dimanche 29 septembre 2024


What Would the Carbon 14 Production Speed be with the Biblical Minimum Age of the Earth? · [Continued]

Flood 39 000 BP = 37 050 BC
37050 - 2280 = 34770 extra years 1.49 pmC
Babel event 8000 BC
8000 - 2179 = 5821 extra years 49.453 pmC

Or, suppose Peleg was born when Babel was starting, his name was a prophecy?

Supppose Babel fell and the prophecy was fulfilled only when he was 40 years old?

That differs from what Historia scholastica says, namely:

Post obitum vero Noe, moventes pedes suos ab Oriente, convenerunt duces in unum, in campum Sennaar, et timentes diluvium, consilio Nemrod volentis regnare, coeperunt aedificare turrim, quae pertingeret usque ad coelos, habentes lateres pro saxis, et bitumen pro caemento. ... Tamen Augustinus dicit: Merito quaeritur utrum ab Heber dicti sunt Hebraei, vel ab Abraham quasi Abrahaei. Heber genuit Phaleg, et Jectan. Phaleg Hebraice divisio, eo quod in diebus ejus, pro divisione linguarum, divisae sunt gentes, et divisio terrarum facta, sed sub isto praecipue facta dicitur, quia in isto, et in filiis ejus remanente lingua antiqua, alii quasi ab eo divisi sunt...*

But that theoretically could be because of rationalising the wrong chronology.

Flood 39 000 BP = 37 050 BC
37050 - 2280 = 34770 extra years 1.49 pmC

Flood to Babel
101 years, 98.786 % reduction, 1.214 pmC replacement, 32.754 times as fast production.

Babel began 9500 BC
9500 - 2179 = 7321 extra years 41.246 pmC

During Babel
40 years, 99.517 % reduction, 0.483 pmC replacement, 16.919 times as fast production.

Babel ended 8000 BC
8000 - 2139 = 5861 extra years 49.214 pmC

Babel to Genesis 14
231 years, 97.244 % reduction, 2.756 pmC replacement, 12.565 times as fast production.

Genesis 14, Abraham 80, 3500 BC
3500 - 1908 = 1592 extra years 82.483 pmC

Genesis 14 to fall of Jericho
465 years, 94.53 % reduction, 5.47 pmC replacement, 3.792 times as fast.

Jericho falls 1550 BC
1550 - 1443 = 107 extra years 98.714 pmC

What pharaos would one come to?

Abraham 75, promise 1913 BC
1913 - 240 = 1673 BC for ... Djoser?

Exodus 1483 BC
1483 + 80 = 1563 BC for ... Sesostris III?

465, 3.792 times as fast =
97.197 % reduction, 10.628 pmC actual replacement
+ 110,
98.678 % reduction, 5.012 pmC actual replacement
+ 120,
98.559 % reduction, 5.465 pmC actual replacement

The results do not totally map to Djoser or Sesostris III, but ...

Genesis 14 to Pharao I
1908, 82.483 pmC
1908 - 235 = 1673 BC
82.483 pmC to 90.799 pmC, 800 extra years
1673 + 800 = 2473 BC, presumably Fifth Dynasty

By contrast, Djoser was Third Dynasty

Pharao I to Pharao II
1673, 90.799 pmC
1673 - 110 = 1563 BC
90.799 pmC to 94.611** pmC, 460 extra years
1563 + 460 = 2023 BC, presumably Eleventh Dynasty

By contrast, Sesostris III was Twelfth Dynasty

Pharao II to fall of Jericho
1563, 94.611 pmC
1563 - 120 = 1443
94.611 pmC to 98.713 pmC, 110 extra years
1443 + 110 = 1553 BC

If we get into the last bit and divide the lifespan of Moses into 3 parts ...?

40 years
99.517 % reduction, 0.483 pmC normal replacement, times 3.792, so 1.832 pmC actual replacement.

Pharao II to Pharao III
1563, 94.611 pmC
1563 - 40 = 1523 BC
94.611 pmC to 95.986 pmC, 340 extra years
1523 + 340 = 1863 BC ... Senusret II, or sth?

Pharao III to Pharao IV
1523, 95.986 pmC
1523 - 40 = 1483 BC
95.986 pmC to 97.353 pmC, 220 extra years
1483 + 220 = 1703 BC, Thirteenth Dynasty, for instance Merneferre Ay

Pharao IV to fall of Jericho
1483, 97.353 pmC
1483 - 40 = 1443 BC
97.353 to 98.715 pmC, 110 extra years
1443 + 110 = 1553 BC

Are Djoser and Sesostris III excluded as Pharaos I and II? No, but the carbon 14 growth would be less regular.

It is also possible, the idea that all (not just the Old Testament) ends within 6 millennia was a mistake and Apocalypse of Paul which purports to support it was a mistake. That would by the way already be the case if you added second Cainan to an otherwise MT chronology. So, if you want to use 6 millennia in support for MT, you would need to take out second Cainan, as a copyist mistake, just as you do for the chronology of the Roman Martyrology. Or you could add the second Cainan, and then use the Samaritan text for the pre-Flood times.*** So, we could not make this choice because of the Vulgate, since either chosing Samaritan for Genesis 5 or taking away II Cainan from Luke 3 would be contrary to the text of the Vulgate.

Hans Georg Lundahl
ut supra
uel infra in bloggo

* I translate:

But after the the death of Noah, moving their feet from the East, the leaders assembled together, into the field of Shinar, and fearing a Flood, by council of Nimrod wanting to rule, started to build a tower, which would reach unto the heavens, having bricks for stones, and slime for mortar. ... But Augustine says: It's deservedly asked whether the Hebrews are named for Heber, or from Abraham, like "Abrahews". Heber begat Phaleg and Jectan. Phaleg is in Hebrew division, because in his days, for the division of languages, the peoples were divided, and the division of lands made, but is said to be made under him, mainly, because in him, and in his sons, the old language remained and the rest were so to speak divided from him ...

Note, "the leaders" ... meaning a spread of populations as to common people would already have been made before Babel.

** 94.611 = 94.61134268178113873025426669319515 ... appropriate enough for the child killing pharao.

*** Plus second Cainan = plus 128 years. Samaritan for MT = minus 349 years. In that case, and given the 6000 years max, we would have 261 years instead of 40 before the ultimate limit. With my remake, adding two more millennia, because the Creation Days of the New Creation, 7223 AM is a few centuries short of 8000 AM, and even of 8 * 930 years, 8 * Adam's lifespan, namely 7440 AM.

What Would the Carbon 14 Production Speed be with the Biblical Minimum Age of the Earth?

What Would the Carbon 14 Production Speed be with the Biblical Minimum Age of the Earth? · [Continued]

The biblical minimum and maximum age of the earth
by Chris Hardy and Robert Carter | This article is from
Journal of Creation 28(2):89–96, August 2014

Accounting for all presently known relevant details and assuming the Babylonian Captivity began in 587 or 586 BC, we can say with confidence that the Bible places limits on the year of creation between 5665 and 3822 BC.


Lunar Min* 2256 Min 2280 Short Sojourn, MT
* Minimum with 12-lunar-month years prior to the Exodus.

We'll skip "Lunar minimum" I find it very compelling that the year always was Luni-Solar prior to Rome.

So, Flood in 2280 BC
Babel event 2179 BC
Abraham born 1988 BC
Abraham 75, promise 1913 BC
Sojourn in Egypt begins 1698 BC
Exodus 1483 BC
Jericho falls 1443 BC

Flood 39 000 BP = 37 050 BC
37050 - 2280 = 34770 extra years 1.49 pmC
Babel event 8000 BC
8000 - 2179 = 5821 extra years 49.453 pmC
Genesis 14, Abraham 80, 3500 BC
3500 - 1908 = 1592 extra years 82.483 pmC
Jericho falls 1550 BC
1550 - 1443 = 107 extra years 98.714 pmC

Flood to Babel 101 years
Normal decay 98.786 %
Normal replacement 1.214 pmC

1.49 * 98.786 / 100 = 1.472 pmC remaining
49.453 - 1.472 = 47.981 pmC replaced
47.981 / 1.214 = 39.523 times as fast

Babel to Genesis 14 271 years
Normal decay 96.775 %
Normal replacement 3.225 pmC

49.453 * 96.775 / 100 = 47.858 pmC remaining
82.483 - 47.858 = 34.625 pmC replaced
34.625 / 3.225 = 10.736 times as fast

Genesis 14 to fall of Jericho 465 years
Normal decay 94.303 %
Normal replacement 5.697 pmC

82.483 * 94.303 / 100 = 77.784 pmC remaining
98.714 - 77.784 = 20.93 pmC replaced
20.93 / 5.697 = 3.674 times as fast.

Supposing that the relation between speed of production and milliSieverts per year is linear?

39.523 * 0.34 = 13.438 milliSieverts per year at medium height, back then.

Supposing it is squared?

39.5232 * 0.34 = 531.107 milliSieverts per year, clearly lethal.

As we see here, the relation is not just complex but also unknown:

Correspondence of Hans Georg Lundahl : Other Check on Carbon Buildup
Thursday 23 November 2017 | Posted by Hans Georg Lundahl at 09:23

Other implication. Flood 2280 BC + 1656 years = Creation 3936 BC (MT).

3936 + 2024 = 5960 Anno Mundi, we would be maximum 40 years from Doomsday, if, as some Church Fathers thought, all of human history up to Doomsday is 6000 years, mirroring the Creation Days.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Michael Archangel

samedi 28 septembre 2024

This Blog is the Object of Unjust Censorship on Part of Facebook

It was not the case seven years ago, I could share and got a memory of sharing a link about Josephus.

I tried to share the memory, therefore also the link, and this is what happened:

Translation of the text under the share button:


Impossible to share this content, since this link violates the Community Standards.

