered as committing inimical acts against me, and exercising a kind of illegal censorship. And especially an immoral one.

    The take-away I hoped to provide through the citation of my previous criticism is, anyway, that the kind of astronomic event associated with that particular pharao that Gary used to clinch the date, also occurred some 20 or 50 years later, whichever it was, it would have been compatible with my dates for the Exodus and revision of the New Kingdom.

    Meanwhile, an Exodus in 1510 BC (carbon dated to perhaps 1609 BC, if God used the Santorini eruption as partial cause for the plagues of Egypt) would from Gary Bates' perspective have the disadvantage of putting more time between the Exodus and the Temple than 480 years. On this issue I refer back to my conclusion that "480 years" is intended to mean "at least 480 years":

    Creation vs. Evolution: 480 Years From Exodus to Temple?

    It is possible that the material on what pharao Gary Bates had in mind is still there in another video, not taken down, and that even my comments would be accessible to me. It is possible that it is only on the new video. I'm sorry, but due to internet sabotage, I will have to return to that later.

    Hans Georg Lundahl
    St. Mary Cleophas

    In Judaea sanctae Mariae Cleophae, quam beatus Joannes Evangelista sororem sanctissimae Dei Genitricis Mariae nuncupat, et cum hac simul juxta crucem Jesu stetisse narrat.

    * The calculation results often have more than three decimals in the following, but are rounded to three decimals.

    samedi 6 avril 2024

    LXX / Vetus Latina as per Julius Africanus : Pre-Flood Period 2262 Years

    In other words, there is no problem of where Methuselah was when the Flood came — he was already dead.

    The following table also takes into account the overlapping of the generations, after each it is marked who were living in their lifespans (in some cases, the overlap is only for a few years of the younger one's life, but that's rare).

    Adam 1 — 930 Seth Enos Cainan Maleleel
    Seth 230 — 1142 Adam Enos Cainan Maleleel Jared Enoch
    Enos 435 — 1340 Adam Seth Cainan Maleleel Jared Enoch Mathusala
    Cainan 625 — 1535 Adam Seth Enos Maleleel Jared Enoch Mathusala Lamech
    Maleleel 795 — 1690 Adam Seth Enos Cainan Jared Enoch Mathusala Lamech Noe
    Jared 960 — 1922 Seth Enos Cainan Maleleel Enoch Mathusala Lamech Noe
    Enoch 1122 — 1487 Seth Enos Cainan Maleleel Jared Mathusala Lamech
    Mathusala 1287 — 2256 Enos Cainan Maleleel Jared Enoch Lamech Noe Sem
    Lamech 1454 — 2207 Cainan Maleleel Jared Enoch Mathusala Noe Sem
    Noe 1642 — 2592 Maleleel Jared Mathusala Lamech Sem
    Sem, Ham, Japheth 2142 Mathusala Lamech Noe
    Flood, 2242 Mathusala!
    Lamech 1474 — 2227 Cainan Maleleel Jared Enoch Mathusala Noe Sem
    Noe 1662 — 2612 Maleleel Jared Mathusala Lamech Sem Arphaxad [(II) Cainan] Sala | Heber
    Sem, Ham, Japheth 2162 Mathusala Lamech Noe Arphaxad [(II) Cainan] Sala | Phaleg
    Flood, 2262

    Is there a specific reason to believe the reading of Julius Africanus is correct? Check out this one:

    Dating Methuselah's Death: Pre or Post Flood? with Henry B. Smith Jr.
    Associates for Biblical Research | 8 April 2023