If you think that this does not violate the Community Standards, tell us. Give your opinion.

This is what I did about it:

Translating what I said:

The site creavsevolu.blogspot.com is not in violation of your community standards, and by filtering it, you are committing a crime of hindrance of freedom of expression (entrave à la liberté d'expression).

Here is the link I tried to share, by the way:

Creation vs. Evolution: Was Josephus Divided over Post-Flood Patriarchs?
jeudi 28 septembre 2017 | Publié par Hans Georg Lundahl à 10:34

jeudi 26 septembre 2024

Archibald Sayce, a Bad Guide to Biblical Genealogies

His criterium for understanding them was Egyptian and perhaps even more Babylonian royal genealogies. Let's look at a Bourbon genealogy remade in their style:

Henry IV begat Lewis XIII, Lewis XIII begat Lewis XIV, Lewis XIV begat Lewis XV (!), Lewis XV begat Lewis XVI (!), who was killed by the Revolution.

Why would an Oriental genealogy look like that? Because, if Lewis XV had been an Oriental Despot, he would not have wanted to mention a father and a grandfather who never ruled France. Likewise Lewis XVI, if he had been an Oriental despot, would not have mentioned his own father who never ruled France.

Adam  1 to 930 1 to 930
Seth  130 to 1042 230 to 1142
Enos  235 to 1140 435 to 1340
Cainan  325 to 1235 625 to 1535
Malaleel  395 to 1290 795 to 1690
Jared  460 to 1422 960 to 1922
Henoch  622 to 987 Henoch 1122 to 1487
987 is before 1422! 1487 is before 1922!
Mathusela  687 to 1656 1287 to 2256
Lamech  874 to 1651 1474* to 2227
1651 is before 1656! 2227 is before 2256!
Noah  1056 to 1656 to 2006 Noah 1662 to 2262 to 2612

So, Henoch and Lamech were both outlived by their father, would never have held monarchic rule over the Sethite clan, and therefore the corresponding Bourbon genealogy would have been:

Henry IV begat Lewis XIII, Lewis XIII begat Lewis XIV, Lewis XIV begat Lewis the Great Dauphin, Lewis the Great Dauphin begat Lewis of Burgundy, Lewis of Burgundy begat Lewis XV, Lewis XV begat Lewis Dauphin of France, Lewis Dauphin of France begat Lewis XVI, Lewis XVI begat Lewis de jure XVII and Madame Royal who were persecuted** by the Revolution that killed him.

Non-rulers are mentioned. Pride doesn't rule over record.

Archibald Sayce was pretty foolish to take the format that Oriental (usually) Pagan Despots used as template for interpreting the Biblical genealogies. Let's recall, he was an archaeologist, apt to overestimate the importance of his findings as such, and please tell me if I make some similar mistake, can't guarantee I'll listen, but you can try, and he was of the Anglican confession, falsely termed priest, though he had no Apostolic Succession, and under a system that had much more tolerance for heterodoxy than Catholicism had in his day.

It was a bad day for the Catholic Church, when some otherwise good priest wrote a piece that referred to Archibald Sayce as an expert on Biblical genealogies.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Martyrs St. Cyprian and St. Justina, Virgin

Nicomediae natalis sanctorum Martyrum Cypriani, et Justinae Virginis. Haec, sub Diocletiano Imperatore et Eutolmio Praeside, cum multa pro Christo pertulisset, ipsum quoque Cyprianum, qui erat magus et suis magicis artibus eam dementare conabatur, ad Christianam fidem convertit; cum quo postea martyrium sumpsit. Eorum corpora, feris objecta, rapuerunt noctu quidam nautae Christiani, et Romam detulerunt; quae, postmodum in Basilicam Constantinianam translata, prope Baptisterium condita sunt.


* The standard text of the LXX seems to be a scribal error. Early text witnesses indicate that Mathusela was 187 years old when fathering Lamech.

** Minimally. For Lewis XVII, it is arguably the Revolution killed him. I recently heard an argument that the official grave of Lewis XVII had been tested for DNA proving fairly well he was the real Lewis XVII, leaving little chance for Nauendorff to have been so.

Have You Ever Heard of Jan Lööf?

New blog on the kid: In Sweden, a Christian True Believer is "Luna Lovegood" · Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: I Think the God's Not Dead Movies Have a Point · Creation vs. Evolution: Have You Ever Heard of Jan Lööf?

When I was a child, he was drawing comic books.

And, while they are clearly beaufiful exercises in fantasy on a Tintin level, they have a dark side. He was Evolutionist back then, presumably still is, alas. At least, it was clearly the case in 2001.

But back to my childhood. More precisely, before I was Christian, perhaps last year before grandpa died, certainly first year after ... I already loved Tintin, and here was a guy presented as a "Swedish Tintin" ... It seems Casterman was pretty cool with it, since their representative Carlsen/if, later Carlsen Comics was the same publisher that also published Felix ... the comic series by Jan Lööf.

The very first adventure he wrote involved "the Great Ape Island" (It only came in his sixth album, since the other story in it was a bit short). It features apes carrying guns and a man whose name is a pun on "dad" and "Tarzan" (those who know Swedish will know exactly what I mean) and who doesn't do a really good job of sorting things out there, at least initially. It is noteworthy Jan Lööf started drawing Felix in 1967 and Planet of the Apes came out as film in 1968 ... but the novel already in 1963. Talking apes is obviously one way of rubbing in the message that we descend from something like apes.

But the second story and the first album features Felix with a time machine. There is a scientist who is able to make one (normally that ability would belong to God, to allow things or information to travel through time and that even backwards). There is a scene where Felix lands among dinosaurs and steals an egg. He also gets hold of a caveman. Yes, that kind of caveman. The way things were in the bad old days when Neanderthals were painted as subhuman. But mostly, they visit ancient Greece and come across (anachronistically for BC times) a "pillar saint" or a Stylite, who is not very devout, but somewhat of a trickster.

There is a highly politicised comic book with Felix, which features a Revolution. Obviously the Leftist Revolutionaries are the good guys (though far from perfect). In the third album, vampires, werewolves, and a monster created by a scientist called Frank N. Stein (nudge, nudge) who obviously succeeds in infusing near human life into his monster make Transylvania more dangerous between them than it need be. Hey, Twilight Saga at least left out the Scientist and the Monster! We appreciate the consideration, Stephenie Meyer! I have forgot how exactly Felix managed to get vampyres out of normal people's lives, but I don't think he was using a crucifix all that much. I seem to recall, like with Nosferatu, sunshine was more important.

I would be unfair to Felix if I didn't mention that the adventure with Cecilia (from a circus van) was poetic, and I am moved by that last Felix strip with Felix growing up, 2015. Last item on this page when you scroll down, best if you know Swedish:

fiffige Felix, INDEX

But the idea of putting Jan Lööf here is, not only does he have another album with bona fide spacemen (obviously more believable than Christian stuff to the author), but he also made another comic strip with spacemen, successfully fought off by Olof Palme and our King, who was a fan of Olof, who unlike himself was elected, and Olof was magnanimous, but we see even more evolutionist stuff in 2001 children's book "Sifferboken" ... the scientist (who resembles Felix if and when he got old) teaches animals to count, in pursuing runaway animals he gets into conflict with an apparent priest (mix between very traditional Lutheran clergyman, as to collar, and a Catholic one as to broad hat, the cassock being common to both), the scientist finds the priest cantankerous, when the animals get back an egg has hatched and we witness the birth of a pterosaur. Later on the girl who witnesses all this visits, and three more eggs have hatched, with a sabre toothed tiger, with a mammuth, and with a cave man — more stupid than the beasts, since he cannot be taught to count. Jan is restating the point he made in the time machine album.

The aesthetics of the comic are somewhat Tintin, no doubt, but owe most to the early three: Tintin in the Soviets, in Congo, in America. Crooks are more humane, basically all of the adult world, except scientists like Propp in the time machine album, and a possible "Felix as old" in the Numbers book, and pretty women, are loosers, who deserve pity. When Tarzan meets this treatment, no problem, but when he etends it to Phantom of Bengali (Semic Förlag not being Carlsberg Comics!) it backfires. This might be the reason why, apart from children's books, Jan Lööf is not translated into English. For Felix, there is perhaps a rare translation into German, Pauls Abenteuer, but Felix is mostly read in Scandinavia.

I think Felix is about as Pro-Evolutionist, Anti-Christians, at least Anti-Clerical, Science believing and pro-Revolutionary as entertainment got West of the Warsaw Pact especially in children's books. Except, for older children, and for teens, on the pro-Revolutionary side, a comic book set in Zimbabwe during the time when the official name was Rhodesia. Also Swedish.

I think he may have in a very great degree contributed to making Sweden a country with extreme secularism as it is today. So, he might be going to Hell, but he is not there yet. A rosary for his conversion would be a worthy cause, as he's 84, it would be about time. He's also a jazz musician, and made some TV acting. Far from introducing this Secularist, Scientist, Evolutionist and Anti-Clerical ideology, he was arguably totally in line with what the Danish daily Politiken. They have stood for Social liberalism since 1884. And that's where Felix strips (originally Felix was named Alf) were first published, prior to any album.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Sts. Cyprian and Justina, Martyrs

Nicomediae natalis sanctorum Martyrum Cypriani, et Justinae Virginis. Haec, sub Diocletiano Imperatore et Eutolmio Praeside, cum multa pro Christo pertulisset, ipsum quoque Cyprianum, qui erat magus et suis magicis artibus eam dementare conabatur, ad Christianam fidem convertit; cum quo postea martyrium sumpsit. Eorum corpora, feris objecta, rapuerunt noctu quidam nautae Christiani, et Romam detulerunt; quae, postmodum in Basilicam Constantinianam translata, prope Baptisterium condita sunt.

PS, for Felix och tidsmaskinen, it was less than a decade since Shanidar 1 had been discovered, but for 2001, Sifferboken, if Jan Lööf had been interested in the discoveries as discoveries, he could have known "cave men" were not brutes. Or Neanderthals, for that matter. Now, Jan Lööf, as a draftsman and a jazz musician certainly has an artistic conscience, but when it comes to intellectual things, well, we don't do serious studies of Marco Polo by reading Mickey Mouse, and even less of Edmond Rostand's Cyrano by reading Donald Duck. As long as you know there is much more to the story than what Jan Lööf gives, fine. But many Swedes grew up knowing not much more, or at least not until Jan Lööf had already formed their attitudes. Or, for that matter, the Trade Unions, who had about the same attitudes as he, both to the Church and to Evolution./HGL

PPS, it seems Shanidar 1 may have been somewhat disabled as to vowel sounds, not having the full variation we normally have — which is not really a problem if they were speaking Hebrew in the pre-Flood world, since meanings do not stick that closely to chosing the right vowel. People sharing this trait could have developed a version of Hebrew with reduced vowel variations. But same study also shows Neanderthals with totally normal capacity for vowels, like La Chapelle or La Ferrassie./HGL

mardi 24 septembre 2024

Does the Lagar Velho Child Disprove my View of Neanderthals?

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Two YEC Happy about Testable and Confirmed Predictions · Creation vs. Evolution: Does the Lagar Velho Child Disprove my View of Neanderthals?

Lagar Velho 1

Lagar Velho 1, also known as the Lagar Velho boy or Lapedo child, is a complete prehistorical skeleton found in Portugal, believed to be a hybrid that had a Neanderthal parent and an anatomically modern human parent.

So, one Neanderthal parent.

The remains, the largely complete skeleton of an approximately 4-year-old child, buried with pierced shell and red ochre, is dated to ca. 24,500 years BP.

So, post-Flood.

Closer to:

2787 av. J.-Chr.*
8,996 pcm, donc daté à 22 687 av. J.-Chr.

than to:

2762 av. J.-Chr.*
10,036 pcm, donc daté à 21 762 av. J.-Chr.

So, close to 2770 ~ 2780 BC, around 200 years after the Flood a four year old child has one full Neanderthal parent ... that doesn't seem to be OK with all full Neanderthals dying in the Flood, does it?

Now, let's go to the source material. The quotes given both have a footnote 1, which doesn't include a reference to palaeogenetics, as far as I saw when skimming through:

The early Upper Paleolithic human skeleton from the Abrigo do Lagar Velho (Portugal) and modern human emergence in Iberia
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1999 Jun 22; 96(13): 7604–7609. Cidalia Duarte et al.

The conclusion is from the morphology. It could mean 1 parent "modern human" and 1 parent Neanderthal. But it could also mean 2 grandparents "modern human" and 2 grandparents Neanderthal. Or 4 greatgrandparents "modern human" and 4 great-grandparents Neanderthal ... or perhaps a ratio of 5 to 3? If Japheth's wife was half Neanderthal, having a Neanderthal father, and if Japheth also was half or quarter Neanderthal, like Noah's wife or mother being Neanderthal, then a child born of Japheth and his wife could show such features. I take Japheth as an example because I guess Western Europe would be where Japhethites went, both spreading before Babel and dispersing to their homes after Babel.

If however the Lagar Velho child had a Neanderthal Y-chromosome or Neanderthal mitochondriae, that would disprove my theory** that both of these were absent on the Ark and Neanderthals vanished in the Flood. But checking the other three footnotes to the wikipedian article, none of them indicate the boy was ever tested for the Y-chromosome or for overall DNA sequencing. My prediction is, neither Y-chromosomes, nor mitochondriae will be of the Neanderthal type, if ever he is tested.

Now we come to a difference of approach between Old Earth and Young Earth.

When "Thorin" is dated to 42,000 BP / 40,000 BC and the Lagar Velho child to 24,500 BP / 22,500 BC, if we take these dates at face value, obviously "Thorin" cannot be the actual last full bred Neanderthal, he would just be the last we have found so far. But if we take them instead as some time before 2957 BC (Flood of Noah) and c. 2780 BC (in the pre-Babel and post-Flood period, as my recalibration* supports, then it is pretty plausible. Especially with the lifespans of early patriarchs.***

Hans Georg Lundahl
Our Lady of Mercies

Festum beatae Mariae Virginis de Mercede nuncupatae, Ordinis redemptionis captivorum sub ejus nomine Institutricis, de cujus Apparitione agitur quarto Idus Augusti.

* Latest version of my recalibration on:

New blog on the kid: Mes plus récentes tables de carbone 14
Wednesday 1 May 2024, Posted by Hans Georg Lundahl at 09:28

** Or other theories of mine which I currently find even less doubtful.

*** Genesis 11 and their cousins in the non-Shem and non-Arphaxad lineages.

dimanche 22 septembre 2024

From Day of St. Matthew to Bilbo's and Frodo's Birthday

Creation vs. Evolution: From Day of St. Matthew to Bilbo's and Frodo's Birthday · Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Were Old Texts Very Clouded by Figurative Language as Opposed to Literal? — No.

Yesterday was the feast of an Apostle and an Evangelist, who before that had been a Levite and therefore a trained scribe. And then misused the competence as a tax collector. It was when he was forgiven and paid back that he was made a disciple, chosen among the twelve, became a witness to the Resurrection that evening when St. Thomas was lacking and one of the first bishops having authority to forgive sins by sacramental absolution. Within the following decade he composed a Gospel which was described as "a collection of the Lord's sayings" and which has therefore been denied identity with the Gospel we have. I have rebutted this by observing, even if the Gospel contains so much action that one would spontaneously feel that the words of Our Lord were just 25 % of the Gospel (my initial expectation), if you actually use word documents to do word counts, first full text of each chapter, then omitting everything that's not from Our Lord's mouth, it adds up to the sayings being 56 % of the Gospel. The text we have pretty well matches the description by Papias, except the Hebrew original is lost.

Today is Hobbit Day. One September 22 in Hobbiton, Bilbo was eleventy-one years old and Frodo 33 years old. They held a long-expected party which I found so boring at the first reading that I had to restart the Lord of the Rings once again at age 13. I probably wouldn't have if I hadn't around age 9 restarted Karl May's Winnetou I* since at first reading I found the details about the author persona** acting as Geodesist for a railway company near Apache country boring. I mean, in that chapter we have no Apaches, no fights, no danger, no nothing ... I returned to the book and didn't regret it, and I repeated the operation with the Long Expected Party. In case some are not aware or are not aware that I am aware, the Lord of the Rings is a novel. It is fiction.

The use of the Gospel is pure truth. On every level. And truths necessary for salvation, some parts are universally necessary for salvation, other parts are recurringly necessary for some, though not for others. The use of a novel is entertainment, and if any level of truth, that's limited to moral, but not complete historic truth, and in this case not any historic truth at all.***

Is it appropriate? I think it is. Once truth is revealed and we have a firm measure on how to assess moral truth in the Gospel and in Church Tradition, we can allow ourselves to play around with moral truth in purely fictional settings. Peter Pan belongs to the world of Peter, not to the world of Pan. Not that Kensington Gardens is the equivalent of Hobbiton. But this freedom is relatively safe (if exercised by Christians and Tolkien was a better one than James Barrie, he made some indirectly somewhat wry remarks on Peter Pan), if, and only if, we first have a truthful guide to morality. I wouldn't trust George Lucas to invent a correct one. I don't trust Siddharta Gautama with having done so, any more than Epicure. Homer and Virgil are better, since they deal with real events (at least important parts of the epics), though they saw them in the light of false gods. But they aren't adequate.

Now, truth in one sense came when God became Man. But in another sense is far older than that. St. Matthew traces the genealogy of the Godman back to at least Genesis 12 or the last few verses of Genesis 11. St. Luke, following a different line (the genealogies are not both at the same time patrilinear and biological, but by convention adoptions and inlaws could be expressed as patrilinear filiation) traces it back to Genesis 5 and therefore to Genesis 2, with a fairly clear identification of the Adam of Genesis 2 with the man of Genesis 1.

Some have suggested, as a serious° theological proposal, that we should take Genesis 1 through 11 as edification without facthood. As "allegory, much like Lord of the Rings" (which precisely isn't an allegory, and well did Tolkien know that, and clearly did he tell). Once someone has stated such a thing, he need not be taken seriously on literary matters ever again. But I also don't think he deserves any respect in theology. You see, the problem of the Pharisees rejecting Jesus was not lacking a moral guide, the problem was having and heavily misapplying one. Moses. Whose work begins at the very beginning, which is a very good place to start. I e, Genesis 1 through 11 is part of the moral guide that already existed in Jesus' time.

That is a very excellent reason to deny the suggestion it is pious and edifying but nevertheless fiction. Simeon and Anna, Joseph and the doctors in the Temple already had a guide before recognising Jesus. Indeed, Abraham had a guide before recognising the voice of God, the very same person. That guide consisted (at least in important part) of the factual accounts given by Adam and Eve, of Noah and his son Shem, of Heber in the time of Babel, of the genealogists who told their ancestry to their children, in other words, Abraham's revelation didn't start totally from scratch, it started with a moral guide which was also sound history, and still is. Enjoy Tolkien, but don't take James and Matthew or even Moses for James Matthew Barrie! Or even for John Ronald Reuel Tolkien.