    Flood, 2262
    Noah pre-Flood — 350 1662 — 2612 Maleleel Jared Mathusala Lamech Sem Arphaxad [(II) Cainan] Sala | Heber
    Sem pre-Flood — 502 2164 — 2764 Mathusala Lamech Noe Arphaxad [(II) Cainan] Sala Heber | Phaleg
    Arphaxad 2 — 537 2264 — 2799 Noe Sem [(II) Cainan] Sala Heber Phaleg | Ragau
    (II) Cainan 137 — 597 2399 — 2859 Noe Sem Arphaxad Sala Heber Phaleg Ragau
    Sala 267 — 727 2529 — 2989 Noe Sem Arphaxad (II) Cainan Heber Phaleg Ragau
    Heber 397 — 801 2659 — 3063 Sem Arphaxad (II) Cainan Sala Phaleg Ragau Seruch
    Phaleg 531 — 870 2793 — 3132 Arphaxad (II) Cainan Sala Heber Ragau Seruch
    Ragau 661 — 1000 2923 — 3262 Sala Heber Phaleg Seruch Nachor
    Seruch 793 — 1123 3055 — 3385 Heber Phaleg Ragau Nachor Thara
    Nachor 923 — 1227 3185 — 3489 Ragau Seruch Nachor Thara
    Thara 1102 — 1307 / 1377 + ? 3364 — 3569 / 3639 + ? Seruch Nachor Thara
    Abram, Nachor and Arrhan 1172 3434 Nachor Thara
    Sala 137 — 597 2399 — 2859 Noe Sem Arphaxad Sala Heber Phaleg Ragau
    Heber 267 — 671 2529 — 2933 Noe Sem Arphaxad Sala Phaleg Ragau Seruch
    Phaleg 401 — 740 2663 — 3002 Sem Arphaxad Sala Heber Ragau Seruch
    Ragau 531 — 870 2793 — 3132 Arphaxad Sala Heber Phaleg Seruch Nachor
    Seruch 663 — 993 2925 — 3255 Heber Phaleg Ragau Nachor Thara
    Nachor 793 — 997 ? / 1097 ? 3055 — 3259 ? / 3359 ? Ragau Seruch Thara
    Thara 872 — 1075 / 1145 + ? 3134 — 3337 / 3407 + ? Seruch Nachor
    Abram, Nachor and Arrhan 942 3204 Seruch Nachor Thara

    There are two discrepancies between the standard version of the LXX and the one involved in the Roman Martyrology. That one has no Second (II) Cainan and Nachor begets at 79 rather than 179. I think both are textually attested in manuscripts we have, but even if this were not the case, patristic witness to this version would be sufficient, and we have that insofar that Julius Africanus, whose work is the basis of the Roman Martyrology as to distance between Creation, Flood and Birth of Abraham (except St. Jerome "corrected" the first distance from 2262 to 2242) gives as the latter distance, not 1172 or 1072, as per with a (II) Cainan, and also not 1042, as per without him, but with Nachor begetting Thara at 179, but 942, as per no (II) Cainan and as per Nachor begetting Thara at 79.

    These details can be found here, under the pen of Dr. Jonathan Sarfati:

    Biblical chronogenealogies
    by Jonathan Sarfati | This article is from
    Journal of Creation 17(3):14–18, December 2003

    Obviously, this allows Abraham to have spoken to Seruch, who, in Josue 24:2, unlike possibly his son Nachor, certainly his grandson Thara, is not mentioned as an idolater. Abraham had access to pure doctrine and to the historical traditions as preserved within pure doctrine, including in the LXX chronology.

    I think someone may have prayed over my getting confronted with this problem of Methuselah's "remaining years after the Flood" in the LXX, and perhaps also reconfronted with the quip, very popular among "Catholic" clergy in Paris, that Abraham was born into a family of idolaters, so that, whatever he received as traditions from the family would have to be "pagan mythology" by definition.

    Even if that had been true, it would not have automatically made the traditions historically incorrect. St. Augustine respects the tradition on how Rome was founded and only in theology (about the origin of Romulus) markedly differs from the worshippers of Mars and of Romulus. We also tend to accept as historical the life of Siddharta Gautama, and differ from Buddhists only in theology (including but not limited to this man's supposed pre-existences in previous reincarnations). But, as said, it is not even true. However, some clergy over here would probably be in their 90's and struck by Alzheimer be incapable of taking my replies into account, nevertheless, they are for some reason allowed to guide younger people with healthier minds about what to say about my Young Earth Creationist position. I heard this objection 10 years ago, or more. I answered it pretty quickly too.

    Hans Georg Lundahl
    Dominica in Albis

    mardi 2 avril 2024

    Disagreeing with Sarfati on Two Items

    First, the* quote:

    At the peak, the Flood covered the highest mountains to 15 cubits deep (about 7 metres or 22.5 feet). The Ark was safe because it sank only about ten cubits into the water—a third of its height.