Hans Georg Lundahl
XVIII Lord's Day after Pentecost

* The Winnetou novels so titled are three. A volume called sometimes Winnetou IV is now best known as Winnetous Erben (Winnetou's heirs).
** Who certainly is implied as carrying the name Karl May, as being the later on writer in his earlier years, but isn't the actual life of Karl May.
*** Or very little. It would seem that archaeologically there was a time when the British Isles were not separate from the Continent, there was no English Channel, perhaps not even any North Sea, and as we have no historic records from this part of the world from then, any society able to make such would be one lost to us. Tolkien provides more than just one such lost society. From his imagination. And without the usual "prehistoric men led tough lives that must be depicted as incessant labour" schmuck one finds in so many prehistory novels.
° On their view.

Archaeology of the Levant, my Recalibration

Let's start with two articles, one from wiki, one from me.

List of archaeological periods (Levant)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

New blog on the kid : Mes plus récentes tables de carbone 14
Wednesday 1 May 2024 | Posted by Hans Georg Lundahl at 09:28

Stone Age
(2,000,000 BP – 3300 BCE)

(2,000,000 BP – 8300 BCE)

Lower Paleolithic
2,000,000 BP – 300,000 BP

Middle Paleolithic
300,000 BP – 30,000 BP

So far,
except for the latter part of Middle Palaeolithic, everything is Potassium Argon dated rather than Carbon dated.

An inflated Potassium Argon date typically goes back to a Volcanic eruption having the lava cool quickly, trapping Argon.

This would typically have happened during the Flood of Noah, 2957 BC.

Carbon dated
Note that my tables would be using BC and so converting from BP. 30,000 BP = 28,000 BC.

Middle Paleolithic
300,000 BP – 30,000 BP

2884 av. J.-Chr. (BC)
4,804 pcm (pMC), donc daté à (so dated to) 27 984 av. J.-Chr. (BC)

Upper Paleolithic
30,000 BP – 12,000 BP

2633 av. J.-Chr.
36,973 pcm , donc daté à 10 883 av. J.-Chr.

0.5^(8250/5730) => 36.862 pmC

2607 av. J.-Chr.
43,398 / 43,438 pcm, donc daté à 9507 av. J.-Chr.

0.5^(6900/5730) => 43.401 pmC

(2633 + 2607) / 2 = 2620
(36.862 + 43.401) / 2 = 40.1315 pmC => 7550
7550 + 2620 = 10170 BC (too old carbon date)

(2633 + 2607 + 2607) / 3 = 2616 BC
(36.862 + 43.401 + 43.401) / 3 = 41.221 pmC => 7350
7350 + 2620 = 9970 BC (30 years too young, but fair enough)

Upper Paleolithic
ends 12,000 BP = 10,000 BC

2616 BC
41.221 pmC, so dated to 9970 BC

12,000 BP – 8300 BCE

2573 av. J.-Chr.
48,992 pcm, donc daté à 8473 av. J.-Chr.

0.5^(5900/5730) => 48.982 pmC

2556 av. J.-Chr.
51,761 pcm, donc daté à 8006 av. J.-Chr.

0.5^(5450/5730) => 51.723 pmC

(2573 + 2573 + 2556) / 3 = 2567 BC
(48.982 + 48.982 + 51.723) / 3 = 49.896 pmC => 5750
5750 + 2567 = 8317 BC

ends – 8300 BC

2567 BC
49.896 pmC, so dated to 8317 BC

(8300 BCE – 4500 BCE)

Pre-Pottery Neolithic
ends 5500 BC

2250 av. J.-Chr.
67,323 pcm, donc daté à 5500 av. J.-Chr.

Pottery Neolithic
ends 4500 BC

2097 av. J.-Chr.
74,891 pcm, donc daté à 4497 av. J.-Chr.

(4500 BCE – 3300 BCE)

Early Chalcolithic
ends 4000 BC

2039 av. J.-Chr.
78,209 pcm, donc daté à 4089 av. J.-Chr.

0.5^(2050/5730) => 78.037 pmC

2022 av. J.-Chr.
79,035 pcm, donc daté à 3972 av. J.-Chr.

0.5^(1950/5730) => 78.987 pmC

(2039 + 2022) / 2 = 2030
(78.037 + 78.987) / 2 = 78.512 pmC => 2000
2000 + 2030 = 4030 BC

Early Chalcolithic
ends 4000 BC

2030 BC
78.512 pmC, so dated to 4030 BC

Late Chalcolithic (Ghassulian)
ends 3300 BC

1868 av. J.-Chr.
84,1262 pcm, donc daté à 3318 av. J.-Chr.

Bronze Age
(3300 BCE – 1200 BCE)

Early Bronze Age
(3300 BCE – 2000 BCE)

Early Bronze Age I
ends 3000 BC

1778 av. J.-Chr.
85,9766 pcm, donc daté à 3028 av. J.-Chr.

Early Bronze Age II
ends 2700 BC

1700 av. J.-Chr.
87,575 pcm, donc daté à 2800 av. J.-Chr.

0.5^(1100/5730) => 87.541 pmC

1678 av. J.-Chr.
89,4653 pcm, donc daté à 2598 av. J.-Chr.

0.5^(920/5730) => 89.468 pmC

(1700 + 1678) / 2 = 1689 BC
(87.541 + 89.468) / 2 = 88.5045 pmC => 1000
1000 + 1689 = 2689 BC

Early Bronze Age II
ends 2700 BC

1689 BC
88.5045 pmC, so dated to 2689 BC

Early Bronze Age III
ends 2200 BC

1633 av. J.-Chr.
93,3283 pcm, donc daté à 2203 av. J.-Chr.

Early Bronze Age IV
ends 2000 BCE

1610 av. J.-Chr.
95,2011 pcm, donc daté à 2020 av. J.-Chr.

Middle Bronze Age
(2000 BCE – 1550 BCE)

Middle Bronze Age I
ends 1750 BCE

1566 av. J.-Chr.
97,441 pcm, donc daté à 1776 av. J.-Chr.

0.5^(210/5730) => 97.492 pmC

1543 av. J.-Chr.
97,813 pcm, donc daté à 1723 av. J.-Chr.

0.5^(180/5730) => 97.846 pmC

(1566 + 1543) / 2 = 1555 BC
(97.492 + 97.846) / 2 = 97.669 pmC => 200
200 + 1555 = 1755

Middle Bronze Age I
ends 1750 BCE

1555 BC
97.669 pmC, so dated 1755 BC

Middle Bronze Age II
ends 1650 BC

1521 av. J.-Chr.
98,184 pcm, donc daté à 1671 av. J.-Chr.

0.5^(150/5730) => 98.202 pmC

1498 av. J.-Chr.
98,555 pcm, donc daté à 1618 av. J.-Chr.

0.5^(120/5730) => 98.559 pmC

(1521 + 1498) / 2 = 1510 BC
(98.202 + 98.559) / 2 = 98.3805 pmC => 140
140 + 1510 = 1650 BC

Middle Bronze Age II
ends 1650 BC

1510 BC
98.3805 pmC, so dated to 1650 BC

But this is probably wrong, 1510 BC as year of the Exodus is probably dated to 1609 BC, as that was the eruption of Santorini.

Middle Bronze Age III
ends 1550 BC

1470 BC
99.037 pmC, so dated to 1550 BC

This one is correct and the date for the taking of Jericho.

Late Bronze Age
(1550 BCE – 1200 BCE)

Late Bronze Age I
ends 1400 BC

1364 av. J.-Chr.
99,3421 pcm, donc daté à 1424 av. J.-Chr.

0.5^(60/5730) => 99.277 pmC

1341 av. J.-Chr.
99,425 pcm, donc daté à 1391 av. J.-Chr.

0.5^(50/5730) => 99.397 pmC

(1364 + 1341) / 2 = 1353 BC
(99.277 + 99.397) / 2 = 99.337 pmC => 55
1353 + 55 = 1408 BC

Late Bronze Age I
ends 1400 BC

1353 BC
99.337 pmC, so dated to 1408 BC

Late Bronze Age II A
ends 1300 BC

1275 av. J.-Chr.
99,6725 pcm, donc daté à 1305 av. J.-Chr.

Late Bronze Age II B
ends 1200 BC

1207 av. J.-Chr.
99,918 pcm, donc daté à 1217 av. J.-Chr.

0.5^(10/5730) => 99.879 pmC

1179 BC
100 pmC, so dated to 1179 BC

(1207 + 1179) / 2 = 1193 BC
(99.879 + 100) / 2 = 99.9395 pmC => 5

0.5^(5/5730) => 99.9395 pmC

1193 + 5 = 1198 BC

Late Bronze Age II B
ends 1200 BC

1193 BC
99.9395 pmC so dates to 1198 BC.

At the fall of Troy, 1179 BC, my calibrations end. Not because there is nothing more to calibrate, but because from then on, calibration by tree rings is suffificiently good (at the start, I actually put this limit later, toward 600 to 500 BC).

Hans Georg Lundahl
XVIII Lord's Day after Pentecost

lundi 16 septembre 2024

Three Questions on Quora

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Babel's Confusion was Not a Curse · Creation vs. Evolution: Three Questions on Quora · Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Josephus on Nimrod and Babel, Vindicated · Unity, Precious AND Dangerous

Usually the format "my answers to questions on quora" (with or without debates that follow up) would be on the blog Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere

But by theme, these belong here as well:

If I were a true blooded creationist to the bone, what would you say to me to try and convince me of evolution?

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Blog : "http://creavsevolu.blogspot.com". Debating evolutionists for 15 years +.
6 years ago
*loook deeeeeeep into my eyyyyyes, sleeeeeeeep*

And even that would probably fail, since creationism makes good sense.

Who discovered Adam and Eve first?

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Self Employed at Writer and Composer
6 years ago
They did (God didn’t discover them, He knew all along He was creating them).

THEN their posterity preserved the record.

If creation has been proven false, why don't we bury it and put the matter to rest once and for all?

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Blog : "http://creavsevolu.blogspot.com". Debating evolutionists for 15 years +.
6 years ago
"If creation has been proven false,"

It hasn't. But answering the rest, I'll suppose for a moment the truth were false and had been proven so.

"why don't we bury, put the matter to rest once and for all?"

Because there are those guys who actually will not believe those proofs to be definite. This means that there is no human social unanimity on how to treat the matter.

Also, among Evolutionists, who "know the truth", there is no unanimity on how to treat Creationists.

Some debate, some want to treat Creationists like people one could "section", a word I just learned and which I suppose means to put them in mental hospital.

So, the answer to the matter is, disunion among men.

Back to what I really believe : this disunion is predictable by Creationism, since it includes Tower of Babel (Genesis 11).

See also:

New blog on the kid: I Usually Would Have Taken This on Another Blog: How did the biblical story of creation survive the flood?

mardi 10 septembre 2024

Science vs Fiction

Short review of:

Live Science: How fast does evolution happen?
By Marlowe Starling published 9.IX.2024

Citing a sentence of science:

To find out, Bonnet and an international team of researchers analyzed decades of genetic data for 19 bird and mammal species. They found that the rate of adaptive evolution was two to four times faster than previous estimates. More specifically, each generation increased its survival and reproduction by 18.5%, on average, under completely stable conditions.

(Wild Bighorn sheep got shorter horns in response to hunters, snow voles grew smaller, iguanas have become more tolerant of cold in a cold environment).

Citing a sentence of fiction:

Evidence shows that meat-eating theropod dinosaurs evolved into birds, but how fast does evolution normally take?

The answer would be that adaptive evolution and "revolutionary" evolution are very far from being the same thing. Adaptive evolutions tends to make birds into better adapted birds, and would equally tend to make meat-eating theropods into better meat-eating theropods./HGL

lundi 9 septembre 2024

Damien Mackey Has His View on Shinar, Nimrod and Babel

Are CMI Hearing Me? · Does Sennaar mean Sumer? · Ken Griffith and Darrell K. White considered Judi, but not Göbekli Tepe · Ah, Griffith and White Provided the Source Too · Sumeria, Damien Mackey, Intellectual Honour · Damien Mackey Has His View on Shinar, Nimrod and Babel

Land of Shinar, Nimrod, and the Tower of Babel
Damien Mackey, 9.IX.2024

First, Chronology:

“In order to determine the length of time from Adam’s creation to the flood we have only to add the ages of the antediluvian patriarchs--Adam, Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, Noah--at the births of their first sons, and add to this the age of Shem at the flood, and we find that it was 1656 years” (Genesis 5:3-32 ; Genesis 7:6 ).

That was according to a source cited by Damien:

Bible Study Tools : Antediluvian Chronology

Whether it really adds up to 1656 years or sth else, depends on the text version used. I would prefer the LXX, as this is the basis for the chronology given in the Roman Martyrology for Christmas Day. Nominally, as per most manuscripts now extant, that makes the pre-Flood era 2242 years long, though arguably this involves a scribal error on when Methuselah fathered Lamech, making the real timespan 2262 years instead.

Since Babel is post-Flood, the more relevant chronology question however would be, the chronology after the Flood. Damien Mackey doesn't mention which text he goes by here. The text versions giving Masoretic equivalent chronology would have not just Flood in 1656 after Adam, but also Abraham born in 292 after the Flood. Unsurprisingly, the Roman Martyrology disagrees, as it goes by a LXX based chronology. It's 942 years after the Flood that Abraham is born. LXX minus second Cainan = Peleg is born 51 years after the death of Noah.

Second, Locality, Broadly as Directionality:

“Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. As people moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there”. Genesis 11:1-2

The Hebrew word miqqedem (מִקֶּ֑דֶם), translated here as “eastward”, can also mean “from the east”, so we don’t need to become too squeezed directionally. The word can even have the quite different meaning of “in ancient times”.

The quite different meaning is actually attested, Nehemiah and Psalms. But locally speaking, the most basic meaning is "from the east" and that is how old translations give Genesis 11:2. When a translation like "to the east" is correct, or even "eastward" is acceptable, the most literal meaning is "on the east side of" such and such a thing (Genesis 2:8, Genesis 12:8, Numbers 34:11).

The one exception would be Genesis 13:11, and one can see this as an extension of "on the east side of" since Abraham was staying in the place, we are dealing with choice between two directions, not simply a simple direction.

More Closely, the name Shinar:

The meaning of Shinar (שִׁנְעָ֖ר) can be disputed. It may mean “country of two rivers”. The “plain” (בִקְעָ֛ה), biq’ah, of Shinar may just as accurately be translated as “valley”.

It totally endorse the reasing of “country of two rivers”. But they didn't find "a plain of Shinar" or "a valley of Shinar", they found either a plain or a valley "in the land of Shinar" (בְּאֶ֥רֶץ שִׁנְעָ֖ר) — which would suggest we are dealing with a place where either a plain or a valley is between the two rivers, not around them.

Long tradition has Shinar connected with the name, Sumer, which is thought to have been the region of southern Mesopotamia (or ancient Sumeria), where Babylon is generally considered to have been situated.

I would not consider there is any long tradition about the name Sumer. It was discovered in Cuneiform in the 19th C. Less than 200 years ago. Just the last tenth (or less) of 2000 years. Perhaps this looks like "long tradition" to someone well integrated into modern Academia, but I tend to try to integrate at least my thoughts, if not all of my feelings or decisions, with St. Thomas and St. Augustine, to access them more than usual, even when I do extensively consult moderns for matters of observable fact, and so less than 200 years looks like a short tradition to me.

I would however agree there is an etymological identity between the names. This does not mean they are the same place or have the same limits. 42°21′37″N 71°3′28″W is called Boston, but so is 52°58′26″N 0°01′17″W. But Lincolnshire and Massachusetts are very separate, so they are two different places, even if you didn't catch that from the coordinates. Again, North and South America with the Caribbean archipelago is a very much broader limit than just United States, most of which is in North America. However, both are referred to as "America" ...

I do not think that the Bible ever mentioned directly "Sumer" by name. If Ur Kasdim is the Ur dug up by Woolley, the Bible would mention a city that is in Sumeria, but it does not mention Sumer in that connexion, not even as Shinar. When Joshua looks back at the family history of Abraham with idolatry, Shinar is not mentioned. There is a Shinar in Joshua, but that's in chapter 7, as origin of a textile merchandise.

20 And Achan answered Josue, and said to him: Indeed I have sinned against the Lord the God of Israel, and thus and thus have I done 21 For I saw among the spoils a scarlet garment exceeding good, and two hundred sicles of silver, and a golden rule of fifty sicles: and I coveted them, and I took them away, and hid them in the ground is the midst of my tent, and the silver I covered with the earth that I dug up
[Josue (Joshua) 7:20-21]

Hebrew has "of Shinar" rather than "scarlet." Now, Damien is going to quote Encyclopedia of the Bible again, then tweak it a little. I'll quote both, first Encyclopedia of the Bible:

I. Use. Shinar was used early to describe the land which included the cities of Babel (Babylon), Erech (Warka) and Accad (Agade) within the kingdom of Nimrod (Gen 10:10). This was the place where migrants from the E settled and built the city and tower of Babel (11:2). A king of Shinar (Amraphel) took part in the coalition which raided Sodom and Gomorrah (14:1) and was defeated by Abraham. A fine garment looted by Achan near Jericho was described as coming from Shinar (Josh 7:21, KJV “Babylonish”). It was to this land that Nebuchadnezzar took the captives from Jerusalem (Dan 1:2) and from it the prophet foresaw that the faithful remnant would be gathered (Isa 11:11). It was a distant and wicked place (Zech 5:11).

Very wisely, Encyclopedia of the Bible makes "II. Identification" a separate issue.

I'll quote from that too:

In this way the LXX read “Babylonia” in Isaiah 11:11 and “land of Babylon” in Zechariah 5:11.

By this time, Babylonia was the Seleucid Empire, to which also North West Mesopotamia belonged. Now for Damien's take:

One thing appears to be certain. Babylon was situated in the land of Shinar, because

(Daniel 1:2): “And the Lord delivered Jehoiakim king of Judah into [Nebuchednezzar, king of Babylon’s] hand, along with some of the articles from the Temple of God. These he carried off to the temple of his god in Shinar and put in the treasure house of his god”.

But, was the city of Babylon also situated in southern Mesopotamia?

I would actually argue, two different Babylons or Babels were both in Shinar. Nimrod's and Nebuchednezzar's. Like St. Botulf was not having a tea party in Iccanoe and the Colonists with the Tea Party weren't near the place which he had exorcised, so also Nimrod's and Nebuchadnezzar's Babel are two different places. That's why I consider all of Mesopotamia as the primary meaning of Shinar.

Dr. W. F. Albright, though a conventional scholar, defied tradition by identifying the land of Shinar in the region of Hana (“Shinar-Šanḡar and Its Monarch Amraphel”, AJSLL, Vol. 40, no. 2, 1924).


“The Kingdom of Khana or Kingdom of Hana (late 18th century BC – mid-17th century BC) was the Syrian kingdom from Hana Land in the middle Euphrates region north of Mari , which included the ancient city of Terqa ”.

The thing is, just because Terqa is in Mesopotamia, hence in Shinar, doesn't mean it is the actual city of Babylon. The dates given can be presumed to be carbon dates and are way too late for anything in Genesis 14. Genesis 14 carbon dates to 3500 BC. Amraphel did not reign in Terqa. Citing wiki on that city:

Based on ceramic and radiocarbon dating the inner wall was built c. 2900 B.C., the middle wall c. 2800 BC and the outer wall c. 2700 BC and the fortifications were in use until at least 2000 BC.