    Two statements here are not in my model of Flood and Ark.

    1) He thinks the waterline was 10 cubits up, I think it was 15 cubits up. Or maybe 14 or 14 and a half.
    2) He thinks "15 cubits above the very high mountains / the highest mountains" was the peak of the Flood, I think this was what Noah could know of, but not necessarily the peak.

    Let's give my reasons.

    1) I think a waterline halfway up the ship or in this case non-navigating vessel makes for better stability. (More mundanely, I used that waterline in my calculation of the rolling period.)
    2) I think Noah either by prophecy of by calculation of weights could know the waterline was 15 cubits up or 14 and a half, and so he knew this was how much the water was higher than the flat mountain top where he had built the Ark. It does not state that at this moment the water had reached its peak, and need not imply that if "The water was fifteen cubits higher than the mountains which it covered" means "at least 15 cubits" rather than "at most 15 cubits" ...

    Genesis 7:20 describes the moment when they cease waiting in an immobile Ark and they feel that the ark starts moving. Or it starts even previous verse. 19 And the waters prevailed beyond measure upon the earth: and all the high mountains under the whole heaven were covered. 20 The water was fifteen cubits higher than the mountains which it covered.

    If the waterline was 14 and a half cubits up, Noah calculated one half cubit of water below the bottom of the Ark (there was no keel) was what the Ark needed to float free from the mountain top. Once they were off, they were in deep water, which would not make very turbulent, though certainly big, waves. A thing I and** Sarfati agree on, see his fact box with the kitten in an umbrella holding a paddle. As we do*** on non-existance of Mount Everest before the Flood, see his three sentences after the one I quoted.

    The reason I take Genesis 7:19—20 to describe the actual take-off of the Ark is, if the Ark had been floating earlier, it would have risked colliding with the mountains. Now, there is an item where he and I both agree and disagree. Why God sent the Flood. Genesis 6:11 And the earth was corrupted before God, and was filled with iniquity. Now, he, following KJV saying "violence" thinks this refers to a chaos of perpetual warfare, as would inhibit technology by leaving no one able to figure things out. I think the iniquity was closer to Communist China's social credit score./HGL

    * The Genesis Flood for kids: The flood peaks
    by Jonathan Sarfati | Published in Creation 46(2):32–35, 2024

    ** See also: HGL'S F.B. WRITINGS: He did some answering, though, to others ... · Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Oceanic Deep Water Waves in Whole Gale : Whitecaps on a Lake, But Bigger

    *** See also: Himalayas ... how fast did they rise? · Himalayas, bis ... and Pyrenees · ter · quater · quinquies ... double-checked

    lundi 1 avril 2024

    Where I Agree with Uniformitarian Dating Experts

    Have you Really Taken ALL the Factors into Account? · New Tables · Why Should one Use my Tables? · And what are the lineups between archaeology and Bible, in my tables? · Bases of C14 · An example of using previous · Difference with Carbon 14 from Other Radioactive Methods · Tables I-II and II-III and III-IV, Towards a Revision? · The Revision of I-II, II-III, III-IV May be Unnecessary, BUT Illustrates What I Did When Doing the First Version of New Tables · Convergence of Uneven pmC? · [Calculation on paper commented on] · Other Revision of I-II ? · Where I Agree with Uniformitarian Dating Experts

    Since the late revisions are revisions of a work that in its vast bulk remains, namely, New Tables, I'll take an item (Genesis 14) from New Tables. As written, and then as I usually write it, but didn't that once:

    1935 B. Chr.
    0.8273 pmC/100, so dated as 3485 B. Chr.

    1935 BC
    82.73 pmC, so dated as 3485 B. Chr.

    82.73 gives 1550 extra years, +/- 10. I'd ideally want 1565 extra years. That's 82.753 pmC. But that also gives 1550 extra years. The carbon 14 calculator rounds.*

    Now, the people who carbon dated the reed mats from the evacution of En-Geddi to 3500 BC, not 1935 BC, 1565 years later. They would agree that in 1935 BC, the reed mats had a carbon 14 content of 82.753 or 82.73 pmC.

    We just disagree about why.