New blog on the kid: Mes plus récentes tables de carbone 14

2900 BC

1756 BC
86.4346 pmC; dated 2956 BC
1734 BC
86.8913 pmC; dated 2884 BC

(1756 + 1734 + 1734 + 1734) / 4 = 1740 BC
(86.4346 + 86.8913 + 86.8913 + 86.8913) / 4 = 86.777125 pmC => 1150
1150 + 1740 = 2890 BC

2800 BC

1700 BC
87.575 pmC; dated 2800 BC
2700 BC

1700 BC
87.575 pmC; dated 2800 BC
1678 BC
89.4653 pmC; dated 2598 BC

(1700 + 1678) / 2 = 1689
(87.575 + 89.4653) / 2 = 88.52015 pmC => 1000

0.5^(1000/5730) => 88.606 pmC

1000 + 1689 = 2689 BC

2000 BC

1610 BC
95.2011 pmC; dated 2020 BC

Terqa's walls start when the Israelites have not yet arrived in Egypt and the latest certain use of them was before the Exodus. Nothing is as old as Genesis 14.

Terqa was located near the mouth of the Khabur river, thus being a trade hub on the Euphrates and Khabur rivers.

This area I believe approximates to the land of Shinar, the “country of two rivers”.

I obviously believe that the two rivers were Euphrates and Tigris, not Euphrates and Khabur. Khabur is within the general limits of Shinar, but does not of itself define any limit.

Here is where Damien considers he has his silver bullet:

Now, we really appear to be getting somewhere.

For, when the Jews went into Babylonian Exile, the prophet Ezekiel encountered them at the Chebar river, as he tells at the beginning (Ezekiel 1:1; cf. 3:15): “In my thirtieth year, in the fourth month on the fifth day, while I was among the exiles by the Chebar River, the heavens were opened and I saw visions of God”.

Part of the exiles certainly went to Chobar, since Haydock says so:

Chobar, or Aboras, which runs westward into the Euphrates, above Thapsacus. (Strabo)

Yes, Haydock agrees, since the wiki for Khabur does mention the forms Aborrhas (Ἀβόρρας) and Aburas (Ἀβούρας).

I have no beef with Ezechiel being in the Khabur area. However, I have not seen Babylon in Ezechiel refer to the place where the prophet went. In the OT of the Douay Rheims, the mentions of Babylon 226 to 243 belong to Ezechiel, a total of 18, and most of them involve "king of Babylon" which, when I search it has mentions beginning Ezechiel on 118 and ending them on 129. A total of 12 mentions. The remaining six mentions of "Babylon" are also not referring to where Ezechiel was:

[Ezechiel 12:13]
And I will spread my net over him, and he shall be taken in my net: and I will bring him into Babylon, into the land of the Chaldeans, and he shall not see it, and there he shall die.
[Ezechiel 17:16]
As I live, saith the Lord God: In the place where the king dwelleth that made him king, whose oath he hath made void, and whose covenant he broke, even in the midst of Babylon shall he die.
[Ezechiel 17:20]
And I will spread my net over him, and he shall be taken in my net: and I will bring him into Babylon, and will judge him there for the transgression by which he hath despised me.
[Ezechiel 23:15]
And girded with girdles about their reins, and with dyed turbans on their heads, the resemblance of all the captains, the likeness of the sons of Babylon, and of the land of the Chaldeans wherein they were born,
[Ezechiel 23:17]
And when the sons of Babylon were come to her to the bed of love, they defiled her with their fornications, and she was polluted by them, and her soul was glutted with them.
[Ezechiel 23:23]
The children of Babylon, and all the Chaldeans, the nobles, and the kings, and princes, all the sons of the Assyrians, beautiful young men, all the captains, and rulers, the princes of princes, and the renowned horsemen.

When I make a search on Chobar, I only find hits in other chapters than 12, 17 and 23. There are 8 hits in the entire Bible, and all from Ezechiel.

"Now it came to pass in the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, on the fifth day of the month, when I was in the midst of the captives by the river Chobar, the heavens were opened, and I saw the visions of God.
[Ezechiel 1:1]
"The word of the Lord came to Ezechiel the priest the son of Buzi in the land of the Chaldeans, by the river Chobar: and the hand of the Lord was there upon him.
[Ezechiel 1:3]
"And I came to them of the captivity, to the heap of new corn, to them that dwelt by the river Chobar, and I sat where they sat: and I remained there seven days mourning in the midst of them.
[Ezechiel 3:15]
"And I rose up, and went forth into the plain: and behold the glory of the Lord stood there, like the glory which I saw by the river Chobar: and I fell upon my face.
[Ezechiel 3:23]
"And the cherubims were lifted up: this is the living creature that I had seen by the river Chobar.
[Ezechiel 10:15]
"This is the living creature, which I saw under the God of Israel by the river Chobar: and I understood that they were cherubims.
[Ezechiel 10:20]
"And as to the likeness of their faces, they were the same faces which I had seen by the river Chobar, and their looks, and the impulse of every one to go straight forward.
[Ezechiel 10:22]
"And I saw the vision according to the appearance which I had seen when he came to destroy the city: and the appearance was according to the vision which I had seen by the river Chobar: and I fell upon my face.
[Ezechiel 43:3]

All four chapters that include Chobar lack the word Babylon entirely.

I think we can conclude very safely that Ezechiel a) saw Chobar with his mortal eyes, and b) did not see Babylon with his mortal eyes.

Khabur is therefore pretty worthless as a location for Babylon, the city. Probably Damien concluded from the phrase "Babylonian captivity" that the Jews were all deported to the one single city of Babylon. On the contrary, it would make sense for the imperialist power to disperse them into different locations, so as to avoid too many Jews in any single place, just as with all the other minorities of conquered and deported peoples.

This gives us yet another reason to not believe that Protestant reading of Apocalypse 18, since "Get out of her" cannot refer to the Reformation, as in the already undoubtedly real example many Jews were never in Babylon in the first place, and never had to heed those words by Isaias and Jeremias. That includes Jeremias himself, in Jerusalem, but also Ezechiel, on the river Chobar, which is now called Khabur. Hence, any Reformer who suspected that Rome of the Renaissance Popes might be Babylon would have needed to ask "where are the faithful who never got involved in Roman Catholicism?"

But, Khabur per se is no clue as to the Shinar of Genesis 11. Nor any reason to doubt that the city of Nebuchadnezzar was the one that Claudius Rich, Sir Henry, 1st Baronet Rawlinson, Robert Koldewey and Walter Andrae dug at.

W. F. Albright ostensibly made easier the geographical task by reducing Nimrod’s early cities from four to three. While the biblical text, as it stands, reads (Genesis 10:10): “And the beginning of [Nimrod’s] kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar”, Dr. Albright, ingeniously, with a slight tweaking of the Masoretic, translated Calneh as “all of them”.

Now, all of Babel, Erech and Akkad (without any Calneh) were in the land of Shinar. Clever on the part of W.F. Albright, but wrong, I think.

For Calneh (Calno) is referred to several times in the Bible, its approximate location being fairly tightly circumscribed with it being linked by Ezekiel (27:23) to Haran; by Sennacherib (in Isaiah (10:9) to Carchemish,; and by Amos (6:2) to Hamath. (See next map for Haran, Carchemish and Hamath).

This is much better, and the corner of the map is closeish to the Turkish-Syrian border near which I place the actual Babel.

Person: Sargon of Akkad?

Damien Mackey gives a long discussion. I would rather agree with Ken Griffith and Darrell K. White that Sargon was the man who removed Babel from Subartu (in Eastern parts of modern Turkey) to the site formerly known as Akkad, renamed Babilu.


As to the worrying lack of a stratigraphical culture, this may be due to chronological miscalculation. I have proposed that the brilliant Halaf culture (c. 6500-5500 BC, conventional dating), geographically most appropriate for the empire of Nimrod (including Nineveh, see map below) needs to be massively re-dated (lowered by some 4000 to 3000 years) to impact upon the Akkadian era (c. 2300 BC, conventional dating).

The dates for the Halaf culture would recalibrate as:

2386 BC
60.477 pmC; dated 6536 BC


2250 BC
67.323 pmC; dated 5500 BC

However Ham, Kush, Nimrod ~ Shem, Arphaxad, Saleh or Shem, Arphaxad, Cainan (II). In the latter case, Cainan died 595 after the Flood, 2363 BC. In the former case Saleh or Shela died 597 after the Flood, 2361 BC. The Halaf culture, according to my calculations would actually start twenty years before Nimrod dies.

In either case, this is well after the birth of Peleg BECAUSE I calibrated that one onto the end of GÖbekli Tepe.

Now, was there a Nineveh in the times when I propose Nimrod was active? Well, yes. Qermez Dere.

Radiocarbon dating has estimated that Qermez Dere was built between c. 8500 BC and 7900 BC.

8500 BC

2573 BC
48.992 pmC; dated 8473 BC

7900 BC

2556 BC
51.76 pmC; dated 8006 BC
2539 BC
52.64 pmC; dated 7839 BC

(2556 + 2539) / 2 = 2547 BC
(51.76 + 52.64) / 2 = 52.2 pmC => 5350
5350 + 2547 = 7897 BC

It covers an area of about 100 metres (330 ft) x 60 metres (200 ft) and forms a 2 metres (6.6 ft) tall tell. The buildings were made of primitive Mudbricks, which is not a perennial material, and are mostly destroyed, however archaeologists have excavated a one-room structure in good shape.

I am noting, while the persons involved in Genesis 11:3 wanted to do baked bricks, the author just says they had bricks. Perhaps the mudbricks are due to a failure to actually produce bricks baked in fire.


Conservative scholars have a tendency to globalise the Flood and Babel incidents, with phrases such as “the whole earth” meaning for them the globe, and including everybody. The biblical scribes tended to think more locally. The whole earth, in the case of the Babel incident, for instance, could simply mean the whole region of Shinar.

Nor is Babel probably all about language as tends to be concluded.

Lots of things can be said about Graham Hancock's actual beliefs and conclusions, but one thing he gets right: Göbekli Tepe actually has global connexions. Birdmen in Oceania and horizontal figure eights in Australia. I'd add (based on other researchers in Göbekli Tepe's bloody régime) the belief of punishing Condors in the Andes. Damien refers to Sam Boyd, whom I'll have to look up later.

For globality of the Flood, I have probably figured out what Damien meant by pretending the limpit of waters precludes the globality of the Flood:

When he compassed the sea with its bounds, and set a law to the waters that they should not pass their limits: when he balanced the foundations of the earth;
[Proverbs 8:29]

Damien reads this (or a parallel verse in Psalms) as implying the waters of Noah's flood had a limit they couldn't pass. I consider the verse refers to what happened after the Flood, the limit of the waters is a synonym with the promise in Genesis 9:11 after the Flood. If this is true, then the balancing of the foundations refers to tectonic movements after the Flood, or to folding of mountains after the Flood.

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Omer of Therouanne

In territorio Tarvanensi, in Gallia, sancti Audomari Episcopi.

jeudi 5 septembre 2024

Dates for Scandinavian Prehistory, Revisited, Most Recent Tables

Has Kristian Kristiansen at Gothenburg University Disproven My Calibration? · A Reminder to Kristian Kristiansen · Dates for Scandinavian Prehistory, Revisited, Most Recent Tables

Quoting the Dates Parts of Three Articles

The Scandinavian Peninsula became ice-free around the end of the last ice age. The Nordic Stone Age begins at that time, with the Upper Paleolithic Ahrensburg culture, giving way to the Mesolithic hunter-gatherers by the 7th millennium BC (Maglemosian culture c. 7500–6000 BC, Kongemose culture c. 6000–5200 BC, Ertebølle culture c. 5300–3950 BC). The Neolithic stage is marked by the Funnelbeaker culture (4000–2700 BC), followed by the Pitted Ware culture (3200–2300 BC).


The Nordic Stone Age refers to the Stone Age of Scandinavia. During the Weichselian glaciation (115,000 – 11,700 years ago), almost all of Scandinavia was buried beneath a thick permanent ice cover, thus, the Stone Age came rather late to this region. As the climate slowly warmed up by the end of the ice age, nomadic hunters from central Europe sporadically visited the region. However, it was not until around 12,000 BCE that permanent, but nomadic, habitation in the region took root.

Around 11,400 BCE, the Bromme culture emerged in Southern Scandinavia. This was a more rapidly warming era providing opportunity for other substantial hunting game animals than the ubiquitous reindeer. As former hunter-gather cultures, the Bromme culture was still largely dependent on reindeer and lived a nomadic life, but their camps diversified significantly and they were the first people to settle Southern Scandinavia (and the Southern Baltic area) on a permanent, yet still nomadic, basis.


The Ahrensburg culture or Ahrensburgian (c. 12,900 to 11,700 BP[1]) was a late Upper Paleolithic nomadic hunter culture (or technocomplex) in north-central Europe during the Younger Dryas, the last spell of cold at the end of the Weichsel glaciation resulting in deforestation and the formation of a tundra with bushy arctic white birch and rowan. The most important prey was the wild reindeer. The earliest definite finds of arrow and bow date to this culture, though these weapons might have been invented earlier. The Ahrensburgian was preceded by the Hamburg and Federmesser cultures and superseded by the Maglemosian and Swiderian cultures. Ahrensburgian finds were made in southern and western Scandinavia, the North German plain and western Poland. The Ahrensburgian area also included vast stretches of land now at the bottom of the North and Baltic Sea, since during the Younger Dryas the coastline took a much more northern course than today.


My Latest Tables, in French:

New blog on the kid : Mes plus récentes tables de carbone 14
Wednesday 1 May 2024 | Posted by Hans Georg Lundahl at 09:28

Let's do it.

However, it was not until around 12,000 BCE that permanent, but nomadic, habitation in the region took root.

2659 av. J.-Chr.
30,528 pcm, donc daté à 12 459 av. J.-Chr.
2633 av. J.-Chr.
36,973 pcm , donc daté à 10 883 av. J.-Chr.

(2659 + 2633) / 2 = 2646 BC
(30.528 + 36.973) / 2 = 33.7505 pmC => 9000
9000 + 2646 = 11646 BC, no, too late

(2659 + 2659 + 2633) / 3 = 2650 BC
(30.528 + 30.528 + 36.973) / 3 = 32.676 pmC => 9250
9250 + 2650 = 11900 BC, still too late, but better

(2659 + 2659 + 2659 + 2633) / 4 = 2653 BC
(30.528 + 30.528 + 30.528 + 36.973) / 4 = 32.13925 pmC => 9400
9400 + 2653 = 12053 a bit too early, better still.

Around 11,400 BCE, the Bromme culture emerged in Southern Scandinavia.

(2659 + 2633 + 2633) / 3 = 2642 BC
(30.528 + 36.973 + 36.973) / 3 = 34.825 pmC => 8700
8700 + 2642 = 11342, a bit too late, but tolerable

The Ahrensburg culture or Ahrensburgian (c. 12,900 to ...) [= 10 900 BC to ...]

2633 av. J.-Chr.
36,973 pcm , donc daté à 10 883 av. J.-Chr.

The Ahrensburg culture or Ahrensburgian (c. ... to 11,700 BP[1]) [= ... to 9 700 BC]

2633 av. J.-Chr.
36,973 pcm , donc daté à 10 883 av. J.-Chr.
2607 av. J.-Chr.
43,398 / 43,438 pcm, donc daté à 9507 av. J.-Chr.
9507 - 2607 = 6900, .5^(6900/5730) => 43.401 pmC

(2633 + 2607 + 2607 + 2607 + 2607 + 2607) / 6 = 2611 BC
(36.973 + 43.401 + 43.401 + 43.401 + 43.401 + 43.401) / 6 = 42.33 pmC => 7100
7100 + 2611 = 9711 BC

Oldest permanent, Bromme, Ahrensberg = 2653 to 2611 BC, 42 years. (Not 2300!)

I'm noting, between Ahrensberg and Maglemosian, there seems to be a gap of 2200 years ... which surround the 1500 years of carbon dates that I attribute to the 40 years of Babel (Göbekli Tepe). Were people being drafted from Scandinavia, and coming back when they no longer spoke Hebrew like everyone else, and there was no work to be extracted from them other than between them?

Maglemosian culture c. 7500–6000

2505 av. J.-Chr.
54,394 pcm, donc daté à 7555 av. J.-Chr.
2488 av. J.-Chr.
55,268 pcm, donc daté à 7388 av. J.-Chr.

(2505 + 2505 + 2488) / 3 = 2499 BC
(54.394 + 54.394 + 55.268) / 3 = 54.685 pmC => 5000
5000 + 2499 = 7499 BC

2318 av. J.-Chr.
63,914 pcm, donc daté à 6018 av. J.-Chr.

Maglemosian, 2499 to 2318 BC. The latter year is also when Kongemose starts.

Kongemose culture c. 6000–5200 BC

2216 av. J.-Chr.
69,017 pcm, donc daté à 5266 av. J.-Chr.
2199 av. J.-Chr.
69,861 pcm, donc daté à 5149 av. J.-Chr.

(2216 + 2199) / 2 = 2208 BC
(69.017 + 69.861) / 2 = 69.439 pmC => 3000
3000 + 2208 = 5208 BC.

So, Kongemose from 2318 to 2208. It overlaps with the following, that therefore starts a bit earlier.

Ertebølle culture c. 5300–3950 BC

2233 av. J.-Chr.
68,17 pcm, donc daté à 5383 av. J.-Chr.
2216 av. J.-Chr.
69,017 pcm, donc daté à 5266 av. J.-Chr.

(2233 + 2216 + 2216 + 2216 + 2216 + 2216) / 6 = 2219 BC
(68.17 + 69.017 + 69.017 + 69.017 + 69.017 + 69.017) / 6 = 68.876 pmC => 3100
3100 + 2219 = 5319 BC

(2233 + 2216 + 2216 + 2216 + 2216 + 2216 + 2216) / 7 = 2218 BC
(68.17 + 69.017 + 69.017 + 69.017 + 69.017 + 69.017 + 69.017) / 7 = 68.896 pmC => 3100 ... no

0.5^(3080/5730) => 68.895 pmC
2218 BC + 3080 = 5298 BC

So, this is the point at which I think that intercalations from my table and using the carbon 14 dating calculator which just have "3100 years" instead of 3080, becomes too clumsy. That's why I have asked a technician for help finding a more finetuned, yet "no special tools" method. As per previous, I wouldn't normally bother about 20 years, but when the overlap of two cultures is just 100 years, making it 120 instead becomes a bit significant. With the next one, I'm either lucky or lazy or both.

2022 av. J.-Chr.
79,035 pcm, donc daté à 3972 av. J.-Chr.

So, Ertebølle from 2218 to 2022 BC.

Funnelbeaker culture (4000–2700 BC)

2039 av. J.-Chr.
78,209 pcm, donc daté à 4089 av. J.-Chr.
2022 av. J.-Chr.
79,035 pcm, donc daté à 3972 av. J.-Chr.

(2039 + 2022) / 2 = 2031 BC
(78.209 + 79.035) / 2 = 78.622 pmC => 2000
2000 + 2031 = 4031 BC (as long before 4000 as 3972 is after it)

(2039 + 2022 + 2022 + 2022) / 4 = 2026 BC
(78.209 + 79.035 + 79.035 + 79.035) / 4 = 78.8285 => 1950
1950 + 2026 = 3976 (basically 3972)

(2039 + 2022 + 2022) / 3 = 2028 BC
(78.209 + 79.035 + 79.035) / 3 = 78.76 pmC => 1950
1950 + 2028 = 3978

0.5^(1970/5730) => 78.796 pmC ... ah

2027 BC
78.796 pmC => 1970
1970 + 2027 = 3997 BC

1700 av. J.-Chr.
87,575 pcm, donc daté à 2800 av. J.-Chr.
1678 av. J.-Chr.
89,4653 pcm, donc daté à 2598 av. J.-Chr.