    If you ask me, that's because, in the overall atmosphere, the carbon 14 content back then was 82.753 pmC. It had been rising and was going to continue to rise.

    If you ask them, the reed mats are from 3500 BC, they started out with c. 100 pmC, both of which propositions I deny. But in 1935, they were 1565 years old, and their carbon 14 content had sunk to 82.753 pmC. I deny that having sunk, but I obviously agree that the level "by" = or rather in 1935 BC was 82.753 pmC.

    If we go a bit further back, to Babel, I consider Göbekli Tepe as Nimrod's Babel, and I consider Babel as correctly datable by Biblical chronology, so, with Flood in 2957 BC** and Peleg born 401 after the Flood, Babel ends in 2556 BC.

    Now, the carbon date I go by is, as latest limit for Göbekli Tepe, 8000 BC, but used to be 8600 BC. I read another article after doing New Tables. Here I give both values, New Tables and Revision:

    2556 B. Chr.
    0.481415 pmC/100, so dated as 8606 B. Chr.

    2556 BC
    51.761 pmC, so dated 8006 BC

    I'll suppose the late limit for Göbekli Tepe changed because of some other find, which added some younger associated organic material.

    Now, we disagree on when the organic material is from.

    But we agree that something which is carbon dated to 8600 BC would have had 48.1415 pmC in 2556 BC — and something carbon dated to 8000 BC would have had 51.761 pmC in 2556 BC.

    We also agree that they have lots less carbon 14 now.

    8600 + 2024 = 10 624 years old => 27.66 pmC now.
    8000 + 2024 = 10 024 years old => 29.743 pmC now.
    3500 + 2024 = 5524 years old => 51.262 pmC now.

    The reason I am giving the pmC for back when the samples came to be and not the pmC for now is, my controversy is:

    • accounting for inflated carbon dates by carbon 14 levels back then
    • and for this being in a realistic rise of carbon 14 levels
    • and, incidentally, provide "translations" for the inflated carbon dates just after Babel to in Genesis 14 over the presumable carbon 14 levels between the points in time
    • both of previous two points hanging together in my assumption that carbon 14 levels in the atmosphere won't go from 1.628 pmC to 51 pmC overnight.

    The last point is also sth which I agree with Uniformitarians on. If cosmic rays overnight produced carbon 14 for 1.628 to 51, that would be a rise of 49.372 pmC points. Normal replacement in 100 years can be deduced from remaining carbon 14 levels after 100 years. 98.798 % of original content => normal replacement of 1.202 pmC points. This means, adding 1.202 pmC points overnight by cosmic radiation would be higher addition by a ratio of 36525 times normal, 49.372 / 1.202 gives a ratio of 41, roughly, multiply that by 36525, you get a ratio of 1 500 260 times normal replacement.

    My check on the carbon rise is such that the worst multiplication I get in the very last revision is 20.702 times normal. Not one and a half million times normal, but 21 times normal.

    Now, let's check that the values I give and the time I give match to the expectations I have just given.

    2556 + 2024 = 4580 years old => 57.463 % of original content***
    1935 + 2024 = 3959 years old => 61.946 % of original content

    48.1415 * 57.463 / 100 = 27.664 pmC (match, discrepancy of less than 0.004 pmC)
    51.761 * 57.463 / 100 = 29.743 pmC (match, discrepancies after 3rd decimal)
    82.753 * 61.946 / 100 = 51.262 pmC (match, discrepancies after 3rd decimal)

    This means, my theory is indeed, as I claim, equivalently accounting for current observations of carbon content in samples. The difference cannot be determined exclusively from such current observations, but is only about whether Biblical dates mean anything and whether if so they are more reliable than the dates chosen for calibrating the carbon 14 dates. I affirm this. The Uniformitarians deny this.

    Hans Georg Lundahl
    Easter Monday

    PS, it is also about whether my archaeological matches for Biblical events are correctly chosen, I think so, but that is another debate./HGL

    * 0.827525739035656 is 0.5 to the power of 1565/5730. So, the correct value should be 82.753 or 82.7525739 pmC
    ** Should be 2958, since Jesus is born in 2957 after the Flood, which is in 1 BC.
    *** Would have been 57.463 pmC if original content had been 100 pmC. Same for next line.