(1700 + 1678) / 2 = 1689 BC
(87.575 + 89.4653) / 2 = 88.52015 pmC => 1000
1000 + 1689 = 2689 BC

Funnelbeaker, from 2027 to 1689 BC.

Pitted Ware culture (3200–2300 BC)

1845 av. J.-Chr.
84,5892 pcm, donc daté à 3245 av. J.-Chr.
1823 av. J.-Chr.
85,0509 pcm, donc daté à 3173 av. J.-Chr.

(1845 + 1823) / 2 = 1834 BC
(84.5892 + 85.0509) / 2 = 84.82 pmC => 1350
1350 + 1834 = 3184 BC

1655 av. J.-Chr.
91,4498 pcm, donc daté à 2395 av. J.-Chr.
1633 av. J.-Chr.
93,3283 pcm, donc daté à 2203 av. J.-Chr.

(1654 + 1633) / 2 = 1644
(91.4498 + 93.3283) / 2 = 92.389 pmC => 650
650 + 1644 = 2294 BC

Pitted Ware, from 1834 to 1644 BC.

So, pre-Babel, 42 years.

Post-Babel divides into Maglemosian, roughly 200 years, Kongemose, a bit over 100 years, Ertebølle, roughly 200 years, Funnelbeaker, a bit more than 300 years, Pitted Ware, a bit less than 200 years.

I will be reminding Kristian Kristiansen, to check whether for instance the 42 years pre-Babel would involve cramming 3 generations into 15 years or sth ...

Hans Georg Lundahl
St. Bertin, Abbot

In pago Tarvanensi, monasterio Sithinensi, in Gallia, sancti Bertini Abbatis.

mardi 3 septembre 2024

Sumeria, Damien Mackey, Intellectual Honour

Are CMI Hearing Me? · Does Sennaar mean Sumer? · Ken Griffith and Darrell K. White considered Judi, but not Göbekli Tepe · Ah, Griffith and White Provided the Source Too · Sumeria, Damien Mackey, Intellectual Honour · Damien Mackey Has His View on Shinar, Nimrod and Babel

First, before we get to anything other, it has been pointed out to me (who place Babel in Göbekli Tepe) and it has also been answered by me:

a, to me:
that Sumer and Sennaar is the same word;
b, by me:
that Murrica and América, Murrican and Americano is also the same word, and Sennaar is no more limited to what archaeologists consider (and as I presumed Sumerians considered) as Sumer than the Americas are limited to the Contiguous (and Alaskan) territory of the US.

To those that have been following my Creationist blog for some time, this should already be old news.

Sometimes however newcomers will only glance the last page of the blog, the uppermost posts that are the ones visible at first glance, and were written last. Currently, that's these seven posts (up to when I publish this one), namely:

1 For those who pretend there were several tens of thousands of years between Adam and Abraham 2 Was the Drainage System of the Rhine There in the Preflood World? 3 Accelerated Decay After All? 4 For Those Who Still Attribute Göbekli Tepe to Noah 5 A "Dominican" Was Wrong 6 Is Armenia East of Babylonia? 7 CMI Seems to Have a Will to Hammer Away Geocentrism

That's lazy. There are (again prior to this one), how many posts on this blog?

68 + 65 + 113 + 60 + 85 + 81 + 78 + 113 + 67 + 36 + 45 + 68 + 47 + 15 + 15 + 8 = 964

7 / 964 = 0.726 %.

You could have gone to the right hand menu and clicked years and months, or you could have gone to the search bar:

Some seem to have been going to sth else near the search bar ("more" -> "report an abuse"). But few seem to have thought they could actually look up old articles. Even if those in the top seven actually linked to some of them.

Is ICR Making a Case for Geocentrism? · Setterfield · Accelerated Decay After All?

New blog on the kid: Heliocentrism aggravates the wound of ignorance? · Creation vs. Evolution: Sigh. There Are People Who Consider Me a Conspiracy Theorist Already · CMI Seems to Have a Will to Hammer Away Geocentrism

So, some of these lazy bunch missed to find out I had already answered that Sumer (if identic to what mainstream archaeology calls Sumeria) is smaller than Shinear / Sennaar, even if the name is the same.

In this context, I'll now introduce three links by two other people:

The Collector: The Sumerian Problem(s): Did the Sumerians Exist?
Dec 6, 2023 • By Nita Gleimius, BA Ancient Near Eastern Cultures & Biblical Archaeology

Academia : Called Sumerian History, but isn’t.
Damien Mackey | 26.VIII.2024 ?

Academia : Shock effect of my Sumerian deconstruction
Damien Mackey | 28.VIII.2024 ?

Long story short: the archaeology, namely a homely, nearly hippie, version of Babylonian culture, with statuary exhibiting eyes like in comic books, the language, and the term Sumer may not be as closely associated as usually thought. I'm now going to make an own assessment of the doubts, without closely following Mackey.

In Sumerian, Sumer is Kengir.

In their inscriptions, the Sumerians called their land "Kengir", the "Country of the noble lords" (Sumerian: 𒆠𒂗𒄀, romanized: ki-en-gi(-r), lit. ''country" + "lords" + "noble''), and their language "Emegir" (Sumerian: 𒅴𒂠, romanized: eme-g̃ir or 𒅴𒄀 eme-gi15).

I looked up when we see Sumerian as a language documented from. Pure pictograms featuring merchandise and numerals and value, that won't tell us if the writer of them spoke Sumerian or Croatian. Only when some kind of phonograms, usually syllable signs, get showing, only then can we say with some confidence that such and such a name and such a such a sentence is Sumerian. I'm not even positive that the earliest god names in tables from Sumer have Sumerian etymologies. The Sumerian that was a spoken and not yet the kind of language some call "dead" and some (including me) "classical" (before it went what I'd like to call "dead" and others call "extinct"), is documented in dates ranging from 2900 BC to 1700 BC. At the utmost from 3200 to 1600 BC.

The pictographic writing system used during the Proto-literate period (3200 BC – 3000 BC), corresponding to the Uruk III and Uruk IV periods in archeology, was still so rudimentary that there remains some scholarly disagreement about whether the language written with it is Sumerian at all, although it has been argued that there are some, albeit still very rare, cases of phonetic indicators and spelling that show this to be the case.[14] The texts from this period are mostly administrative; there are also a number of sign lists, which were apparently used for the training of scribes.[10][15]

As some of the dates involved are carbon dates (clay tablets were covered in wool, which is sometimes preserved and can be carbon dated), or associated with carbon dates (clay tablet found in a house with a wooden beam that can be carbon dated, or a house with an architectonic and artistic style close to that of another house that has a wooden beam), and presumably none of the dates are obtained by historic attestation (Sumerians weren't saying "this is 4000 BC, and we have just founded Ur" and they were also not saying in AD 33 "King Abgar received an image of Christ 4033 years after the founding of Ur"), the dates can be crammed. I'll do so:

1845 BC
84.5892 pmC, so dated 3245 BC
1823 BC
85.0509 pmC, so dated 3173 BC


1734 BC
86.8913 pmC, so dated 2884 BC

1543 BC
97.813 pmC, so dated 1723 BC
1521 BC
98.184 pmC, so dated 1671 BC
1498 BC
98.555 pmC, so dated 1618 BC

The utmost extent, 3200 BC to 1600 BC, is between when Isaac was getting old and when the Exodus happened. The other assessment would be 2900 BC to 1700 BC, when Joseph was already in Egypt, but before he was promoted, and ending when Moses was early on in the exile. Either way, it started after Genesis 14 (carbon dated 3500 BC, which is not the real date, that being c. 1935 BC, which means the Amorrhites had already quit Asason Tamar. I start to tentatively ask myself if Sumerian could have been a pre-Semitic language in Canaan, like maybe Hattic speakers came from Heth son of Canaan, also not a Semitic language. And if it was imported into Mesopotamia by Amorrheans, the same who also constructed Babylon.

Let's return to Damien Mackey, who set me on this track. What does he have to say in the last essay:

Here is where my point about intellectual honour comes in. Buying myself praise as a wise man by conforming is an option that disgusts me. I would be far less disgusted to see someone message me sth like

you are at least an uneducated and indoctrinated individual, or the worst and more plausible possibility, you are a liar who manipulate gullible people.

The only real problem I have with people who react like that to what I write is, if they should be able to take power over my life or activity as a writer, and continue to offer me the alternative of getting "educated" by their bad education (what they mean by "indoctrination") or getting isolated for refusing to comply. Simply getting such a message, well, I'd take that as a badge of honour. Of intellectual honour.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Pope St. Pius X

(20.VIII) Et alibi aliorum plurimorum sanctorum Martyrum et Confessorum, atque sanctarum Virginum. R. Deo gratias.
(3.IX) Sancti Pii Papae Decimi, cujus natalis dies tertiodecimo Kalendas Septembris recensetur.

PS, it seems I have received some unexpected support:

Sumerian: The Descendant of a Proto-Historical Creole? An Alternative Approach to the «Sumerian Problem»
Jens Hoyrup [originally published in 1992, in AIΩN

PPS, not sure yet of how much this one supports me:

The Sumerian Question - Reviewing the Issues
Gordon Whittaker | van Soldt, 2005

PPPS, Hoyrup's paper better readable:

Jens Hoyrup, 1992, An Alternative Approach to the Sumerian Problem